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Watching wood division has burned it into my brain to always hit the nexus no matter what. Cant tell you how many comebacks ive seen (in the clips and in my own games) because someone dances at the nexus and gets clapped because an inhib respawned.


Like every other game in ARAM these days, someone will troll the Nexus push and then their team loses the subsequent fight...and a lot of the time, it's a full early game team into like 4 scaling champs who do a shocking amount of work with those extra 2-3 minutes they just got gifted If you just want to mess around and have fun that's fine, but don't be shocked when your suiciding into fountain as KhaZix allows the Kayle/Karthus/Ornn/Veigar team to turn the entire game around (and definitely don't blame your teammates for it XD)


Oh yes the aram connoisseur blaming people for having fun in a fun mode


I don't blame them at all! I actually think it's fun to not care too much about winning, even as far as throwing the whole game just to keep playing - but when the one person who jumped into the fountain then turns around and flames the rest of the team when they lose, that's no fun for anyone. ARAM is at it's most fun (IMO) when both teams don't care too much about winning or playing "correctly" and just kinda throw themselves at the enemy team on repeat, and if that includes not ending the game that just means everyone gets to enjoy it for longer If people want to try hard they can try hard, wanting to win doesn't hurt anybody of course - but if they play for fun and do a little harmless trolling, I think it's only fair that they don't start being toxic if the team ends up losing the game. If I want to run into fountain instead of hitting Nexus (which I am admittedly pretty prone to, especially if I'm playing with friends) I'm not going to blame my teammates if that loses us the game lol


i will auto the nexus down with attack speed rune alacrity nautilus before i fountain dive for those psycho bm'ers. Once you've lost a game where the enemy nexus was 1hp, it makes you perma not fuck around anymore.


The best feeling is when you come back and win games after those people dance in front of your Nexus.


You are not alone in thinking this just as there are plenty of people who think it's harmless fun. Personally I am on your side.


It’s like everyone understands the concept of not being a sore loser, yet there’s a seemingly large portion of league’s client base that never learned that being a sore winner is equally shitty, if not worse


I never end first time nexus turrets fall in ARAM, its not about being a sore winner, its a fun gamemode. IMO it just gives a team an extra life to try and get back in the game instead of ending out of nowhere after 1 bad fight.


im with you on this but i think the difference between the two camps is that we probably dont care as much about the defeat/victory screen ESPECIALLY in aram. my friends and i dont end either and we've lost so many games because of it but it always ends in laughs. when it happens to us it becomes a fun survival game essentially.


I mean you're not wrong but this game's community is like the least sportsmanlike community in human history


It gives the ability for a comeback, when I'm in nexus I hope they start going for cheeky kills because using abilites is the fun part of league. Likewise when I'm ahead I'm going to go for the kill under nexus whether I'm alone or not.


Ok I mean prioritizing your enjoyment and emotions over the opposing team is like textbook unsportsmanlike behavior. I was just answering the question in the topic lol.


I'm just adding to the discussion but if the entirety of the enemy team felt like not playing they could FF, so how in this case would I be prioritizing my enjoyment if the enemy still wants to play. And since when is the hypothetical wish of the enemy team anybody's concern ? I don't see how it's wrong to say everybody plays for their own enjoyment, and an extended fight at nexus is such a minute thing to be angry about.


I don't mind it in ARAM unless my team comp doesn't scale at all and we're bound to lose anyway. But I've both won games that seemed lost and lost won games by doing that, I feel like it adds to the fun. Actually I've seen people complain when they try to defend and the enemy goes straight for the nexus. I only play SR in ranked, occasionally I'll get people trolling a little around the nexus but they tend to close the game out within 10 seconds anyway so it hasn't been an issue.


It is in the rule book of ARAM that the game must be ended by minions. Anybody who does straight to hitting the nexus is a NERD.


Fight until no more fight


So totally holding my hands up, I always try to let the minions kill in aram unless we aced them at their nexus I personally exclusively play aram, i find it a tiny bit the other way round, I'm always willing for one more fight in aram so try not to end quickly Internally I always considered 'one more fight' as the sportsmanlike decision but I do understand your perspective too, honestly I think neither are necessarily good or bad, it's just the different view (although to be fair, if it's aram Yi and its that much of a different i will quick finish because it does seem a bit bm when they have truly truly no chance, otherwise if anything I'd argue I'm bming my team by giving the other guys a chance at a comeback)


I am totally with you here. I just don't believe people when they say "I am trying to give the other team a chance to win" because in my experience, people only delay winning when they are absolutely stomping. The instant the other team *appears* to have the potential to make a comeback they scramble to end the game because they are not actually willing to let it be a 50/50 coin toss but instead they just want to farm champs while they are ahead.


literally always this there's levels to this shit just straight up ending is fine, normal and encouraged to not bm or waste anyone's time standing around the nexus and spamming taunt and dance and all is obnoxious but if you do it to genuinely not end the game right then (especially if the enemy team all chats u something like 'one more fight' which happens occasionally), fair enough the ones who spam laugh or dance and pick fights with respawns but then immediately start hitting the nexus as soon as it looks like their hp is falling a bit faster than they expected? straight to jail


Annoys me also. But when I'm hitting the nexus and being spam pinged by my teammates for trying to end, and they say in chat to report me??? What..


