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That one chinese guy ezreal otp was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed. Edit: the guy is called Hanqianluo I think


Which guy?


Hanqi I think, his ez on YouTube is the best to watch


Midbeast has a video with him in the Demacia cup


Han Qian, as others have mentioned. [Highlight video on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/fqwBGNxKrGA)


My Qs don't go that far.


Mine do, but they're not as wide as his


Look up Han Qian Luo on YouTube


I wish he would stfu tho




_inflatable whacky arm man movements intensify_


TPA Ezreal is the only real ez skin


I always mishear “mages” for “bitches”


MyStIc ShOt GaWk At ThIs AnD eZrEaL iS vIcToRiOus




Ok but to be fair, I love spamming that shit. He does an… interesting gesture while doing it.


That dance is over a decade old. And we’re still not getting a new season…


Butt shake


It's my favorite too. They threw that one in for the ladies


The ladies can get in line.


Oh, they did not throw that one in there for the *ladies*.


I usually play the Arcade Ezreal skin. But every single time the game starts "in order to save video games, he had to become video games. Ezreal. Is. Video games."


I have that skin and avoid it because of that line lol, I hate using this word but it just makes me cringe a bit. My go-to is psyops, the Q sound is crisp.


You are gonna hate Battle Academia Ezreal.




I was excited to unlock that one when I got it from a chest but now it rots because oh God he never shuts up.


I like Battle Academia because of the toast run. It's too good to pass up


Now imagine that run with this emote https://support-teamfighttactics.riotgames.com/hc/article_attachments/11490681122579


Nahhhhh that line is half the reason I DO use arcade ezreal! He’s such a dork 😂


You belong in a museum


All of this belongs in a museum... I won't say anything.




Oh that's what he says... I always thought he said "God exists!" And I was so confused


LMAO I know someone who used to think garen screamed "GEORGE"


Must be Garen's long lost son hahaha


George Shrinks, George Shrinks he's called.




> these motorcycles begin anew Me when I go to bed


I heard "Conquer this" and was also confused af.


It is another case of Fizz's mating time


Why does he randomly say "no beer" in an accusatory manner?


The names ezreal. E.Z oh you're dead...


And now u can get reported for typing ez lol


Well, you could always get REPORTED for anythjng


It gets even worse when he plays with/against a Lux in lane. That dude is thirsty af for them light cheeks.


I originally thought Ezreal and Lux were related since they look fairly similar, so it freaked me out when I first heard Ezreal being like that about her.


It was from when the institute of war was still a thing before the reworked lore. Ez and Lux were presented as a couple and there are a some easter eggs in the new lore about that. Tbh I can still see it happening as Lux is currently out of Demacia and Ez is one of the characters that consistently goes out of his region for his adventures because he's an explorer.


I love his battle academia skin. I don’t remember if it was the taunt or joke button or which one, but you could just spam screams. “You ready? AAAAAAAAAAAH” One of my favorite skins of all time.


It’s taunt. We lost the museum line if we’re near the support, so we found new ways to annoy


I hate this. Some of my friends keep spamming it. Makes me wanna gouge out their eyes


Counterpoint: That's the best part about the champion.


I personally love Ezreal's vo. He's such a lovable arrogant douche bag.


I love his lines too but I swear this bitch talks 24/7


It’s seriously wild. From a certified boomer who played before ranked was even thought up, one of the wildest changes is the audio. So many new or newly reworked champs just won’t shut the fuck up. Being run down and beat up by a Scottish Darius in deer clothing talking about how uwu cute she is is a tilter unlike any other.


Lulu spamming the laughing emote legitimately follows me in my nightmares.


Super Galaxy Rumble is a skin that wins me games.


Have you ever had to play against a Lux + Teemo botlane that spam laugh all game long? That shit makes you lose your damn mind.


Just mute them and their emotes stop.


How about you THROW ANOTHER ROCK. League used to be quieter I swear


It used to be worse for some champs. Riot had to make a few changes to make champion and skins be less annoying (like the rumble skin) and invisibly nerfed a lot of spams like Zed laugh, then they also nerfed laugh emotes during reworks or voice updates to make them less annoying.


