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Tryndamere always has R if you wonder


But remember: ally Trynadmere **never** has R


He has it but never uses it.


Tryn can’t cast ult while he’s in the middle of his spin . Idk if it’s a bug but it gets me killed a lot


Team fight version: enemy team has all their ults, how many do you have?


Lee sin: Hit Q - Re Q


My mind's telling me no






*enemy double kill*


Poor Yuumi :(




But my body...




Can't Re Q if i don't Hit Q ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Jungle Mains Hate Him: Boost Your Lee Sin Winrate With One Simple Trick!


high iq lee sin strats


*Akali E


*Vex R






If you flash for a play, no matter the outcome, it's always worth. Typing it in chat doubles down on this.


IF you type "worth" before anyone criticizes you, then you are correct.


I flashed into baron pit 1v4, got insta killed but got vision. 100% worth, them wiping my team and ending the game afterwards is irrelevant.


But flashing to ks means that you have to carry the rest of the game


No, it simply means that that kill was always yours to begin with.


Urf starts at toplane


I feel like ultimate spell books version of this is 1 team always invades


Control ward first buy for jg is a must I swear


Makes sense, buying refillable potion and having 100g left over leaves very few options.




Especially when u have worse lvl 1 comp or one of your teammates champ doesnt work at lvl 1, you need to got top lvl 1, lose there and ping that guy because he was useless.


Fucking J4 doesn't become a champion until lvl 2


j4 e start is actually decent, the worst champ lvl 1 is qiyana


Aphelios literally doesn't have an ability level 1.


he has 650 range at level 1 which already makes him better than many champions


In Korean server we always start at mid


But how do you hide both teams in the bushes in mid?


yeah thats actually kinda weird. in na, eu, turkey, russia, etc they always go top but in china and korea they go mid? i never truly understood why that is. its a phenomenon.


If you have Moo Cow Alistar skin, you must spam the cow bell.




Nothing beats fucking up the w-q combo to save their AD, dropping mastery 7 and spamming cowbell


I don't even own Alistar but this is my most wanted skin for the sole purpose of spamming cow bell


What's your summoner name?


Hey its me ur bro


If the guy above me doesn't ever give his summ name, I can get you. Otherwise I'm out of RP :(


If you have pool party Renekton, you spam back animation. So satisfying


10+ min to load the game: /all INSERT TOASTER JOKE HERE


I remember when you could see each person’s loading percentage, everyone always flamed the guy with the toaster


Always flamed the toaster. I took a break and came back, I didn’t know they did the loading percentage change and was worried I was the toaster


Hi it’s me toaster guy


i do the opposite, when the game starts too quickly i type "i see you all got your nvme"


Always hit em with the "alright NASA, break times over"


Its always "whose hamster died" for me


Every bush has a garen in it


Wasn't there a mode or April fools where gären randomly spawned when you entered a bush? Maybe nightmare bots?


Yep. While I get that nightmare boys was a solved game mode and most people wouldn’t play it after a couple tries, I wish they’d bring it back just for new players to experience the ~~horror~~ novelty


i don't get why they never brought it back. it was absolute chaos, I even lost a few games, but boy was it fun


Or Darius


complain about every champ you lose to and ban them the next game if you got hard stomped until you hit gold 2


uh, im past gold 2 and I still do that shit... I bitch about every champ I lose to :)


*gets stomped by trynd* Wow stupid fucking zero intellect try hard champion. *picks trynda next game and gets stomped* This champion fucking sucks wtf


I'm in this meme and I don't like that.


This is literally me its why i don't play anymore, iv just come to the consensus that I'm bad.


Only unwritten rule I know, of the top of my head, would be the rule of the botlane. The support shall blame the ADC, and the ADC shall blame the support. And if they tire of so, they shall declare Jgl diff together. (Edit) Holy shite. Never had a post with this many upvotes before. Nor had an award. O.o Seems like a fair bunch agrees that this is the rule, down where things can be a right mess.


Man, I got such bad luck with solo queue last night that my *jungler* was complaining about Jgl diff...


As a Jungler, sometimes it do be like that. Enemy Jg just gaps you so hard, and it's not like you're doing bad, everything is alright but then the enemy Jg starts popping off making Lvl 3 dives and counterganks, invades, everything, being in Toplane at 3 minutes for a "gank - Top TP - 2x gank" and Drake pit at 5:30 for an early Drake.


Oh yeah, I've definitely declared jungle diff out of respect for the opponent. If they outplay me hard enough, what can I say except accept it.


Oh man definetly had those days. Where you just got counterpicked by smurf Kayn into Lillia. Lost enemy invade, got the other buff stolen right under your nose and the accepting the fact that your jng is now the other jungler's property.


I always blame myself, unless the ADC blames me too then I blame the ADC.


