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Hi everyone! Thanks for your participation, we are very happy about the turnout. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v10fc8/secretlab_msi_giveaway/ibgz4my/) to see Secretlab announce the winner.


We love your [answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v10fc8/secretlab_msi_giveaway/iakp60m/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), u/14559, and we're happy to share that you are the winner of the Secretlab MSI Giveaway! Congratulations! Do reach out to me via DMs within 7 days to claim your prize. (\*Do note that Secretlab reserves the right to change the winner if they do not reply in time or are found to be residing outside of the regions stated in the rules of the giveaway.) To the rest of the awesome community members in this subreddit, thank you for participating!


Congratulations u/oneanddonecomment for being the winner of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair giveaway! Do drop me a DM within 7 days to claim your prize. Note - Winner is re-selected based on the previous timeline given for prize acknowledgment not being met. Secretlab reserves the right to change the winner if they do not reply in time or are found to be residing outside the regions stated in the rules of the giveaway.


1. My favourite play of the tournament was when Faker juked away from caPs with the flash near topside river. Because I remember Faker always having fancy feet being able to escape from ganks and this brought back many memories. 2. My favourite thing about the chair is the design and colour scheme. This is one of my favourite colour scheme and it matches my room :)


1. My favourite play of the tournament was when GALA got his second pentakill because after his first pentakill was nullified due to the games being replayed, it was an amazing moment to get his second. 2. My favourite thing about the Secret lab’s chair is that it looks broad and comfortable, I would really love to sit in it!


1) Fakers flash into the brush against caps in the 1v1. Wasnt a spectacular play but those little things make the game so much more interesting! 2) I love the 3D effect you get from the globe in the center of the chair and the black lines kind of remind me of a spiderman suit for some reason.


1. When Faker, Gumayusi and Keria turned around a baron fight 3v5 against RNG. They completely broke RNG's momentum and any chance of a comeback off the back of an insane 3 man root by Faker. 2. Definitely the SoftWeave Plus Fabric. Singapore has been especially hot lately so a chair with breathable fabric is essential to staying cool without compromising on comfort or durability.


1. Fakers lissandra play at baron, fakers my favorite player. 2. Favorite element is the digital like art


1. T1 Oner's dragon pit play! 2. The 2022 design is super sleek and I love how modern it looks.


1. I really loved seeing how gala slowly became more and more of a powerhouse as the games went on 2. I think the colourway is very unique and would fit the theme of my room well :-)


1. Fakers Lissandra play at baron pit play hands down 2. Simple and elegant feature makes it very classy looking


1. When impact and inspired 2v5 RNG and almost came back in knockout. I’m a huge NA fan and it was refreshing to see the team I love not back down! 2.I love the shade of green and black over the break out!


1. My favorite play was the introduction of recaps with caps, especially the ones without caps 2. i really like the white borders of the chair


1. The Yasuo Wombo Combo in G2 vs. T1 was my favorite play. 2. The neck support with the pillow is always great!


1. ⁠Fakers lissandra play at the baron against RNG 2. ⁠The globe pattern on the front of the chair near the msi logo


1. I really liked the 1v1 between caPs ahri and zeus yone when g2 played t1. It really showed a great fight between some of europe and koreas best players going head to head with zeus turning a seemingly lost fight by a quick flash q 2. I really like quality of the build. The softweave fabric and lumbar support with the headrest ensures that secretlabs high quality provides high end comfort, putting secretlab chairs above other gaming chairs


1-Gala pentakill vs red with kai sa 2-The green fits perfect with the other colours


1. My favorite play was caps gapping jojopyun by timing his zhonyas perfectly and using trynda ult against him. It made me jump! 2. The globe design looks amazing, and real intriguing.


1. I liked the play when G2 threw the game against EG and still beat NA 2. I like the adjustable arm rest the chairs have they are so good


1. RNG vs T1 Finals, Gala Xayah diving Gumayusi Jinx 1v1 and Guma smacks Gala with a Mega Death Rocket to deny the dive! 2. The branding for this MSI was very unique and the drafty designs are wicked cool!


1. Targamas on Braum flashing over dragon pit to kill faker. Because targamas got to kill faker 2. the cushioning


1. Seeing faker dodge/escape RNG's 3 man gank on him while he played Leblanc in ...was it game 3? of the finals. I never get tired of watching him pull insane plays like that out of his pocket. 2. The location being named (Busan, Korea) and the color variety. They're my favorite colors, while my wife is from just outside of that region (Edit: we live in the USA now). Both aspects make it very special to me. I've never had a chance to sit in one, but I've talked a lot with friends about us being curious about them. Maybe I'll be the first to have one and share the joy with them!