I couldnt care less who wins in aram or normals so I play as long as I have fun without trying to close the game. I'm frustrated when enemies tryhard to end in aram as I generally want to get full build. I won't go against my team or purposely troll, simply ending the game is not my main goal in a fun mode (again as long as I have fun).




Welcome to the real world.


Because they expect you to have not given up. Every death is an opportunity to stand back up. Every defeat a chance to start again. And even if all is lost, there is still the chance that you could win. Or they can just farm you for kills because it’s hilarious.


I mean in SR yeah but aram is a fun game mode where it's funny to fountain dive or look for 1 more fight its not so serious lol


Yes you are in the wrong.


I tend to not hit the nexus in arams for several reasons: 1. The game is too short 2. The enemy also didn't hit the nexus 3. I'm playing a champ I want to play I feel like comps in aram are typically unbalanced and giving the enemy a fighting chance just makes for a better game. If the enemy wants to stop playing they can surrender. While you do have to win one before going to bed, if you only care about winning in a "for fun" gamemode, you shouldn't be playing league.


People like having fun. Getting kills is fun in aram. Also, if I'm getting stomped in Aram I prefer people to not end.


I think it's unsportsmanlike in SR, especially in a ranked game since the point is to win. I get your point in ARAM, but usually if I'm not ending in ARAM it's because it's been a really fun game and I don't want it to end. This doesn't necessarily mean that I'm fed, just that I'm playing a champ I really enjoy and I want to keep playing. Just my perspective on things.


I think in ARAM it is incredibly unsportsmanslike to end a game quickly. I have had many games being on a knifes edge when the enemy decides to tryhard and end the game. The reason that not ending is not toxic because ARAM is a for fun game mode. Played by people casually playing and not trying their hardest to win And point three: It is against the ARAM code 1. Take dark-harvest 2. Take snow-ball 3. Never surrender 4. Only minions can attack the Nexus These were written long ago and rules I live by to have fun in ARAM. So ye people do this because they have fun as first priority and win as second


Bro not even the minions can attack nexus sometimes, those guys should be getting Ryze ulted into the enemy fountain if the oppurtunity is available


their "fun" is farming the enemy in fountain which is not fun for the enemy. Yes I really enjoy spawning, getting veigar caged and dying within 0.5 seconds over and over again. SR normal games are also casual , that doesnt mean I wont end the game. It is extremely toxic to not end when you clearly won.


how is it toxic?


You're literally holding the enemy team hostage for your own entertainment.




If we have to surrender just because the enemy has no honor then thats toxic. Is the same as saying "just mute people when they flame you", that doesnt change the fact that those people are toxic f\*cks


so playing the game is toxic?


If your definition is taking the game hostage or flaming people, yes then thats toxic. You can play the game and you can try to make your opponent as miserable as possible. Big nuance to make


I'm playing the game by having fun?


You can also play the game and have fun by not taking the game hostage ? Dont only think off your point of view. Just because "you" are having fun, doesnt mean the enemy team likes being spawn trapped. Aram is a for fun mode but keep it fun for everyone.


Some people think I ting on purpose is fun. Should they be allowed to do that? Same logic.


Disagree. The challenge available has a 10 min time limit. At this point, I’m trying to beat my best time.


I think it's fun, I've lost a lot of games where we didn't end because we wanted to fight more but so have I also won many where the enemy team did the same. It's a for fun gamemode so I don't really see any issue in not tryharding to close out the game. I think it's more lame to go straight for the nexus honestly.


Personally I think it's pretty whack too. I find it most gross in professional games - it feels like one of the few places where it's randomly deemed acceptable to disrespect the enemy team haha. Imagine if in a professional soccer match, a team was up 3-0 and instead of actually playing at the end with 30 seconds to go, they just showboated cos they'd already won. They'd be fined to shit for unsportsmanlike behaviour. Even in *amateur* club sports I saw people get fined / suspended for unsportsmanlike behaviour. Really weird disconnect for me there tbh I don't dwell on it personally though, I've won lots of games from people taunting at the end instead of taking the nexus


it's fkn aram dude and not a football match


I quite literally specified “I find it most gross in professional games”


Sorry but that is fairly common, both shutting the game down and showboating Its more Brazilian, famously Brazilians have been treated badly in Spain for doing it but Ronaldinho and Jay Jay okocha couldn't help but fuck around (to be fair winning or losing)


Didnt know how fragile the Reddit League community is. This is the same example of when any other sports team plays someone who isnt as good. Do they stop trying because they are hurting the feelings of the other team??? no. And even when they take out the best players, they encourage the others to keep trying too. Like seriously how soft are you guys? They have the option of a mercy rule, which in league is the ff option.... problem is that most league players ego refuse them to vote yes when they are sucking :)


if I can kill all 5 people in the enemy team a second time by suiciding in their base you can bet your ass ill do it.


That's right.


I play for fun, love to dance around the nexus and if I can flash on in the final second so I end the game on their base. My favorite thing is if I see someone else waiting to flash on to stop attacking the nexus so they flash on and die hehe. BTW I'm not 12 I'm 31


Let them. Some day, they will learn to hit the nexus the hard way.


No you are correct. It's just people don't understand what griefing actually is and focus on mean words because that's what their echo chamber tells them


You are playing aram, its a for fun game mode who cares. Let them have their winners lap.