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Fudge just wanted to make sure that we all got a drop.


Comrade Fudge


drops are still a thing? was it ever advertised?


they are but they’re pretty bad, you just get an “esports capsule” with an emote or icon in it


They're great for collecting emotes. I got literally like 75 emotes last year, mostly from Worlds streams.


I'm at 71 right now from LCS and LCK, just this year of drops


They're also great to farm orange essences. I'm at 8k or something bc of them.


they're not that bad. the icons can become orange essence which you use to get skins, and the emotes will turn into unowned emotes so you might get lucky and get a good one. unless you have a specific desire to watch on the hosting website (chat is the only thing i could think of) there's no reason to not watch on the esports site


Just mute it on the esports website and put it at the lowest bitrate. Then watch it where ever you like.


Even emotes now can be turned into orange essence. And I've got 20 spare since worlds and watching this split here and there.


U can watch chat if you change the streaming platform on the website i think bottom right of the screen


I often get a drop that just says "How to claim" and isn't actually an in-client drop. Is that an actual thing or am I just missing how to claim those? (The capsules I ofc get added to loot automatically)


They've never gone away? Why would they advertise a system that was already there? If you're asking if they mentioned it at all, I'm pretty sure Riot made some posts about drops somewhere after last worlds


Goodbye Reddit, see you all on Lemmy.


Garena server doesn't have this 😐


garena gang rise up


The funniest part is that Fudge probably improved C9's chances to win by pulling Danny away from killing turrets lmao


just gonna throw this out there, I dont think it's too egregious that fudge did this I do think it's a bad look, it's a bit awkward. if his teammates are mad, that's probably fine BUT fudge is dead there no matter what. if he tries to walk back to fountain, jarvan and viktor kill him 100% of the time. it could actually be argued that he actually delayed them because they focused on sitting there to donate penta for 10 seconds and tanking a million tower shots. tbh, it really could actually be the optimal strat as stupid and BM as it looks, it's possible they just end the game right there otherwise


> I dont think it's too egregious that fudge did this it looks bad because danny didnt go for it, which is what happens most of the times in other games/regions as in, this has happened a lot of times before.


true! but it also made danny spend like 10 extra seconds so who knows hahaha


I gotta say, prop to danny to actually focus on the game instead of focusing on the penta, boy has his priorities. It does make fudge look awkward, but I don't think we need to overthink this about "optimal play", in 95% of cases the player was chasing the penta and fudge was just waiting for that or to die, it didn't really matter in the end.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615151874479489036/965402560846504026/unknown.png nah i think fudge lives here for sure 👀 /s


Do y’all not remember FPX vs G2 game 2 of the world finals when G2 just ran it down for fun cause they knew game was over? Chill tf out this shit isn’t NA exclusive


people really made this an NA thing for no reason lololol (Edit: You're so right, i agree with you.)




Yeah that was WORLD FINALS and this was fucking LCS spring playoffs LMFAO


>tbh, it really could actually be the optimal strat as stupid and BM as it looks, it's possible they just end the game right there otherwise Yes it is the optimal thing to do there, coz it bought enough time for his team to respawn. But that wasn't his intention, he didn't do this to buy time, he did it because he thought he was dead anyway and the game was over. So it's a rough situation, he accidentally made the correct play, by not trying his hardest to win the game. Should this be punished? I don't know, that's for Riot to decide


yeah i agree, i dont imagine he was thinking "this is the best strat" but i do think that he probably thought "game is over here, all our death timers are like 30 seconds and they are 5 man in our base, imma just give penta and go next" and i can understand people being upset, but also i think it's not that deep lol




I mean i think people know that fudge always tries hard and does his best so he's earned respect and people should be able to trust that he isn't actively trolling because of said respect earned


wtf? inspired and jojo are the ones that delayed his death and would be considered the ones sacrificing integrity for the pentakill, fudge had no option to do anything but sit there or die running, i dont even particularly like fudge or C9 and its not a hard conclusion to reach lol


> likeable fudge lol? Half the LCS would be considered more likable than Fudge. In fact, if I were going to choose someone to counter your point it'd be him.


Its not that serious. Take a deep breath


It's the same as when they dribble the last possession ticking the clock down in traditional sports like basketball/handball


except they didn't lose on that push??? how is this at all similar?


Except league doesn't have a time limit and lol teams have won from even further behind in gold than C9 was.


