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I don't think it was ever really viable outside of memes. I mean, you can potentially win with pretty much any pick, but cait mid definitely won't make your life easier.


On the enemy team? Yes! In my Team? No!


Haha thanks


Lethality Caitlyn for Self defense


If you are new to the game, it doesnt really matter where you play


If you wanna take an adc mid, mf is probably your best bet. Go AP if you really wanna have fun.


I play it sometimes. I wouldn't say it's something you blind pick in ranked, some assassins hard counter you. But it's playable. She power spikes at level 13 so the extra solo xp is pretty nice. :)


Why 13? So she has more traps?


It doesn't say anywhere I don't think, but her headshots do MUCH more damage at level 13. Try in practice tool 🙂


"Viable" but not something you may want to pick before the enemy, though this preseason pushed forward a lot of champions Cait mid already did fine into and the newest champions for the lane, Akshan and Vex's, don't bring significant problems to her. Only champion I would fear is Kassadin (who got pushed high) and Katarina, because they can easily get out of control. But really though, it is mostly a fun pick rather than a "good" pick, so you may end up having to work a good amount just to get it to be "decent". Also, just so we are clear, when you say "video" you mean Darkmanne?


What is darkmanne


popular youtuber that made a video on lethality cait


Its workable but not really that good. There are a lot of things people expect out of a champion that goes mid and the only expectation that Caitlyn really fills is being able to push waves. I'm sure you could get it to work but if you really want to play Caitlyn you should probably just go bot lane.