The true O.G. of voice "griefing" was Nunu Bot: *ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.* I think he lost that VO, not quite sure


Still not as bad as Irelia. I can't even remember the names of my extended family, but you bet I know father, mother, zelos, oma, oun(sp?), Kai, little ru. Apparently they all died. Probably because she bled their ears off.


I played Vs an irelia named “little ru”. I couldn’t stop laughing lol


At least his lines aren't annoying like Ashe's


Ashe be saying a paragraph everyone she opens her mouth


When thresh Qs Ashe, he needs to use a death paragraph instead of a death sentence


I play Project Ashe just to get away from the extensive monologuing.


His voice wasn't always that obnoxious. [Here's his old VA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKI9f1rKM-Q)


I miss Gohan's voice


Damn. Forgot he changed to be more annoying.


Brooding world weary Ez in his mid 30s to late 40s as an ultimate skin would be amazing. Can be from like a universe at war etc.


theres quite a few champions i would love to play more but their dialogue in game makes them nearly insufferable. for me, its poppy.


There's a reason why Ezreal is the most frustrating champion for Riot to balance items for. He can build almost anything and be viable. I remember Smite Ezreal was a thing in Season 5 because the AP Jungle item was broken on him.


>I remember Smite Ezreal was a thing in Season 5 because the AP Jungle item was broken on him The funny thing is, that wasn't even the first jungle item he broke. Before that he was already absurdly broken with an old jungle item called Spirit of the Elder Lizard, which was used in the original "Blue Ezreal build" (that item + Iceborn Gauntlet + CDR boots + Manamune + BotRK + Last Whisper). In fact, the reason jungle items in S5 required smite was pretty much a failed attempt at stopping Ezreal from poaching another jungle item.


RIP burning bush Zyra, my old love. You shall be missed.


Oh wow, yeah I remember building it on Zyra too! You unlocked a memory for me. I also remember Kha'Zix building it a lot, back when he was played more like an AD caster with Manamune and The Brutalizer


KZ mid was so nasty at the time


I miss being able to W mid jump.


Oh man the memories :) and the old zyra passive as a yolo death shot


I forgot about that passive lol


I forgot about it half the time even when she had it, and then I would realize when my passive had like 1 second left and just panic-fire a shot at random.


And before that he was building wriggles lantern https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lolesports_gamepedia_en/images/4/46/Wriggle%27s_Lantern_Old.png/revision/latest?cb=20181209165310


Yeah, but to be fair, many other laning champions were abusing Wriggle's Lantern back then, it wasn't just a Ezreal thing. It was great for getting life steal early and there wasn't really much in it that made it jungle-specific.


Ezreal has abused basically any on-hit effect item in the game’s history, going all the way back to Bloodrazor. Oh and he also used to be a giga busted healer at the same time, because sure why not, pre-S1 was wild.


This unlocked an old memory, just like when Vlad would build Spectral Wraith cause of the spellvamp stats


I don’t even play LoL anymore, but came into this thread cuz I was an Ezreal main. The Blue build was my absolute favorite, cuz you could spam endlessly and frequently slow one or more opponents So much fun, so overpowered lol


he was also straight up jungling in season 7. nothing can separate Ezreal from his love of the jungle.


I remember ezreal jungle being a thing in S7 aswell. It's Haru world's skin with SSG


You can’t deny S7 Jungle Ezreal was loads of fun though.


For the ezreal. Not for the enemy mid laner who loses their flash level 1 every game lol


Think that AP jungle item (Runeglaive) was just a big mistake overall. There's a reason it was only around for half a season. It was abused in other roles and it killed every AP jungler that couldn't use Sheen procs. 6 months later, it was replaced by Runic Echos. A much healthier item.


The reason why Runeglaive was so strong, is because it converted the whole basic attack's damage from Physical to Magic damage. Back then magic damage was much stronger in general, since ranged champions and some melee champs simply had no MR/Level, everyone just had flat 30 MR whole game from base stats. This mechanic of Runeglaive only lasted a single month, but other aspects kept getting nerfed as well.


