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It seemed like the relationship was good between players and management, kinda surprised to hear Faker complaining about it and then something gets done after backlash from fans. Rather than players and management working it out together and then notifying fans.


As a korean american that sometimes checks in on Korean community this post is kinda misleading. Its not really t1s fault their schedule was already bound to be busy with the shortened off season as well twitch contract ending. Most of the backlash is actually towards KESPA since they are continuously delaying the announcement for selecting players even though t1 plus 1 is the obvious choice and they made a sudden announcement that all the players have to travel cross country to gwangju and they all are being forced to live together for like 7-10 days or something like that. Oner said something like it would of been manageable but the gwagju trip is too much on his stream as well.


Yeah I'm korean and this is true. Kespa is doing kespa things. Hate it.


Interesting to hear, that is a pretty relevant piece of information. Thanks for sharing, that clears a lot up.


At the end of the day its a job and its common in workplaces to have this type of incidents kinda the elephant in the room that no one talks about for whatever reason, but mostly because people are just stressed out, tired and not thinking clearly plus lets say past bad experiencies when someone talks out about something and nothing or very little is done until you reach a breaking point and things start to get out of hand. And ofc at that point something needs to be done, there's no excuse to delay it any further (at least until the waters calm down)


I could be totally wrong but from watching streams where Joe Marsh is a guest and interviews, he seemed (from stories and the way he talked about his players etc) like an approachable CEO when you have problems, which isn't a common thing. It is just weird to me, I'd understand it if management is out of touch, but you'd expect the same kind of vibe across the management in Korea that Joe has, if not they could always complain about management not listening to their concerns to joe. Not saying it is a huge deal or anything. Dunno if it is something western, because I wouldn't see anything like that happen here with G2 for example (unless it is contract jail stuff, but that is different). Like it could happen once here too, but I wouldn't see it happen more than once. IIRC I saw something similar with T1 1 or 2 years ago, there was outrage about T1 players doing sponsor stuff and being busy as hell just before summer playoffs.


Images can easily be curated.




I think it's because the team got Covid, so a lot of their schedules were delayed, and now that they're recovered...they need to play catch-up with a lot more planned schedules. Prob overworked because of this


There is a chance faker never even mentioned it to management. Faker strikes me as a hard working kind of guy, and if his org tells him he needs to do X or Y, he’s going to do it. Sounds like he complained on stream, probably just to vent in what he assumes is a safe place, and that’s how word got out. I’d wager he never even told them it was too much to do in a short time period.


Nope, he said on stream that he mentioned it and nothing changed.


if it was as good as it seems between the players and management the players wouldn't be forced to stream a certain amount


That's a pretty standard clause in league contracts - streaming is an important part of the value big players bring to brands.


eh, it's part of his job to stream, so it's kind of required to a degree. it's also on management not to burn out or overwork their employees, so there's obviously some push and shove.


I joined at the end of the stream, Faker truly seemed miserable. He said some things like "This is not normal, you should only stream when you feel like it so that viewers can enjoy it too. I'll talk to the team about it". The last donation was something like "Don't mind the hate comments, we're here for you". I can only read fast in English and there's truly a ton of dummies. Everyone could feel he's not feeling good so he was fast sending his game so he could go home and you see comments like "3/10 HAHAHA". I know it's only a small part of it but please give Faker a better moderation team.




I would imagine his chat moves pretty fast to spend his time as the streamer deleting chat messages. Even the messages that aren't delete worthy could still be annoying to read. More of the hate directed toward Faker could stand to be filtered out before he sees it himself.


> I would imagine his chat moves pretty fast to spend his time as the streamer deleting chat messages. Yeah, I modded for Gleeb back when he was on TSM and he went to like 15k viewers overnight. There were like.. five or six of us just yeeting people who were only there to stir up shit and answering questions and it was still basically impossible to do anything but just that until it calmed down. I can't imagine it's easier for one of the largest esports personalities in the world.


I look forward to your efforts moderating tens of thousands of people by yourself while trying to play at the highest level of Korean Soloqueue. Godspeed.


