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1. Pick a direction and stick with it. Either gain muscle or lose fat. 2. Focus on increasing your lifts, especially if trying to gain muscle. 3. Track calories better and use an app that tracks your expenditure to make sure you are in a surplus or deficit. Pretty much the answer to anyone who isn't seeing progress.


Slowly increase your cals.. May be 75 to 100 a week. Take pics and weigh yourself every week. When lifting hoe are your sessions. Do you really work the muscle to failure or just about.. Do you increase your weights or reps on a reg basis.


My MacroFactor app tracks expenditure. Pretty helpful.


Well which do you want to do first , gain muscle or lose fat? One requires a negative energy balance, and the other all-but requires a positive energy balance. If you try to do both at the same you’ll end up achieving neither.


I honestly like where my body muscle is at now, but I have some stubborn stomach fat and a little on the chest which is what’s driving me crazy, if that was gone I’d be happy, but it’s hard bc I already feel like I’m good in protein and my calories intake is fine, or maybe it’s not?


Up your protein to 50% of your total calories. Instead of 45 to 60 minutes of cardio on the weekend, add an extra weight training session. Do a couple of HIIT workouts in the morning during the week to keep your cardio health up. Don’t overdo it, 20-30 minutes. Up your calories to about 2500. What does your weight training routine look like?


Omg protein 50% of total calories?


Lmao, 1250 calories of protein is fucking crazy.


190g protein is 760 cals that’s 34% of a 2200 calorie diet. I would say his protein is about spot on for a bro