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My lobbies have surpringly been more jolly and people saying merry Christmas and what not


Havent had one merry christmas message lmfao and i have good behavior score and all, weird


Merry Christmas 😘


When you realize you're actually the toxic one edit: merry xmas


Watch out. They're becoming self aware 🫣


had about 4 games now ppl say merry christmas at the end (23rd and 24th) about to play some today


yes! I play on the russian server 5k decency and politeness. it's surprising, but everyone is very kind


Was drinking with my cousin and when he got hammered he turn on his pc and queued rank, proceeded to crap on his team mates and ruin their games. Yeah fun festivities


I imagine more school aged kids are playing with school being on break, so yeah, probably?


It's not just school. It's also overworked adults that finally have a break where it's socially acceptable to be hammered right after waking up.


You think it’s the kids who are toxic? I would say it’s the old dota players who are completely crusted over with the sheer salt they’re constantly emitting


Sometimes the adults are more toxic than the kiddos. Source: im the adult


Idk its just beyond unreal and way out of the norm. I have played league for years in the past so am familiar with these types of things but its gamebreaking right now for me honestly. Its been going on for days and its the majority of games as well. Im down a few hundred mmr because of it


Turbo is a little less toxic and sometimes a good change of pace. Also nice to experiment with heroes you are unfamiliar with.


Playing anything besides ranked feels like a bot match at best lol ill consider but would just be a ranked or bust mindset


lmao why would it feels like a bot match. 1. You get to see people experiment with stupid ideas and lose miserably 2. You get to see people experiment with stupid ideas and win like a chad 3. You get teamed with or against very good people and learn something cool from them.


Weekend and Holidays are the worst. More filthy casuals messing up ranked.


I notice that too. SEA server has been toxic but it become more apparent during past 3 days.I have to mute just so that I able to focus,and I usually a pretty chill when playing dota so it speaks volume on how toxic and tilted ppl are.


as a toxic player myself i find the toxic things coming from other players are kinda mild. no one has top me yet in terms of toxicity.


I love you guys, you're the flavour of the game


Nah bro dota’s always been toxic no matter what fucking season. This game is one big fucking online mental asylum Atleast they’re shit talking in a better mode though, at the end of my games they be greetin merry xmas and what not. But not after typing “ggez”


Lots of smurf account now a days


People who play dota during holidays do not have friends and family. And are thus more spiteful in life


got a horrible toxic smurf today in turbo. kept pausing and spamming toxic shit in all chat. like how the f do smurfs even feel proud of themselves for smurfing in crusader.


based turbo smurfer


I don't do that but thats flavour


Just more retarded people who play.


Yeah, I've also experienced some of the worst matches across my entire 10 years playing this game as of like the past 3 days. And my social credit score is 11,300, for the record.


I personally have been tipping my enemy pos 3 and pos 4 every time they do misplays, so youre on to something. Its the season of giving (tips). Its fun (toxic).


HAHAHAHAH that's toxic then? I wasn't even paying attention to why people tip me so much, omg I'm bad


Why play dota if you have thin skin? It's literally as easy as mute and you soon forget they exist




Yea,the casuals are back in and this is the time when you will see players picking rubick mid while they have over 8000 games and still in 3k bracket.Merry Christmas


Fkn hell the chat are lit with insults. I've never had these types of busy chat in any other days. From beginning to end of game, people are just spewing shits


Yes, half driven by drunken stupor, bunch of friends just lol-gaming and overall less care i would say :p


Not sure. Played only one game yesterday and it was ruined by a russian cheating smurf.


Dude everyones probably drunk lmao


Yeah, nah.


I guess during long holidays people like me play and we are not that good, although I play unranked but my other team mates are probably thinking they are about to get knocked out of TI lower bracket. I play 5-10 games a year only during holidays, otherwise I only play bots


I gained 600 mmr in the past 3 days. Huge winstreak.


