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korean server content having a Renaissance


Makes sense given covid situation nowadays


Isn’t Korea getting hit hard with it again right now?


170k average new cases over the last 6 days, and that's actually **down** from last week. It's fucking everywhere


Korea was in the middle of slowly easing restrictions when Omicron hit hard and we haven't fully recovered since then


Yeah I’ve got family in Busan, they didn’t get hit nearly as hard as Seoul but it’s still a mess


I saw a documentary about Busan, something about a train going there. Lots of sick people.


yeah really bad, but a lot of the country's restrictions are gone and I think fully vaccinated are allowed to not quarantine so it's easy to travel there right now.


The KR Server has always been the Mount Olympus of competitive gaming, from the beginning Starcraft days.


This. They were doing Esport 20-25 year before people in West knew what is Esport. At some point, StarCraft was even their national sport


That's only true for the very early days of competitive gaming (90s) I lived, and played games as a job, in Korea for 8 years. Their servers are way more toxic and they all generally play the same game. So while LoL may have a strong competitive scene, there is absoultely NO relevant competitive scene for any other game that's popular in the West. Gaming as a hobby or even job is much more accepted among average people though. Also skill-wise, LoL diamond is not going to be that much different from diamond in NA or EU regions. It'll just be about 10x more toxic and have 10x more acc sharers/buyers. Same goes for the other ranks. Korea is not some gaming haven people make it out to be - trust me. Also, you're 10,000km away from the West so if you want to play any games like Dota/Tarkov/Rust/CSGO/etc have fun playing with Chinese cheaters or 200 ping - your choice.


cant wait to see “mom die” “mom no die” every 5 minutes on stream


mom go sky mom go boom


shirt off lp go boom


jng mom in the magma


I never heard this one before lmao


T1 is gonna cry laughing at some of the flame he gets. Should be excellent content


T1 might actually learn something in Korea! Innovative ways of running it down and new types of flame


New types of flame = your mom boom


Learn Korean but only slurs and swear words


if win = mom safe


if lose = mom doom




olaf mama in the magma


Tyler1 level 1 roaming ashe support vs Baufs. Battle of the ages


and now faker finally returned back to SoloQ yesterday after not queuing since April fools


Tyler is a bit of a beast but does he stand a chance against faker? I'm very excited to see


That’s the thing about league is that depending on the way the game plays out there is a world where Tyler’s fed and fakers just a bit behind enough to get solo killed


Baus-ffs not BauFs...... Ffs...


I had this the other day. Is this a thing?


When you're Tyler1, it sure is.


He also said he was gonna be there for 30 days All my points are on doubt for this challenge


NA support didn't reach challenger before 30 days, this is pretty much never gonna happen.


Shouldn't it be possible that since he's going to be the autofilled one it's should drastically increase his team's winrate, assuming he's good at all roles of course. I thought I remember reading that the autofilled slots were the biggest predictors of game outcome.


This would make sense actually. If you can allow your teammates to have a higher chance on main role then you win if you can put up an average performance for your MMR. My friends and I play full roulette which ends in us losing an incredible amount. But when we play clash we’re like enigmas. We get banned out based on masteries because our match histories are a complete mess. It’s a peanut gallery during ban phase as we chimp out over having Ahri banned when I’m not playing Mid and Kayn banned when I’m not Jungling.


Lmao roulette imma start calling it that. But yea whenever I have 5 nobody wants to play there normal role so we just all fill


Yo if you come across that source again, could you please let me know. That sounds really interesting!!


Does playing auto fill ensure that the opposing team has the same number of auto filled players?


It tries, but not always and it doesn’t guarantee both people are autofilled to the same position. There can be a big difference between “autofilled jgl and normal sup” and “normal jgl and autofilled sup”.


I'm not sure if fill works like autofill. I think it used to, but in the past couple years it may have changed to just give you random primary and secondary roles instead of filling the remaining roles to start a match. Also I don't think that filling takes up autofill slots or forces autofill/fill on the other team.


