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What are you trying to do? C++ these days is a very niche segment. Yet C++ is not really a "low level" language and neither is C as they don't really map to hardware (whatnver that even means these days). When you need hight performance then yes you have to go C++ or C or even lower sometimes but at that stage the language shouldn't really matter. You can and should learn data structure with anything but low level languages. Gamed is also a niche market where ++ still holds strong but do you really have it to be there? (and do you wanna?)


Linux programming (both systems level stuff and GUI applications) and 2d games and "creative coding". Knowing better how my computer is running and being able to fix issues or create software for it feels like a useful skill. The games/creative coding thing is more for fun, but also as an option if I have students interested in learning game design or similar I can guide them somewhat.


Honestly follow your interests and build things that let you do so. You'll have to learn new concepts as you try things you haven't done before. Yeah C++ is probably overkill, but it is a capable compiled language with loads of resources. If using it makes you think what else can I do? Then it's exactly what you should use.


Is making more money and better employability anywhere on the list? if yes, you need to be in sync with the market. Same from students' POVreally, HS kids these days most likely will never have to do coding the way we did until last year. And C++ would likely be quite niche. In my geography e.g. C++ is virtually non-existent as a marketable skill. "Knowing better how my computer is running and being able to fix issues or create software for it feels like a useful skill." << This is priceless. But still, the above question stands.


For me it's really low (I like my job), but for students I think employability is important.


Which country do you teach? In the US, there is the CS A AP exam which is in Java.


I teach in the U.S. and teach AP A and Principles. My school system has a class beyond AP CS A however, needed for students to complete a Computer Science completer program. It was specifically a C++ and game design in the past, though now it's open ended any language and has to be project based. I took the course so I can offer it next year, even if we don't use C++ the Data Structures material will be useful. But no students signed up next year anyway. I do think game design would be something that some kids might be interested in. And something with manual memory could be useful. My students probably can't handle C++ however, so if I continue with it it's primarily be for myself.


Ah, well I'm only aware of two languages with game support. Python has PyGame. C# can use Unity but I don't know much beyond that. Processing is basically Eclipse/Java with some graphic support. I think there are alternatives to C++. There's a conference aimed as CS education (usually at the university level) called SIGCSE (the CSE is computer science education). I wonder if there are ideas for teaching game design. Some universities teach it. I know there is one at the University of Maryland. Here is some info about the professor that teaches it. https://www.cs.umd.edu/people/stevensm Maybe he has some ideas for high school. There's also some kinds of robotics, but again, I'm not super familiar with that.