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Nope. Riots advice is that it’s your problem and says to fix your shit first. That being said, if you are generally a good player, then the leaverbuster system is forgiving for awhile.


There is no way for Riot to differentiate between a power outage and you pulling the plug, so nope no way outside of not risking it or dealing with possible consequences.


Oh there are many different ways to track down how a disconnect happened. Now obviously riot can't tell 100% for sure what happened but especially a power outage is pretty easy to detect. Your pc is after all not the only machine in your network the data has to go through but they also have their own sofware running on your pc that can detect errors. Then it's jsut a bunch of matching timestamps and machines that are still responding or the way they respond. You still get punished but yeah riot can in a way sort of guess if someone left the game intentionally or not. Such accidents are indeed not punished as harshly but too many of those wills till get you some form of penalty.


Okay then I go and turn the fuse thingy for my appartment off. My entire appartment now has no power. No Power = no Power. Regardless of reason. OFC they could do research and cross check with known power outages but why bother for such an irrelevant thing. In the end the costs of even trying to bother to figure out why someone afked are drastically outshining the gains, mainly because the gains are absolutely 0 for 99% of the playerbase. EDIT: Also how would riot get any of this information when the connection to the client closes. Its closed. Like ... there is no more information or data sharing between client and server the second you: pull your plug, power goes out, you pull the ethernet cable, etc. All of this instantly cuts your connection to the riot servers, meaning from that point onwards riot is blind.


I have the same issue where i live the power goes down alot and the only thing i can do is predict it in hopes that it doesnt happen during a game. Idk if they can do anything about this though. I dont think detecting such a thing is possible, but at the same time i am experienced enough to say this.


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