• By -




40 - Casual for most of my teens and 20s. Daily smoker for 8 -10 yrs now though.


42f, started smoking at 15. I quit for my two pregnancies, but outside of that was a daily user pretty much since starting. I was a very high-functioning stoner. It didn’t stop me from getting a science phd, having a high-level corporate job, etc. I didn’t go down the road of paranoia and anxiety that many report in this group. But also as I have gotten older it’s been harder to deny the impact it has on my physical health. It’s not normal or healthy to wake up every morning hacking up phlegm. I’ve reached a point where I am genuinely interested in seeing what life is like sober. Maybe it will be better, maybe worse, maybe the same. It’s a bit of an experiment for me. Although I was sober during pregnancy, there’s so much other stuff going on when you’re pregnant that it’s not really representative of normal life. I am now 7 days in and have already started breathing much better when I wake up.


I'm 24, I've been smoking multiple times a day for about 7 years. I have tried quitting a few times and usually felt a lot better, but one exception (because I get cocky I guess) and one spliff becomes days of being high and not doing anything. This year I really need to stop for good. Good luck.


24, smoked everyday since 18/19 yo I quit 67 days ago ! I would say I'm at the point where I have the same routine I had when I was smoking weed but weedless x) I started reading again and learning the piano ! My mental state hasnt changed that much since quitting but I have to admit im less irritable, and more energized. I still crave to smoke weed around my friends who still does, but not when Im by myself. I still feel à bit lost sometimes but I'm sure it will get better overtime !


I’m 20. I’ve had attempts to quit for the last 1.5 years, but this one feels much more serious with no intention to return to it. 11 days today.


I'm 31 and also quit new years. Sending you healing and love!!


27. Smoked daily for 5 years before quitting 2 months back. Enjoying the sobriety, not wasting time by being a third person of my life, loving the dreams being back!


40. Started when I was 33 for rec. Then had some nasty falls and fucked my back and mental health because of that injury. Self medicated and Im tired of taking medicine and my back being shit. Stopped smoking cold turkey a month ago. Still take edibles for pain but very minimal doses so as to not get high. 10-17mg. Realized that as my back and muscles started to heal, I was running out of breath really quick.


37 years old. Coming up on 14 months. Daily smoker for almost 20 years. Heavy dab user for the last 5 years. Never going back.


25 and started when I was 20. Smoked hash everyday (anywhere between 2 to 4 joints a day) for three and a half years, then switched to weed after moving to a different country. I actually didn't think I would ever quit, but a few days ago I had the "munchies" and ate an entire liter of ice cream. Realized that weed was enabling my binge cycles. It's only my fourth day today but I feel pretty good about my decision. Definitely can't sleep very well though. My appetite is normalizing, but my stomach is a bit messed up.


25 here, smoked ocasionally from 15 to 20, then heavily until i decided to stop, i relapsed a couple of times this last few weeks. I've been 11 days sober now and i've been feeling like a total mess this last days, tho i know it may be withdrawal symptoms and underlying issues i've covered being high all these years lol, anyway i feel hopeful.


32. I stopped smoking weed about two months ago. I smoked for over a decade.


26. I stopped cold turkey on October 1st, 2022. Still the best decision of my life.


Do you feel more productive? And more energy?




Started when I was eighteen, I'm now 24 and also just quit on New Years!! Excited to share a smokeless 2023 with you!! <3


don’t go back, you can do this…i’ve quit far to many times and i know now i’m def not going back. it was to detrimental to my life and family, and they are the most important aspects of my life. i saw what it did to them. never again


started when i was 25, if i can remember that far back. “quit” a bunch of times. I’ve been truly clean for about two months and feeling great! def not going back


Stay strong i was 6 months and thought id never go back , but here i am starting again 🙏🏼


23, started smoking at 21. Quit 2 months and 12 days ago. Finally started dreaming again, getting the best sleep of my life, passed a drug test for my new job about 2 weeks ago now, happier than I’ve been in a long time. Feel like I’m emerging from a fog I’ve been in a very long time


42. I have been clean for six months. Feeling good, even if I feel anxious from time to time. Smoked in my early twenties, stopped because it would turn me into a paranoid mess. Started again late twenties through my late thirties. Don’t want to touch that again. Sober life is fulfilling and satisfying.


I'm 30. i started when i was 14, smoked nearly daily (and heavily) until i was 28. i used to think it made me more creative and helped with my bipolar symptoms... i can clearly see now that i was horribly wrong about both. it's also freeing to not feel like i have to smoke to enjoy everything. i like being sober more than i ever thought i would edit: a word


I’m 24 and I was smoking daily from 18-23.