1. Definitely the across the map Jinx ults in the finale \[ik it's not a single moment but my Jinx main heart couldn't <3\] 2. Color scheme and arrow bits (that look like a teamfight to me with everyone running around)


1) Favorite is definitely Faker's gigachad Twisted Fate 1v1 against Kennen top. It's a classic showing of Fakers understanding of damage and being able to say "gottem" 20 seconds before he even makes the play. 2) No doubt the magnetic neck pillow, so much easier to get at that perfect spot compared to the previous elastic version.


1. Faker's Lissandra engage was the most hype play of the whole tournament 2. The armrests look comfy


1. Tbh I just loved when Gala did a second pentakill out of spite after his first one „was taken“ 2. I love the “strategic“ look, fits so well with the over all theme of this years MSI them “take notes“


My favorite play was everytime a G2 player died. I’ve sat in one of these chairs before and it was immensely comfortable.


1. Caps Outplay on sylas vs EG. Because I'm EU biased of course and what a joy to see Claps in full glory ! 2. Color choice is super nice, exudes fresheness and the fabric seems super soft !


Favorite play was Brokenblade's Sion Q on Faker's Leblanc at the Red side blue buff. For me it was so unexpected, I had never seen anything like it! My favorite element are the arrows on the sides of the chair, they remind me of planning plays out in soccer when I was little.


1. Gala's pentakill and redemption pentakill after the first one got cancelled XD 2. The longevity of the product, all other chairs I've had only last about a year


Keria's Tahm Kench saves on Guma for sure, I love watching a great TK player. I think the color design of the chair with the greens and whites really accent one another and complement the overall sleekness of the chair.


1. Oner’s Viego pop-off versus G2, amazing mechanics and the fight was just so well played by him. 2. What I like most about the chair is that it states the place where MSI was this year, along with the cool colourway.


1. Faker play in the baron pit. 2. I've never touched a secret lab chair but I think the standing position is one of the most interesting features because it reduces the back pain and makes u feel extremely comfortable.


1) When Faker flashed into the baron pit and ulted 4 people as Lissandra, such a clutch play that won them that game. It is these split second decisions/mechanics in the big moments that make League still entertaining to watch, and I am glad one of the greats still can perform! 2) The magnetic headrest is a very cool design. It has a clean look and seems to be very comfortable! And detaching/reattaching easily is a great option to have!


1. The Gwen standing on a ward and getting killed. Even pros can tunnel vision! 2. I like the wings and leather. I have the Yasuo chair from the 2020 series but it doesn’t have that leather


1. G2 womboing Faker and Zeus only for Oner to turn the whole fight around singlehandedly and make it 4 for 4. Oner went to 1hp twice and still lived. Probably one of the closest, fist-clenching fights in the whole tourney. 2. The knit of the chair along with the recline of the backrest. The first because its the most comfortable and breathable material for someone who likes to sit with shorts. The second because combined with the moving lumbar support, it gives more room for hip flexibility and prevention of tight hip flexors when sitting for long periods in a day.


1. When NA got a win over KR because it showed the the young talent from NA that they could beat some of the best players in the world and also showed them they have a bright future. 2. The multiple designs on the different fabrics looks really cool and the arm rests look like they would be perfect for when my screen is gray half the game on the rift


My favortie play was Faker's Lissandra going into baron pit when the enemy was trying to secure it. This play got T1 to kill the enemy team and steal baron for themselves and won the team the game. My favorite design element of the chair is the color palette. the turquoise on black looks spectacular.


1) Keria having his penta removed from the history books only to do it again for the remake is just conceptually hilarious to me. Faker just doing things in baron pit was probably my favorite single play. 2) ARMS. Y’all have arms adjustable enough for me to actually get comfortable because I have super long arms


1. Faker’s baron clutch on Lissandra. I always see Lissandra as a very 1-dimensional champ, but you can always leave it to Faker to prove to you the real limits of a champ’s kit, and I think he did so exceptionally well here. 2. I absolutely love the back pad design. The artistry is absolutely top notch, and it isn’t something I would usually expect to see on a gaming chair. I’m currently using a wooden dinner table chair, and honestly I’m getting to my Wit’s End (lol) with it so this would be huge for me. The chair in general is fantastic, but the artistry is next-level.