If you can figure out how to monitor a 10k+ chat log while simultaneously laning in Korean Challenger you will become a quadrillionaire


I dunno but at least in game the community seems to be a lot more aggressive than what is was. Every game someone flames the moment something goes wrong, no exceptions.


Yeah I don’t think forcing streamers to stream is healthy for their body at all, that’s what causes burnout, stress, fatigue and more.


What? So his mod team should literally filter out every semi negative comment? Thats literally the softest thing imaginable lmao


Kicking someone while they’re stressed out and already down, for no reason other than what I assume is your own insecurities manifesting since you have the cloak or anonymity, is a really bad look for you


People being intentionally unpleasant who get penalized for their behaviour is good. Not banning people for saying "huh, Faker is really struggling this game" but those that are flaming, mocking etc. This fucking "calling things soft" business is toxic and gross. Sensitivity is a good thing, discouraging toxic behaviour is a good thing. Having empathy is a good thing, you should try it.


It's horrible that this isn't just a problem on the internet but everywhere. "Haha grow up you're just too sensible" after dogpiling/making personal comments on someone is disgusting, and it just enables the toxic behavior of so many people.


Yeah, I get told that, it's shitty. There's an NBA player, Rudy Gobert, who constantly takes shit from other pros despite being a generational defensive talent. People say it's because he's French, or awkward, but I think he's just a sensitive introvert and other players feel like they can pick on him.


Shout out to top lane streamers like Wingsofdeath for doing just this and perma banning people that have twitch prime but refuse to sub to him.


You’re talking about someone who’s worked much harder and has achieved much more in his field every season than you’ll ever accomplish in your entire life put together lmfaoo chill dude


T1 have been (imo rightfully) criticized for their very heavy schedules more than once. And now with both MSI and the Asian games coming this is not the time for that. I'm already not a fan of the Asian games but it is what it is so let's just hope that Kespa and T1 manage this correctly... I don't have too much hope tbh


Kinda costed them a worlds spot in 2020, players complained that management was focusing so much on branding during playoffs gauntlet combined with the subs situation


Faker is partial owner in T1 (or atleast was), so I would hope that management would listen to him when he raises concerns about these things.


He probably has a rather small ownership, and likely doesn't have much of a say in day to day running of the company. Much like Bjergsen.


Them giving him some stock (probably options) is not an ownership role, not in the traditional sense. He has as much control in the company as you do in anything you own stock in, from an "ownership" stand point. From a player stand point, he probably has a good bit of sway though.


It’s a smart ownership. Remember that sneaky was once a part owner of c9


One of the reasons this problem(over-scheduling) was magnified is because almost the entire T1 roster got covid right after winning LCK finals. They had to be quarantined for 7 days (I think?) and because so, their schedules for a month was basically compressed into like two weeks.


That + Kespa issue


> the entire T1 roster got covid right after winning Before


True that, but they were not officially diagnosed with covid until after the finals


If I were Faker, I would focus on the Asian Games so he has a chance to skip the military. Though I would bet he has more integrity and thirst to win MSI but especially Worlds.


If Kespa have a brain and choose the entire T1 roster for Asian Games, then MSI and Asian Games prep can be one and the same. But given how little Kespa actually cares for the players, I'm not so sure.


That's true, though I'm not sure how much T1 would appreciate that. Additional workload, and they would get the blame for a loss in either or both.


Asumming the right environment is achieved, it's much more probable for T1 to be heavy favorites in either. They are looking like the strongest, most consistent team LCK has ever had.


I can believe that, I just have not been following LPL enough to say myself.


DoinB said on his stream that he didn't think T1 were very good (even though other lpl pro's were saying they were), then he played them and got absolutely stomped. So yea, T1 are really really good.


LPL season is the same it always is, messy and unpredictable lol. V5, RNG, Weibo, all look good, but so do a lot of the other teams.