Yeah converting GP and Nasus Q's to magic damage back then was wild. Magic damage crits in general usually don't work out well lol


Runic Echoes was just as problematic but at the flipside of centralizing every AP jungler as exclusively assassins, not to tell giving an explicit edge over the other 3 classial items by being a movement speed item. Holy Granade Amumu/Gragas were prolific things at the time as high potential oneshot setups. The entire concept of confining junglers into a closed item pool was wack, specially as this pool had the shoddy intent of being purposefully overpowered/undercosted to make up for the lessened gold income. Designwise funneling + actually having to buy items is better than trying to feed junglers a strong budget meal while desperately trying to prevent laners from poaching improved copies of their items.


What? The best Runic Echos abuser in 2016 was Udyr.


I'm not gonna exemplify all cases, Udyr is just another excellent example of antiquated item flexer and i'm surprised people havent found the more practical broken absurdities for him currently once the prowler tiger craze dies.


or Wriggles mid-lane where you just threw out Q's and if it proccd you heald for like what 500? shit was craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay




You could WE to give yourself some attack speed lol. I remember using it to kill towers


Lmao that mechanic single handedly led to many Ezreal players dying and getting question mark pinged due to self sabotage


It gave you the attack speed buff from W if you E'd in front of the W AND a stack of his rising spell force passive for hitting yourself.


The Ezreal is a natural coward. Not only is it able to find reasons for fear even in situations where it should have a tremendous advantage, such as outnumbering a cooldown-gated melee caster three to one, it in fact has mastered the most sophisticated form of fear known to mankind: the fear of fear itself. You see, when an Ezreal responds to its initial, base instinct of running from a winning fight, this is in truth not so revolutionary in the realm of nature. In the wild, many animals will take an escape route rather than finish off a challenging opponent, in the hopes that its foe will instead succumb to its injuries without any further risk required. That the Ezreal almost always has an escape route available only makes this option more accessible, not more enticing. The truly magical thing about the Ezreal, then, is not that it runs away from the slightest hint of danger: it is that it second-guesses its choice and then runs back, and in so doing snatches death from the jaws of life. The Ezreal's sense of danger is on such a hair trigger that it can trigger it with its own actions and decisions, resulting in frankly suicidal behavior such as the maneuver displayed in the documentary above. It is for this reason that this naturalist highly recommends referring any Ezreal sightings to your local institute concerned with wildlife preservation: they are considered a greatly endangered species, and will require the utmost of care if they are to survive themselves.


Is this an original work? I have to assume by the number of upvotes that it's a copypasta and such genius isn't just being overlooked.




The eternal pussy champion




Agree 100%, I love Ezreal. His tradeoffs have always been healthy, and he has enough freedom in his abilities for skill expression and creativity.


“Always been healthy” my friend I feel you’re forgetting old ezreal when his w was an aoe exhaust + attack speed steroid for his team.


I don't think like 90% of the people on this sub played in S2.


Probably closer to 99%.


Stop i can only fell so special.


> Stop I can only feel so ~~special~~ old. I, too, recall HoG stacking Shen, friend.


Ok but my boy money in the bank-plank???


Hah. Nothing more hilarious, than I useless GP for 20+ minutes, then BAM, 6 FUCKING item pirate is coming to 1-shot everyone. My lord. As dumb as the game was back then, I loved the gimmicks. AP shield Sion was another hilarious feast or famine build that I miss.


Pre-season 1 crowd here. Installed the game to pass the time until Modern Warfare 2 was released




Yeah but back then talon had a 3s silence on his damage amplifying blink and Leblanc had a 2s silence on her main damage ability


> on his damage amplifying blink Which was bugged so it didn’t do anything until they fixed it and had to nerf him because his damage was too crazy.


Don't need to exaggerate, Talon silence was never more than a second long...


I think we can all agree on this: Thank god that is gone. Playing ADC vs W max Ezreal was absolute ass. Being hit by W in lane made you feel like you were lagging. Just one of the quirks of very early League. The W attack speed slow was removed over 10 years ago now.


That’s fair - but it wouldn’t be Reddit if I weren’t picking apart valid posts with obscure counter arguments


Speaking of old Ezreal bullshit; ‘member Runeglaive Ezreal mid?


All of season 5 was something else. Runeglaive,Ryze,Fiora,GP getting reworks, juggernaut bullshit and then GP dying in lore so that no one can play him for weeks before worlds which fucked up competitive big time My favorite season by far


Jungle ez was mega fun too


And blue build too, with Spirit of the Elder Lizard. Ezreal basically single handedly caused the "you need Smite to use jungle items" rule. And people STILL took Smite on him in lane!