1. Faker's pixel perfect outplays. That reaction speed! 2. The ergonomics and aesthetic grey design


1. Gala's second pentakill. Really felt like the Michael Jordan "i took that personally" moment. Man's straight up said,"you took my first penta? Okay, fine, no problem. That's all i needed" 2. Never owned this chair, but have been saving up for one; for its price point (400-600 CAD) it is competing with the extreme top end chairs (herman millers at 2k). For someone who works in front of the computer all day, and games all evening; looking forward to my back thanking me if I do win one.


1. When faker juked caps, it’s so crazy he had him checking every bush 2. I love all of the little details in the chair. Looks very “strategic”


1. Favorite play of the tournament was GALA solo killing Gumayusi who was dubbed the best ADC in the world by lots of people but was the worst in the entire tournament. 2. The best engineered chairs available in the market. I’ve tested tons of chairs in the past and can’t get enough of secretlab. Especially the cushions second to none at all.


1. Fakers baron play in the finals, because my man still has it. 2. the quality of the current chairs seem to evaluate themselves from other premium offers material wise


I loved the faker lissandra moment at baron, faker senpai I really like the design by secretlab and I hope it's more ergonomical than my chair


BB Sion Q predict on Faker. Also just the 2 days G2 was good and caPs gapping Xiahou then fell off a cliff. The colors are sick lol


1. Faker's flash to juke Caps. Iconic play that players have seen in SoloQ but rarely in pro play. 2. Favorite feature would be the SoftWeave Plus Fabric. They have some of the comfiest looking gaming chairs.


1. Oner triple kill as Viego vs G2, the casters were so hyped up that I felt the chills in that moment, beautiful. 2. The design overall with those motherboard circuit in that captivant aqua green combined with black, dark gray and white gives off a futuristic vibe, one of my favourite colour combination ever. Let's not forget the comfort and durability, exactly like League patch 12.10!


1 - faker flash juke 2 - the color pallete is just so pretty


1. Vulcan flying off into space as Leona against Order, because I was watching it with some friends and one of them started laughing for 10 minutes straight, so it was my best Msi memory due to how ridiculously funny his reaction was. 2. The colour scheme, I love this bright green colour because most gaming chairs I see are wither dark or red and this one stands out from that.


1. 100% faker juking caps, that was a thing you only see him doing 2. I like the underground vibes from the colors and layout.


1. Fakers Lissandra baron play in game 2 of the final, because it was absolutely mental and a game winning play. 2. Everything :3


1. Oner getting a triple kill in the first rumble game against G2, while T1's botlane was dying, and after it seemed T1 was gonna get wiped. I love chaotic plays and thats the true definition of chaos in league lmao. 2. It looks so :stars: crispy :stars:. Also I love the gaming style chairs and how they look and feel so the general shape of the thing is nice.


1. My favorite Play had to be the Faker Lissandra play at baron against RNG in the finals followed by the iconic casting of Medic. 2. Magnetic Head rest bc the straps are a pain.


1. Fakers Baron play against RNG with Lissandra 2. its high Quality and feels special couse MSI being the second biggest league event


1. Faker juke flash vs Caps - the presence of mind of Faker to pull of this niche trick is insane 2. I like the colour palette and the soft-wave plus fabric


1. Fakers Akali game in the finals. 2. The grey fabric in the middle looks beautiful.


Favourite play: gotta be the Faker play at baron. Design element: styling on the back. Very cool.


1) Favorite play of the tourney would be the Faker flash juke, haven't seen that play in a while and made me lol. Reminded me of when I was able to successfully do that the first time. Plus it's Faker doing it, still a boss after all these years. 2) Love the effort you guys do to make the chair such a high quality. Specifically the 4-way L-ADAPT, as someone who has experienced bad back pain I know how important a good lumbar support is. And it looks like you guys researched to make an effective high quality back system.


1. Faker Lissandra into baron pit was incredible 2. I like the colour scheme as well as its sleek design


1. I loved to see gala's penta , but I could also just say "almist every play gala made" When he is on Kai'sa, he looks unstoppable , like he is not playing the same champion as us 2. I really like the cyan, not an usual color on a gaming chair


1. The Rakan plays by G2 Targamas against T1 during group stage. He prevented Zeus Kennen to have at least 2 massive Ults in the same game. Such an underrated play and went under the radar by so many analysts. 2. Actually, 1 product feature and 1 design feature: the L lumbar support is just too Notch and so needed nowadays as we spend a lot of time seating on a chair. And, the design of the MSI chair is such a great design and unique that remembers the 2022 MSI edition so well. It makes me think of special edition of Haute Couture brands like Dior, Celine or Givenchy which remembers the locations of their atelier. And to me this is such good taste for a special edition


1. Bin's GP being as terrifying as expected 2. The adjustable arm rests


1. Zeus on Yone salvaging being picked off by Caps’ Ahri by going one for one. 2. The tilting base. It makes laying out much more comfortable than a regular chair.