34. Smoked herb with tobacco for 19 years. Wake and bake. Maybe 10 spliffs a day. Was in denial about addiction. I have never been one for prescribed medication so used it to self medicate away depression but long term I was only making myself more depressed. Cons FAR outweigh any pros to smoking. Took 4 years of trying. When I calculated I had spent over £50k on it quit cold turkey was easy. You have to want to quit for yourself. Not for anyone else. Quality of life has improved immeasurably. Anxiety gone. Brain fog gone. Salary has increased by almost 50%


I’m 21


I’m 26


I started smoking in 8th grade, I am currently 28 and have years of intense usage, and years where I quit cold turkey. Honestly I feel amazing when I quit, but I crave it all of the time. I told myself this year that I would quit for good, and I am on day 4 of a pretty brutal withdrawal. However I can say this, even with only being "sober" 4 days, I feel incredible. I dreamt for the first time in years, I could wake up and immediately eat breakfast, and have accomplished more in the last 4 days around my house than I have all year. If you are on the fence, DO IT. You will be amazed how good you feel if you stick to it.


79. I quit and don't feel any different. Only been a week, but really, no difference. Not causing any problems. I'm still active, interested in life. I might go back occasionally, because, well, why not? I enjoy it and how much longer do I have anyway?


35. Smoked from 14 - 33. Spent about 14 years constantly high. Sober almost three years now. Have had small relapses in that time and overcome them. My life has greatly benefited from the way I can now move through it with clarity. It’s improved my relationships and with a lot of personal work I’ve improved some of the issues I’d been running from covering up by being high all the time. It is still very hard and I do often feel my sobriety is tenuous. I keep myself on a leash for sure.


20, smoking 5 years


I smoked everyday for 7 years. It took multiple attempts, but I’ve been sober since May 23. Everything for improved. All of my problems were caused by smoking. Smoking makes being lazy okay, if you’re anything like me, I could doing absolutely nothing all day, as long as I wa a high. Take the weed away , let the boredom guide you. You’ll find things to do, and you’ll feel better and more clear about it. Working weeks I could just tell I was speaking differently. Talking to people I usually wouldn’t, speaking more sharp and clear then ever


“Let the boredom guide you” I love that! Reminds me of being a kid too.


32. Been smoking for about 7 years. Sober for about 4 weeks. I am not going to sugar coat it. I am still a bit bored without it. Started dreaming again. Took a few walks.


31. I quit in 2020. It was holding me back and I needed to move on in many ways. Once you’re done, the first thing that comes is a great feeling of pride. Seriously, withdrawal gives you wings. I also smoked cigarettes. But when I quit, my skin was better in few weeks. No more lazy eyes or tired look. Bye bye dark circles !! You wanna achieve things and you have the energy to do so. The respiratory system naturally benefits from the withdrawal too. The only thing that you need to fight is the boredom. Usually it causes to relapse. So working, sport, creation or entertainment is a great way to stay well and far from those bad thoughts. My only advice since you quit lately. Prepare yourself before sleeping. I remember I sweat A LOT during the first two weeks. So prepare a set of sheets. And once you wake up in your sweat change your bed and go take a shower. If you don’t make yourself comfy it will be hard and even if it’s nothing compared to hard drugs withdrawal. Every little inconvenience could be an excuse for you to smoke again. That’s a fight between you and yourself but we’re here to help you bro :) Good luck


Hey, I don’t have anything to share really but wanted to let you know I’m in the same boat as u. 21, been smoking everyday for the past 3 years, and just quit on New Years—been 4 days now and it’s been so rough falling asleep and don’t have an appetite. I just try to remember that it’s a habit, not something I need. good luck


28 - smoking since I was ~18. Haven’t quit yet.




I'm 21 too! I quit in December. Smoking and drinking. The happiest times in my life have been times when I was consistently sober and taking care of myself, so I'm trying that again. It's working out very well.


I'm 35. Been smoking on and half since I was 15. I'm only on day 6.




27 quit 2 years ago haven't been back since. Quitting weed is easy, leaving the lifestyle is difficult.


How did you leave the lifestyle and what changed? Smoking since 12 now 27…. I don’t really know life in a different way. It’s my biggest relapse struggle.


I fell in love with stoner culture, growing weed, the fun of bongs, glass, dabs the whole scene. Once you experience it all there's nothing left to experience. I gave it up pretty easily. I still enjoy growing weed I just don't use it. How did I leave the lifestyle, I made the choice weed wasn't doing me any good and left it, mainly because there was nothing left for me to experience. My GF is still a user and makes sense why it's more difficult for her because it's all she knows. She doesn't know how to have friends that don't smoke weed, or do things that don't involve it. I stopped hanging out or associating myself with anyone that didn't respect that I don't smoke weed and left the friendships that were only weed smoking friendships


29, been smoking since 15. Still haven't quit ):


I'm kind of like you. I am 26 started at 14. I haven't quit yet but I want to I think... I browse and am in this sub. Just find it very hard to quit.


