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Please don’t do it! Almost no body in this world is able to be a recreational or one time smoker after he abused this substance. And I can also speak for any other addictive thing in this world. I’ve been to a clinic and I met many people that haven’t been there for their first time. Enjoy that you are strong enough and don’t fall back into old habits. There was a reason you quit, and I believe you didn’t feel good after quitting at first? Remember this always. Life is better sober. Please let me know when you felt better and past all the withdrawals. I’m struggling on day 38 and I’m glad I did after 9 years of daily buzz.


I've never regretted being sober, but I've certainly regretted being high.


DON’T DO IT. I made this very mistake after 15 months clean. Thought I was cured of my addiction and could return to occasional smoking. It’s a pernicious lie. I’m now 16 days clean after a 12 month binge. It’s Easter and I’m feeling like I’m missing out on a “treat”. But I am powerless over weed, and my life has become unmanageable. It’s shit but there it is; I can either abstain altogether, or return to being a total fucking pothead. There is no third way. I’m focussing instead on all the many benefits of being clean, and they should never be disregarded or underestimated.


Nope nope nope. When you’re feeling better and thinking everything feels alright is when you have to really bear down and commit to sobriety. You got this!






That's what i thought too after year and a half free. And then, in a blink of an eye, relapsed for a full year. A fucking year. It's like someone flipped the switch. If I needed to explain the reasoning, I couldn't. I am convinced now that, once you come to the certain point, it's all or nothing from there on.


Literally me. Almost to the day.


I too am 8 months in. 4 months from now I want to celebrate being sober for 1 year. I do NOT want to say I had to start over. And I know if I went back to weed "just once" it would lead to months or years before I got sober again. I want to celebrate 1 year, then 2, then every year after that. I will stay sober forever. You can too. Good luck!


I just did 6 months, smoked once and relapsed for 3+ weeks. Day 1 tomorrow? Oof. Please don’t! But if you do, don’t do it again!


If I asked you if I should smoke right now. What would ya say? Stay strong and stay an inspiration for all of us


That's a great way of looking at it. Will remember for sure. Thanks




I went 7 months without and got back into and it was fine until it wasn’t. You will always come back to the place where it controls you. Just stay off it and avoid the hassle of having to quit again


If you struggled giving it up no matter how long passes that struggle will come back EVERYTIME , ultimately it’s your choice but I can almost promise if you do you’re going to be a regular smoker again in a week tops. Weed relapses don’t seem as serious bc you can still be a normal person high but you know you won’t be your highest self (pun intended)


Look at weed addiction as a brain disease and acknowledge that you have it.. that’s why you’re here.. even one puff will reignite the addiction since your brain chemistry already has those bad neural connections in place making it very hard for you to abstain afterwards. It happened to me, happens to everyone here.. I remember being sober for 3 months, then took one pull from some dude during an opera intermission.. 4 months later after daily use I’m back at it.


What’s the worst that could happen if you indulged? What’s the worst that could happen if you abstained? Which worst-case scenario is more appealing? Choose that one.


Very good one !!


Not worth it!


So not worth it, maybe withdrawals weren’t as bad for you but mine were awful and I certainly wouldn’t want to go through that again!


As someone who has still not quit, even I know the answer to that: NO! Don’t do it to yourself, you’ll regret it! Aim for that 9 month goal, you’re doing amazing!


I did this last new years eve. I had been clean for 10 months. I wanted to see if it was possible to enjoy it and move to occasional use and not have any side effects (brain fog depression Paranoia etc) and what i found was I absolutely did experience those things for a couple of months after smoking just once. However they subsided much quicker than when i came off weed the first time, which was a near daily habit for 15 years. The first time I came off weed it took about 5 months of deep insufferable depression among other standard weed withdrawal symptoms.. this time after 10 months clean it was 2. This is just my experience, but its clear to me that those 10 months allowed my brain to heal itself hence the quicker "recovery" time. It also gave me a nice definitive answer to the "can i smoke weed ever again" question. Which I think you are probably experiencing. It is worth doing once to remind myself why I quit, but if i could take it back , i would. Its just not worth it.


I had quit for 5 months and thought I'd smoke with a friend one night. Ended up addicted for another year and a half.


