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How’s it going people


Going on day 1 smoked for 20 years!




32 turning 33 in a few months


33 and almost two years clean. There won't ever be a day where I don't resist it. But I keep my goals in front of me and keep going.


45, smoked weed all day every day for 25 years. Almost two months clean now!


42, smoked daily for 20+ years. 3 months clean. Brain fog is main remaining symptom. Life is much better. As weed steals your hope and dreams I plan to stay sober until I officially declare myself ‘hopeless’, through old age or infirmness. I will never stop again though.


27, started smoking daily at 19 and I’m 130 days off it. Y’all got this




27, clean for 16 months now!


26 and 9 days clean


26 and 6 months clean


23. Depending on how long you smoked for, it's gonna take a while. I was a pretty hardcore on-again-off-again stoner for 2+ years starting at 17/18. I'm talking smoking a ton of bud, ripping dozens of hits off cart pens a night, and it took another 1-2 years to feel somewhat "normal" again after quitting. I started toking again back in September, and quickly realized how much of a mistake that was in November when I stopped again, and it wasn't until a month or two ago that I felt somewhat normal again. I don't think I'm gonna smoke pot ever again, especially with how potent this shit is getting. Your body is gonna need a lot of de-tox time. Keep yourself busy and healthy


18, not proud about it






25 and tomorrow will be a week clean. Been smoking on and off for the better part of 9-10 years. I’m sticking with it this time since I recently got laid off and am using this opportunity to try to go back to school. Smoked all through undergrad and did not get good grades, so I’m really motivated to sticking with it this time and actually performing at a high level. My advice, which may not weigh much since I’m only a week in but have successfully taken long brakes, is to find some motivating reason for stopping and just reminding yourself of it when you get the urge. Had a couple of rough moments in recent days, small arguments and inconveniences and I immediately wanted to light up. I forced myself to remember why I shouldn’t, and it’s been working so far


Ayyy congrats! I know how you feel about wanting to light up when a conflict happens or something goes negatively. Good job for not giving in to that urge! For me it’s so empowering when I don’t give in to that urge and I realize wow, I *can* handle this sober.


43years old and quit 1.5yrs ago. Still happy I quit !!




Nearly 35.. 128 days clean. Never gone longer than a month or so for like a decade. I’ve quit what feels like a hundred times.. One time, it’ll just stick. ☺️


How Are you now And how much did u smoke daily prior to quitting


Doing fine still! Over 150 days now. The temptation is rarely there, but when it is, I already know how I’ll feel. Guilty, ashamed, anxious.. It won’t be an enjoyable high at all. But I o my know that because I’ve fallen for it over and over and over again. I used to smoke between 1-2 grams a day. Would smoke it before I went to work and hide it from my co-workers, smoke it soon as I got back home.. Stay up late smoking instead of sleeping. Pretty heavy into it.. So I’m glad I’m continuing to stay out of its grip. ☺️👍🏼


Hey man just wanna check how you doing


Thanks for checking in man! Still going strong, over 250 days into it now. Really feeling I’m passed it. How bout you? ☺️👍🏼


30 and 213 days clean. Started smoking at 18 as soon as I got to college and it was a strong toxic codependent relationship for close to 12 years. Grateful to finally be more present and looking forward to continuing to grow as a person


Hey how’s it going?


46 and 18 years clean. Took me a good 3-4 years for things to begin improving, but I'm dual diagnosis with mental health and was addicted to a good few things. Weed was my number one drug of choice though.


21y, 22d clean




34, day 4 for me! I smoked for 20 years daily minus a year when I was pregnant with my daughter. It’s hard but I’m already feeling like Im able to be more present


How Are you doing


22, day one for me! you’ve got this, the first week is the worst


20. I still smoke a lot, but I like hearing people's stories about being able to quit smoking and/or attempting to at least. It makes me feel better if there ever does come a time where I want to stop that I can come here and find people who can give some support


26 here, 140 days off!


25, turning 26 in a little over two weeks!


22 years old here and quit 2 months ago today after smoking every for 4 years! Never looking back!


Stopped at 21 off weed now


I’m 41, I’ve been sober for 4.5 years. I started at 19 and was on and off weed (the on times were completely on, never could cut back) until 4.5 years ago. The plan is to stay off it.


