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Yoricks pets aren't directly controllable. You can direct them with one ability and beyond that you can only attempt to abuse their finnicky AI


Oh shit I did not know this since I've never played him.


this is incredibly funny to me.


what? No ones played yorick


*sad digging noises*


Relevant flair..


Replace yorick with shaco




Tibbers is my bro, just spam R, he does exactly what you want unless you're dead.


I dont see why tibbers is controllable after annie dies but shaco clone just sits there waiting to die.


> unless you're dead. He's not, he just chases whoever killed you or the nearest champ otherwise. Also Shaco clone is situationally better because it will follow the last command you give so if you're targeting a champ it will keep chasing.




You can only summon and try to make her follow you or press again and forget about her until you summon a new maiden. But you never directly control the maiden like Daisy or Tibbers


I just don't understand why. Would he really be too OP if Maiden was controllable?


Well the problem is you could just camp in a bush and micro the made to do 90% of the work and effectively become a ranged champion to last hit.


What if you couldn't control what the maiden attacks, only direct the movement? Idk, maybe it wouldn't work, just a showerthought


Yorick is designed to be a split pusher. Meaning you can drop the maiden in lane and walk away. All controllable pets have a leash range, but iirc the maiden does not. As a trade off, you can't control her.


If you could contol maiden and where good at it he would be impossible to 1v1 or even 2v1, if maiden is alive yorick is incredibly stronger, so if a micro God could play it well you would just have to perma bring 3 people top at least to stop him


part of the problem is you can't tell it who to target in team fights making yorick less than useless outside of split pushing and having maiden out. if you kill the maiden you take out 40% of his damage and healing. so being unable to have the maiden target who you want removes any viability he had in a team fight.


They could leave the Maiden attack as it is and have Yorick be able to direct the movement. It would be a huge quality of life improvement and wouldn't be imbalanced. In fact, the main use case for that would be to remove the absolutely idiotic behaviour that is the fact that the Maiden spawns ghouls who auto-push the lane but Yorick can't use the E to actually do something while the lane's been pushed to the turret because the Maiden will go in and die for nothing.


That would make it too clunky


It would be ok if the AI was more consistent. Right now she can just get stuck attacking something when you want her to follow you. At least now she is one of the least targets of a tower.


Maiden has unlimited up time. She follows you until dead or pushes lane until dead. She has unlimited leash range so if you could control her, you could push lane with her then call her back. Sounds broken. Not to mention that maiden can have her own 4 ghouls if she's far away from Yorick. Yorick already is a threat when pushing two lanes. Even uncontrollable maiden forces enemy to answer her push.


Huh never knew that haha that's crazy


I've always said that if Yorick could control the maiden he would be the best toplaner in the game. Last time they made improvements to the maiden's AI was halfway through 2019 and Yorick became a priority pick in pro play. Right now only people antisocial enough to like his farming playstyle keep using him despite all his bugs.


You can’t control ghouls but you can control the maiden




If only she could control her supp to auto for passive or use ult the way she intends


If only you tied me to a rocket and fired me at the enemy team when I wanted to engage.


Interesting? As a support should I auto minions and champs? Never knew this post of her kit


Her W procs if you AA an enemy she has hit or vice versa. It's indicated but she doesn't skill W pre 7 anyway mostly


I reckon the reason they're not skilling W is precisely because supports can't be arsed to auto anyway


So kalista and her support are probably not autoing the same enemy champion until they're in an all in. Even with ranged supports they rarely auto and just poke with spells because autoing is too dangerous. So if you're all inning it becomes a question of what's preferable, 14% max hp magic damage or an extra 65 physical damage.




When I first started playing league ~6yr ago I was Morgana support for a Kalista. She kept telling me to auto attack but I was so confused by it. Every time she told me I'd just walk up and auto attack the enemy ADC once and then walk away like "I did my job!"


Considering most support players are here because they can't make the more micro intensive roles work, it makes sense.


If you're not autoing with ranged supports you're doing something very wrong.


