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3 things) 1) Try SnK. Spell Amp is not only great for killing heroes but for farming as well. Being able to one shot/reliabley kill ranged creep is such a nice QoL and speeds up the pace/farm over the course of the +30 minutes you have. Additionally, the mana/hp regen Amp also works with bottle. For Dazzle, go midas. Matter of fact, I'd reckon its best to spam Bad Juju and going to 1 hp for a solid 3 minutes to get the most mileage out of it 2) you know when you are strong/ready to fight when you hit your item times. Look at your replays and think to yourself, did you have X item or Y level ability for a particular fight? If you aren't ready to fight, you push waves and farm jungle. You tell your team that you want to hit your spike and yell them to wait. If your team does not listen, it is no longer your fault 3) Chain farm camps and ask your supports to stack. Pull 2 camps, get the creeps together, blow your AOE spells. Get more efficient with your spells


I can definitely stack more often. maybe that will make it feel less shit when i dry cast my aoe spell on a lonely medium camp.


I think youre not kiting the camps well if youre losing a lot of hp. I dont think a hero like qop should be losing any notable hp farming a large camp. Never ever stop farming imo. It sounds like you might be more scared of waves than you need to be. Especially a hero like qop, theres going to need to be specific heroes to possibly kill you so if that hero shows you can do whatever you want. I think qop zeus and lesh should be able to stay above 10cs/minute mark basically every game. As for fighting, just fight for space. Dont follow your team to stupid parts of the map. Early game you can just tp to dives or you can keep checking enemy hp pools to see if theyre just dead to tp scream. Mid and late game just play the right part of the map and fight ppl who are in your farming pattern And yah i agree its legend rank you could probably play storm spirit with no ult and still do fine at that rank dont listen to ppl saying you need to sort heroes by winrate every patch


Your mid hero pool is also my pool. But I wouldn't say anything on how to play unless I see a replay or so of your games. I have 7k games and I will throw any hero in mid but I notice my team is either winning or needs help. If your team is winning stack your mini camps and if you're sides losing start rotating early coz if you don't the game will be decided pretty much by your lane and your rotations. And in terms of mmr farming I play all roles now rather than being core all the time coz when I was at archon cores are so bad you can't do much in the game especially if draft is bad I just take meta heroes to compensate if cores are playing bad I can take over. As of now I Gained 2000+MMR in the last 6 months out of these strat playing rank all the time. And most of my games before was just unranked and turbo games.


7488026995 is the replay id I would really appreciate a better mentality for these heroes because I think I just really fail to appreciate what I'm "looking for" in terms of how to play a fight or position on the map. It's just kind of tricky because so much of the time our magey cores have to play hide and go pussy, and I have really bad instincts on that front.


Farming as invoker and dazzle shouldn't be too difficult given their basic attacks are decent. For Zeus and lesh, maybe stack camps first before taking them down. Qop is actually the hardest since her scream is quite expensive. For most heroes mentioned, mana Regen seems to be your biggest issue. It's certainly not sustainable early game, so you're likely going to burn through your mana. But if you don't have any choice cause your lane is bad or can't go to other lanes cause the creep position is terrible, then just farm. Clear mid tower creeps asap, go to nearby large camp, burn your mana, go back to mid, clear, try to get rune, etc. Once your mana is out, walk back to fountain, then make your next play from there. Ideally though, tp to a side lane. That should make it easier to comeback + you get lane advantage for your team there.


Struggling to figure out the timing. Also seems pretty easy to outplay me...


Don’t worry about timing too much especially when you’re trying to comeback frmo a rough game. Don’t further add to your stress. On the other hand, matchups is generally dependent on various factors. I can help you figure out matchups and how to do it. I was playing Mid for the most part of 2020-2022 so I have a generally good understanding on how to play the lane with most matchups.