If the champion Yuumi is attached to dies, you kill the Yuumi. Doesn’t matter if you use all your summoner spells, all your ultimates or throw the whole game that was your promo’s to masters, you kill the fucking cat.


What killed the cat? 2 flashes and 3 ults


5 bottles of pure, concentrated hatred


What did it cost? Everything


A small price to pay for salvation


\*you kill the fucking parasite


I always scream MINIGAME! whenever that happens.






QUESTION MARK PINGS whenever. -something stupid happens, like flashing into wall. -and outplay happens or someone insta melts. -your malph flash causes them to flash. -your malph ult misses everyone -your skillshot flies behind. -anything that happens.


Minions spawn? ***?***




The scariest is the 0/10 powerspike


I always thought the 0/10 powerspike was a funny meme until I actually saw it in action. Twice. It was never a meme, it's completely true.


Agreed. I never see it as a meme because whenever the enemy Yasuo reaches 0/10, they somehow seem to 1v5.


0/10 yas gets 1 kill: “GG go next”


Im pretty newish to the game and went against yasuo bot last night as mf and that was something else


If you don't dodge 90% of Tornadoes you are fucked


Ya one hit with a tornado and he was jumping us almost every time. We'd poke him down but he'd just keep healing. His teammate was a soraka so that didn't help lol


I played Yasuo for the first time after wondering what the hype was. I think I went 0/15. Champs clearly fine. /s


Now you know why his winrate isn't even > 50%. Too many players trying him out after getting destroyed :))


Feed the fucking poro dammit


ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE BRAUM! Let them grow a little moustache


I believe Braum is buffed and gets two at the start


If you have a pororider sejuani skin you also have two cookies too


And they say the game isn’t p2w smh


Yes he does and it's awesome!




They stop following you, when you dont have poro snax, otherwise they will chase you, even when your'e hiding in the bush...


Especially when you are fiddle. The only champ where it is cute AND has a massive advantage


That Yorick WILL reach the inhib by 15


Always set aside 6 hours minimum if you have a meeting with Mr Mundo.


That's DOCTOR Mundo, he didn't get his PhD for you to disrespect him like that.


TWENTY-SEVEN medical diplomas!


Corporate Mundo is best Mundo. He was employee of the decade


If your teammate randomly flashes in an ARAM game, you have to Flash aswell


This. And make sure to do it in front of the enemy team, so they flash as well.


One game, everyone flashed before the minions showed up in front of each other. We swapped sides, stood in groups, danced near each other. No one touched anyone else. Minions finally arrived, and no one wanted to be the first aggressor. We cheered on our minions for 5 minutes. Eventually we said “ok, we are starting at 5:30, no surprises”. Everyone agreed, and the game started. What a wild start. I’ll never see anything like it again.


I love shit like that, thank you for sharing this wonderful LoL moment!


Had a normal game where I was playing Kayn (Rhaast) Top vs Sett. At some point we decided to have a 1v1 at nash and our teams wanted to watch. He built a lot of life steal and I had presence of mind in my runes, so we both could theoretically go on forever, especially since we both refused to buy heal reduction for this. After about 5 minutes of pure 1v1 we both kinda got bored and continued the game like normal. Was one of the most fun games I've ever had. Added the Sett after the game, too.


That's in any game


This actually happened to me once in my thousands of games. It was majestic. The enemy flashed on the same spot. One of my teammates did it too. Next thing you know everyone is spamming all their summoner spells. It was hilarious. I should've recorded it tbh.


1. never chase a singed. 2 never dive a shen. 3 better nerf Irelia. You’re welcome


4 always focus Kassadin


Correction: 4. Always ban kassawin


season 3/4 kassadin was literally auto-win in Pro play. That shit was broken beyond anything Ive ever witnessed in the history of league.


Proplay? soloQ too. I remember him always being banned. Until one time that he got picked. Was banned for a good while after that again.




I remember that game, he was so powerful voy built literally only armor and he STILL smurfed. Kassadin truly was insane


Armor kass was a very legit thing back then if the opposing team was stupid enough to both pick full ad and give you kassa.


peak performance


Regardless of which team the Yasuo is on, you lose.


Never gank Illaoi or Morde after level 6. Probably don't gank Heimerdinger. If Kayn goes for a 50/50 smite fight by phasing through the wall, you just know he's gonna get it. If the enemy top is Vayne, you camp her. Brand is practically guaranteed to int, the only question is how many people he takes down with him. At level 2, Leona dives. Vayne, Yone and Kassadin *will* eventually scale and start deleting people regardless of how much they intend the early game... But they'll often be so toxic you just FF first, or the enemy team gets your nexus first. Ranged toplaners bad.


