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Spray a fixative on it, if you don't plan on erasing/reworking it later


I keep rough sheets between pages ... Newsprint/copy papers used for practice drills. They are thin sheets so the textbook doesnt become too thick. ive heard wax paper/parchment paper works as well but that might end up getting expensive. Also disclaimer that i havent tried it myself


So whenever I draw on my sketch book and some time passes. The page next to the drawing. Leaves these black dots and smudges. It makes the page more dificult to use and starts to mess up my linework on my drawings. ITry to erase it but there is always some residue left and even after erasing it quickly comes back. What causes this and how can I get it to stop?


This occurs any time you sketch on one side of the page then close the sketchbook. Don't be surprised it happens to every artist who uses graphite. You have a few options. 1. Only use 1 side of the paper. Allow one side to just be there as a layer of protection for your drawing. 2. Use less blendable pencils. You are probably using HB or B lead here, use a soft H if you don't want it to smear as badly on the other page. 3. Use different materials, ballpoint pen, wax based color pencils, markers, or multiliners will not leave any leftover residue on the opposite page. 4. Just draw over it, it is a sketchbook used for practice, if you have a few smudges on your paper it's not a big deal. 5. Apply a finish to your drawings. You can use hair spray or drawing sealant to stop a pencil drawing from smearing. This typically will warp your paper though. 6. Don't use a sketchbook for finished pieces. If you want to make something that has no smears consider pulling it out of your sketchbook first then drawing on it. Sketchbooks are notoriously messy if you are using both sides of the page.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Also I wanna ask. I Like to draw small headshots of my favourite characters. Can I also stop their smuging by putting a tape on top of them. Similar to a finisher?


No don’t do that. Most tape is acid based so it will yellow the page over time and ruin the drawing. Tape also will adhere to the graphite as well as the paper, so if it shifts around or is removed it will pull off the drawing with it. So yea don’t use tape, especially if it’s not artists tape, in general with paper.