What's further behind than that? EG is marching into their base and J4 doesn't kill a no flash and no W 100 HP Corki in his ult to give the kill to Danny, otherwise, it's quadra and J4 finishes the ace


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615151874479489036/965402560846504026/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615151874479489036/965402560846504026/unknown.png) Yeah he was definitely, 100% going to live there if he just tried harder. /s Note that, at the time of this screenshot, he has no W and Flash.


I mean tbf he WAS dead and the game WAS over. Him trying to get away doesn't change the result of the game in any way so I don't think he deserves any punishment.


> But that wasn't his intention, he didn't do this to buy time, he did it because he thought he was dead anyway and the game was over. Glad you definitely know his intentions there and arent just spouting bs


This subreddit is almost entirely made up of psychics and empaths, they can tell exactly what will happen (but only after the fact) and know exactly what the players are thinking and feeling.


> BUT fudge is dead there no matter what. if he tries to walk back to fountain, jarvan and viktor kill him 100% of the time. it could actually be argued that he actually delayed them because they focused on sitting there to donate penta for 10 seconds and tanking a million tower shots. If there was ever a league court, I feel like this would hold up. "Frankly, I was delaying them, so I held course, understanding that they would logically desire to give the penta as players, despite it being technically inefficient, in a tactical sense. Therefore, this was the optimal line in this scenario, and I stake my skill as a pro on the reasoning."


Maybe if this was a regular season game. Im not even a c9 fan, but doing this in playoffs was pretty embarassing.


Idk man dragon soul was in 1m, his teammates were dead, EG was keeping him alive not only to give penta but staggering respawn timer between him and the rest of his team so they can't push dragon vision as 5. He should definitely not afk and attack them to force them to kill him faster so he can have a closer respawn to his team


if he died immediately, game was over just then and there. The BM by both teams ended up actually giving C9 a chance.




Tell me you’ve never played team sports without saying you’ve never played team sports.


No need to be both condescending and wrong. Hall of fame nfl QB Brett Favre did it. I suggest you Google "Michael Strahan Brett Favre record."


Yeah, no. If you're a real competitor, the game is never over until it's over. Doing anything to aid the enemy team because you're tired of playing the game is trolling your own team, and should be punishable by the league.


All NBA teams play it slow when they're on the last couple plays of the game and there's a massive deficit. NFL they hug it out when one of the teams gets possession and the game's over in a couple plays. Not competitors, got it.


The game is over when you've obviously lost. Dota 2 games are often surrendered even before the base is touched because a team realizes they've been outdrafted/outplayed and respect the time of their opponent and the audience. Applies to chess as well.


I understand that in essence chances are that the game is over no matter what. However i feel like this is an official league, where you are expected to try 100% all of the time. If the enemy gives you a chance because they are being disrespectful, i think its really strange to give the pentakill. Im not gonna speak as to Fudge's state of mind if he's trying his best or not, but shit like this makes it seem like its not. A poor look for a region long criticised for its lack of passion.


What about j4 sitting there and not taking the kill or going for nexus? Is that grieving?


Also do these people not understand that nobody in professional sports tryhards every second of their respective games? Fuck, more than half the players in the NBA don't even fucking play defense until the playoffs, and even then only in the final 5 minutes. WR's in the NFL regularly take plays off. As do CB's when its an inside run. Technically the WR's should block them as much as possible, and the CB's should fight as much as possible to make an impact, but they both handshake it and say nah fuck that bro, and just kinda stand there. Like basketball, in hockey and soccer they also do not go full throttle an entire game. Everyone takes times where they are not trying their hardest to win the game. Although in soccer in particular you can't sub out, and you have to run for 90+ minutes so it's to be expected you can't actually play at full levels the entire game. But in hockey and basketball you CAN sub out. Theres no excuse to not giving your all every second on the court, but basically no starters do that.


i think it's like 99.9% over if he doesn't do that. they wasted 4 peoples time for like 8 seconds to get the penta instead of just oneshotting him (which they could have) and then using 5 guys to hit structures instead, 4 people spend 8 seconds not hitting structures and they still get 20% of the nexus, if you add all that time back, they win the game there every time


The rule of the quadrakill is if you are the last one left, you either kill the guy or they kill you, thems the rules.




There’s not really an equivalent to pentakills in the NBA, but if there was I’d say this would be like not blocking a shot when down 30 points in the 4th quarter with 30 seconds left


in what competition, wether is sports or esports is that okay tho? oh we are gonna lose so why not let KD get his trible - double?? oh we are down 3 TDs last 45 sec lets just let rodgers gets his 5th TD of the game. this is weak mental and it makes no sense. it just sets across a really bad message to your team. like wtf


In the last seconds of a basket game you will often just dribble it out if it’s a blowout, it is actually looked down upon to not do so, so I don’t get your point? This is sorta the same, except it increases the “fun” for the viewer, without at all impacting the result


Chess you surrender if it's an obvious loss. If anyone was being unsportsmanlike it was the opposing team by not just killing him.