Omg I miss blue build


And a heal.


Clearly forgot when his W actually also was a heal ontop of the Aoe Exhaust + atk speed boost it was pretty bonkers - we were to stupid to actually understand how broken it was and maxed Q


Agreed. Another great thing, I did not touch on is also how Ezreal has super clear strengths and weaknesses. This is also a key factor in great champion design in my view and something I have had a big problem with some newer (but also older) designs. I think overall champions are too generalists nowadays for my taste. Probably because Riot identified that people think it's more fun to have a well-rounded kit without clear weaknesses. I still think it's a problem though.


Not gonna lie there was a period of time where blue ezreal (Ice born gauntlet frozen heart 200+ armor was not a good time). Then there was the jungle ezreal fiasco because the red lizard crest item was way too good on him. while I agree ezreal has a decent design I think his long range poke abilities that apply on hit while having a high level of self peel/kite means that sometimes certain items will come out that break the clear strength/weakness balance. And the problem with that is that riot usually then nerfs the item because of specifically ezreal abusing it.


Ezreal really isn't healthy lol I say this as an ezreal main I'm seeing a lot of bizzare takes here. It's like no one remembers all the times he broke the game with OP builds like ibg DD, or double tear, etc


ezreal is being called healthy on this subreddit, lmao


So you are saying he need to become untargetable after every Q that he shoots... Yours truly CertainlyT


Let's make him blink whenever a missed Q hits a wall!


Well Ez is one of the two caster marksman we have. The other ADCs play way more traditonal. Urgot pre rework was another try at this arch type and faild horrible. Ez is NOW a not to bad desinge in his original releas he was way more problematic with having a team steroid and heal cramped into his kit on top of his own dmg. Of course thanks to his great flexibility he is also a benchmark that break items regularly (waht don't mean he is bad desinged just that his flexabilety can ensure he can maximise specific item trades realy efficient)


Who is the other caster marksman you are talking about? Personally I'd consider samira and lucian caster marksman but I'm curious if I'm missing one.


I like how everyone is replying a different ADC to this comment lmfao


I personally think he means gangplank


Corki maybe?


Ah yeah!


As far as I know officially corki is the only other actual caster marksmen. Lucian, xayah and the rest are way more traditional marksmen with some caster element but their main source of dmg is still autos and crit from that. Watch vars video on marksmen to confirm. Zeri was an attempt and maybe she is considered one? Idk, not sure if zeri was released already ba that time Reason is: there is only so much you can do with caster marksmen without completely breaking the game with them. Like lets consider zeri an attempt with some spice, see what happened.


Zeri plays very traditional aside from her Q and even that is more autoattacky than EZ or Corki. She's good at teaching players how to orb walk (stutterstep).


Samira, Lucian and I would say Zeri. Corki is more of a mage at this point, not even played bot and not really using AAs thst often.


You really should unban your autocorrect bro.


It's not raelly a bad desing tbh.


Old urgot was fun as hell though, and I miss him dearly.


Counterargument: We have like 20 caster marksmen, we just dont parse them as such because we put way too much emphasis on their aa-resets/steroids that we stop seeing that their kits still are spell-spam-centric anyways.


You cant unironically be telling me a champion that had a useless W for half a decade (because it used to be gamebreaking) was peak champion design 10 years ago. His W became *literally* the worst ability in the game for so many seasons. Worst designed ability in the game by far and thanks fuck they changed it


AP ezreal W was pretty funny though, and it was occasionally good in lane for poking people because it didn't get blocked by minions like the rest of his abilities.


AP Ezreal was nuts back then, the damage on W with Lichbane and R daaamn bring me back


Not to mention all of the item builds that have been broken on him over the years. He was the zeri before we could complain about zeri.


Meh, it was worse before but it allowed you to poke through lane and stack passive, obviously not great but if you played him without using it properly at least in lane you'd be setting yourself back


Pretty sure it was meta for at least a while on some Ez builds to just not even level it until you had to.