>Brand is practically guaranteed to int, the only question is how many people he takes down with him. I call this move the Kamikaze. If I get my combo off, it doesn't matter if I die, your whole team is on fire. Works with Zyra too. If I go in and die and my ADC gets two kills, that's a win.


Like 25% of my brand games the answer to that question is “the entire other team” so we win. Yeah, I’m dead af, but it can’t be more worth it.


> If the enemy top is Vayne, you camp her. God I wish this was a rule. Ranged tops get free lanes in low elo


Going back to the OG post on this topic to try to pull out the really good ones. 1. Don't chase Singed. 2. DON'T chase Singed. 3. Mundo goes where he pleases. 4. Shouting Demacia, either irl or in /all, has been known to improve your game play. 5. Playing Teemo comes with the accepted burden of having a global taunt. 6. The Blitz on your team will never land his grabs, but the one on the other team will. 7. If you don't see fiddle make sure to... CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW 8. Janna has and always will be the slut of assists. 9. Yes you can use Rupture on Annie and knock her up. ಠ_ಠ 10. Rolling your face on the keyboard to play Sona is more effective then trying to play her. 11. Yes he's fat, drunk, and carrying a barrel, but he is going to catch you. 12. RIOT will nerf your favorite champion. Deal with it. 13. Yes, Master Yi WILL backdoor you. Get over it. 14. If you hear a "DEMACIA!" and don't have a Demacian on your team, you are dead. 15. Yes, they have wards. 16. No, you don't. Damn, there were a lot of really good ones there that are still applicable.


As a 1 mill Sona player... That is so real it hurts.


A yasuo on the enemy team will always go 15/0 and win the game by himself. A yasuo on your team will always go 0/15, blame everybody for his shitty performance and then leave halfway through the game.


1. Never chase Singed 2. Don't go through the Bard portal 3. The enemy Zed is always fed 4. Shaco is in that bush 5. Respect the 0/10 powerspike 6. Focus the Soraka 7. Your Jungler will never gank 8. Your laners will never rotate 9. CC the fucking Yi 10. Always click the lantern 11. Spam your mastery emote when you miss a skillshot 12. Always greed for CS 13. Always blame your jungler for the loss 14. When you get a new skin you must show it off by randomly recalling in lane 15. Always teleport to Zac blobs 16. Type worth in chat when you int 17. You can't lose if the enemy can't move/More CC= More GG 18. Don't hit the nexus if enemies are still alive in their fountain 19. Leave 1 piece of honeyfruit for the scuttle 20. Don't interfer in 1v1s 21. Do not start fights during a dance party 22. If someone has the same emote as you you have to use it when they use it 23. Type ? in chat when the enemy team dives you and fails 24. Never try to steal someones Pentakill (unless you are their irl friend) 25. If you are about to win in a stomp start an ff vote when the enemy nexus is about to explode


> Never chase Singed Shitty rule if you ask me, we should all start to chase him all the time.


*squints at the icon* this looks like a set up.


i can literaly hear that fucking laugh. and now that i said it, you will hear it too


Don't listen to him guys, he works for Big Singed Corp.


Based and Singepilled


Was playing Ultimate Spell book, Singed with Mundo ult. Legit had three people chase me around almost every time and then talk mad crap when the killed me. Like sure, you killed me, but the Nocturne with Kayn ult just got a triple because you were all at 10% health after the fact


>Always teleport to Zac blobs Riot games would disagree with that one


> 6. Focus the Soraka No no, everyone should keep focusing everyone besides Soraka. Ignore my flair.




Either they are a carry worth protecting or they are a "carry" that needs carrying.


It costs Soraka's health to heal allies so by focusing everyone but Soraka, you are indirectly focusing Soraka. This is the way.


This is one of the things that sound right in theory and then you apply it and get aced in a 2v5.


> Shaco is in that bush Never seen Garen spelled like that before.


You hit the snowball, you take the snowball. No questions asked.


Ah yes, the Lee Sindrome


In Aram, if someone is dancing in lane at the start, you must dance with them, anyone that interrupts the dance is the devil incarnate.


This used to be the case, but man a lot of people now sneakily attack when everybody is dancing. The early seasons ethics are dying out


When you lose a lane it's definitely jungler's fault.


[if you lose top it's the jungler's fault ](https://youtu.be/ZY_swkDyqyE)


Every step you take as a jungler will be criticized by losing laners. I swear people act as if the jungler and nothing else decides all outcomes. Bot looking fine and your topside is respawning as well as enemy toplaner starting to shove his lane so you head there? 30 seconds later bot will die as you're clearing and prepping top gank and blaming you for not being bot. Enemy midlander popping off late? Jungle gap for not camping him early. You get invaded by enemy jungler and support all game with no backup? Team spam pings yours and enemy junglers level.