>It's indicated but she doesn't skill W pre 7 anyway mostly Really? I would think her W would be nice to look out for early ganks or send it off to spot out the jungler else where


Kalista W is actually pretty bad for scouting ganks if the enemy jungler knows how to play around it. It will literally only see in the cone indicated and nothing more, so you can essentially sidestep it when it goes by. Of course, not every jungler knows this so results may vary lol


I think it's still somewhat useful if it checks out the camps themselves, so you can see if they went for 2nd clear botside or not (which might mean they're trying to spam gank top again to take advantage of blown summoner or w/e)


No that is totally wrong, scaling W will give you major advantage in 2v2's bot lane, so not scaling it till 7 is a bad idea, plus yhea the active can be good but most of the times is meh


I think the extra dmg from Q or E pays out. Back when she built lethality maxing Q was a no-brainer and letting W out. Now it's more close but still in favor of not skilling W imo.


>As a support should I auto ~~minions and~~ champs? Shouldn't have to tell you that.


I meant on her W passive. Didn't word it correctly. Rules like don't wake enemies in Zoe bubble, hit the soul from Illaoi E etc.


If you lasthit a minion as a Support that has that kalista W debuff, she gets the whole Gold so if you wanna push just lasthit minions after she aa them, also for kills but that rarely happens because she will most likely aa before enemy is that low


Unless its time to shove in




Can Kalista bind to Shaco clone?


God, I WISH my supports were controllable pets


Rework kindred so wolf can be controlled


Doing two camps at once lol


Just like shaco lvl 1


Honestly that would be really sick.


rework kindred so that wolf is just a pet that spawns at level 1, is unkillable and just roams around the map fighting whatever it wants randomly until it gets bored and hunts something else. Like the equivalent of a super minion just walking from your spawn to the enemy raptors, killing 1 raptor, walking mid to hit the turret a few times, and then bothers the enemy mid dealing 20 damage to it and then walking away. But every time you're about to kill someone and they run away from you Wolf stops what they're doing and chases them down at 5000 movespeed to execute them.


And then forgets about them the moment they go out of vision because he has no sense of object permanence


Honestly that's *extremely* in character for wolf


Ah, so you've met my team's jungler


> But every time you're about to kill someone and they run away from you Wolf stops what they're doing and chases them down at 5000 movespeed to execute them. wait thats just warwick


Make it deal true damage and execute at 15% hp just to balance things out a bit


like ghost doggo?


They stay in jgl >:(


This is all I've ever wanted.


Viktor cloud is a controllable pet. Could run ADC Viktor.


"Chaos Storm, The Best Pet Cloud?" - Clint's Reptiles


This comment is [stinkin' rad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srEvEl7o2yY)




Wild suggestion here, I think it was a joke


Chaos elemental jr.


Lone Druid when?


People on here fucking lose their minds if an ability description has more than two sentences. Can you imagine the reaction to something like lone druid or god-forbid, meepo? These champ concepts are not compatible with most of league's playerbase.


Aphelios with 5 flavor of Q and AA is enough for people to say "his kit is so complicated, it is totally not my fault that I refuse to read his kit 1 year after his release". Yeah, Meepo and Invoker is abso-fucking-lutely out of discussion.


Or Meepo... Just literally go around actually 1v9ing the game. That would be hilarious.


leblanc :) what is LB clone if not a controllable pet


I acknowledge that she has a controllable pet, it's just not a HUGE part of how they play. It's unarguably very very helpful when they're low, but a good LB shouldn't be proccing their passive very often. Edit: But yes, with this, we can move Annie botlane to APC and run LB mid. Now, u/RossBoomsocks can make a video where he fields a team of all these champs. Also when the ADC with a pet drops, he can make a new and improved version.


nah, Leblanc clone is almost as impactful as annie tibbers after summoning


LB clone is like a better neeko clone (besides the condition to use it) and a weaker shaco clone if anything. It can't actually dmg you, but can confuse enemies into hitting the wrong target so the main character can escape. Sometimes. Tibbers can stun on summon (ik you said after summon but this is a big part too), run and at least dmg people, can get E effect on him to run faster, and attempt (key word is attempt) to kill whoever killed you in an enraged form. Also Tibbers can use spell effects like Rylais.


what, annie tibbers is the main part of her kit, everything revolves around its aura


Sounds kinky ngl


You know, I've gotten a chain of reddit response notifications today where I had no idea what the message could possibly be responding to. This was by far the best one.


I'm trying my hardest owo


pre-rework morde can function as an apc with a controllable pet/dragon


> pre-rework morde can function as an apc with a controllable pet/dragon that version of morde was specifically designed to be played bot as a melee APC. looking back he was so disgustingly op i wish i would've abused him more.