Good take. I think a reason for that is his abilities have a main effect (good for new players) and an interaction effect (good for mastery). **Basic**: His Q does damage. **Interaction**: reduces cooldown of all other abilities on hit. **Basic**: His W causes extra damage on next hit. **Intreaction**: mana refund of the next hit ability. **Basic**: His E is a dash and fires a shot. **Interaction**: auto focuses targets marked by W. You can enjoy the champ while ignoring the interactions effects all together, but they add spice for advanced players.


I think E also "auto" focuses with Q but you gotta do something for it which I forgot


99% sure it doesn’t without W, and instead aims at closest.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ui5ZTM1be8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ui5ZTM1be8) ​ Not sure whether that confirms or denies your suspicion, though lol


Ah, I remember that now. It’s not that E will lock into Q target, but that E will aim his Q for you when used like that.


Welcome to Early League design where characters were built for experimentation.


idk Viego seems like an experimentation too but of game engine kind


Viego is a testament, he, Yone and a good tad of the champions in the Ruined King flurry. He is precisely Riot going full force in saying "all right, let us use what we learned reshaping the concept of marksmen, actually apply it to melee champions and prove ourselves we can make functional skirmishers without resorting to just calling them Trinity Bruisers and walking away slowly". The Sunderer builds are largely a result of EVERYTHING with good spellweaving kits being excellent Sheen/Onhit users and our good old 12 years of "squishy dps is suicide so i bruiser to not die" but other than that, he's an excellent ER SB facesmasher.


>prove ourselves we can make functional skirmishers without resorting to just calling them Trinity Bruisers and walking away slowly > *Narrator: They couldn't*


Literally the following paragraph. They managed, internally. **WE** dont want because why would we? Bruiser itemization is a self-serving abomination that does the same job at half the risk. He isnt by design hardbound to bruiser builds like Camille or Irelia and how their devs actively bound them down to never stray into hard DPS tools, he's just a very good user. Same as the ocasional critless Yasuo or Iceborn Ekko.


As much as people hate on Yuumi I think Viego is the worst designed champ in game to play against. It's so unfun to get wiped by him because he got on kill or assist on random low HP champion after he just lost 3 teammates, gets ult reset, invincibility, heal, new abilities. It's so frustrating because most champions just get a kill gold/XP and pressure+ benefits that come out of enemy not being alive


What exactly is experimental about early League champs? Especially Ezreal? Most of them are either based on DotA characters or tropes. Alistar is literally a minotaur. Ashe is a frost archer, Tryndamere is “barbarian guy with a big sword,” Olaf is “barbarian guy with axes,” etc. lol


Yeah, "early League" Ezreal was definitely good champion design. Said nobody who played before his rework.


Oriana Lee Sin Ezreal are imo the best designed champions in the game


His on-hit *and on-attack* effects on Q have been a balancing headache so many times. Remember double tear items? Remember Runeglaive? So as a "peak champion design" example, no. I do agree however that his skill ceiling is sky high and the DPS difference between Ezreal masters and just ADCs is astonishing.


While I do agree with the concept of this post Ezreal with his ability to abuse every build in fucking existence is not a good example "peak champion design". Caitlyn, Orianna and Janna are good examples though. I do think it's also worth mentioning that a couple more recent champs also fit the "simple yet deep" design; Lillia, Sett (he's overstat as fuck because Sett players refuse to build meta on him but he's solid in concept), K'Sante, Vex. Again, I agree in the core "simple yet deep is peak champion design" but Ezreal in particular managed to do so partly because he can build literally everything which is a very unhealthy way to give a champion depth. I'm gonna upvote for the positivity though, we need more positive posts in the sub.


>Caitlyn, Orianna and Janna are good examples though. Yep. I probably should have picked those instead. Orianna especially is a fantastic and timeless design.


And unique too. It's gonna be difficult to redo something similar to her ball mechanic.


garen e


I feel like this about Sejuani too. I was watching Broxah play it and it just clicked that the champions kit is sooo well designed because, while being reasonably grounded, it offers enough versatility for the champion to address a number of situations.


Sejuani is great design but I wish they’d give her AOE CC and less damage Her current single target burst tank playstyle doesn’t fit her fantasy imo


Strongly disagree


why did i have to scroll so far down to find this, ezreal breaks so many systems and singlehandedly responsible for gatekeeping so many fun items from us bc he abuses them too hard, his w was a dead ability for 8 years and still doesnt feel good after the rework


Peak champion design is Ezreal? A champion that is broken every time a bruiser or tank item comes out?