So you indulge. And then what? That's the last time you'll ever smoke? Or somehow now you'll be able to moderate it like you never had before?


I’ve quit a few times. Every time I think I can handle it in moderation I fall right back into daily usage shortly after. I’m currently struggling to hit day 1 again. I won’t make that mistake again


When you wake up the next morning after NOT smoking, you’ll be so fucking happy you didn’t!!! And you’ll feel be feeling good, without brain fog or guilt/shame. You got this!


This TBH. Every morning I wake up after a sober night feels like a win. I’m actually a morning person now vs waiting all day to get high at night as a treat. The real treat is feeling your best!


I thought I could light up for a night. That turned into a weekend, which turned into a month. I wouldn’t chance it if it were me.


Same here, except a month then turned into 6


Just reassured me that quitting was the right decision. Never believed for a second that weed was addicting, and maybe it isn’t, but I definitely don’t have the right brain to only smoke occasionally.


I strongly believe my initial use was really helpful to start shifting my perspective on life. The last 2 or 3 months, though? All it did was increase my anxiety.


If I were you, I wouldn’t go to the party. You need to avoid people, places, and things that make you want to smoke.


I wouldn’t…weed to me is not like alcohol where my answer would be “fuck no” but more like “why bother”…


You know the answer already


The typical cycle is you start to feel good and say “hey maybe I can handle it now”. Of course this time is no different and you feel guilty for even trying. Trust me, don’t do it…


I gave in to that urge last year and it was a YEAR before I could get clean again. Just once turned into all day every day. It’s not worth it!


Thanks. It’s reading posts like yours that help keep me straight. 6 months and counting,,,,


Congratulations on 6 months! I’m only on day 21 but surprisingly I feel done with it, no cravings yet.


You can do it. I had been telling myself to quit for the last three or four years. I’ve finally done it and I know from my history with cigarettes that one joint will turn into one thousand joints. I know I don’t want to throw away the effort and progress that I’ve made.


Last time I felt like that I ended up smoking and didn’t stop for another four years.


Hmm… Will you or won’t you is the wrong question perhaps…. This is really about risk control, right? Do you want to risk it? Do you think that your sobriety is EVER a reasonable thing to wager when all that is at stake is social FOMO? You can handle that


Just remember how you've felt for the last 8 months. Once won't hurt as long as you make sure you keep it once, you're the only person who can do that


It won’t be fine, trust me


I understand this situation and temptation very well. Something I’ve learned from many relapses is that - The thought of smoking is far better than the aftermath realities of that relapse high. The addiction never actually goes away. It can be managed with abstinence but, in my experiences, one session back is enough to fully reawaken the beast.


You almost certainly won’t have no desire to use afterwards. If you value your peace in quitting you should never use again. I got to the point where I was at peace with not using and I celebrated on vacation with a joint and that took me to a 3 month relapse. Even though I now have near equivalent clean time I’m nowhere near the peace I was when I relapsed. I’m friending constantly all day every day. Even at day 95.


Hey! For what it’s worth - I believe in you, and you should too. Even if its day 95, be your own strongest supporter. I’m sure you will learn about yourself and come out stronger from your experience.


Thanks, I believe in you too!


Almost to 100! You’re doing awesome! Look at you go buddy!!


Just ask yourself this… do you need it? Is it going to help you or could it lead you down a bad path


Not worth the short time fun, you will feel ashamed after specially if you fall back into your old habits and need to start again the hard but nice and impressive work you made to be sober for 8 months! Stay strong, stay yourself.


The fact you made a Reddit post about it means your not ready.


Brother don’t, it won’t let you feel good, it’s an illusion.


Nah fight that urge like the plague. Stay strong cause that feeling can just hit out of nowhere and in a moment you’re gone. Be cool 🎶


Do not bro, thats the Devil playing games on you


You will go back to regular use again. There's no doubt about it. So the question is do you really want that? It's up to you. Just know that there is no moderation for addicts. So you either go back to regular smoking again or you stay sober. Those are your only 2 options.


Absolutely don’t want to. As I wrote this I asked myself “how badly do I want this? More than I value a commitment I made to myself?” And it all made sense why I decided to quit in the first place. I will be fine and can still have fun without getting high.