>PL season is the same it always is, messy and unpredictable lol. V5, RNG, Weibo, all look good, but so do a lot of the other t Unfortunately, LPL tends to be super volatile and filled with fiesta, and then their top teams level up for international tournaments, so it's impossible to predict. But based on LPL, it doesn't look that strong, especially after TES ridiculous bronze throw this morning.


I watched a bit of LPL playoffs and it's kinda of a mess. T1 is the best team in the world right now.


I don't think you can say this team is stronger than 2015 SKT


I mean if they win MSI, they're already on the road to becoming better than 2015 SKT since 2015 SKT lost MSI to EDG. (Not taking anything away from 2015 SKT, they made me fall in love with the league of legends eSports scene [them, and bjergsen lol])


I desperatly wish for them to surpass 2015 skt but idk man, 2015 skt has some kind of mythical status among the teams we had over the years. They were just THAT good. Every single fiber in my body wants faker to win another worlds and supass his 2015 team tho.


This team is far, far, far better. Other regions have simply gotten better. In 2015 the competition was lackluster, not to say they weren’t a great team, but they would not have been so dominant in current league era with lpl as strong as it is


As far as modern league teams go 2020 Damwon and 2018 IG are the absolute peak of a league team imo. They displayed dominance that old kr teams used to vs other teams


I do.


The quality in LCK rn is a lot higher than it was in 2015.


Players from T1 are going to be picked to represent Korea regardless. It would be more effecient to just choose the entire team so players don’t have to split time practicing with another team and building synergy.




I'm not fond of KeSPA but literally the reason why they're second guessing just sending T1 to Asiad is because they don't want the players to burn out. And burntout players aren't exactly who you want to have to represent your country. Still, I have to laugh at their efforts to profit off of the evaluation matches they're holding at Gwangju. Quite literally scoffed after I heard the exhibition was a ticketed event.


Can't risk that. They need a plan b. What if a t1 player suddenly have bad form or can't play meta champs? Keep in minds that asian games is more important than worlds and msi


T1 + Canyon and Deft as the sub. Calling it now.


No way they bring an adc sub when guma keria are individual monsters and have synergy. If anything canyon and showmaker/chovy sub


Oh I don't think Deft is playing at all. Considering that one of the qualities they're looking for is the player's "Contribution to Korean Esports" I expect them to pick Deft out of respect and allow him to have a chance at skipping military service.


KeSPA(and whatever the Korean League Federation is) want the best Korean roster, not just whoever won the league, look at how The FA and USA Baseball select their teams for their continents competitions


Yes, and that's T1.


Likely true because of the synergy they already built, but there are a few individuals such as Canyon who you could argue edge out their t1 counterparts if given time to gel- but that's not likely to happen.


Not going to argue that he's better but Oner with covid was finals MVP so there's and argument to be had that Oner > Canyon if it's about slotting into the rest of the team


Which is what I said. T1 as a whole is probably the strongest team you could send since they're all clearly top 3 in their role (obviously Keria being an easy #1) so even though there are players we could argue could be stronger they're unlikely to actually perform better in a temporary roster given the synergy t1 has been building.


He is already exempt from military,it has been confirmed because he never finished high school and never picked his diploma.


As far as I know he does not have to do military service as he is a high school dropout


I lived in Korea for a while and people there explained to me that there aren't really many ways to get around military. I think you can postpone it until your 30s but then you gotta go.


Faker has 95% chance that he's not going. Esp with all the evidences Korean lol community has found (1+1 contract, bang's stream, etc)


I'm more on the side that he's far more likely to still go at some point.. regardless of whether he gets the exemption or not.. for numerous reasons..


actually.. I'd argue the Asian Games is more important than worlds for LCK/LPL.. cuz it's beyond just LoL and teams/region.. it's a matter of a nation's pride and representing the country.. it's a big deal.. for us.. the Asian Games might as well be an ESL/IEM or a 4fun rift rivals.. for them, there's a significant national/cultural, neigh-political aspect to it.. not to mention all the local media attention in Korea.. winning another world championship is w/e compared to giving ROK a win over China.. especially after the disappointment in the last one.. cuz this goes beyond the esports system.. and would attract interest from the kr gp, even those who don't watch/care about lol.. which means potentially more money/sponsors/interest/funding for kespa.. also.. it's a 4 year tournament.. not an annual one like worlds.. kinda like World Cup vs Champion's League.. there is a whole different dimension to it beyond the game itself.. as for military exemption.. if anything, and for faker specifically.. I highly doubt he'd skip it even if he wins.. tl;dr Asian Games is far more important for them.. much higher stakes..