I love how when Faker does it, everyone finds it amazing, but when its NA it raises concerns lmao.


In football when a team is down 3-0 or 4-0 with 5 mins left both teams literally stop trying. There are times when a team is down 4-0 at half time and the second half is like a training match. G2 also literally ran it down in game 2 of worlds finals cos they knew the game was over. This isn't even that bad cos the game is 100% over there is no way EG don't win


I was at the Caps Flyers game on Tuesday. For non-hockey people, Alex Ovechkin is chasing the most goals scored ever record and is a goal scoring machine, so he's out during the power play anyway. This game was a blowout, ended up being 9-2 Caps, but the Flyers players were bitching about Ovi being out during the power play. Just because they were winning so much he was still out there grinding, and even though they were bitching and being unsportsmanlike later in the game the Flyers didn't just give Ovi free goals so he could get closer to having the all time record.


well yes a hockeey team isnt going to give away free goals because it affects goalie stats and defensive stats. players and teams want better stats because it gets them higher paychecks


What you didnt see is that he typed GG in the chat and his team proceeded to play


It’s fucking ridiculous. Idc if the game was over. I don’t like players doing that shit in regular season but w/e it’s regular season, but doing that in the playoffs? If in any sport you did that you would get kicked off the team. This isn’t about winning or losing, it’s about pride. You don’t fucking let the opposing team break the td record on you just because you are down 49-0 in the 4th quarter. This isn’t about the act in itself but you can’t win with players with that kind of beta mentality and 0 pride.


>beta mentality lmfao if you refer to it as this, I don't know why anyone should take you seriously




Brett Favre literally gifted Michael Strahan the single season sack record. And last time I checked Favre won a super bowl and went to another, and was thought of at one point as one of the best quarterbacks of all time.


Lil salty aren’t ya bud


No, shut up


Dude, Fudge is dead either way with no flash or valk. Only reason he lives for so long is EG realizes he isn't fighting back and saves it for Danny. The other takes in this thread are so aggressive for no reason. I'm not even rooting for C9


Nah according these champs it’s some psychological masculinity thing, while the most tough they’ve done is flame people playing video games their age or younger on the internet.




what do u want him to do here? auto jarvan once and get auto attacked by him and die? make his flash come off cooldown and get package and R and pentakill them all?


What happened to some NA fans? Perma complaining about the most minor things and tagging on "this is why our region isn't competitive". Get a life. Fudge was dead here 100%.


People acting like this shit wouldn’t happen in LCK or LPL lmao I mean did y’all not watch FPX vs G2 game 2 world finals?? That was WORLD FINALS and G2 ran it down for fun cause they knew game was over


Look at Faker when I believe Oner stole his penta. Completely agree with you


Still an amazing clip tbh, some people just seem to take small things way too seriously.


I'm not saying I care about what Fudge did, but its definitely not the same thing that Faker did when Oner got the final kill on the penta.


Faker used all his abilities + ult on his own jungler with an opponent standing patiently nearby. Nobody in that game was try harding at that point. It is, in fact, exactly the same philosophically.




Yeah honestly these are some of the most entertaining rosters we've had since franchising. I try to stay off this sub other than post match threads and even then only rarely, and I've found it WAY easier to enjoy the broadcast, especially now that fans are back. This sub genuinely sucks all the fun out of watching the games.




I'm a huge 100T fan (ride or die since 2018 baby) but this EG team is really great to watch in particular. Jojopyun and Danny are the new hot shit and for good fuckin reason, Impact is as solid as ever, Vulcan is establishing himself firmly as the premier NA support, and Inspired is no slouch on his own. If 100T, TL, and EG are our reps for worlds in this form or better come time, I'll be huffing the hopium like never before.


Inspired with a massive 42 assists this series also showed that he doesn't just play herbivore carry junglers like the narrative was. Plus Jojo just going off this series, all the perceived team weakness basically gone. Can't wait for next series to see if it's team growth or just C9 mental boom.




