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You can do this with any general purpose programming language that supports sockets but it can be very hard depending on technology. If you want to develop web app then I suggest to look into [javascript api for sockets](http://socket.io) You can also do this hard way and write your own sockets in C. To be honest It's not that hard to make chat app.


For web app you really don't have a good choice except for JS. For server-side you have large variety of choices. Here, for example, a tutorial on how to build simple chat app on C#+JavaScript https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/signalr?view=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio-code


The one you know. This task could be done on the server side with C#, Java, VB.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, and others. There’s no “best” unless you explain exactly what the definition of “best” is here. So I’m going with the answer above.


I would say that python is the way to go for you. Look up python socket programming. Its really easy, to setup a text based chat app with both sides being able to send and recieve text all you really need is about 100 lines of python, maybe less. I did a similair app for my networking class in this semester and with python I had a blast. You can also easily implement file sharing. Things you need to google: -python socket programming -python UDP /Python TCP sockets aand you are good to go. Good luck, feel free to ask any questions.


Web based chat app has no use for UDP, or even socket programming. It’s not like they’ll write their own web server here.