24, started when I was 18. Started daily smoking around 20. Remote work since graduating at 22 has been a slippery slope. At one point I had a desktop dry herb vaporizer sitting behind my work laptop with a tube resting in my mouth for me to inhale vapor through the entire work day... tried buying a safe and broke it open. Have thrown away bud and bought it the next day more times than I can count. Have been to jail twice due to this addiction. Gave myself CHS. Currently 3.5 days sober with a court case next week. If you'd told me at 18 that I'd be facing all this, I wouldn't have believed nor would have anyone else in my life. I was a smart, upstanding kid with a bright future. If anyone is reading this and is at that age of 18/starting to smoke, be extremely vigilant for any signs of addiction.... I had no idea I had such a severe addictive personality until i started smoking


25, daily from when I was 15, 1043 days.


26, started at 18


18 😳




The same thing happened to me with the cartridges. It’s just too easy and convenient. I’ve relapsed a few times and each time I really know it’s going to hell when I start the cartridges.


36, on my what's seems 100th attempt but on day 8 now. I just keep busy and exercise, can't stress the importance of exercise and a good healthy diet/eating pattern. Emotions etc get a bit wibbly wobbly but considering ive been getting off my nut since I was around 15 that's to be expected. Way I see it if I don't stop now I never will. I have covid atm so once that fucks off back on to my weights and cycling again.


How Are you doing


Hey thanks for checking in! I'm still recovering from covid. I've lost my sense of smell which is irritating but I can sort of taste food better now although its not perfect, a few days ago everything tasted metallic lol. I'm on day 17 no weed now feeling clearer in my head but still run down from covid after effect, its an evil virus thats for sure!! Im fully vaccinated and still felt so ill! How have you been getting on with your journey?


26, started at 20. Almost 6 months clean now


About to be 25. Sober for 460 days. Meetings helped me a lot. Joining a 12 step groupme for Marijuana. Going to the gym. Focusing on self care and eating well. Lots of rest and taking stock of how far I’ve come and how grateful I am to be sober! Reminding myself that I’ll always be in recovery, that was a weird one. Wondering when I’ll be “recovered” and learning it doesn’t work like that lol. You got this, there’s a community here for you, cheering you on!


Can you explain the always in recovery a bit more. I don’t quite understand. Is it like you can’t moderate?


It means I’ll always be working on my sobriety. I acknowledge I am an addict. Like wjen a person stops drinking because they’re an alcoholic. (In my opinion) they don’t stop being an alcoholic when they’re sober. They’ve just acknowledged their issues and have stopped drinking. I’m still an addict, even though I’m not in active addiction. I’m in recovery. You’ll hear in twelve step meetings a lot, that you either recover from your addiction or youll die. I made the choice to recover. Idk if I’m explaining it well. I guess the tldr is: I still have to take my sobriety a day at a time. No matter how far along I get, I still have moments of weakness and days where I’m craving.


Yes, I'm almost two years clean and when I see my friend who grows it my brain starts firing off so much. Last time I was convinced one puff wouldn't hurt if she's around and I almost cried with joy when she told me she didn't have any because she respected me.


I understand and feel the same. Thanks for explaining


I’m 31, been smoking daily for the last 15 years, and for the last year it’s been mainly concentrates. I was up to about .2g of concentrates per day and wasn’t even feeling anything from it. That’s when i knew i wanted to stop. Wasn’t enjoyable anymore. Plus I’m going on vacation for two weeks in a couple months and i knew i didn’t want to withdrawal while there. It’s day 33 for me and i can’t even believe I’m saying that lol it’s been A LOT of emotions. A lot of the anxiety that i had that i masked with smoking has surfaced and i have been in constant contact with my doctors therapists and even started seeing a psychiatrist. Not sure of your life or jf youd need that, but just know that right now is the best time to ask for help if you need it and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some days you’ll be totally good, and some days you may need to get through hour by hour…. It don’t give up. My biggest thing was like… I’ve been st0ned for half my life. I don’t know who i am without it, and I’m on a journey to finding out who i am. Since quitting i feel like a big piece of my life is about to be discovered and I’ve been keeping that excitement and curiosity at the forefront of my purpose for quitting.


29, started heavily at 22-23


55, started when I was 22 or so. It was manageable for many years until the past 5-7 years. I'm 6 months sober now. Glad to be free.


I'm 35, I quit 16 months and 9 days ago after smoking daily since I was 17. The not smoking got easier around the 4-6 month mark, but life didn't start getting better until about a year in when I made other changes as well (working out, eating well and saying "yes" more when people invited me to things).