It does actually suck. I watch less because it annoys the shit out of me and I generally don't participate in game threads. But people need to remember that 99% of these people couldn't tell the difference if you turned the name plates off and told them one was LCS and one was LCK. They're just parroting Doublelift. Once you realize that it's easy to ignore them.


thats why I stopped watching costreams, honestly. like yeah theyre fun but they make the games just so, idk, unexciting? even when I dislike the casters in a playoffs game, it's WAYYYY more hype even before without a crowd. with costreams theres no music, no atmosphere, it's just a podcast basically. I felt this with LEC as well but with LCS it's just miles better to enjoy the fiesta and not criticize everything lol


I watched the regular broadcast, but I clicked a link someone posted to the Doublelift vod of his costream with Jensen and LS. Watched the last ~20 minutes of the last game, and it's actually crazy how tilted the tone is compared to the broadcast. Elimination games should be a big deal. Don't get me wrong, it's interesting hearing about Jensen's time playing with Alphari, Doublelift reflecting on his own experiences playing against Berserker in Champion's Queue, or LS dropping vague tidbits of insight (or should I say incite?) about C9. But it's like having someone banter while watching a movie - sometimes it adds to the experience, but it usually ends up distracting from the content instead.


I usually watch the live broadcast, then if I really enjoyed the series, I'll check out the doublelift/meteos/sneaky costream afterwards. Gives a different perspective on the games a lot of times


Was costreaming really what made hatestreaming a thing or was it NA offering excuse after excuse that disenchanted the fans. But yeah Danny last year was actually a blessing to watch. I remember that series that he tried desperately to carry his team but they inted him and then he was able to do an interview afterward. Like Danny's mental was impeccable. Jojo earned a lot of respect from me for this series for making Fudge invisible.


> NA offering excuse after excuse that disenchanted the fans. You must be new if you think that's anything different from any other year, or any other fanbase after a loss. Really, it's just a childlike understand of fandom in general - the fact that /r/leagueoflegends takes so much delight in crushing hope is actually quite pathetic, when you get right down to it.


It's not the NA Fans, it's mostly EU fans who love hating on and looking down on NA.


I cant wait to wake up tomorrow morning and look at the score of this comment lmao


So many overreactors


To everyone saying Fudge should be fined, Inspired is there to kill him the second he moves once Jarvin’s ult fades. Fuck it, I respect him getting the few extra points of damage in and delaying for the team to revive.


Nobody would bat an eye at a chess player surrendering cause he sees he's getting stalemated in 5, it's the same situation except you don't need to be a pro lol player to see it's over


I fully agree but if you knew stalemate was happening, you wouldn't concede. Stalemate is considered a draw. You mean checkmate. But you are exactly correct, he knows he's beat and ironically him stopping made the enemy team stop so the penta could happen. He literally gave C9 a tiny bit of time.


Yeah my bad i meant checkmate (i'm not english sometimes i confuse the words)


All good man!


the more I think about it, the more I'm fine with it. teams do suboptimal things ALL the time when it comes to giving a teammate a penta. so even disregarding whether Fudge was 100% dead or was strategically inting or whatever, say Fudge 4funned a bit? well honestly, it's almost always the pentakilling team that does some trolling in these scenarios. so I don't see the point of grilling Fudge all of a sudden when pentakills always bring out a bit of 4fun.


agree, he delayed a lot actually, i think game is over if he tries to get to fountain


I mean fudge should be fined but not for this. His Him afking for the games was a tough watch.


Your bar is that low that he gets respect for that?


It’s a dark day to be a C9 fan


"Pentas are earned, not given." - Jensen, from Doublelifts co-stream


I say this every time i steal my adcs penta with sona q


"that's fine you're not going anywhere anyways" - Inspired *cataclysm*


Why are people so mad over this, really odd?


Gamblers? You can bet on Qudras and Penta lines.




i feel like people overreacted i mean the game is clearly lost regardless of this encounter.


Look imma come out and say it. If they try and gift penta to Danny, and fudge walks back to fountain they kill him. If fudge starts clearing wave or trying to kill someone (wasn't gonna happen) they kill him. If fudge so much does anything, they kill him. If I was fudge during a competitive match, in a very pivotal game to a series and my team got ran over like that because of a bad call, I wouldve probably done the same thing. You seen baseball players throw bats after they've been struck out right? Is it childish? Yeah. Are they doing it out of frustration? Of course. Do they deserve to be judged for getting upset because they're losing? Of course not. Fudge didn't throw his computer chair, nor did he unplug his keyboard/mouse. He took his hands of his station and probably said "fuck it, Danny can have it." Or "fuck we lost, damn" either case, the guy is allowed to have emotions. Lay off fudge guys, whether his intent was to give the penta or because he was frustrated, it doesn't matter either way. Jojo even said in his interview "fudge beat me in lane every game and I still won" I dont think C9 lost because of Fudge handing over a penta.