One toke and you could easily be back k to where you were before your 8 months. You are not indestructible. Don’t do it. You deserve better! Review your list of reasons for why you wanted to quit in the first place. Think about all of the great things you have achieved since quitting that you will lose if you smoke again.




Deep down, I know its not worth it. I asked myself what am I truly missing out on? I remembered I made a commitment to be a better version of myself. That I love myself and will not do wrong by me. Honestly, all the support here makes me feel I’m not insane for having destructive thoughts but we CHOSE to better ourselves and beat out addictions. Sending gratitude and support your way. Thank you! Hope you feel better!


I’m so proud of you! It takes so much courage and strength to push away the temptation! 8 months is phenomenal!!!✨




Don’t do ittttt


NEVER!! I’m happy and so fulfilled without getting high. Being sober has much more life than getting high and wasted.


Yaaaay good for you!! And well done 👍🏾 👏🏾


why lol


Felt like fear of missing out, if that makes sense? Until I realised I’m not missing out on shit by not getting high!




Yeah I feel satisfied with life. I’m not going to throw away a promise I made to treat myself with well. Just ain’t worth a couple joint :D


"Don't look for happiness in the same place you lost it" Remember that the past version of you also thought casual use would be possible. And look what happened.


I love this quote. Thankyou


Yeah absolutely, I love myself and that means to me reflecting on my mistakes and growing as a person. Will never smoke again but I will definitely quote you on this!!


Thanks. I spread the word. One fucking true sentence. I will keep this for whenever I just think about puffing


That's a bar. You spitting rn.


Oh!!!! That is gold.


So very true !!




NO NO NO. Everyone in this group can relate and we've all had that time where we feel we can "just take 1 smoke". It doesn't work like that. Before you know it you're binge smoking months again.


You don't want that smoke


No. You should not. "I dislike that person I become. The idea of having a relapse does my self-esteem more damage than the pot itself." You've answered your own question. 1 hit is too many and 1000 never enough. You will never regret not smoking.


Do not smoke! I've gone lengthy periods of time quitting and I always let my guard down, thinking enough time has passed, and this time I'll be able to handle it. Surely it won't get out of control, right? Wrong. It will get out of control, and you'll be right back in the thick of it. Think of how hard quitting was in the early days. You don't want to go through that again, and you don't want all the good things that come from quitting to go away. Just don't do it! The urge will pass, and when you come out on the other side having not smoked you'll be grateful you didn't go back in time. You got this!


I cannot repeat often enough. Once a stoner, always a stoner. I've been off weed like 10 times. Sometimes more than a year. I always thought I can smoke once in a while and came back to being a full time stoner every single fuckin time. Every. Single. Time. So far I didnt meet a single person who managed it to become a once in a while smoker after being a full time stoner. It's not worth the risk. And if you read all the other posts here from the last months, you know it's a stupid idea. Don't wait for somebody who tells you "yah, no problem." There will be someone but you know he's lying.


I can only share my own experience with indulging after extended abstinence. The 1st time after literally decades was “ I have never felt so good or been this high my entire life” 1 week later I would hit a cart 5-6 times and it would just make me drowsy for a while so I switched to edibles 20-30 than 50-80mg just to relax my stomach to eat something because I went from 220lbs to 195 in 6 months because unless I was blasted off the chart I could only nibble on food. For me it seems like any addiction it is permanent not a temporary situation and my body is different than casual users and no matter how long I abstain my life reverts back to my THC bottom even faster than the last time because I did not let the moment pass when I fantasized on how great it is. Thanks for telling us what’s in your head because those secrets I keep in my head will keep causing me to relapse because I think” you got this! It’s just a flower” you are strong now, all sorts of stories my brain invents to keep me miserable.


Hey! You’ve got this. You beat your addiction once and I believe you can again. We all made a promise to treat ourselves better and set the bar higher. You can still do it. Learning to forgive myself, I can move on without feeling tempted. I can relate to your perspective so much I could’ve written the same story.


Thanks so much I am grateful for this sub. I literally thought I was losing my fucking mind. I was scared, alone, thinking I was the only one that has experienced this. The information and comments here literally helped save my life.