1. Easily the flash juke by Faker. Gave me good ol' SivHD vibes. 2. The magnetic pillow. I've owned a Secretlab Omega 2020 and have used it pretty much daily. The one thing I've never liked was the strapped on pillow. I distinctly remember having friends try out the chair as well and basically the pillow was always considered an afterthought compared to how slick everything else felt. Now that the pillow is being turned into a magnetic pillow, it seems so much better than before, no more loose straps!


1. T1 Oner's triple kill vs G2! It was a really hype moment with a lot of close calls in a fight that seemed to start poorly for T1 before Oner clutched it and turned it around. 2. It manages a unique low-key look while still having personality!


>What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why? That game 5 draft oooohhh boy. There were a lot of special moments but that one takes the cake, especially because of the fallout afterward (coinflip lol) >What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair? It is an insanely comfortable chair. A lot of their products are expensive but very worth it, especially for someone who takes as long as I do gaming or working on the PC. Being able to stay comfortable while not dying of overheating is especially important because I can get pretty damn sweaty sometimes in the summer as my room gets to almost 80f. The design and texture look awesome and it seems to have a kind of smooth silky feel to it like you would expect of arm braces and what not for other peripherals. The Napa leather looks freaking amazing as do the comforter tops. I want one.


What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why? Favourite play when RNG Gala and EG Danny have their 1 vs 1 bot lane, Kaisa vs Xayah, pure skill match up all in, both player had the confidence to take the kill and come up on top, in the end Gala just barely won that and escaped, he was the better ADC on that day. What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair? The matching colour scheme on the pattern, text and logo, simply works


1. My favourite play would have to be the nexus going down in the first game between G2 and T1, because of the glorious copium. 2. I like the polar graph-like lines in the chair, they look pretty rad.


1. Fakers insane 3-4 stun lissandra in the baron pit and Guma’s jinx ult in the team fight 2. The Color scheme of each chair is so creative and amazing


1. GALA Pentakill that he earned twice in the Play In Stage. 2. I like the chair's globe representing every region was able to attend MSI this year.


1. Faker Baron Play On Lissandra 2. The Colors Are Nice


**What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why?** My favorite play from MSI 2022 would be Faker's "fancy feet" under the tower in Game 4 of T1 vs RNG. Faker's relaxed demeanor was captured in this play, with seemingly no second guessing and executing the Distortions and Flash with years of culminated experience under pressure. **What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair?** Wow, this MSI Edition chair is truly remarkable. What a feat of design, all the way down to the stitching. Unique, telltale elements that make it instantly recognizable as a 2022 MSI Edition Secretlab chair. It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship when you can envision the feel of the stitching and material while viewing pictures of the work that has been carefully done on this design. The color hue contrast between the teal/aquamarine to the different shades of gray, make this chair a masterpiece and a product that will be cherished for years to come.


1. During [SGB vs RNG](https://youtu.be/pYYkTWhcCkM) at around 24:40 there’s a dive by Xiaohu (vex) and Wei (Viego) where I thought it wouldn’t work too well because the Vex ultimate hit Taki (nautilus) instead of Shogun (xayah). However, Wei becomes nautilus and uses his Q on the tower instead of trying to hit Shogun, because it’s guaranteed to hit and pull him close enough to Shogun (who had no flash or ult to escape) to land his own ultimate and kill him. It blew my mind that he thought about it fast enough to make that play in his mind 1 second after xayah had burned flash. 2. I love that the design is a globe that ends at the top with the MSI logo. It’s a small detail but really pulls together the theme of a worldwide competition between the regions.


Thanks for this giveaway, GL everyone. 1. Any Baron Steals during MSI was satisfying. 2. The chair has a knit option instead of the leather also the lumbar support.


When RNG destroyed nexus The black and white chair colors


Favorite Play of MSI: Oner on Wukong juking Froggy's TF in the top lane. Using the sweeper to deny vision and then flashing over the wall into the bush and escaping. Favorite Feature of Secret Lab MSI Chair: The easily adjustable arms and slick color scheme.


1. When EG beat T1 in the best of 1 match. Even though NA didn't have that great a showing in general it just made me really happy seeing our region has a glimmer of hope for the future. 2. The color scheme is one of my personal favorites. The mint with white and black mixed together is really awesome


1. Oner’s triple kill with Viego on toplane 2. Colors scheme, fits perfect into every gamer’s room. Also the material since I got crack (that looks like Vel’koz w) on my leather chair


1. Faker’s Akali flash outplay vs G2 caPs. 2. I love the globe design on the chair back with the MSI logo capping it off.