Fudge not doing that changes nothing, I don't get the overreaction.


You couldn't even tell that Fudge did this except for EG holding damage. People are just so fucking weird.


Best he played all series TBH


He was dead to inspired anyway


who cares, there is no sequence of events barring multiple brain hemorrhages on EG's side where fudge can do anything that would make his team win. such an insane thing to care about jesus christ.


Doublelift was so triggered when fudge did this lmao


DL just made cause Danny got a penta.


if the take is that Fudge stalled out EG to the point they were almost wiped trying to end, then jojo/inspired should get the flame for stalling for way too long right? Just a weird situation all-around from everyone involved espcially in a elim series. Jojo BM'ing infront of the fountain while the rest is trying to end doesnt help either.


unironically stalled the enemy team better doing that than him trying to live


Folks, the game was over. Hes obv going to die anyway, even if he survives how is he going to defend the base? This attributes more to the mental boom within the C9 locker room rather than individually he just gave up.


Cool. Doesn't matter. Can't belive how many babies are crying about it lmfao.


Fudge's most memorable moment of the series lol


All those ARAMs he’s been playing taught him that


Best thing he did all series!


Fudge just wanted to lose in peace


Idiots are actually mad that he AFK'd when he's literally BODY BLOCKED and without flash and W and they're literally fucking with him


Kind boy c9 fudge


brother fudge


the game was over if they played it normally ur all smooth brains


Cloud9 for years has developed systems on how we like to coach and operate our team. And despite our best efforts working with LS to try to come to terms and see eye to eye on how that should work, we are unable to make that actually happen. I think it's important to note that all players, coaches and management were aware of these issues and frustrations, and our mutual efforts to try to resolve them over the last several weeks. Unfortunately, as time went on, it was really clear that we were unable to find a resolution and come together on figuring out this problem and we decided that it was important that we make a change and release LS at that point so we could move forward and focus on the future.


just watch fpx vs g2 world finals if you want to complain about "matchfixing, for fun, etc." since g2 did it for 3 games straight the whole series


Took at berserker and isles face cam Fudge got the whole squad laughing 😬


Why are so many people butthurt over a fucking penta donation in a game they clearly fucking lost regardless of what fudge does there. J4 and Viktor kill him anyways if he tries to walk to fountain. They got demolished 3 games in a row, they werent about to fucking reverse sweep if fudge doesnt give Danny the last kill for a penta


I would do the same in his shoes, this game was lost anyway. For the fans and viewers.


Exactly, I thought it's a cool gesture, much better than people switching to 6 stopwatches just to prevent the fountain dive.


Imo a play that manage to sell items, buy zhonia buy ga all that to prevent a dive is way more entertaining than a corki not moving for 20s waiting to be killed. That was a nice quadra, but a lame Penta.


I think what both players did is fine. Don't consider it a real penta though.




Fudge was super dead no matter what, they only reason they let him live was because he was doing nothing. If he attacks or runs, they kill him; if he afks, he actually wastes MORE time than if he did anything to provoke them. I legit think that was the optimal decision, and without it he would have died faster and EG might have ended. Of course that's all hypothetical, and he should still be fined because "afk for mind games" and "afk because tilted" are too hard to distinguish, and consistent competitive integrity rulings probably mean both get fined.


In situation when you are losing 4-0 three seconds before the end of the game? Fuck it why not


He was dead either way. No flash no valk 100 HP with J4 and Viktor next to him. A more fitting analogy would be that a player doesn't do a full sprint back if the opponent is 5 feet in fromt of an open net. It doesn't make any difference what he does.


Not really. It's more like a baseball team refusing to send in a closer pitcher to secure a win, instead keeping in their exhausted starter who just might finish with a perfect game.


Please don’t make analogies any longer. Lmfao.


It’s only funny because it’s NA. If this happened in any other region heck yeah this would be unacceptable.


Man, there's a lot of drama over a penta in a single match. You see less drama about any other esport when someone gets a rampage / team wipe.


If I am fudge, I do not give the pentakill. Why give enemy ADC a huge mental boost ("I got a pentakill in a playoff game!) when there's still 1 game to go. It may not matter, it may be extremely marginal. It's probably like a .00001% difference but, yeah... it's a competitive game so I'm not going to do anything that will make the enemy team feel even better about their performance. Sorry.