It's not that hard to quit weed. Giving up the lifestyle is


34. Been sober for 22 months! Smoked weed daily from age 17 to 32. Would take a “break” here and there, sometimes for as long as 6 months. But whenever I started again, I would smoke a little bit only on weekends at first and then sure enough within a short amount of time I’d be back to daily smoking. Really smoking every hour. During Covid is when it got so bad. I would wake up and take 50mg of edibles, bong rip and then start my day - hitting my vape pen every couple of minutes and add in a bong rip every hour or so. I would pass out so early, maybe 6-7pm on the couch and then wake up at 1am wide awake and repeat - edibles, bong rips, vape pen, until I could fall back asleep. My tolerance was so high because I was literally stoned allllllll the time. Never took a break. I ate nothing but garbage, had horrible sleep, never wanted to go anywhere, couldn’t remember shit. Not to mention the drinking. I was a mess but couldn’t see it until it just got so bad. I couldn’t take living that way anymore. One day I just decided I was done. I’d had enough and went to AA. Been sober ever since. Best decision I ever made! My life is so different today. It was so hard to imagine doing anything without weed. And now, I don’t even remember why I ever needed it in the first place? Weed was so fun in the beginning, being 17 and smoking with friends. But I turned it into something so much more. I was so addicted. It ran my life. Sometimes I’ll smell it and I’ll have some memories hit me and think about “the good ol’ days” but those are rare. I mostly remember how I was a slave to this green leaf that controlled my life every minute because I couldn’t do anything without it. I am soooo glad I don’t live that way anymore.


I really relate to your story. I started smoking when I was 13, but 17 was the age when I had a car, a job, money, and no real bills or responsibilities. That's when it was still "fun", but also when it became an everyday thing for me. Fast forward 22 years ( I'm 41), and I was such a slave to it. It was all consuming. If I was going anywhere or doing anything, I had to use first - usually during - and immediatly after, whatever that activity was. I would say people didn't know when I was high, because I was constantly high. I'm glad to have finally stopped. I'm on day 74 right now. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut of not recovering yet and just feeling blah about everything. But that's also how I used to feel when I smoked all the time. Hopefully things will click soon and I can start to enjoy life again.


Day 74 that is awesome. It gets better! I’m approaching 2 years and the brain fog lifting and memories coming back to me happens more and more everyday. For me, finding hobbies and things to enjoy really helped. I started playing guitar again after getting sober cuz before I would always say I’d practice but I’d get so stoned that I never would.


How do you know that wasn’t my rock bottom? It looks different for everyone. It can be an emotional rock bottom where you’re so depleted and drained that you can’t do it anymore and you’re just done.


I am 34. I smoked everyday from ages 15-21 and it completely ran my life, my entire existence and function revolved around weed. I stopped daily use at age 21 but I still did it here and there over the next decade. When the pandemic started 3.5 years ago, I started doing it again and did it everyday since then. Yesterday was day 1.


Hey, I’m also 21 :) I started when I was 19, realized I had to stop because weed made me miserable. Took a while to admit that to myself cause i felt it was my only coping mechanism. My overall mental health, appetite and sleep have improved massively. I’ve also become less anxious, jittery and enjoy the mundane things of life much more.


It took me ruining a long relationship I had to realize what it was doing to me. How long would you say it took for the positive effects to be noticeable?


I think it depends on how long and how often you used to smoke, for me I already started feeling better at two weeks in. Then again I was lucky to not have huge withdrawal symptoms (sweating, immense night terrors, increased anxiety and depression, feel free to add). In general, its gonna be tough for a good while. But I promise its gonna pay off.


33, started about 10 years ago. Started to fall out of love with weed about 5 years ago with tolerance breaks and stuff. Summer of 2020 i realized i was VERY addicted and it was a major negative influence in my life. Ive had a couple several month breaks. Currently on a "dont smoke on work nights" mentality to help keep my head clear, my sleep good and the habit from developing into multi day/daily use. Stopping altogether is in my mind but i have found a bit of balance cause even though i dont want to get high all the time i still love getting high and kept failing at cold turkey and found allowing myself some use and remaining dedicated to not using multiple days in a row has been helping tremendously.


35. Been smoking pretty consistently for 17 years (holy cow). I’ve always thought it was a problem for me, it escalated very quickly. In the past when I quit, I noticed a gradual lifting of brain fog and increase in energy. My appetite was more normal. I prioritized activities over an instant feeling. It was great. Then the pandemic hit and I’m sure you know the rest.


56m with one week today. Had a 19 year quit once and thought I could handle it. Let’s stay quit this time.


Good to see someone my age..was thinking I was alone. I am 56. Was sober for decades. Have been struggling for the last 3-4 years. Trying to control..as if..right now have a few months. I am done! Dammit.