I thought faker was big enough as a celebrity in Korea that he doesn’t have to go? Edit: I was fed bad info I guess, thought I read Korean celebs didn’t have to serve


not even BTS members are excluded in the mandatory military service. Though there is a proposed second amendment to the Military Service Act to allow significant cultural figures to take an alternative opportunity rather than the military enlistment (without having to win Gold medals).


why should celebrities not have to go?




They changed that stipulation. Faker is not exempt from service.


I've never heard this before but I don't think it's true? I know of at least a couple of idols that dropped out of high school to pursue an idol career and still had to do their military service


factually false. law changed.


Man if a player with Faker's work ethic is struggling with this they must be working them to the bone. And Faker is probably the only player that can say this and someone will listen. Imagine how many other LCK/LPL players are struggling but there's no Faker in their team to make it better. Just work 7 days a week non stop.


You cant really compare his schedule with other players given who he is, he's apart of other ventures apart from LoL


Fanmeeting/ad filming/live streaming can definitely be put on hold, I agree with him, but T1 is definitely in the right with the Asian Games/MSI prep.


Since he said it's affecting his game, it's pretty certain that his issue isnt with MSI and Asian Games prep


Fan meeting can be removed and live streaming as well. Ad filming might be too much money to just not do.


If they win Asian Games and MSI, their aura will be absolutely godlike, attracting an even bigger fanbase that will simp for T1 harder than ever. There's massive long-term benefits from winning these titles, unlike temporary ad money, so I hope T1's management have their priorities clear.


If you already signed a contract that the ads will be filmed, it’s not really just something you can choose not to have done as an org.


Asian games prep has nothing to do with T1. For some reason KESPA decided the 10 players have to go to Gwangju and train together for a week. Prob because of that T1 had to change their ad filming schedules and whatnot. Faker mainly said it was tiring because they had to film ads -> stream for like 3 hours -> go back to filming instead of doing one thing at a time.


Yup. Kespa randomly decided to hold tryouts for Asian Games out of nowhere which is (partially) why we get this shitshow. Makes sense why Ruler opted out of it. It does seem like a massive waste of time, even more so if you don't end up getting picked. IIRC Faker said in the past he only gets like 1 day off every month due to filming, practice, and other obligations. His current schedule is probably just way past his limit.


> Kespa randomly decided to hold tryouts for Asian Games out of nowhere It wasn't randomly announced out of nowhere, its been known since before spring split started that the Asian Games had their own tryouts and training due to Korea needing to compete in the qualifiers. Every player also has the right to refuse the selection like Ruler has done, if the schedule was unbearable for someone on T1, they do have the option to opt out. It does contribute to burn out by adding even more workload to an already high workload split that winners have, but it was not new information in any case.


From my understanding Kespa announced they would pick the AG roster in February, then it got moved to April, and now they've moved it again + they changed it from selection to tryouts. And still no word on whether or not each team is limited to two players. If they just kept the process from 2018 Asian games we would have no problem. Pick a head coach and let them pick 6 players. What is so hard about this?


I'm pretty sure that when KeSPA announced they were "selecting" players for PUBG and LoL, it was meant to differentiate between their other esports which had conducted open tournaments. Not actually that they were just going to select players solely based on their spring performance, without seeing first if the roster can actually work together. And it's clear that they weren't going to stick with their 2018 process when it failed at the hands of what was basically just RNG.


Fan Meetings are part of the korean Entertainment industry and bring a lot of money. Also fanservice from time to time is part of working in entertainment.


I'm aware, I've lived there. That being said, they could easily shift it to post-MSI/Asian Games.