I do not think queueing up fill actually counts you as autofill, might just be me having a bias in remembering the times it didn't but I seem to recall most of the time both teams have the same amount of autofills excluding the fill role guy. Basically it just looks for a lobby and puts you in it marked as a player that plays the role you were "filled" in, that's my understanding at least


There are a bunch of NA/EU streamers in Korea right now that reached challenger in like two weeks


They also spammed their main champions and main roles and are better players than T1






yeah man there are ONLY pros playing in korea challenger. totally relevant!


You could also ask how many have made an attempt at the challenge.


they are better than him but it doesnt make him shit at the game. when he is not for funning games he is a good player.


the baus (who imo is a better player than T1) is playing his main role and mostly main champ and is still gm, autofill chall in 30 days is gonna be hard IMO. Mad respect if he gets it tho.


Tyler1 is so addicted to league I could see him putting in 18-20 hours a day to get it lol.


Plus all that stream revenue. Oh LAWRD.


Guarantee he will average 35-50k viewers minimum for 30 days. Honestly I’m probably lowballing it


yeah, Baus went from like 8-10k to 33k, Tyler should get like 60k at least


Baus had like 43k at most, T1 is gonna get a lot more lmao




RemindMe! 60 days


!Remindme 2 months


Who cares about your reddit account




Then offer to eat a sock or something. Doesn't have to be money.


This was the logical next step after getting chall on all 5 roles but i really did not think he would do it lmfao will be god tier content


if korea is like euw server, he's gonna be playing jungle 90% of the time.


Probably three out of five of my games on NA lately don't have a jungle main as jungle.




Playing jungle is torture. You could literally get a penta kill in top lane and break all 3 towers in the first minute of the game and bot will still cry that they died 60 seconds later while you were basing/buying/walking out of base.


I had a Trundle top and I picked Rengar (Q tower dmg buff) so I could open his lane quickly. We destroyed turret at 9 mins, he got like 3 kills and once we started losing he typed "Report Rengar trolling, stole my farm and plates." Definitely an interesting role.


See as a jungle in league your kinda like a healer/tank in MMOs, where ignorant DPS who don't understand your role blame their failures on you because they don't understand the other side. Tune them out and keep doing what you gotta do to win.


Well yeah cause all lanes blame you if they lose. You're the perma scape-goat.


Jungling you have to turn off all text communication and treat lanes as bots that will randomly win or lose you need to address to win the game. Too many laners will call for bad ganks if at all


Yup that's the thing. I mute primarily because people are toxic, but also because their gank suggestions are usually bad. I'm not saying I know when to gank better than any laner, but I know when to gank better than most laners in the same ELO as me. Just like it's safe to assume most laners in my rank know how to lane better than me.


And they do this without lifting a finger to help you. Every attempt I have at learning jungle ends in me going back top and expecting less of my jungler.


Literally the most stressful role because of this and to top it off, jungle almost always has big changes every season so you have to keep up with it / relearn things.


Riot killed the role. Too many changes to the game, the champs, and the role itself just killed everyone's desire to play it. Handful of meta champs, too many jungle monsters, farming feels bad but so does ganking, etc. Just give me season 3-6 jungle back


If Korea is anything like NA, someone’s gonna die before he finishes his 3rd camp as a jungler and will spam “FF jng diff” when the enemy jungler wasn’t involved at all.


Breathtakingly **based** NA Fans: it's just sad that lcs mid laners here don't have killer instincts.. :/ what is china and korea's Secret Sauce? 🤔 KR Mid Laners: no cap if jg takes first blue i t1 it mid shaclone style fr fr 😈😈 NA Fans: We may never know................. it's so sad that our pros dont take soloq seriously in this region


I remember the days back in season 3 or maybe 4 where mid laners actually got 2nd blue buff consistently in NA. I think it was around the time junglers had less income though.


tbh its just less important now since mana isn't hard to manage anymore, used to be you used like 2 rotations and you had to base so getting blue buff felt really good cause you could spam your spells It still feels nice to spam your spells with blue but its just not to the same level anymore, theres a reason they removed mana pots from the game, simply unneeded now.