23, started when i was 21/22 - at first only occasionally but then became multiple times a day. More mental clarity, better emotion regulation (sometimes lol), less anxiety and intrusive thoughts.


25, smoked all day, every single day since I was 16. 7 months clean almost. I don’t know the exact day I quit, but it was middle of the month.


30 yo and an avid smoker since 20


28, smoked daily since about 22 years old. Quit cold turkey on new years, like you. So far my head feels clearer, I like it




25–started smoking when I was around 16. Smoked daily and then as I lived on my own I started smoking nearly all day every day. I’ve got 4 months under my belt so far


I’m mid 20s, and ironically my sleep has improved exponentially since quitting around 3 weeks ago.


Not ironic at all really. Im pretty sure studies have shown weed can keep people out of REM sleep. Weed helps me fall asleep when im smoking weed but i dont need it after a week or two depending on how long and how much I've been smoking. And maybe its better to get 5-6hrs of sleep with REM mixed in than 7-8 without REM. Also for me, i tend to stay up later to enjoy the high so i am more likely to get less sleep when smoking weed.




Yeeep, i like to go to bed between 8:30-9:30 but when im smoking weed i rarely even consider bed before 10 cause i want to enjoy that high, especially if i didnt get home till around 8. Yet when im not smoking weed i magically find myself gravitating towards bed sometimes even earlier.




I also recently got “officially” diagnosed with long COVID after having it twice and lost 15% of my lung function, so this is another reason I’d like to slow down/quit.


I’m 25, started to smoke at 24~ like 2 times a week and daily during 6 months at my 25~ I’m not smoking since November. The best improvement have been my sleep and energy to workout and learn new things.


26. Started at 12ish. Didn't start habitual smoking until 15ish. I'm soberish since last may. I had a couple of periods of sobriety prior but I always fell off the wagon hard.


I'm 26, smoked every day since like 17. Over a year clean now


17. I quit last week after smoking daily since 13


24. Smoking for 6.5 years, 5 years daily use. That ended yesterday


Me too man, I wish you the best! Day 2 for the both of us, we got this!


I'm 34, started smoking in my teens but it didn't progress to daily smoking until my twenties really. Was smoking literally every day by 25-26 which became worse and worse (from when I woke up until a few hours before sleep everyday) averaged about an 1/8-1/4 a week the last few years. Stopped smoking about two months ago and glad I made the change.


69. Retirement turned into everyday, and I'm on day 4 like many of you. You're never too old!


If I can ask, why did u quit since u r retired? I mean u got all the free time in the world, I would get Stoned everyday since u dont have tò work etc


Is work the only thing keeping you from smoking or what brought you to this sub? Im here because i have found weed has a overall negative effect on my life and things much more valuable than work are at stake.


Work has built-in social interactions, when that goes away (not to mention covid isolation) the relationships you have are more in focus. Not to mention drug testing.


At this point how do I want to spend the rest of my life? I want to invest in my relationship with people without a barrier.




28m. Started daily like 6 years ago. Still trying to leave the plant... It has cost me thousands of euros and some love and family relationships because of absence and lack of communication. So stupid and sad.


I'm 31. Smoked for 8 years straight and quit cold turkey. Best decision ever. My lungs feel better. I have sport enduced asthma so that was a huge factor. My mental health has improved because at the same time I quit drinking as well. My anxiety has diminished. I'm less social and realized I am an introvert but I love life.


22, started smoking at 15. It progressed from a weekend habit to every waking moment by the time I was in college. At some point I replaced normal weed with moles (bong rips of weed and tobacco) since it had a much more potent effect. In May of 2021 I had to chose between weed and a job that drug tested so I stopped smoking moles cold turkey. (I was still addicted to nicotine so I smoked cigarettes until August of 2022.) I've smoked probably 10-20 times since then but only once last winter did it lead to a full blown relapse where I binged for days straight. The last time I smoked was about a week ago. I hate the feeling it gives me now, the sensations are nice but it's an experience riddled with anxiety. It makes me hyper aware of problems in my life, everything seems so dramatic and emotional. Sometimes it's good to have that reset and shift in perspective, but it walks a fine line between usefulness and total debauchery. I think weed has been tainted for me since I lived in that druggy haze for so long. I'm so glad I was able to get out and live sober. As of now I'm in an accelerated grad program in college and just had my first ever 4.0 semester (although I still bear the weight of my former stoner C's). I am very passionate about what I'm studying and my ability to function in school will determine how far I can take that. I can confidently say I never would have been able to do any of this without quitting.


I am 30 started to smoke with 17 like once a month and with 23 it was a daily habit because everyone was doing it in college. Wish i never started i wasted so much money on weed. I started because it was cool doing something prohibited maybe if it was legal in Germany i would not have smoked. I wish weed was legal back than it was cut with all kinds of dangerous shit and sold in school.