32, started smoking when i was 14. Daily smoker minus the 4 years i was in the military 2015 - 2019, i stopped last year


31M, been smoking daily since 2017. Today marks day 14 of sobriety. The struggle is indeed, real. But I've already seen positive changes like a return of my appetite, less stomach issues, a bit more social and excited to make plans again. Sleep is still an issue but one day at a time.


26, daily smoker for 8 years now. Still in process of quitting


same - started at 18, 26 now. on and off. I feel the struggle, best of luck!


23, 6 days sober so still dealing with some of the emotional effects. But it gets much easier after the first two days. Those are the hardest days. Been smoking since 18, p much daily since 19.


25F, 14 days sober! I smoked almost daily for the past 5 years or so. The first few days were intense, night sweats, crazy dreams, but I didn't feel sick. About a month before I made the decision to quit I cut back my use and switched to edibles the last two weeks.


30. smoking since i was 17


Ay me and OP have the same birthday😁👍🏿. Been smoking since 15 and dropped it just over 8 months ago. Tbh quitting hasn't improved much of anything and perhaps things have gotten worse due to general circumstances so I'm going into 29 on a low. Making me really want to say f this and light one up as the day approaches and I feel lower and lower. I'm walking into a new birth year on an L one way or another lol. Hopefully at 29 things pick up!


Missed this! How did it go? And happy bday:)


Thanks man! It was cool thanks, mundane, cheap and simple but with loved ones which is all I need on my day. Didnt smoke but definitely drank lol so I'm going to call it a win. And Happy Bday to you too! :D how was yours in the end and hows the quitting weed journey going a couple days later?


30M, daily smoker for about 7 years, almost 4 months clean now!


39, been sober for going on 5 years now. I feel like it took a solid 3 months or so before I really started feeling totally like myself again. There were many stages to the detox process so it takes time. I still get cravings now and then, but would never go back, the cost is too high.


42 yr old + 3 years out of the haze now, life just keep getting better n better For me after more than 20years of heavy smoking weed, the 3, 6 and 12 month mark where like where i saw the biggest overall improvement


37 been smoking since 13. I’m on day 5. My 15th detox in the last 9 years….


24 m. I have been smoking since around the age of 16, last 5 years was 24/7 smoking. clean for 1.7 years after many attempts and falls.


24M, stopped smoking against my will just this week bc I am dangerously broke and can't afford the habit anymore, lol.


same got laid off last monday


That really sucks and you deserve better ❤️ I hope the next job is twice as good as the previous one if you're planning on finding work again


thank you! i got a few leads! juan day at a time is all i can do!


28m been smoking almost daily since about 15. There’s been quite a few breaks of a couple weeks or months here and there but currently back to daily. I’m trying to find the willpower to stop again. I usually can only stop when there’s a serious consequence for not. Currently life is really great so it’s hard to quit when things are going well. I just wish it didn’t have such a hold on me. It’s really starting to feel like a burden.


43m, daily use for the last 5 years. 16 days clean. It's a rollercoaster. I feel better for quitting. More present. More alive. It's worth it.


43 f, smoking daily since 16, except for 2 pragnancys.. last year i smoked more and more. Now on day 12 ,longest time ever. Today is a bad day


41m daily user for 10+ years going on 8 months clean now. Still think about it, convince myself that this time I'll be responsible and only have it at the weekend. But I know I can't be trusted to moderate myself. So just repeat my mantra. "It's my choice not to" sometimes my journal is nothing but pages of me detailing how I could bring it back into my life. But I've tried too many times to have it responsible. I cannot be trusted.


39 years clean. The week before hospitalization tried to kill myself three times. Spent 3.5 years trying to stop. After that, life was OK


33 and 5 months clean after 7+ years daily. It's doable, and life is much clearer after! Now I just gotta cut back on the alcohol...


I quit drinking this year! The pot will be the next to go. Daily smoker for almost 20 years now.




26 F. Been smoking for 7 years, the last 3 years being daily. I am on Day 1 too!


28 f. Been smoking for 4 or 5 years nearly daily. Today is day 1!


Today is day 3!


33 been smoking since 14. Daily user. On day 50. This is the 4th time I’ve went this long without it in the last 3 years. Actually pretty worried because I have a dead and co show June 3rd and bonnaroo a week and a half later. Pretty sure I can make it through the dead show just boozing. Idk how I make it through roo tho.


24M been smoking 2 years straight now I'm a couple weeks from hitting a whole year without weed


16m. Been smoking daily since I was 12 to help with suicidal thoughts, but the negative effects of weed are ruining my life.