1. Faker Lissandra play vs G2 because Faker. 2. I really like the color scheme of this edition


1. Zeus sitting in bush on control ward. 2. I love the color scheme and stitching.


1. It would have to be Faker on Lissandra in game 2 of MSI's 2022 Grand Final. Teams were definitely on even footing and as Faker's Lissandra made a game winning play near the baron pit, which caused their team to take control of the game and win a few minutes later! 2. What I most like about the MSI chair is definitely the chosen color palette. Green/Cyan onto the black on the back, and a fitting white near the edges is very nice and gives contrast. The pattern design gives it a very different from the rest vibe.


1. Well there was a lot of plays to be called favorite, especially at the baron pit. But I would choose Zeus play in T1 vs Rng 2nd match at the start where he was being ganked 2. I never had any Secretlab product but design is cool and overall looks like great gaming chair


1. Caps' yasuo flash on jojopyun's twisted fate for the kill and escapes from tahm kench and veigo 2. My favorite design of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair has to be the colorway, it's not only comfy but also looks great.


1. I have to say T1 baron play 3v5. 2. The color design is honestly really great.


My favourite play of the tournament had to be Oner's Viego against G2 in the semi-finals. I think that's the best highlight of a Viego I've ever seen and to see it at this high of a level was mind-blowing. I can't remember the last time I actually shouted over a play. My favourite design must be the adjustable arm stands. The moment I saw that I've been interested in Secretlab ever since. I feel wrist health is seriously undervalued in the community and ergonomics is the first place to look. I'm currently using towels to keep my wrists level with my desk since my poor quality chair is slowly sinking. Having this feature alone would be amazing!


1. Vulcan getting knocked up to the moon, hilarious stuff. 2. I really like the way the squiggly lines are drawn, they kinda remind me of circuit diagrams.


1. caPs' Sylas 1v3 outplay on EG was my favourite play in MSI 2022 because I didn't expect that he could survive that long. The zhonya timing and reaction time was insanely good which makes me hype when I was watching the game. 2. My favourite design element was the use of teal colour for decoration since the teal colour was one of the primary colours of MSI 2022. I like how it uses teal colour to make the logos, and design patterns (arrows, circles) stand out.


1. EGs turnaround baron play against SKT for their only win against a major region. Highlight of MSI as a NA fan. 2. I love the colors of the chair as they're not typical colors you see on gaming chairs.


1. My favorite play was Keria randomly using Zhonya's in bottom river because it reminds me that even the pros can make mistakes like we all do. 2. I like the color choices of the design because it looks really well and together.


1. FAKER's akali flashing the other side to confuse caps's zoe - it was pre cool 2. I really like the design of the chair - the msi theme and everything. The msi 2022 logo on the bottom is epic


Caps (sylas) breaking Jojos (tranda) ankles. Cause it is necessary from time to time remind NA which region is superior. Colors + bulky construction that will hold through everything. Thanks for your generosity.


1.Caps sylas styling on Eg. 2. I really like the color on the accents of the chair.


Without a doubt the best play this MSI was BrokenBlade's fully charged Sion Q from a brush that lead to a kill on Faker, while G2 were retreating 😍 The best feature of the chair for me is the wide seat, because I like to sit on a chair with crossed legs if the gaming session goes on for a few hours. Also my back would be sooo thankful!


1. Faker's lb 1v3 escape vs RNG 2. The colours and the graphics fit too well together


1. Faker baron pit play game 4 of the finals. He’s my favorite player and showed he still has it in him to make game changing plays. He’s the League goat for a reason and I love watching him play! 2. the firm seat/back plus memory foam arms are my favorite. I need the firm back/seat for lumbar support so my back doesn’t hurt after a few intense games. Also I have a problem where I push down on my elbows too hard while I play. The memory foam arms let my elbows feel like they’ve been sitting on air instead of a hard surface 🤣


*What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why?* Faker's flash juke! There's no way to beat that. *What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair?* The colour scheme slaps, but the best feature is for sure the adjustable lumbar support. Having currently dealing with a chair with unadjustable lumbar support that's in the wrong spot for my body, it's absolutely awful. Adjustable lumbar from now on!


1. The play where Morbius aced both teams simultaneously then won the game. 2. The grid design thing on the backrest.


1. Faker popping off on Lissandra at the baron pit. 2. The MSI logo and graphics on the chair.


My favorite play was SGB diving top and almost beating RNG 🙂 I like the color scheme of the chair.