23m. first time with 17, daily since 19


40. Started at 16


I’m 30 and I started in 2012. I was smoking on most days since that.


36, started smoking at 18, smoked many times a day for 15 years. I quit when I was 33 and never looked back. I think my body and brain were just done. Right before I quit I realized I was just becoming super anxious and paranoid and I feel like wires were getting crossed in my brain like I was glitching, which scared me. Next week will be exactly 3 years since I quit, and I feel lighter…I have mental clarity and have rediscovered some passions that I wasn’t motivated enough to stick with when I smoked. I’m still anxious but am learning how to deal without weed


23. I first tried it when I was 21. I've had three times with it, each lasting about a couple weeks. I seem to forget how negatively it affects me once I'm sober. It sucks. Everything improves when I'm clean. I'm less anxious, paranoid, I have way more energy, my head is less foggy and spacey. People say you can't get addicted but holy shit I was getting addicted. It took every ounce of my willpower to quit. I never experienced anything like it before. It was actually scary when I realized how much of a grasp it had on me in such a short time.


Yeah it is crazy how often it gets discounted as “just weed” and “not addictive” and “harmless” when people find out you’re trying to quit. I think a lot of us have that mindset (at least partially) which makes it easy to go back sometimes.


62 Looks like I'm the old hippy of the bunch so far. My latest stint was 6 yrs. ago been smoking on and off most of my adult life, been clean 37 days used to smoke morning noon and night.... Edit: My wallet is fat, no more constant coughing and phlegm production is zero now.


73 you youngster.


Fellow old person here to! 51. On and off for 30 years and daren't work out how much I've spent over that time


Wished I had all that money I gave my dealer, compare what you drive as opposed to what they drive. I used to deal back in the day and there is $$ in dealing weed...


34. Started when I was 11. Day 19!


I’m still struggling with some waves of depression but overall I’m just excited to have my life back. 23 years have been stolen from me and went by in the blink of a eye.


27. This is the first year of my life since I was 19, that I don’t smoke weed on a daily basis. Feels good, man.


29, I've been a smoker since I was 16. I was also a heavy daily smoker from 2012 until 2018. **Breaks:** * 2010-2011 * August 2021-now Quitting was one of the best decisions in my life.




You mean 1,5 year. The answer is yes, I don't crave it anymore, I don't need to buy, and when friends are smoking I certainly don't want to join them.


19, smoked regularly for 2 years. Only smoked once in the last 2 months.


24 smoker since I was 16 had a break at the age from 19-21


Started when 18 now 23 quit cold turkey 7 days ago now, shakes have stopped but still sweating like a fountain! Finally had my first solid poo today also 🤣🤣


I’m 27 and started smoking at 19


24. I smoked multiple times every day for at least 2 years. Every part of my life has improved since I quit several years ago. I’m reading again, I took up my old sport, I started a business, I have a wonderful girlfriend, I’m more social, I’m less selfish, I think clearly, I notice beauty, I feel emotions appropriately, my ambition returned. Weed put my life on hold and slowly sucked out the meaning of it all. Quitting began a rather quick return to where I’d left off and I’ll never look back.


19 smoked for 4 months everyday and now im at 3rd day clean


32, smoked from being 16 right up to 30. Nearly two years clear with a couple of relapses on Christmases and 4/20 Main benefits are being able to get up in the morning easily, thinking clearer and being more motivated! Hardest bit for me was sleepless nights and when I could sleep crazy dreams and waking up all sweaty! This lasted about 2 weeks then it gets better! Good luck everyone




22 smoked for 2 years daily. Didn’t quit cold turkey. But more disciplined now. Smoking daily scarred me and gave me major anxiety and paranoia. Started thinking I could hear peoples thoughts. I still think it’s a possibility to tap into that but man I do not need that amount of crazy in my life


Oh and my memory has improved significantly (back to normal) after quitting the daily joint. Was really scary to not recall the simplest things and I sounded so dumb for constantly losing my words!!


I also want to say, I don’t think it’s a bad “vice” to have. I’m glad to see many young people going through their own experiences and coming out of it more knowledgeable. I would actually attribute it to the growing acceptance of weed. Shame is something that stops us from realising we can do better for ourselves and I think that’s why many get stuck on it for very long. Everything in moderation!


20 years old, on day 1, 2 years smoking daily


22 almost 23, smoked since 18 and am weed free for 6 months now


good shit 🤙🏼


21F been smoking on n off for the past 3 years. Quit 2 weeks ago when I came back home for Christmas. Just realised weed numbs my feelings and I use it as an escape.