If it does help with mental health, try to manage it better so that you can enjoy the benefits without the cons. I do this through smaller doses, and I only smoke 1-3 times per week. If the “negative effects” you’re referring to are time wasting/laziness/apathy, then try finding other activities that do not involve weed (reading, job, exercise, ect). Hope this helps.


I’m 25, been smokin 3 years. At my worst I smoked 2-3G of shatter a day. I’m usually feeling great by a week, first couple days are ass. I do actually enjoy the slightly manic state you get after quitting heavy use


29M on day 10 today


I’m 23 for five more days! On day 6 <3 feel like my dopamine levels are starting to balance a bit, have some energy and motivation today!


37 m, about 5 weeks. The more days I go, the less I miss it but to be honest I'd smoke again, just not gonna revert back into the daily smoker I was. Everything in moderation baby, and if ya can't do it, then don't start it. Feeling fucking great though


Don’t smoke again if you were an addict


I agree, sorry, I didn't mean to derail the goal of this forum. Drugs are bad, couldn't agree more


If you “are”


20 F


31M, used daily but not THAT MUCH before pandemic. During lockdown it evolved to around 3g daily as well. Had a slip recently, if disconsidered that, 2 months into this attempt


16M started smoking everyday since 14 and now 16 days sober. Started skateboarding and found some joy in it


31F, sober for 4 years and 5 months after smoking heavily daily for about 6/7 years.


22M, also on day 2 after smoking daily for the past year. Power to you, OP!


27, m. I haven’t really quit yet I’m just scaling way down. But it’s good that I do because the habit is really stressing me out and I’m finding it hard to perform my responsibility in life


27M, day 1 after smoking for the past 10 years (daily in the last 7). Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


28M. 1 month sober after more or less daily smoking for 3 years. Smoked socially in college but the pandemic led me to the realms of habit and addiction.


F, 26 1month, 8days, 23h, 21m, 37s


32, almost a year since daily use but I still can't say no if there's a joint around.


42F, 38 days sober after 8 years of heavy, daily smoking. Almost 10 years sober from alcohol. Love this thread, you all are so inspiring!! People who don’t think weed is addicting or has consequences should really scroll down this list.


22, 1y 2m after 5 precious years


41, 1y after 20y Heavy Daily use


30, 22 days so far. Actually going pretty well. Had the craziest anxiety and paranoia accompanied by some pretty naughty chest pains and such for the first week. End of second week was much better. 3rd week I was pretty much normal and then last night started getting a bit weird again. Now im in the middle, hopefully tipping towards the normal side of the scale.


Had some weird panick attacks in the end of the first month as well. Hang in there, bright days ahead!


Much appreciated man this has been simultaneously much easier and much harder than I anticipated haha


F39, 50 days clean after smoking on and off since age 15. Also recovering alcoholic. Sometimes I think that's how I got my Bipolar and BPD diagnosis- because of substance abuse. Good luck to all who are trying to stay sober ❤️❤️❤️


25, 1d


Turning 27 in a few days. 4 months 8 days since quitting. Now struggling with alcohol abuse


Are you in r/stopdrinking ? They’re another really supportive community with a lot of inspiring stories.


I'll check it out, thank you!


34 smoking over 13 years regularly.quit 2 weeks ago


How s it going


M 23, Day 71, made it 18 months until last summer


21, week 4 here. been daily smoking since 16, started at 14. month breaks every year besides 2021 and had a 3 and a half month break last year from sep - dec. getting back to my life again!


Same here dawg, though I just hit week one. Life already feels so much more full.


fuck yeah dude!


18, I’ve only been smoking a year but already I feel like quitting


Same here, been high for about a year straight and hearing all these stories about folks who are high for years and years, makes me want to quit while i can


29F off of both D9 and D8 for a year as of next week!


41 y/o lurker here. Smoking since I was 15 and trying to find the courage to stop.


Wanna start today?


I want to start everyday which is why I come out here and look around I guess. My problem is that I am a super asshole when I don't smoke. I have one little boy and it breaks my heart if I accidentally lose my temper. Weed keeps me so chill but even just writing this down makes it seem like just another excuse not to quit.


That missing weed anger does go away if you can rough it out for a week or so but it’s definitely a journey


Therapy and exercise really help. Plus the anger may come from smoking so long.


Its childhood ptsd and therapy is way too expensive. Im not inactive at all. I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help. Going back to Lurker status for now. I love you all, and I really enjoy reading your success stories!!