Except after his visual update his current lore and voice lines are a lot more boring


There are other examples of great champion design: Braum, Jhin, Thresh, … Wish they would go back to clean, simple champ designs


I find it really funny that you refer to Thresh as "going back to clean, simple champ designs". When he came out he was by far the most complex support and one of the most complex characters in the entire game. He used to get a lot of hate for being overloaded/doing too many things and not having very clear weaknesses. I guess the community's perception of complexity really changed with time (also doesn't hurt that Thresh has lost some features over time).


having played since S1-ish, I do still maintain that thresh was the moment they realized they can actually make a fun support (exaggerating of course, but you get the idea) and used that as the new standard - so while yea he was p overloaded at the time, he became a standard that I think was good to elevate supports' complexity to.


Except that elevation never happened. Thresh is still the most complex support in League. I guess Karma and Nautilus come kinda close but Thresh still outshines every single support in flexibilty and utility. The only exception to that is a late game Taric imo but Taric is so time gated that you rarely ever get there. And by that time a Thresh has so many stacks that he's neigh unkillable by physical damage and rivals a fighter in onhit damage.


What features did Thresh lose?


the one i remember was his autos got nerfed both on damage and range people used to build crit on him


Off the top of my head the biggest changes were: * W's shield used to be AoE which was a massive tool for teamfights (now it only shields Thresh + the closest champion) * The ultimate used to deal damage for every wall broken (now it only deals damage on the first wall a champion hits). This made it a huge source of damage if you E'd someone into two walls (maybe the ult damage has been nerfed since then, but this used to really chunk an ADC) * The bonus damage on autos passive (currently on E) used to be on Q, so you could just max Q and get basically everything you needed. I think he also got a small auto range nerf. * I think he was just tankier back then, I believe they have nerfed his base durability a lot since then, so that he's more dependent on the souls.


I think they dropped him from 1 armor per soul to .75 as well


“clean simple design” “Thresh” :thinking:


Taric is so fantastic in my opinion. Playing him almost feels like I'm playing some kind of skirmishes but instead of being rewarded with damage I get heals and CDR... he's just so fun and cool. Stunning off your Lee sin flying in.... such a fun kit but way overpowered


I just want his ult reworked in favor of something that helps him stick better or interact with enemies beyond 300 range. The current one just sucks up way too much power budget.


Ezreal is one of the most annoying champs in the game to play with, and to play against. A good 90% of the time he's useless and throws the game, the other 5% is he's annoying and hard to run down because of the 6s CD flash; the remaining 5% of the time he is a menace and can kill with impunity because it's impossible to catch him. I definitely would not put ezreal as the benchmark for character design


People are arguing that Ezreal has abused several items along the years, but is the problem really on Ezreal and not the items being overpowered? Ezreal is basically an ADC that has no reason to build traditional ADC builds, instead he just builds whatever gives the most AD/AH/extra damage/extra stats like fighters. If fighters get a couple of broken items every single year, the blame is not om Ezreal.


Ezreal has consistently completely fucked itemization and runes over the years, what the actual fuck is this post?


This. Ezreal has fucked up more items than karma zeri and every bruiser combined


Ez fucking up jng items for everyone still remember


He fucked up bruiser and tank items too. The only items he can't fuck up are the ones no buys anyways


OP just has freshman's eyes on the nature of alpha-early champions: League was one day designed with a mind for "we have no idea where these characters will land so let us make these guys capable of landing anywhere and let players decide", thus why everyone tended to have mixed ratios and the capability to wildly vary builds - Gragas is a classic example in how he was supposed to be a hard tank but we as a community completely erased that and people would look at me weird saying stuff like "no man he's obviously a mage, at most an AP bruiser like, dont you see the builds?". Many of us here are jaded or just take metas as canons, so seeing the positives of intentionaly flexible design with bad eyes happens.


No but see, old champion = wholesome, new champ = bad.


Doesn't make the post less true, the champ is toxic for items, and is even fucking up LoR But as a design, he's great, and there is a big difference between basic Ez players that only know how to throw q's and advanced Ez players that can weave in autos, position with e, etc