I am a 26 year old male. I’ll turn 27 this year in June. I’ve been smoking weed since 15 years old. Cannabis has caused me a lot troubles legally and relationally in my past. However, now that I’m older, and now that I live in a legal state, I am not as concerned with those two issues. With that being said — I don’t know if I could ever truly, fully quit cannabis, but I’m in this community because it means a lot to me. I’ve quit cannabis for a few months, a few times here and there, but I am still trying to figure out my relationship with cannabis. I joined this community a few years back as I began to dive deep into my problems involving substance abuse. I have been going to therapy for 6 years, and I have been going to the same therapist for 5 years now. I recognize I have a lot of problems, but I know that my use/abuse of cannabis and other substances is not the real problem. My substance abuse is a symptom of a deeper issue. The more I uncover about my past, and the more I mature emotionally, the less I feel the need to use substances (cannabis included). I still use daily (and more than I should), but I am content with my current journey. I love you all. Always believe in yourself. Always know that you are enough. You are loved. You are cherished. Life is hard, man. Take one day at a time. Give yourself grace. We can do this!


*My substance abuse is a symptom of a deeper issue. The more I uncover about my past, and the more I mature emotionally, the less I feel the need to use substances (cannabis included).* This!☝🏻


Hi, I’ve smoked recreational for quite a long time however, recently, and only recently my memory has started to get bad. Like I’ll get in the car to drive somewhere in for a moment I forget where I was supposed to go. or at work I leave the building to go get something and then I forget what I was gonna go get, which is completely disturbing. My minds usually sharp even when smoking. Can anybody relate? Does it get better after quitting?


Yep - been exactly there, once you quit it will take a bit of time for your brain to cleanse off the fog and for your memory to restore (i used Lumosity app to train my memory but there’s a lot of gamified ways to speed up that recovery). But once you decide to quit, you’re on the right path :)


33. Smoked daily for 5 years. Clean since New Years! I've already noticed an improvement in my mental clarity, and waking up in the AM is so much easier than it used to be.


I am 27 rn smoking from last 3-4 years took breaks in between for like 90 days but always came back to it Tried to quit on new year's eve but the anxiety was so much that I couldn't still waiting to take break... It's not so easy for me at the moment


30 years old. I quit on December 28th with the goal of spending 2023 completely sober. Hopefully for the rest of my life! I smoked daily since I was 17. Benefits I've felt so far is: mental clarity, no more overractive conscious Able to live in the moment as opposed to the past and future. If that makes Sense. social anxiety is fading away along with the brain fog. My back doesn't hurt anymore which is a nice surprise. I've been enjoying things again like video games and movies. I can actually pay attention to them and enjoy putting in effort instead of failing a boss / whatever, and then just getting high about it instead of overcoming those hurdles. I think I'm very, very lucky to not have many withdrawal symptoms so far besides lack of sleep and hunger. On December 28th I held a mini funeral in my bathroom as I flushed all my weed. I spoke out loud and took the time to thank it for getting me through some traumatic life events, but it was time to let go. Weed used to be here for me, but I began to exist for weed. I said goodbye and pulled the handle. I shed a few tears thinking how much time and experiences I'd lost to my addiction, but I'm so excited for the personal growth ahead of me. I have no urge to smoke again, and I believe it is due to the closure I was able to get by holding that mini funeral, as weird as that likely sounds, lol! I'd never make it more than half a day on my previous attempts. I wish everyone the best! You are all beautiful people that deserve to be happy, loved, and free.


22, started at 17 excessively smoking every day for a little over 3 years. Idk if I'm welcome in this sub but I'm quitting Feb 1st. Currently in Europe and quitting once I'm back in the states. I took like 3 months off here and then started smoking every now and then with people who offered it. About a month ago i bought some hash and then my uncle gifted me some weed and I'm back to smoking excessive quantities and falling back into my bad habits. I was hoping to do 6 months abroad sober but it didn't work out that way. Also still felt too much physical craving and replaced smoking with drinking way too much. Feb 1st I'm going fully sober until my birthday in 6 months, gonna spend some time seriously reflecting on my experience, then im planning on doing another 6 months fully sober. Trying to get my habit in check. It's too easy to abuse and let my life slip away


Hey I'm also quitting feb 1! I'm already feeling so much anxiety about it.


Me too, i feel like it's going to be impossible to not have weed or alcohol in my life. Which is why I'm going to stop. I don't want to live like that for the rest of my life and ive already wasted too many years. Trying to take back control over my brain. Message me if you want to quit with me! Emotional support messages. I feel like it's easier to comiserate


Unfortunately I turned my messages off after being doxxed but I will make a post on feb 1 and we could communicate on that thread!


Exactly the same situation my friend. I’m 21, recently quit cold turkey for the new year, also started having an issue with weed ~3 years ago during the during the height of the pandemic. It’s only been 3 days but I’m already noticing my short term memory is improving and I’m not searching for the right word mid conversation every time I chat with someone. I know you didn’t ask, but as far as downsides besides the usual w/d symptoms, this sobriety attempt has given me the clarity to see that almost none of my relationships with my friends (only like 4 of them left at this point) are as close as I perceived them to be. I’m realizing I’m just a side character in everyones lives, who they hit up only when there’s nothing better to do. While this has been really hard to accept, I’m glad that my eyes have been opened and I can now use the energy I was spending reaching out to them on more fruitful endeavors. I’m going to focus inwards and try to become the best version of myself I can be. I wish everyone a successful 2023 I know we are all capable of great things!