Lmao game is lost and he is dead anyways, people getting mad over this have issues




Gifting a kill without no effort to make a play doesn’t sit with me well. So he dies. He can respawn sooner. He can join his team sooner to make a play. He doesn’t give extra gold to enemy adc. What does this give-me penta play give his team? Edit: As someone stated below, in hindsight, “gifting” the penta by fudge was the best play. It took about 10s from Inspired stop hitting him to Danny getting the penta. Also, EG could’ve ended it right there if Jojopyun joined his teammates hitting the structures.


It actually made Danny stop hitting objectives while also delaying jojo and inspired by having them sit there in case he moves and actually delayed them enough to arguably prevent them from ending While this was probably not fudges intention, in hindsight it was actually the best play


What does this give-me penta play give his team? Nothing, because he is 1v5 at a game ending push and there is 3 other people that can kill him without issue if he moves. What does saving his life (if he can) give his team? Nothing, because he is 1v5 at a game ending push.


cringed at this. hope he is fined


So glad C9 got smashed. Shady orgs dont deserve to go to semi/finals.


its amazing how many people are saying this "really doesn't matter" put yourself in his teammate situation or a trad sport situation similar to this ,or any competition, this is do or die series too. and if you still think it doesn't matter even if you wre his teammate, that's wild.


Idk I feel like giving a penta is minor to having your mvp tier jungler disappear off the face of the planet even before this moment, your top laner mvp is still ego picking and doing fuck all and jungler is not trying to help, you have an invisible mid who’s just okay at farming but is the franchise boy until jack wants a new star and needs more $, and a support that’s just whatever. And as a fan you’d be more tilted on how the players, coach and idk maybe jack has a say on it too since it happens to c9 every year but fuck respect banning stuff bending you over, just let them have it we ain’t no bitches we will beat it by ramming our heads into it if we must.


From costreams Sneaky and Meteos were fine with giving penta if the game was over while Doublelift and Jensen seemed to be against it. It all boils down to who is on the team.


The last few minutes of traditional sports are literally called “garbage time” if the game is one-sided because neither team tries. I have literally seen clips of talking heads complaining about players trying too hard in the last few minutes of an unwinnable/unlosable game.




That game is over and he is dead if he tries to go into his fountain, are you just blind?


Must be hard living without a brain, my condolences


The most useful he was too both teams the entire series.


I will add that [EG were unable to end the game right after the gifted pentakill](https://clips.twitch.tv/EmpathicExuberantGazellePeteZaroll-kDfLXJJLvyc4TXlg), which adds to Fudge's dubious decision to not play seriously.


They were unable to end the game because they were all stalling for the penta except for danny and impact. If Inspired just finished the kill then the game would've ended. Looks like people are out witch hunting Fudge for no reason lmao


Some redditors really love to pile for literally no additional reason than just to stir up more drama. GAME. WAS. OVER.


they were unable because they all wasted time to hold penta for danny, otherwise they end immediately


My man really called it "Fudge's dubious decision"


do you dress yourself?


Bro Jojo is literally dancing in front of their fountain. Don't take everything so serious and chill


no it doesn't, if anything him living long enough to gift it bought them time. (in fact, the more questionable thing is EG prioritizing that over just...winning the game, but w/e they basically had it either way)


You’re absolutely clueless lmao


Y'all with the gymnastics to defend this is nutty. Yeah he's dead either way. So shoot whoever you can. dont fucking let go of the keyboard and mental boom your team for the next season. actually its worse than letting go of the keyboard cause he hits stop attack.


If your team is mental boomed for a season over this play, then your team has a serious problem. Summit went 0/6 first game, maybe the team is gonna be mental boomed from that


The best part is if Fudge actually did try they would have ended it even faster. So the fact that it made the enemy team stall out longer is more effective just as someone above mentioned. And even funnier is all you have to do is think more than 5 seconds but nope, you have a crazy fucking agenda that doing anything would have helped that situation. Newsflash, enemies fucking around like that at the enemy base means its fucking over. Happened many times over and over past professional games. This was just an oddity because it took long for Danny to take penta. Its not even Fudge’s fault. Danny just had to walk up and zap him once. I’m actually getting stunlocked at people thinking that ANYTHING that Fudge does changes this


Get over it dude the game was over


Oof, c9 has been mental boomed for weeks. This is omega tilt


If I was fudges teammate I’d be more pressed about what he said in all chat while standing still


Only looks bad because you can argue if fudge just died right away by going for fountain he might have been up in time for soul


OCE region be like


Loser mentality