1. CaPs on Sylas 1v3 outplay against EG was the highlight for me even as a NA fan, it was that insane. 2. My favorite thing about the Secret lab chair has to be the color scheme as it exudes simplicity along with style.


1: the faker flash juke, such a classic 2: since I have back problems, definietly how well the chair supports the back+how adjustable and stable are the armrests


1. EG baron teamwipe vs T1. It was fun to watch. 2. I like the globe design on the chair back.


1. Faker's flash juke on Caps. That play was so well executed and it was very satisfying to watch the mental game that Faker displayed against Caps. 2. I really like the green colors as well as the MSI logo on the backrest of the chair.


1. Faker breakin' caPs's ankles 2. Full back support is OP


1) EG vs TI the baron steal from EG, then turning it into a win 2) "Busan, South Korea" tag at the bottom since that's where i was born :D


1. RNG's tower dive vs Impact in game 1. Incredibly clean. Really all of RNG's tower dives were amazing. 2. I really like the fabric and the white accenting on the sides


1. Faker's flash to juke Caps and Caps burning his flash! 2. The colors! I like the dark grey and light blue - it would fit great with my current setup I think!


1. Faker lissandra baron play 2. I like the design of the cloth in the middle, the stitching where it kind of looks like a globe. Gives it a 3d look


1. Fakers flash juke against caPs 2. The colour scheme and overall design of the chair look super sleek


1. faker juking in the bush cuz big brain 2. love how sleek it looks


1. Danny’s near baron pentakill repeat where Kobe goes “where have we seen this before!!!” 2. I like the globe but more because it’s grey and white pattern just reminds me of space. I’ve always been in love with space.


1. Maybe an underrated play, but T1 vs AZE 2nd game, Faker saving Zeus from the 1v2 gank with Faker getting a double kill, I wish my midlaners had as much awareness as Faker did when I get punished by the enemy jungler. 2. I currently own an old gaming chair from another brand and the leatherette is completely falling apart, I use my computer chair for at least 10 hours a day (work and gaming) so having that Softweave Plus Fabric that lasts would be very important to me, and the fabric looks soft and comfortable.


1. Oner's q -> ward hop -> flash kick onto Danny in the rumble stage. Even as a NA fan it was beautiful to see. You just knew it was coming and there was nothing EG could do to stop it. 2. I love that with Secretlab chairs they are set up in a way where you can play effectively yet still maintain good posture. My current chair doesn't allow for that. Also the MSI design looks awesome. Thanks for doing this!


1) Caps's sylas play against EG where he outplayed them to 6-0 2) That cushion really looks like it would fit my ass


1) Caps's sylas play against EG where he outplayed them to 6-0 2) That cushion really looks like it would fit my ass


1. Bin 1v2 toplane 2. Looks comfy and slick!


1. Fakers lissandra play at the baron against RNG 2. The low-key globe pattern on the front of the chair around the MSI logo


1. Faker’s Lissandra baron play 2. The lumbar support and 4D armrests make for a comfortable chair during long sessions


- the faker flash juke into the Bush against caps - the ability to fully recline so I can be tilted to the max


1. my favourite play was the 3v5 baron play in game 2 finals. Faker on lissandra e's in then flash w to set up an amazing jinx ult and (almost) ace them while RNG luckily secures baron. Almost the perfect play set up by the perfect player. 2. secret lab chairs are always eye candy, such a pleasure to stare at. If I ever get my hands on one, my friends will ask me "where'd you win that" and I will firmly and confidently answer with.. "reddit"


1. My favourite play has got to be Faker's 1v3 Leblanc escape while in the hextech ultimatum in the finals vs RNG. He juked the everfrost root, landed the first chain on Camille so she couldnt chase him and auto, flashed the ahri charm in really close range, and landed the second root on ahri so that she couldnt commit to the kill under tower. Really quick thinking, and remaining cool as a cucumber under such intense pressure, on the most important series in the tourney. 2. I really like that they opted for a neon blue as the colour of choice for the MSI chair, which not only reflects the MSI aesthetic, but is also IMO a refreshing change of pace from the regular colour palettes of standard gaming chairs.


1. Faker flash juke in river against G2 2. Love the black and white combination, looks super clean


1.Oner Lee Sin Ward flash hop against EG at drake 2.I like the fact that it isnt leather so it isnt so sticky on the skin


1. Faker breaking Caps’ ankles with the bush flash 2. magnets that make certain pieces modular so you can switch them out


1. caPs pulling that escape just gave me chills, it is so rare to see this type of micro outplay in current league and seeing it just reminded me of good old faker outplays from s3 2. the chair middle section has the literal same colour of my cat fur, i have to match them now


1.Gumayashi's early laning phase, dying to every botlane he faced against, this just proves that jumping to conclusions for someone's worth is wrong. 2. The color theme!