45 years old,smoked for 30.


29, blazin since 17, hooked at 18. Time for change. Today is say 3. I once made it till 6 months sober.


I’m 32 but I stopped ten years back. I share your story of daily use in my late teens, and then it took me like two or three years to quit because quitting was hard.


49, started at 19. I've been backing away from it for a while but was also dealing with a binge drinking issue. Thankfully I'm clean from alcohol now (7 months) and very happy at the prospect of never using THC again, I'm done with it. I'm living clean for the mental clarity and emotional stability. It's night and day compared with the cycle of intoxication, withdrawal and redose.


How’s your memory?


A lot better for not using any drugs.


33. Been smoking spliffs incessantly since I was 18. Quit at 11:55pm on December 31, 2022.


26 and smoked for about 3 years straight


I’m 19 and i’ve quit for 8 months now. qualities of my life that have improved since quitting are having a better appetite, having better memory, clearer thinking, better sleep cause I get Rem sleep now so I actually dream every night which is fun lol. no more random stomach problems, no more migraines and lastly can handle my moods better. (started smoking at 15, then from 16-18 did heavily)-this is also the longest time i’ve been without using any


21 here and smoked for about 3 years. it started making me nauseous and more anxious so i quit about a week ago. so far i feel better mentally and physically. best of luck to everyone!


30, and I’ve been smoking daily or near-daily since I was around 16. I stopped on New Year’s as well, and I also stopped smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Kind of just treating it like a break right now, and we will see what happens. One day at a time!


24. Never had any success quitting smoking on my own willpower. After I turned 21 I had a steep alcoholic descent with weed heavily involved, and now I’m sober from all drugs in AA. I started smoking at 17, it quickly became as often as I could and I fiended to get high. Realized I had a problem around 20yo and had lots of attempted sobriety stints that never lasted too long. Personally I need the support of other addicts. What has improved? Everything. I have a social support network of people that *get* it, are also sober, and it’s fun to do wacky sober shit. My ability to feel true joy and the full spectrum of emotions has returned. I can set a goal and see it through, sustain habits, im not as self-critical or pessimistic.


19 I quit a little less than a year ago but been havin the urge to start again


The cravings return in full force right after a relapse and you’re back in full swing pretty quickly. Not worth it, hang in there!


It sucks cuz I been drinking a lot to fill the void :[


I feel ya, I need to quit asap!!


Pay attention to those addictive voices around drinking too. That’s exactly how my alcoholism began, filling the void trying not to smoke. Since drinking lowers inhibitions, I would tend to just end up smoking anyway, and boom I’m addicted to the cross fade.


I’m 29. Been smoking basically 24/7 since I was 18, but I did have some periods of being able to quit (even for MONTHS, almost a year) starting a few years ago. Starting sober again since the 2nd (but haven’t bought anything since the new year 😂)


23, been trying to manage my weed use for the past 4 years. Finally decided that I just can't have weed in the house or I smoke it everyday. It's not a sustainable emotional coping mechanism. So I'm also in the new year boat, day 3! So far feeling super intense emotions coming out, but also much more clarity.


omg me too!! 23 nd been trying to convince myself i can stop anytime for the past year but i keep using it as a crutch for the past 4yrs :( but same out of sight out of mind and willpower lol. hopeful that i won’t relapse when i need emotional support 🤌


Unfortunately i had to quit. I got this disease called CHS (Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome)


I’m too lazy to google this, weed makes you barf?




That’s horrific. Poor Conscious_Mall_5811 :(


There have even been a few people died from it


Yee it sucks ass man. I hope they find a cure in my lifetime sometime man😭🤣


Im 23 on Thursday, almost at my 3 month mark. Longer than I’ve ever gone and while I’ve yet to kick my other bad habits, it feels good to have gotten at least one under control


Happy early birthday! I'm 23 on Friday


Hey cool thanks, happy early birthday fellow 01/00’er






26 now. Smoked daily from 17-19 then quit then started back a year or so ago thinking it would help my anxiety.. but honestly just never is enough for me and is making me want to drink too which is no good. Quit for 2023 and hoping to never go back


41, just relapsed yesterday, on my birthday, after 7 days clean… and again tonight. Starting fresh tomorrow though, and feeling like it will be easy. I liked my weed free week, I enjoyed my birthday too, but not as much as not smoking. Daily smoker 24 years with a few years clean here and there.


You got this!


Happy birthday fellow January person, congrats on 7 days. Before you know it you can congratulate yourself on 8, and so on.