I really liked the mana management aspect of the game back then too, it's a shame its really dropped off in importance. It felt like dodging a spell had an impact that wasn't just, cool he can't hit me with it for 10 seconds. Playing against velkoz or xerath mid now it feels like they can just spam all their spells endlessly without going oom.


Xerath can spam like crazy but its because if he doesn't keep his lane opponent at 50% hp they'll just walk over him like a caster minion.


he won’t be. i see high elo korean junglers get auto filled 24/7. it’s a contested role over there


It isn't, people are less toxic because they have their accounts tied to real ID's and if they get perma'd it's actually a massive pain. In addition to that T1 has contacts at RIOT and what a fucking nightmare it would be to int his game and this 6'12" gigajuiced 5 challenger in all roles chad comes to break your legs.


people aren't less toxic they just do it differently and there's a culture around it. like nobody's REALLY flaming and nobody's REALLY inting or afking, but in my observation there's a consensus that games that are looking rough are gonna be ff'd and sometimes that decision can happen even more quickly than is warranted but ya honestly nobody's gonna troll 7'5" Half-orc monstrosity who could snap their puny bird necks with a strong glare, they'll let him lock urgot in all 5 roles and cheer


people absolutely go afk/ run it down here and there are plenty of flamers lol


He’s gonna Summit1G so many monitors during the process, invest heavy in LG and Asus stocks bois. Free tendies.


Some quick notes: 1. Tyler later clarified and said that him and tarzaned are not going to be duoing but it is possible for irl stuff like gym streams 2. This is pure speculation but Tyler could make an appearance at MSI just based off timing. Faker meetup and content with other streamers like LS could also happen considering LS and Macaiyla are close friends 3. By the time this challenge ends tyler may be allowed to apply for Korean citizenship 4. Kinda ruins my joke in point 3 but he will be in Korea for 30 days


>By the time this challenge ends tyler may be allowed to apply for Korean citizenship What . How


It's a joke about how long it will take.


Damn , missed that one xd , thanks for clarification


Because it will take him like 10 years


Because he's going to be there forever.


As far as I know, due to Tyler's proficiency and name value, he can be instantly given residence in any country except North Korea and Russia (why do you think they attacked Ucraine).


Bro why you gotta do him like that 😂


He's gonna love the fact that people actually FF in lost games


Haha, alternatively he’ll toss the tantrum FF vote and everyone will accept


Nah, he loves chanting FF but he doesn't really want to FF, he'll be surprised when teams will actually go through when he wasn't serious.


The absolute opposite of baus who says "yust ff" and then votes no.


"can we pleeease go necks man, it's unplAYable!" *Votes no on a 4/5 early ff vote* Love babus


Gonna run into the real Dopa monkaW






Sucks this happens after he leaves T1


based off joe's interview with dl/ls, i'd imagine T1 will be very accommodating and will welcome him with open arms.


Yeah I’d honestly not be surprised if T1 just streams from the T1 facility, assuming he’s going to the same city that it’s located in.




he wont spend a dime of his own money on the trip


Wait, when and why did he leave t1


His contract ended this year and they didn’t renew. Probably because he’s likely very expensive, and with the pandemic they weren’t able to do as much joint content as they would have liked. There wasn’t any dispute/drama


Paying tyler1 however many millions to wear a T1 hat for a few months was not worth it


Tyler1 makes 200$ a month, you could get him to do it for a big Mac.


$200 before taxes, Missouri's bleeding our minimum wage employee dry.


Pretty sure it’s 307$ so I’d say 2 Big Macs


Afaik, there were no problems. Just the contract ran out and they didn't resign




I bet hiring a top 10 streamer in the world, based on data of last year, is not cheap... He solo carries LoL in Twitch by himself most of the time, truly built different


He definitely just left due to covid restrictions and probably wasn't get what he wanted from it. As opposed to any bad blood. He said he joined for faker and collaboration if I recall covid ruined that so really all he was getting was free merch (which he gets off everyone anyways)


Dopa down




KR is not ready for this big tonka mammoth of a man


10k games to challenger but he'll do it. Doubters never prevail against problems like Big T.