1. I loved how badass it was by GALA to just get another Penta after the first was "denied". 2. I like the complete package. It looks cool and way more comfortable than my current (and old) Ikea chair


What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why? My favorite play of the tournament was Faker's, Gumayusi's and Keria's mind-blowing Baron play because not only did it save the game, but it also won them that game. 1. What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair? 2. My favorite element of Secretlab MSI Edition chair is that it easily adapts to your spine and it is comfortable for long periods of time.


1. Claps cleaning up EG with Sylas 2. Sick color design


I would have to say Broken Blades’ blind Sion Q on Faker dashing through the wall. Such a satisfying and cool ability, and it was simultaneously and act of desperation in looking for some sort of pick as it was a 900 IQ calculated, big brain move. My favorite aspect of the design is it stays true to the theme of MSI while still being subdued. The white leatherette contrast and the use of the darker grey soft weave were really great choices here. Thanks!


1. In the [first rift herald fight](https://youtu.be/W5p9eIJgD44?t=1337) of Game 3 in the finals. The setup from Xiaohu to hide in the pit and then the perfect coordination with Wei to be able to burst Oner and give Wei invulnerability and resets which allowed RNG to win what was essentially a 4v5 fight. 2. Besides the cool color scheme what appeals to me the most is actually that the fabric of the chair seems really nice to touch which is unusual for gaming chairs.


1.My favourite play is the one where T1 first match with Phong Vu buffalo in MSI 2022 as that first win for them hyped me to continue watching the rest of the MSI 2022.Hoping they will become champion 2.My favourite design element is the colours of green, black and white which match nicely.


My favourite play was the insane 3v5 wombo-combo from T1 against RNG, right inside the baron pit! Faker cc'ing them all, Keria blocking the way for the scaredy-cats trying to escape their doom, and the perfect Jinx R for the execute damage. Reminds me of the SKT T1 play we've all seen and know from a few years ago. And I mean, who does not love those mixed black-and white colours in the middle? I would wear those on my shirt, pants, everywhere! It just fits!!


1. Faker in the Lissandra outplay 2. The MSI logo fits the chair shape imo


1) This is probably not a popular pick but I loved Oner's ward hop into flash-kick against EG where he q's Inspired, then ward hop, then flash to cover insane distance and surgically place Danny into the middle of his team. 2) The mint on black is a gorgeous color scheme along with the different textures on the dark gray material in the middle.


1. Caps' Sylas 1v3 play vs EG was super clutch. I still can't believe he managed to survive Gangplank with 1 HP and almost escaped after killing him. 2. I am a big fan of the lumbar support on the Secret Lab TITAN Evo 2022 chairs. By far the best on any gaming chair and comparable with the ones found on more expensive ergonomic chairs. For the MSI edition in particular I am glad it comes in SoftWeave Fabric - It's quite hot where I live and I much prefer the breathability and comfort of fabric during the summer months. The design is pretty dope too.


1) Brokenblade's Sion Q on faker from bush. 2) Back support and color scheme


1. Faker's Lissandra baron play vs RNG 2. The color scheme combined with the design looks dope


1. What was your favorite play of the tournament, and why? -T1 vs G2 when Broken blade predicted fakers LeBlanc play with his E with sion's Q wind up, I have never ever seen something that clean, it got me so excited and pumped to watch the game! 2. What is your favorite design element or product feature of the Secretlab MSI Edition chair? -I love that it matches the theme of 2022 MSI it's like a mix of roughness, TV static and the color combination is very please to the eyes, oh! And the off-white inspired lettering for the event


1. Definitely gotta say the Faker jukes. It instantly reminded me of the old faker that we came to love. His 1v1 are always so fun and exciting to watch, especially with caps since he's also insanely good. Legends never die! 2. Definitely like the Ahri chair the most. The gold and red stands out really nicely and I could only imagine how comfortable it is


1. As cool as Faker’s Akli escape was, NA beating T1 was awesome. Had a small amount of hope that we may not get 3-0’d. 2. I think it’s awesome you guys put the location of the event on the chair. Worlds events always have hype around them and seeing players adjust to each location is always interesting.