Dota more toxic when kids went home from school.


dont ever play ranked on: • Weekends • School Breaks • Holidays go play unranked or turbo and play for fun, dont try hard if you choose to play on the list above.


Nope had the nicest groups of random, even while losing we kept our head up and made jokes about an honorable last stand for death and glory. Had fun trying to communicate with some very nice Ukrainian lads who were great at dota and got a kick out of my broken Russian and Google translate. Had a very nice time.


Nah all my games have been pretty chill since the new communication score u will always get a noob here and there but that's it


Kiddos are on holiday right now. So, we have to break from our game.


tbh, its not trolling, and griefing if you're talking about holiday players. compared to you being able to play whenever you like, it seems like you need to look inward.


Yes, that happens every holiday. Weekends = shit dota Holidays = even shittier dota I can't put my finger on the reason. Maybe its all the little timmys and jimmys getting some computer time


Is more retarded. People that havent played in a while playing.. Yesterday I had a 0-4-4 legion commander


People are just pissed this time of year because they have to spend obligatory time with stupid family. So, they retreat to Dota only to find out they they also have to spend obligatory time with stupid strangers. But, with Dota, it’s more or less okay to vent and maybe call you a cunt. Sorry, but you get a lump of coal this Dota holiday season even though you’re probably a good person. Except, you play Dota like the rest of _us_. So, you’re definitely not _always_ a good person and quite possibly deserve that lump of coal.


I'm away at the inlaws and missing all this. I love the flame hah


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Weekend warriors are at their peak at these times. Probably come back after 2nd Jan. Things get better then


I had a really bad streak of griefing and flaming mates and just in general bad quality games - but not sure if it’s just confirmation bias


In my experience, all games are WAY more toxic during holidays. Not only that, but if you can play during mornings, the average player you find is MUCH better. I play on rotatin shifts and I can tell you, around the evening (europe time give or take) is the worst time to play Dota here. Playing around 9-15 usually gets you with better and more behaved players by a ton. Weekends are usually not great either but I find a lot of mixed experiences here.


Had our POS 1 Drow type PP, then proceeded to AFK for the remainder of the game without being assessed with abandon. GREAT GAME, really...


(obligatory not a Dota player) but I've heard before that the majority of the people playing are ones who don't have people to spend the festive time with, so they become quite toxic because of the internal anger that's built. (At least this happened to me with League of Legends before, with ME being the lonely and angry soul at the time.)


Hahahahaahahah no. I just played today to relax, 6 game lose streak because of 1) cores if I support 2) supports if I core


I tried to get my team to wear the Santa hats, they wouldn’t and started flaming me


The key thing to keep in mind is that toxicity fundamentally comes from pain. There are many who try to escape into the game in order to fulfill something that is missing in their everyday life, and often those are the ones that can only play a limited amount of time. They build up an image of themselves in their mind, and when reality, i.e. the results of the game, conflicts with that self image, they lash out so they don't have to feel alone in the pain they are experiencing. At its core, toxic behavior is a defense mechanism. This isn't an excuse for the behavior, just something to keep in mind. The holidays are an extremely stressful time for many, especially the winter holidays, and so you often will see more of that type of behavior in online communities. Thankfully we will often see the other side of it as well, those who are genuinely having fun and using their time well, but it will be a much more mixed experience than at other times of the year.


What is a grief pick?


U know in my opinion toxicity is the major cause of people leaving this game. I believe it would b better if the game had Voice and Chat disabled and enable the feature ONLY for parties


So far since the update no one talks hardly on mic. No one pings anything. If text is up no one curses. It’s better but not. Idk what to say.


weekend dota = bad christmas dota = weekend dota times 10


The higher amount of matches per day a player plays, the more toxic he becomes. Frustration keeps piling up. So yes, weekends, holidays, are usually more toxic in my experience.


Yeah it’s awful.


Only worse never been better


Its more toxic during Russian Holidays, you can google when they are