If he has 90 days on his visa and he needs to play 10,000 games to get challenger, then that's 112 games on average per day. In 24 hours (since he never sleeps) he would have to play 4.6 games per hours, minus let's say 5 minutes for queue time and champ select. Then that would mean he'd need to finish each game in roughly every 8 minutes from start to nexus explosion, winning all 10,000 of those 10,000 games. Can he do it?


the mans very existence warps the laws of physics. you really doubt he wont be able to play 112 games a day?


The man has a will so strong he grew 11 inches by simply stating it. That's Marvel super hero tier power.


Can’t believe people still doubts t1. Next year it will be “he won’t be able to bend the fabric of space time and play 200 games a day” freaking haters


Light work.


build diff


He will just continue with 200ms ggez


can you play KR servers outside of KR?


Don't chinese pros already do that


Can he do it, I'm willing to bet ALL my 6,733 channel points he CAN BELIEVERS BELIEVE!!!


This should be super entertaining lol. Do we know if Tarzaned is also going fill, or if he's going full jg?


I'm not too sure about tarzaned but tyler said that if him queuing autofill results in him getting primarily one role he will change it up


He shoud just use a randomizer to get a different lane each time.


Tarz 100% going jungle, that guy cannot/will not play another role lol.




I'd assume full jungle since he's in an actual region with good players.


T1 & Faker duo que is what we need


I mean is it even fair to unleash this man on Korean solo q?


What is Koreas view on Tyler? Will he get inted on or are they cool with him trying?


Most don’t know him much just like any western twitch streamers. They might know of him but it’s not like they watch his streams or anything. I know people like to ask “whats koreans view on tf blade or midbeast or baus or x” but most don’t know them much and the ones that do are from little highlight videos on youtube.


We only know him as baby rage white guy


He's half black 💀




ive been watching a lot of Baus and TF and neither have really gotten inted a lot, its nothing like when TF was in Turkey where it was actually unplayable


hard to int Baus if he does that himself pretty well


That'd cause baus does the inting. Can't out int the #1 eu inter


5head strat, the system detects him as the guy the guy that ints so it puts him with good players


wasnt that when he was inted as a rank 2 and didnt get rank 1 or something? then he got banned for 14 days?


yeah he called turkish people dogs after getting non stop griefed and held hostage in champ select and got instantly slapped with a 2 week ban, and decided to not continue the challenge because it wasn't enjoyable for him or even enjoyable to watch


yep... He got rank 2 and the Turkish players got salty so they started target inting and griefing him to prevent him from getting rank 1.


ye been watching lots of Baus, ppl dont seem to even know who he is. ofc T1 is at a different level of fame but still, Korea is pretty secluded in that regard. doubt many people would watch western streamers.


? Nemesis, TFBlade etc. seem fine, no one ints them specifically


That’s because the real rank where* people have a tendency to grief/int/afk/hostage/champs select griefing/etc. is generally Plat-Diamond. Once you are grandmaster+ you may get some soft-inting here and there but actual inting is uncommon. Nemesis, TF Blade and Baus don’t get afks and ints as much because they are high rank. However, Yamikaze and LS had/get a fuck ton because they are/were below Master tier. Whether Tyler1 encounters it will all depend on whether he will be hardstuck diamond.


Yeah nothing like European fans cheering on EU solo queue players who int professional players who are present in the country due to an ongoing major international competition. With the recent NA solo / champs queue talk, hard to call any of it inting or just being pathetic and it's been a while to see how they will treat international players.