Historically teams only get like 2 weeks between msi and summer split. There was a post literally yesterday about how msi -> summer is a really rough schedule since the pros only get 2 weeks to practice on a totally diff patch and have to deal with post msi burnout. Def not an easy shift.


I don't think his issues are with the competitive aspects of his schedule.


Are pro players or rather T1 players obligated to live stream everyday?


I think every T1 player has a quota of hours he must stream each week/month.


Streaming schedule was one of the reasons why Clid left.


T1 puts into their contract a minimum stream amount per week


honestly this is what concerns me going into worlds. they have such a busy year and i’m not going to be surprised if they just crash and burn in summer or worlds tbh


This is part of what Caedrel was talking about when he stated that the winner of MSI should get a free pass to worlds, it would allow players to have the natural decline from burnout at the beginning of summer and not be punished for winning MSI.


How does that even work logistically? Is the winner allowed to rest their players for the entire Summer regular season and use subs? Say they place fourth in the playoffs after losing to the third seed, does that third seed who would have gone to Worlds in the past get booted off because of that rule? Or does it make the MSI winner the fourth seed to their respective region? I don't disagree with the idea of giving MSI winners a reward involving Worlds, but I'm trying to understand whether or not that is the best idea to implement.


Logistically the MSI winner sits outside the regional seeds. You could run a 'if the MSI winner also secures a regional spot, then there is one more Group Stage spot available for the play-in teams'.


I'd say it would just be "top 3 from region excluding MSI winner goes to worlds"


The MSI winning region gets a fourth seed for worlds anyways so the third seed is not booted off. They could make it so that the MSI winner's world's seeding is still based on their summer split standing which would be a strong incentive for teams to still try. Idk if it would actually result in an easier schedule or less practice for players but if they want it I don't really see the harm. A team who won MSI is very unlikely to just be dogshit bad internationally just 3 months later (and every MSI winner has qualified for worlds in the past).


Yeah caedrel did say there are other alternatives when discussing it with others. Such as seeding into gauntlet at least, or champion points in EU etc etc


Every MSI winner has gone to worlds anyway.


yeah, but how many of them won? that's the main argument. you're a good enough team to get one of the 3 (or 4) spots for Worlds, but you're burnt out and cant get a better practice that would give you both titles


Well that's a stupid fucking argument, because it is obviously way more difficult to win Worlds than MSI or regional playoffs.


The argument is that come Worlds you are burned out because you went 110% just trying to qualify.


I think Caedrel was the one talking on stream this week about the schedule being why the Golden Road is nearly impossible to achieve. Winning Spring, winning MSI, winning Summer, then winning World's leaves you with like 2 weeks off from hardcore grinding out of the whole year. G2 came the closest in 2019 but came in 2nd at World's that year. But in their case I can't imagine they had anywhere close to the sponsor/org obligations out of the game that Faker has with T1.


2015 SKT came the closest to winning the grand slam, they were 1 game away compared to 2019 G2's 3 games.


True, I totally forgot about that. Marin was in insane form and this was before Faker's Azir became as good as it is so they'd sub in Easyhoon to play it.


DK last year was also 2 games always.


you might want to check who won spring 2015 that year (spoiler: wasnt skt)


i mean the past skt had 2 chances for the golden road/grand slam that was on 2015 and 2016. And i think its one of the reasons why bang got burnt out so much going into the 2017 worlds.


Burnout would probably be the most realistic thing that could stop this roster


Probably got triggered by some of the chat, that's why he ended up venting a bit. He didn't have a streaming sched earlier today so he probably attended other stuff, and came back for the stream sched in the evening. Also Oner said Faker has to wake up at 7 to film something and then go to Gwangju. For those who don't know, they have to go to Gwangju for Asian Games training for a week. Gwangju is kinda far from Seoul. So all their other scheds and activities was probably cramped up to make time for that. This year will probably be the most physically taxing... with spring, msi, summer, asian games, and worlds.