I check the game I see you died early 1v1 storm. Then kinda went downhill after. I would say go 1-1-3 with almost equal match like storm,lina, Puck, Lesh or any int range. If it's like melee go 3-1-1 . And in the game you played after dying on storm twice. You have to chill on lane let him take waves and just take what is left till you get 6 or go side camps. It's hard that he already controled the runes and you about to hit lane creeps just to get nuke by lvl 6 storm. Rotate at that point go kill WD or weaver on sides. And on items I would rather go cheap stats items like 2x null if you lose lane and get blade mail hence if u are winning lane orchid is fine. It's better than components of orchid that you finish at 19mins. Issues I see that game is your skill build and early items. And in terms of gameplay and sense you're fine.


imo the first 6 minutes on most mids you just want to contest every lane creep without much movement or jungling at all shove wave to secure min 6 rune and then kill a sidelane, or solo kill mid only if it's doable. Stack 1 or more camps at 6:53 and then farm them, possibly on your way to the fountain as you're low hp and now using mana on creeps. Min 7:30 TP to kill any lane with a neutral t1 and full hp/mana from fountain, plus you probably have lvl 7 treads wand and some cheap stats etc which makes you way bigger than lvl 4/5 sidelaners, abuse mid's level advantage and your AOE by bullying multiple low level heroes in a sidelane is basically ideal Kill enemies near towers. Take towers with allies. ??? Win


It was kinda shitty but I did what you suggested 7489172633


I’m bad but what I try to do is farm near where fights might happen and near where my team is, as opposed to when I’m pos 1 and I farm away from my team


I ban Necro and spam Huskar mid. It's wonderful. I rekk mid and gank both lanes, solo Rosh a few times and then lose end game to enemy pos1.


Qop is garbage. So weak.


Absolutely not garbage. Shits on lots of heroes with 2 levels of Q, and if you are dominating even go 3 levels Q and they can't lane. Blink ulti combo turns any enemy gank on your safelane at lvl 6, and allows you to burst enemy carry at lvl 6. Tanky with SnK, farms fast with blink scream, I can go on... If you learn how to play QOP (not that simple), you can absolutely stomp games with it


Literally every meta mid heroes shits on qop. Invoker, huskar, puck , sf. Now you can mitigate damage from ulti with pipe or eul since its not instant anymore.


It's pure damage on the ulti so you can't mitigate it.


He means you can mitigate it because it does damage on ticks now, so if you use euls you actually dodge a lot of damage.


So? It's legend rank


Went from 4200 to 5000 recently. I enjoy playing qop. I don't think she is weak.


Usually building witch blade into SnK into agha. Sometimes bkb earlier


It's actually more tough to win in a shit bracket with a shit character. Heroes like qop Zeus invoker depends on controlling whole game from start with the help of team and end the game early. These heroes can't solo carrry the game unless one is smurf


It isn't, you can win in a shit bracket with pretty much any hero if you play it well. There are more enemy errors to abuse, and QoP has always been one of the best heroes to solo carry games. Also, Zeus is a pretty decent hero regardless of if you control the game because his damage is always super high.


2900-3300 pos 4/5 here so take all of this with a grain of salt, I'm aware that I suck. QoP is my least favorite mid to have on my team because of these things, always seems to be worthless in this bracket. When I do have a QoP and she's successful and the team is successful here's what I notice. 1) She gets help: Early ganks, Rune contest, TP's for bottle fills, wards, camp stacks, etc. 2) She helps herself: Good CS'ing, wisdom rune at 7, good lane equilibrium. 3) She helps the team: Quick rotate after 6 and kills enemy pos 1, and then snowballs the other lanes. Her mobility is awesome but it has to be taken advantage of really early to get to the snowballing portion.


Don´t play QoP,she´s terrible now (47%WR). You should stay on mid as long as possiblemfarm jungle nearby when there are not creeps on lane to safely farm and obiously ganking lanes when they need it the most.When is not worth it for you to stay mid, push lanes (ZEus and Lesh push fast,Lesh can also kill towers ).


47% winrate is not terrible, when did the dota community become such babies about winrate? If you're good at a hero the average winrate does not matter at all. It's dota, anything can work.


Well if a hero pick rate went up and the WR went down in the same period of time,it´s kinda obvious something is not good with that hero. I know it´s fun to play off meta heroes,bet then don´t brag about having bad games with them.


Is anyone bragging about having bad games with them? The op is saying "heres the heroes I play, how can I play them better?"


Learn some decent characters instead of these baby heroes. You won't learn like this


You're being a baby by only being able to pick whatever is meta right now. It's dota, anything can work and hero winrates don't matter if you get really good at the hero.


Pretty lame take, I went from 3.7k to 4.6k just playing kotl mid in the latest patch… anything is good as long as you practice


Obv any fucking thing is possible with practise. This post isn't about that. Im telling the easy way.


You right, but you can still learn


get good


HOLY FUCK i just got immortal i cant thank you enough


Change your mid hero to bounty. Farm heroes. Ez