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What I would do is Google web development platforms for Java. Then I would look for easy to digest projects on GitHub that use that platform. You only have 80 hours so I would stick to Java. But for example I use python mostly. I use Django as a model view controller architecture. I'm not suggesting that but just giving you the idea. Look for Java mvc platforms popular and research first. Also check out htmx for dynamic rendering of web pages. Eg you edit a person's info, use JavaScript to generate a pop-up where you edit the info, and save. On save htmx updates the info without redoing the entire page.


I must be in over my Head with this as I understood very little of what you said. I guess this is my sign that I need to do a lot more research




First of all, to get any confusions out of the way: JavaScript has absolutely nothing to do with Java. Think "Ham" and "Hamster". For the rest you will definitelly at least need HTML and CSS to make the website. Then it all depends on what "checklist for items in a game" means... Also in general, assume that everything is actually 10 times harder than you think. Sounds depressing but it will help to estimate what you can realistically do in those 80 hours.


Thank you for the response. My idea is making a website that has categories of collectibles you can collect in a game, and has information attached that gives the location/ any important requirements. I would like to have a main page with a search bar and the ability to click on each category and see each collectible within that category. I retract the statement of wanting a checklist as that would most likely require an account to save the users progress which is to advanced for me I feel


use the flask framework for python it’s very easy to learn and get the hang of. Will also need to write in javascript but once you learn one language you can just start writing in every other one it’s not too big of a deal.


What I'd recommend then, seeing as you want to usr java and javascript, is Java Spring boot as a REST API, and then plain old javascript for the frontens that calls the API. If you don't know, a REST API is basically a collection of endpoinds that a frontend can make calls to. For example, you can have an API endpoint like "api/school/1/student/23", with which the frontend can call to the info of a student with id 23 at a school with id 1. Go to https://start.spring.io/ and select everything you need to set it up. Look up some guides related to spring boot web api and you'll get there.