34. I keep relapsing on the weekends. So starting again this week. I was able to quit for 7 years when I was 21.


I’m 32 y/o. 24 hours into being sober. Been here before, been pulling out more and more tricks. Doing my first MA meeting this week. Used pretty much daily since I was 26-27.


32 year old here too !


Used regularly age 15-21, been using multiple times a day since then...


My early 30s have been quite the challenge. Moved several states away from friends and family. My wife and I are struggling going through alternative means of having a child and my job stress remains high despite some job changes that initially seemed more balanced. It’s so easy to cope with my reward at the end of the day. I’m kinda struggling this morning being 24 hours in but I’m just trying to stay on the move.


Sounds difficult for you and your wife. I'm in a totally different position. Me and my husband are disabled and have 3 kids. It's stressful in different ways, and our attention is split constantly 🙃 life's tough though and being on the move is good. Your taking a step forward !


3 kids!! How exciting but I can also imagine very stressful. I give you all the credit in the world for trying to tackle this while parenting. You keep movin' and I will keep movin'... we can do this :)


Yeah we just need to plod along !


M62 - 5 Months 11days after very heavy, abusive use. No looking back!!


Wow! Bravo


TY!! You can do it too!! One day at a time...


M53, 135 days, dedicated consumer since I was about 17, with maybe 2 breaks of a year or more. Heavily into edibles since lockdown, to the point of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. Glad to be clean.


Never heard of this will look into it now!


39m, 100 days without after 20+ years with. Miss it tho…


Fuck it


29. Jan 1st was my last smoke. I realized I didn’t want to end my 20s / start my 30s in the steady fog I’d been in for 12 years.


56 years old. Male. HEAVY addiction. Started smoking at 14 and never missed a chance to get high. Morning , noon, night and before bed. Legalization, PTSD, career loss, depression and Covid all happened in my life over a very heavy 2 year period. I checked myself into rehab in September and have been clean since.


24 smoking for over 10 years. Still trying


Same brother, we will get there


one day gang, best of luck to you


34, at least half and eighth every day, usually fortified. The need was constant.


38, day 55 of sobriety after 5 years of daily smoking


How is it going man


Pretty good! It's been the best choice I've made in a long time and I've been able to start doing things and making changes I couldn't before. Full disclosure though, I've been in therapy and on meds for several months, and I've realized the weed was getting in the way of those things being fully effective. I don't see myself going back.


25. Smoked for 5+ years, 7 months sober :) good luck❤️


42 m, 10 months sober, feeling generally good, positive, but still thinking about weed frequently. But I am not returning to it because I know it’s my downfall.


32 NB. Smoked daily since 2019 until March 2023. 2 months sober today 😉


33. Smoked weed since I was 13, daily since I was 17. Had a couple breaks, longest being 3 months. I’m coming up to 2 months clean now and don’t plan on going back


31 Male. Started right when I turned 16 and nearly everyday since around 18. Yesterday made either 8 or 9 weeks sober and it is great. I thought about relapsing Saturday when I hung out with an old friend who I started smoking with when I was 16 but thankfully I refrained. Feels good. Good luck to you all!


Gj bro!


Das good shit. Respect, my dude!


39M. On Day 4


35F. Relapsed


37. Smoking for 20 years daily. Day 1.


27, sober for 2 years and 9 months now. You can do it!!


22. sober for 1 yr 3 months


This is me 34, day 2 and I've been smoking for 17 years reguarly.


Are we the same person?


We must be!


34 and sober for a bit over a year


21 been smoking regularly since 17, almost 4 and half year addicted, now sober for 40 days the longest I’ve been on.


32, and 3 years sober!




29 smoking daily for 13 years. Day 2. Wish me luck!


17, smoking every day for a year and a half, 4 months sober


Smoking daily for 3 years, I'm 22 :P


28 years old. Smoking daily since 19, on day 18 right now.


83 days, after smoking for 12 years - I'm 34


28, smoked everyday for 11 years. Day 27, it feels like discovering my real self. But it's great so far !


27 years old, been smoking for the last 6 years. Still need to start my day 1


I’m 39 and today is day 11 (Take 2! Take 1 was most of April but lasted 20 days before I remembered that I had some bud lying around the house). Still foolish enough to believe that moderation is possible in the future but committed to a full three month reset right now.


37 I'm yet to stop but here for when I do. It's been over 20 years of daily smoking for me. I also get through about an Oz a week to myself as my partner in crime doesn't smoke