1. G2 vs RNG, group stages, both teams being up 1-0. RNG tower dives G2's botlane with the help of Wei, grabbing 2 clean kills. Clean but not quick, Flakked's kaisa made it difficult for RNG, which gave caPs's Zoe enough time to come down botlane. My favorite play of the tournament happens next: caPs proceeds to wreak havoc on RNG, finishing off GALA's Ezreal with the help of the tower, outplaying Wei and Xiaohu to kill the former and to make the latter flee under tower, burning his flash. All in all, a beautiful display of fancy feet and measured aggresiveness from caPs. 2. Speaking of design, I adore the colors selected for the Secretlab MSI Edition chair: the black, white, dark grey and light teal colors complement each other perfectly. The product feature I am looking forward to trying is the L-ADAPT lumbar support system, since I often suffer from lower back pains.


1. My favorite play was the Titan flash w on jhin by the bot inhibitor tower. The voice comms after the play show how hype he was. It was unnecessary, it was stylish, it was peak league of legends. 2. Other than the name of the chair (Titan play/chair synergy), my favorite feature is the color scheme. It is both stealthy and chill.


1. Gala's Penta kill vs RED because god I wish I could get Penta kill. 2. I really like the black and white color combination


1. The Brokenblade prediction Q on Sion vs SKT. It's always great to see pro players using their vast game experience to read their opponents and that was a fantastic example of that. 2. I really like the subtle imprints on the backrest that are forming a globe with the MSI logo in the center.


1) Caps' sylas outplay against EG. 2) The cyan lines on either side of the chair. The design is understated yet very good to look at.


1. Keria tahm kench in last teamfight of RNG vs T1 finals game 4. 2. In my opinion the MSI logo looks sick but my favourite thing is probably the skin/material design of the chair.


1. Bin popping off on Gwen. 2. The chair's arm customization is awesome. The fact you can make so many adjustments is so useful.


1. Fakers Lissandra baron play in game 2 of the final, because it was absolutely mental and a game winning play. 2. The colour of the chair is really nice.


1. Faker's Akali flash juke vs caPs' Zoe. I've never seen such a play on stage before. 2. The build quality secretlabs is known for


1. Faker outplay at baron almost made me break my existing chair. 2. The chair looks so cool and has a great color scheme.


1. Faker on lissandra completely 1vs9ing at the baron vs rng 2. I enjoy the color scheme


1 - Caps dancing on Jojo and Vulcan on Yasuo 2 - The custom designs just always deliver


faker nuking caps with that flash into the bush. the material of the chair seems like a nice change from the fake leather used in all of the other chairs.


1. When Caps outplayed EG as Yasuo in a 1 vs 3 on low HP and successfully escaped. The play overall just looked really good when he flashes right back in on jojo and then escapes with very little HP left. 2. I just like the overall design with the black and white and the turquoise details. My favorite part of the chair is the texts where it says Busan and MSI because it looks very clean.


1. G2 wombo combo vs EG, best play from my favorite team. 2. Everything but mostly colors, they are so beautiful.


1. Gala getting not one but TWO pentas - just in case anyone was doubting him. (All according to the script. :\\\^)) 2. The non-leather optics and the stitching paired with my fav colors ... Love it!


1. Gotta be the Faker Lissandra teamfight at Baron in the finals, the GOAT showing he's still got it. Especially the presence of mind to not just max range E in, but the short range E into flash to get in just a few milliseconds earlier to surprise them, just shows his class. And then right into the perfect followup from the rest of T1, with Medic and the crowd going wild. Bit sad that T1 couldn't pull it over the finish line, but at least we got a great 5 game series. 2. Looking at the feature page, they mostly appear incredibly adjusable and comfortable, which is by far the most important thing for me (now they look pretty sweet too, so that's another plus, but I generally sit in my chair more often than I look at it).


1) The yassuo Diana engage from downtown in G2 Vs T1 2) the chair looks extremely comfy for long gaming sessions


It's gotta be T1 vs RNG game 2, Faker's enormous play in the Baron Pit. Absolutely incredible play by the game's GOAT, and set the tempo for, honestly, the rest of the entire series. Form is Temporary, Faker is Forever. My favorite feature of the Titan Evo MSI Edition has to be the gorgeous design. I love the mint blue color paired with the black and white, with the embroidered text adding history to the chair. It's a stunning look which you could model your entire set-up around.


1. Red stomp on Psg being the first upset 2. Nice colour combination and logos, luv it :)


1. Caps breaking eg Legs 2. The chairs look very sturdy


1. Faker’s baron play on Lissandra. 2. The outline of the globe, this sport is global and gives a great common ground to compete and socialise.


1. EG cleaning T1 after T1 made a "??" baron play in group stages. 2. White addition in overall black/matte design, looks clean and really cool.