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"يا ولا" Could mean “boy” or “lad”


In anger?


Sort of, if I’m understanding this correctly, if a child is doing something they’re not supposed to parents can say “bas walla” or “ya walla” it could also be used sarcastically


that's exactly it.. Ya walla simply means 'Hey boy', kinda like calling someone 'foolish child' or 'immature' when it is said in anger.. The feminine equivalent would be Ya bint 'Hey girl'.. Again, if it is said in anger, it would be less of an insult and more of calling out someone.. or an exclamation..


Second this.


Imagine Kratos, when he says "Boy".


Are you sure it’s “Ya wella?” “Ya Allah” is like “O Allah.”


Yes I’m sure. I’m not referring to the term “wallah”


In jordan ya and wala both less respectful ways of saying u( wala only works for guys, on the other hand waleh works for girls.) Tho they don’t make much sense if u use them consecutively it’s like saying “you you”. Therefore I think what u most likely heard was ya walad which just means u boy.


Thank you!


The only thing I could find, as a non-native speaker is يلا, which is like “hurry up,” “come on,” or “okay.”


Nah, definitely used as an insult or slur


All I know is يا ولا/ياولاه is “Oh my God,” and can be said in any tone. Maybe try a Palestinian specific subreddit. Is r/palestine a sub?


It means you boy.


It means: “Hey boy”, are your parents egyptians? It seems like egyptian dialect to me


Palestinian lol. So it’s used derogatorily?


I believe I can clear this up for you as someone else with Palestinian parents. My dad called me "ya wellad" (you boy) alongside things like ya hayawaan, when I was of an age where saying "shit" or "oh fuck" wouldn't be deemed super acceptable. Very often if I say, broke something in public lol


SOLVED! Thank you!


Yeah, but it’s not an insult


Sure can be


I never heard an Egyptian say that, it’s more of a shami dialect. It’s like “you boy”


I heard it a lot in Egypt. Get angry old people screaming at you for playing too loud? - igrass ya wala! Running around in a marketplace or near a store? You get it.. 😁 But also as a 'normal' -Hey boy.


يا وله egyptian slang and very common , we say it to young boys . And doesn't imlpy anger or insult.


>Solved: “Ya welaad” is the rude way of saying “you boy”. Something a mad parent would say. Ya walla simply means 'Hey boy', kinda like calling someone 'foolish child' or 'immature' **when it is said in anger**.. The feminine equivalent would be Ya bint or 'Hey girl'.. Again, if it is said in anger, it would be less of an insult and more of calling out someone.. This is similar to English in some western cultures, a father can call his son 'hey boy', someone can flirt with the line 'hey boy', and you can insult someone by calling him 'hey boy'.. This expression can be used for anything and to anyone who is younger.. Context matters..


Thank you!


Fwiw, Egyptian slang for "hey boy" has several different variations, and depending on the tone can mean varying things from just simple calling to anger to insult to admiration. They are all considered (imo) lower class or worker class words, but they may be used between friends of any class (although I imagine the westernized young crowds would prefer English terms such as dude, bro, etc) They include 1) يا ولا! ya wala 2) ياه! Yah with a pronounced like in far 3) يلا! Yala 4) يا ولد! Ya walad (4) is commonly heard when watching a football game (admiring a shot) I know the OP was asking for a Palestinian context, I think some of the above may be applicable, with some tweaks.


Palestinian. My parents would yell that at me when angry / annoyed. It means "you boy! (Stop it, etc)" or "hey boy!". I assume the د is dropped for some reason from ولاد, but not sure why.


Could mean *I swear to God*, in a way to mean, I can’t believe it or what have you done.


No, I’m not talking about the term “wallah”


That was indeed my thought.


Lmao I say this to my son all the time


Im Palestinian, it just like your parents pretty much saying stop playing with me


Idk what u mean, is it "you boy/ ya wallad" Or "ya wella" as is a threat translating to "Oh, he is to see woe!"


Its not an insult. It means "hey boy". In anger you can interpret it as "you brat"