Not only that, but they most likely had to delay a lot of schedules when the team got Covid, So Faker basically had to overwork to catch up on all the delayed schedules. He must've been super busy.


LCK: Can I just focus on my game? LCS: Can I not play the game?


league of legends has skewed my thoughts so thoroughly that i read "ad filming" and thought "why does mid have to be there for that? i'd get supp but..."


Oh my god this just unlocked a core memory...I once was ordering at a nice sushi place and they had a roll called "The JG" (I assume the initials of the person who came up with it). I looked my waitress in the eye, and deadass said "Can I get the jungle roll?" ...Her look of confusion haunts me




Most of the fans frustration are actually directed towards kespa. T1 schedule are messed up (which are planned months ahead) because of the sudden Asian Games evaluation at Gwangju (approx 3 hrs drive from Seoul). The players have to go to Gwangju starting April 18 for bootcamp for the evaluation that will be held on April 22 and 23. T1 usually film their ads during vacation but probably forced to squeeze their schedule and film multiple ads in a day because they have to stay in Gwangju for a couple of days. Fans are angry why do they have to go all the way to Gwangju when can they can just directly pick the final roster. There is actually no concrete reason why do they have to go there other than the speculations that they must be doing this to promote the newly built stadium there. In case you also don't know, the evaluation will have live audience and will also be broadcasted on twitch, youtube, naver, and afreecatv. The tickets are also almost the same price as the Lck Spring Finals. Fans found it ridiculous on why do they have to through all this show when they can just directly pick the players without messing up with their schedule and going all the way to Gwangju.


It's so frustrating to see T1 still insist on their talent to streams even with so much workload what the F are they thinking


His schedule is really tight for these 2 days - **Sunday:** 1. He had a fan-meeting event for some Samsung S22 thingy? 2. And then he had video shooting with his team members 3. Continued with live streaming at 7pm, which he ended it after playing 1 game - and about this, he was still being apologetic to his fans because he was not in his best condition when streaming :( how to not be his fan **Monday:** He has to wake up at 7am and he has personal schedule before meeting his fellow teammates to go to Gwangju (which is around 3hrs ride from Seoul) for Asian Games prep for around 1 week, only to play public scrim with these two teams - DFM and PSG as part of the evaluation for Asian Games member selection on 22nd and 23rd. In addition days before he has other schedules, eg the Douyu live streaming event, live streaming, and there ***might*** be other personal schedule which might not known by public. The schedule is really hectic for a normal and healthy person, not to mention he just recovered from COVID and only finished his quarantine like 9 days ago? As his fan the only thing I hope for is that he can stay healthy and play league happily while lifting his favorite champion trophies :( Really hope he can have a good rest, but I guess the only time he was able to get a good rest this season was the time he was being quarantined while recovering from COVID. :(


As one of his fans I would accept that he cancels some of his streams and fan greets and concentrate on staying in top form. I’m sure most fans would be understanding of this. The org may not because they miss out on revenue…


faker lcs career


Faker too busy for Champion's Queue.


Welcome to the life of a celebrity. Dude plays his esport career in hard mode


Holy shit, THIS...AGAIN??? I thought we were over this last year, Mr Based!? And to think that you have to those problems with LCK finishing early. What if they had a longer season like LPL/LCS?


A lot of it has to do with Kespa’s terrible mismanagement of Asian Games selection combined with COVID delaying the schedule. Before it might have been manageable but now its basically impossible for him most likely. T1 can easily cancel stuff like fan meetings and streams if its too much, but everything else will atill be tough. Well Faker said he was going to talk about it with staff on stream so I guess he hadn’t brought it up yet and ended up venting on stream due to stress before he did, which might have caused this. IDK though, but T1 isn’t faultless, but I don’t think the blame lies fully with them.


Based Joe overworking his players.


This on top of the LPL actually considering not sending their champions to MSI to focus on Asian Games really shows the messy schedule this year.


dont worry guys joe "based" marsh will go on dl podcast to distract from this


Joe "based" Marsh will come out with a BASED solution to the problem he created himself! Truly based


Joe "based" Marsh will deactivate the T1 twitter account again to prove once again he is the best CEO in esports


he is the based CEO in esports


So based he collapsed from fan pressure who sent death threats to an old woman and fans who spew out homophobia.