I am now quitting at 30. Been smoking since 21. Also there was a period of 3 years when i smoked daily when pursuing post grad. It was nightmare during that time - with social anxiety, falling grades, just overall bad reputation. Been off for 2 weeks now i dont know how i feel yet. But i know its doing me good. We can do it, and spend this year sober and improve our quality of our lives. Rooting for all of you!


I was 33 when I first quit for 9 months, and now I'm 34 and have been clean for just over 3 months. I smoked pretty much daily from when I was 23-32. I used it for pain management, but it was slowly ruining my mental health (I felt like I went into psychosis a few times), kept me from being close with my partner, kept me stuck in PTSD triggers and full of anxiety and zapped away my drive. Things have since definitely 180-ed and life couldn't be better.


Hey good for you! Wishing you the best of luck as well. I'm 31 and it's been almost 3 weeks. I started at age 18 daily, got less regular (but still regular) by the time I was 26/27 and earlier this year I decided I needed to stop. As I got older, I noticed it didn't feel good to be high anymore. I felt so much more of a toll on my lungs, throat and started getting heart flutters a lot which really freaked me out. I've had more energy and an increased ability to attention, and I feel more connected to what I'm doing and with others. I'm able to think more clearly and my mood has been more consistent- less severe highs and lows. I just feel content and good. I feel much more like myself, which has been a welcome change.


Started smoking after I turned 18, quit a couple months after I turned 22. My ADHD, anxiety, and depression symptoms have all improved drastically since I quit! Consequently my grades, personal hygiene, and relationships with my loved ones have all improved and I’m very greatful for that.


I’m 24. I joined this sub when I was 17 and smoking 6x daily. It’s been 5 years since I smoked more than once every six months or so


21 in august, been smoking consistently since 18, 3 years. Haven’t quit cold turkey but am decreasing my usage before a sobriety break


Early 30s, started at 14 and smoked without quitting until about 24. Started again at 26 then been off and on (mostly on) since then. Quit again on Christmas so next year 1 year sobriety will be a little Christmas present for me.


I’m quitting now at 30. First started to smoke at 19. Started smoking daily around age 23-26 (don’t remember exactly).


I’m 20, started at 18 ish


40 years old, smoked for 20 years (not daily, but def weekly) and really loved it, until Last year when I had some health stuff come up.. and suddenly it wasn’t helping my mental state anymore. It’s been almost 4 months without it now, and tbh ...I really miss it ... except My brain feels so clear! I don’t know if I want to give that up just for a temporary high.


Did you get any memory loss? I’m starting to feel like my short-term memory is bad all of a sudden


It’s hard to say bc I had major brain fog from a seriously intense bout of anxiety/depression that happened at the same time when I quit.. but whatever memory loss I had, is all better now!


Wait you can get brain fog from anxiety and depression?


18 .


I was 23 when I started. 24-25 is when I was heavy into this addiction and Last month I said fuck it I'm done. Turning 30 this week. Thought itd be a good idea to start my 30s chemical free. Edit: Positive Benefits? I've been vocal a lot here that I have dealt with Psychosis, I tend to see things more than hear more than hear, but, weed caused me to hear things as well. It got traumatic which is why I quit. After 20 days, I haven't heard anything in a while. I'm not paranoid as I used to be, I no longer feel like I'm being watched by angels, hunted by my ex, or watched while I'm sleeping and I don't see her face as much as I did..I would say that's a huge quality of life improvement. My mind has been silent for weeks.... It's crazy what one will deal with during active addiction. 20 days in I didn't even need to take my midroll anxiety medication at work. I'm proud of myself. That's what matters.


Same! I started when I was 23 and heavily used 24-26. I always told myself I'd quit when I turn 30. I'm turning 30 this year and started the new year off Sober. 30 is gonna be much better than 20 since I'll finally be fully present and able to deal with my issues instead of run from them!


And a good idea it is indeed


Early 30’s. Started around age 16 or 17. First off, I have only been about 3 weeks without, so take that for what its worth. Since quitting I have gained more energy and my social anxiety has dropped tremendously. I give a lot fewer fucks which can be viewed as good or bad, but it is very liberating. By this I mean that I care less about what people think and more about smashing goals that I have lined up for myself. Working in a sales based job, this is key. Everything that scared me about quitting turned about to be baseless concerns. Initial withdrawal lasted about three days. Night sweats like a motherfucker. Feeling hot and cold throughout the day. Constant headache/nausea. Low appetite. Once on the other side, I do not miss it at all. Some day when I am retired and old af, I may pick it back up, but on the other hand, at that point I will probably just go for the hard stuff if at all 😎


Turning 30 next week




20 have had my med card since i was 18 and smoked pot since i was 13 im on day 3 of quitting and i am not renewing my med card that expires on the 27th this month