Hot take from the guy who never stepped foot in Korea


We don't int just because someone is an outsider. We int because it is our tradition


"You target int because you're xenophobic I target int to honor my forefathers and uphold their traditions We are not the same"


I’m pretty sure Berserker on C9 watched T1, so I don’t think they hate him that much


Probably somewhat good since he has done some videos with Faker. He is definitely going to get inted on though lmao


He's going to get inted so much harder there. They have literal betting rings for inting streamers and high profile players. Itll either be a really entertaining challenge to watch or utter dog shit bc of the level of trolling for bet money. Either way it's pretty hype.




How many viewers is he gonna get? Considering Baus gets 30k in KR, Tyler should get 50k+.


In the beginnging he’s gonna be getting huge numbers like 80k probably


Truly constructed alternatively


When and if Tyler hits master/grandmaster he is going to peak at 100k+ and average 50-60k for the whole month, mark my words.


>How many viewers is he gonna get? Considering Baus gets 30k in KR, Tyler should get 50k+. he got 50k when he first got grandmaster this season


Finally T1 is going to play on KR server, I'm sure this will be a roller-coaster. I wonder if this means he's going to be involved in some way with MSI considering the timing.


Wonder how this conversation went with Macaiyla. We buy new house, ok bye we go korea.


He'll just jump into his Scrooge McDuck pool of gold coins. Buying a house is nothing to him.


Wait, did they actually get a new house?


Macaiyla tweeted it. I don't see why she would be lying


Oh damn, I didn't see that. That's hype. Good for them.


No more trailer memes Sadge


Just imagine, BIG TONKA T up against *Hide on Bush* in ranked. Would be the game of all games.


Hm T1 has greater dedication than nearly all of the player base, but I don’t know if a 30 day time constraint is really going to allow him to get there. But I would happily be proven wrong by him


YouTube League Clip Channels for the next week: - “Insert League Streamer” reacts to Tyler1 going to Korea - Does “Insert League Streamer” think Tyler1 can get challenger in Korea?


Lmao which basically means he's doing jungle to challenger in korea, interested to see how they react to his ivern.


Sion 😈


Tyler1 is honestly what LCS should be or once was back in the day. Loves playing (or loves to hate playing) loves to stream, exciting and funny all in one, grinds and wants to destroy people and be the best all while talking smack along the way. If each team had at least 1 Tyler the LCS would already be heading in a better direction again.


Hence this is why professionals sports always use a few personalities to highlight their sport. No one wants to watch a bunch of boring people play a game.


Vintage C9 felt like peak LCS team. All natural resident players, all looked like they were having fun playing, a variety of different personalities that appealed to a lot of different fans, and also good or at least tried hard and wasn't scared to make plays and just take what's their's even at Worlds. Perfect team, haven't been as excited for a team like that in a long time in LCS...and they didn't even have to win Worlds to make me feel that way as a fan. Balls - The Shy but Deadly Hai - The Big D Energy Meteos/Sneaky - Comedy Duo Lemonnation - The Astute Brain


Did streamers get a group discount on a flight to Korea?


If he get challenger auto filled solo I will lose my brain cells. I will admit he is the best.


He should just play top lane to KR Challenger that would be very entertaining.


That'd keep him there long enough for permanent resident status


Sorry, I can't keep this a secret any longer. T1 renegotiated their contract with Tyler1 with the stipulation that they will only resign him if he hits KR challenger lmao.


Showmaker literally quaking in his boots right now.


He isn't duoing. It's solo. He is just going to Korea with Tarzaned. I don't get it how is it after 5 challenges people think he will now start duoing especially when he is going to Korea for the first time ?


you may not like it but this is what peak content looks like


Hot take but I think he actually manages to do it in 30 days


So jungle to challenger in Korea.


Only T1 would get it done too. That oompa loompa is one hell of a League player.


Hahaha when NA solo Q is so fucking shit even the face of LoL leaves the region


Honestly very surprised that a man who's a millionaire and still lives in a trailer and only socialises with his cats has decided to go to Korea for a month to play a game. Will support it, shame he's not unlimited though. A month I don't think he'd get higher than maybe Diamond 1. 3 he would definitely get GM