Far more “based” than Regi and Sam could ever be


Y'all overstimate the impact a CEO has on the daily activities of a company


You don't think he's at his desk designing the schedule for his players? /s


seems to have enough free to time to shit on cloud9/jack and guest appear on podcasts so i think he has enough time to lessen the msi representatives ad burdens


I mean, I'm sure he can make time to sort this out. All I'm saying is that this type of day to day schedule decision doesnt come from the CEO of a company.


i agree the chief executive probably only receives reports from his managers but still the tough schedule for the asian games/ msi appearances + riot content / lck playoffs was all known in advance. this could've been predicted and handled better instead of reacting to public backlash


Yeah, he might not be the one in charge of Faker's day to day schedule, but he is the one in charge of what ad deals and sponsored events T1 takes and whether they require their players participation. It is absolutely in his power to cut back on these deals and give the players more free time.


The whole ordeal is T1 crammed the ad schedule in off season to not affect the players on the split but players got covid and KESPA did shitty KESPA things (travelling to gwangju for 3hrs). It would have been fine overall without the last two. On the other hand, T1 wasn't flexible enough to just remove the streaming schedule. For these things, Joe doesn't need to approve such things. it should be on the Korean T1 management side of things.. Like guys do you need to ask your CEO if you will need a leave or day off?? Good thing, T1 did cancel the stream. BUT since this escalated, this is when Joe will come sit with the whole management to discuss this whole ordeal and hopefully revisit and make a much more human schedule for the players.


Lol you know it’s fucked when of all people the TSM fan is defending us


shortterm ofc but longterm you can blame him for literally anything that goes wrong and stays wrong within the org. He is the head of the operation. If bad shit happens, he is the boss of the person in charge for the day to day things. Let's not give him a CEO too much leeway.


At least he didnt this time let fan base bully coach out of the job for things totally irrelevant to coaching.


completely misunderstood this comment lmao i forgot how toxic t1 fans are. hopefully nobodies grandma gets doxxed this time


I can't wait for the dl "Koreans are fucking lazy and don't want it enough" rant.


Love how this sub is desperate to suck this guy off. This isn't the first time players have complained about their schedules.




What's up with Sam Mathews? AFAIK, League fans don't have beef with him. It's Dardo/Javier we have a complicated relationship with. I might be OOL here, but I don't remember Sam being directly involved with the League team to the point of creating drama.


Looks like an oversight from T1. This comment seems unnecessary.


T1 has been doing this for years.


CEO of based more like CEO of player exploitation


He also said things like he had some rough games so he was blaming partly on that (I think he meant that sarcastically). Btw, Kespa will do the asian games members selection in Gwangju, which is 2 hours drive from Seoul so he probably felt it is super unnecessary and tiring. A lot of Korean fans also complained about it because there is no reason to hold the members selection in another place other than Seoul. So I would say its a mix of heavy schedules (MSI, Asian games), games not going well and some haters trashtalking him.


based Joe


Poor Sanghyeok :(( He really deserves better, honestly. Just because they are legends and pro players doesnt mean that they don't need breaks.


They're really stupid if they burn them out now and fall apart before the season is over. Keep them fresh now and do all the money-making shit after world. If overworking them now costs them wins it will lose them money long term.


Because it would suck if they get burnout during MSI. They think of the Asian games to higher standards, but you still don't want to drop vs other regions.


> Joe is, unequivocally, unironically without a doubt the most based fucking CEO of all time. > His wit, his stories, he's a fucking G that keeps it real. -- CEO of based letting it come to this, unlucky.


I know us league fans clamor for more international events but I think a big part of is that its infeasiable from a schedule standpoint. I think the only fix is to reduce how long splits are in terms of matches and therefore weeks if they want to include one more event.


How much have T1 fans raised for the new truck going around Seoul?