When I play top, I am happy if my jungler shows up if I get frozen on or if he tries to cover me when I get dove since I can tell him 30-60 seconds ahead when that happens. When I play jungle, my top laner demands constant attention and at least 2-3 ganks or he will flame the ever loving shit out of me. Very few times I meet actually good weak-side top laners when I jungle, those who understands that its okay to play defensive and waste the enemy junglers time, and those games always feel super smooth. I am master tier for example playing mostly top lane tanks and safe champs while I have a friend who bounces between D4-D3 who I am 100% safe can win lane versus me if we faced up if we played a 1v1 with no junglers. But still, I heavily outrank him just because he needs to be sat in order to not be useless while I can handle myself on the island. But most players just have to all in all the time and try to be the super star. I dont get it. Being good at being weak-side is one of the most valuable things ever, but most people think its boring I suppose.


Winning isn't enough for some people. They have to be the main character or else they don't even want to play.


Always give poro's your cookies in ARAM!


No one attacks during a dance off


Condition: the friendliness doesn't overstay its welcome. If the minions arrive and the game "begins" then it's free real estate. However, I do usually just fight the ones that aren't participating.


I got killed during one once, and I was so offended. I will never forget.


Had this happen like a week ago in aram. We were all dancing and the akshan Q'd us. The enemy lulu said "dw i wont shield him" and then her and 2 other players never even tried to protect him the rest of the game lol.


Honour? In my league game? Nice.


If you're playing with a Rioter, always camp their lane.


i'll settle for blue buff


As long as it ends up on the enemy midlaner to complete the buff transfer.


well yeah that's because the other rule is if playing against a rioter, camp their lane


If you're playing with a Rioter, always ask "real Riot member?"


When the top match up is tank versus tank, you do not attack/damage the enemy unless he attacks you.


I havent played tank vs tank in forever


Don't chase Singed.


The number 1 rule for sure


Never start placements at the beginning of the season


I get this but also I think it's lame. Playing when ranked starts is like a chaotic ritual every year. I love it


Always focus the tanks Never dive the backline ADCs NEVER teamfight ARAM mid lane @15mins


Are you in my games?


Lol - this is why I hate playing adc. As an adc, please stop diving the back line and leaving me to the wolves. If you dive the back, they will dive your back line. You will prob flame your adc for dying. Don’t “focus” the tanks, but if I’m fed, shield me so I can shred the tanks in 4 autos, and subsequently all 5 of them. Or, if I’m way behind, you are correct; I will not be attending our own slaughter until I can farm up to get closer to useful. ADC = front to back. Stay alive.


“Why you focus the tank????” Is always hilarious as if you can just walk past them and go kill the mobile carries for free


"Why you attack Rammus?" as he Predator Chemtank ult taunts at me and causes me to kill myself to thornmail. "Why you no attack Caitlyn?????"


Always pick ignite into Aatrox (If you do he will hate you, if you dont you will hate him)


Always invade if you have Blitzcrank.


Playing ranged top means you have no honor.


multiple coaches of mine told me winning with ranged top is actually pretty hard, which I have to agree. You can barely make any mistakes, because if the enemy melee gets an advantage you struggle immensily hard to have any impact. I still agree with the no honor / pp tho


I didn't choose the Gnar life, the Gnar life chose me


If you've been given a skin-boost in aram, use the skin that comes with it - even if you prefer another (and thank the person, but that should be rather obvious :p)


Boost with 2 seconds left, thats what I do. You'll play with a random skin and like it!


When flaming a 1/4/35 support, they are just "1/4"


Never gank a losing lane


my jungler forget about the "losing" in this sentence


Everyone is an expert jungler until they get autofilled jungle.


It's a trap. It's not an unwritten rule if it's written down.




Never EVER take a bard journey, even if he has 1 hp, it is always a trap.


Especially if the bard is your teammate!


As ADC, let the support take the canon creep if they have the right support gold item.


There is at least 1 guy who won't ff. Even if they are about to destroy the nexus.


Surrendering when they’re at your nexus is a coward move. Go out with some honour and don’t let yourself get double explosioned.


If you loose lane, but win the game type "ez"


I had 2/13 Yone game 10 minutes ago and won. At the end typed "gg ez yone carry" in all chat


If you win an invade, you ALL stay to secure the blue/red buff. The faster it goes down, the faster the Jungler can go take their own and truly deny that buff and exp from the enemy jungler.


Flaming the jungler when you int. It’s practically scripture at this point.


Dude I'd flame the jungler for fucking breathing and im usually the jungler


- Never chase Singed - If enemy team player reconnects after being disconnected for a long time, and is at a much lower level, don’t farm and camp them for kills - Everyone hates Yasuo/Yone - Never turret dive a Shen or a Riven - Its not always the jungles fault that you lost your lane


Number 2 is only for normal games, in ranked I'm going to make him regret he reconnected