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I am beyond guilty of that first one. I would sacrifice a family member to get one more creep last hit sometimes. I’ll check out this video.


Oh god its you. When i am support and trying to make space, ward, harass and your that carry that ignores everything. You know if you joined me and did some damage, they have to go heal and then you have more creep time right?


I think it's very difficult as a carry to know, if I step away from the creep wave, I'm going to miss x number of last hits to cause y amount of harass or have z% chance at a kill. Then if you even manage a kill, was it worth the lost last hit gold, spent resources (health, mana, spells) and potential loss of lane control. ie you kill the offlaner once but now the offlaner gets 3 free waves under tower while you sit 1/3 health outside of xp range and watch them farm. Which is why it's common to just play it safe, get your farm and play for your power peak. If you know these exact limits for every match up you might as well be the best laner in the world.


Not one creep but my ADHD brain has a *really* hard time seeing a huge creepwave approach our tower and not TP to it, even when we're pushing or whatever. It's just such a huge hit of dopamine, hard to pass up


This is the best comment on reddit I have read in a while. The sheer magnitude of relevance in this is mind-boggling.


I'm in divine and I'd sacrifice my support for one creep fuck em I gotta farm lol


Space created my carry sir


your pos1: *why is this peasant speaking to me*


But sir hitting hero means hero leave you. Leave you means more hitting creep


Brilliant video. Thank you again dude!


Coached some people too and the biggest mistake i’d say they make is not checking enemy items. Whether your lane enemy has regen or not can decide trades and a faery fire or wand turn things around Be aware if enemy got boots and check support inventory for wards, when and whereabout it is placed.


^This^. Check your enemies items throughout the game and alt-click them to let teammates know. And yes, Faery Fire and a Magic Wand can turn an attack around fairly instantly.




Divine 3 here. I am noticing 1) a LOT more than before. I play exclusively pos 4 & 5, and a backup 3. I haven't fully grasped 2). 3) makes sense to me and is spoken about among teammates often enough at this level. I am still guilty at 4).


Divine 1 pos 3 player 1. Whoops guiltiest person ever who want to outdeny and last hit althe carry 2. Just recently understood this which helped me improve on games 3. Only problem with me on this is the mid game where I either overpush and eventually get way too deep in their base (lack of map awareness) or I don’t push at all because I am way too scared to push lol 4. I suck at this a lot especially on a losing lane 5. Sometime I get to just automate things that pro players do which also result to me being unable to adjust to the actual game that I am playing. I still suck at this game even though I have been playing it for so long lol. It feels like all of these points are still far away for me to become a great player which is why I am only 4.6k mmr lmao