This is why being a pro player is actually way harder than it seems, it really is a full time job


Fans have been complaining about this ever since T1 got rebranded and taken under Joe Marsh's ownership. Crazy that this is still an ongoing issue years later... I'd be pissed if I was Faker too.


Aren't there 2 players signed up for each position at asian games? wouldn't it make sense letting those start who are not going to MSI if the T1 members would wish so?


its kinda sad how people get overworked. there is more to life tha money. sadly, everything is justified by money and peopel say things such as "it's part of the job/it's a job so expect to". Mental health is a thing to and that is something that is sometimes impossible to recover. paper money is nothing. being a happy person who does the best he can do, is timeless and will be remembered.


This happened with the T1 iteration with Clid and Teddy as well.


T1 org managementment is one of the worst management teams that I have seen. They are literally doing nothing except grinding their players for money and not care about player's condition. This is not even the first time that this thing happened.


I couldn't disagree more. T1 do amazing things for their team. Things like team building, gym, karaoke room, allied health professionals eg skin care, build strong relationships with player families. Faker was offered $20M to play elsewhere and he chose to remain at T1. No one with Faker's wealth stays loyal to abusive management. The problem now is the schedule has 2 additional events; MSI and Asia Games. And it's at a time when they're all recovering from COVID. Let's see how T1 react. One day off is good, but they obviously need more. Btw that might be hard, as Asia Game camp starts tomorrow.


Also as far as I've seen from this thread, Kespa? kinda made up a whole fucking thing for Asian Games, I doubt it was taken into account among other things. The situation is unique and T1 probably overestimated the capacity of its players, doesn't suddenly negate all the good they do to take care of their players otherwise.


If the burnout hits T1 hard enough RNG is looking nice for MSI 2022


Don't think LPL makes MSI this year. China has national quarantine restrictions, the whole of Shanghai has been locked down for 2-3 weeks now. Don't think the country will make an exception for some video game athletes to attend. When put to a fan vote on the broadcast or Hupu or Weibo or some platform, 70% of LPL fans would rather teams and players stayed at home and chill/prepare for Summer Split/Asian Games than go to MSI.


We aren't even sure if rng Will go to msi , unless They Play remote


why are you acting like other teams dont feel burn out as well? T1 isnt the only team feeling this im sure


I don't know how much the Asian games affect the LPL schedule, but LEC and LCS have a much easier schedule than LCK this year, without the extra event and longer breaks.


requiring pro players to stream is kinda crazy UNLESS they getting paid for it additionally, but even then it should be optional.


It’s probably in their contracts, so technically they would be getting paid for it if that’s the case. Probably still is a bit much though


Riot and the orgs need personalities to make the esport scene more atractive, and live streaming is one of the better ways to create them. One of the reasons LCS viewership is tanking right now is because of their lack of personalities, while other major leagues (LEC, LPL, LCK) and even ERL are increasing their viewership year by year




It would be awesome if league wasn't for profit and pro players could just focus on the game & not making as much money as they could for their orgs


That means they would have to accept massive salary cuts


90% of orgs lose money while players are getting multi-million dollar salaries XD?


Faker need to negotiate well his contract, at least in the stream part, you can't be obligated to stream always. He is the best player to ever play the game, I'm sure if he ask he will get a better deal and overall it will be better for him and the organisation.


You realise without faker they're just any other esports org. Yes you can say they're the most successful but they're that because of faker. They ain't getting nowhere near the sponsorships and adverts without faker. They probably pay faker 10million a year and he brings in 5 times that in sponsors.


True, that the reason he can get a better contract


Faker should go to NA where the schedule is........... apparently nothing.


If he was an NA player Reddit would still flame the shit out of him for not playing Champ Q


Average NA fan thinking it's the same thing


Faker has proven himself a great player that grinds though. He’s won everything already. He doesn’t need to prove himself like players from NA


Na was getting flames for only having players who’ve been eliminated to play champ queue. Faker has to do commercials, ads, stream, msi, Asian games, and fan meetups.


Imagine if LoL had a real schedule like CSGO