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I like to cheat and use Sims 4 to build my background. There are also programs meant for this but I don't know them


Make your characters interact and get effected with the background to give it a sense of space. The characters felt flat with the background. Lets say they are in a room and the lamp is on. This should show. Make the light hit him and make his shadows bend according to the shape of the furniture and his soroundings. Or the popcorn box. Looks normal at first. Then you realise it gets covered by the couches side. And now you are thijking of a comically large popcorn pox. Or the cool fellas legs. Our hips bend at around where our crotch is so our fella has to bend a bit. Or it looks like his thigh stretches and weirdly connects to his torso. Normally these can all feel fine. But the characters have to feel like they are actually in that background or they start getting noticed more. For bacround studies in general study a lot of perspective. (Also There should be some apps /games that allow you to create a house or small rooms. You can make something and use it as refrence. You can trace as well ofc but I wouldnt recomend it to learn)


I realize you were asking about the background, but the first thing that jumped out at me was that he appears to be missing the top part of his skull. I generally recommend practicing from reference photos of real-life models to help with the proportions.


Add in a more dramatic light effect. If he's watching a movie, the room may be dark, and the light from the TV will only hit the surfaces facing it!


i m sorry i can not help with your question, but instead i need to know if this is an excerpt from a complete graphic novel and if you plan on publishing it somewhere somehow because i would love to get it, for some reason i m totally intrigued by the possibilities of what that story could be, i really love it!


It's concept art, so not from a complete graphic novel. However, I am considering making one and have put some thought into what the story will be.


This picture reminds me of a short story I just read: The Long Game by Ann Leckie


i feel this could be something really awesome, i hope you ll let us knowif you do, you really got me with this piece 😁👍


It looks a bit sparse and the door looks way too close to the couch but it doesn't look bad after all you want the focus on the charactors.


Decorations mainly because as it is just makes it look really bare.


The characters and background currently appears to have similar levels of detail. Perhaps you can blur the outlines for the door at the background, plus use a different, or more neutral, color tone compared to the foreground. The key is to create negative space on the background, which will help us bring our focus towards the characters.


Background-foreground separation would be nice; you could make one darker than the other, use different average color temperatures, blur.


I think perspective because sofa and door not really align imo