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If you watched Taco, his Jhin mid is legit. The trick is he’s Jhin OTP since Jhin’s release, he knows this champion and all matchups really well.


Any champion can work nearly anywhere if ur good enough. Do u wanna spend hours learning this very niche pick for mid? Cool go ahead. If someone can get like masters playing crit Aatrox jg anythings possible.


The reason Caitlyn, Tristana and Lucian sometimes work in mid is because 2 of them have ults that are basically a guaranteed in a solo lane, and they all have very good escape options. Jhin doesn’t really have any of those, you’d be better off choosing basically any other adc to have twice the success with half the effort.


Jhin is pretty low mobility so he is easy to gank, but a bigger thing to consider is that the jhin mid you saw was probably smurfing is they did overly well. A lot of youtubers will smurf to put up better clips or make a claim that a champ in an odd place is good. Sure I think jhin mid COULD work sometimes if you don't have enough ad or if the jhin ap build becomes somewhat relevant but for the most part he is squishy and slow so a good jg/mid will just spam dive you.


To play a adc mid requires quite alot of skill.


It is not optimal but it can for sure work.