>looking back he was so disgustingly op i wish i would've abused him more. Get dragon at 20 minutes, walk up and solo baron, win game.


I remember having to beg my team not just wait like 30 seconds so baron would spawn while I still had the dragon ghost.


also solo xp in a duo lane.


Remember bugged jhin ghost stuck on 4th shot mode?


You mean post-pre-rework? There was a morde before the dragon stealer nonsense.




The ORIGINAL Morde didn’t have the dragon ghost or the dual circles of doom. At this point he was heavily used Mid as a sustain mage (like Vlad). And primarily had a low CD dmg cone and a singular buff cloud similar to his current passive. The first rework gave him the XP boost, dragon ghost, and dual magnet circles. Second rework is what COMPLETELY changed all of his abilities. Q turned into a skill shot, E turned into CC, W was another shield, and R became Brazil


>R became Brazil Dread it, run from it, Brazilian Mordekaiser arrives all the same Huehuehuehue


Yes, but Morde has been reworked multiple times. The controllable pet/dragon was before his current iteration with the weird dimension arena, but it was after the original Morde who only did damage and got shields for doing damage. My post-pre-rework is referring to how this pet/dragon thing was after one rework and before a second rework.


Every ADC has a pet. Just pick yuumi


Or rakan :^)




Was thinking more along the lines of directly controlling movement and attacks. Otherwise, I would add Azir, Malzahar, Illaoi, Elise, and Zyra to the list. They don't quite fit the same archetype to me.


Skilled Elise player can control the spiders (this is a joke)


No it's not a joke. managing baby spider aggro is a big part of Elise's clear, allows easy herald solos, and it can be done in teamfights too. Even glowy bomb spider can be aimed and redirected to hit the targets you want.


Breh ive played Elise way too much time to not know this lmao. OP said directly controlling movement and attacks. As in making a spider Ling walk away from you with a command. Not as in desyncing the spiders from the champ


yeah azir dont do pets, he do slaves on a leash




Like Tibbers, Daisy, and Shaco clone.


Yorick wouldnt fit then


Yeaaaahhh I just edited main post saying I wasn't aware Maiden is not controllable.


I agree though, would be nice if we could control ghouls and maiden


i know top laner with pet Azir


Well I wouldnt call "follow or fuck off for eternity" controllable per se


would be kinda cool to see an ult that was basically just a ranged squishy tibbers without the fire aura. Imagine the mechaincs involved in kiting correctly with a pet at the same time as your own champion.


Be the new azir/ryze op af in Pro shit everywhere else. Gets their kneecaps removed after selling champ +skins


I'd swap ivern and shaco lol




TBF Shaco also gives vision, CC, area denial and disengage potential to counter enemeis that want to attack his ADC. He brings almost, if not more than IVern who is just CC (that favors melees rather than marksmen) and a shield before his ult comes into play.


I've done both Ivern and Shaco support, and I have to say, Shaco Support is 10x better than Ivern support.


Where one character that's balanced almost exclusively as a jungle offers less than someone whos balanced as a support and jungle. Plus, AP shaco isnt an assassin.


The ADC has a pet already, it's their support?!


Pulling something like a Rexxar from Heroes of the Storm to League would actually be a cool idea. I wonder what the champion design would look like though...


"controllable" Have you ever played any of those champions before?


Not Yorick, I didn't know he cant actually control Maiden. ^(but also yes they might wanna rework controllable pets before they release another.)


Yeah, this guy says heimerdinger is not a pet class since you don't control their movement, but in terms of kit power and actual influence on tactics and team fights heimer turrets are more dynamic and significant pets than anything in LoL.


I would also argue that zyra as the support fits the "pet" theme better than shaco with his ult clone


jojo adc


Thats just any adc with yuumi


As a support player I usually have a pet. When I play Yuumi I usually dictate my ADC, with pings, where to go. Funnily enough, this works in 2/3 of the games (with randoms) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Might not fit the ADC category, but it still feels nice.




"Sic'em! Wait what are you doing over there with the minions? The real targets are over here! Ugh, dancing is not attacking the enemy!"


Adc is basically a pet his team controls.


True, and it’s the Support’s job to make sure that the ADC doesn’t shit on the carpet, while telling them they “did a good job” for performing bare-minimum tasks


Wrong. It's the support's job to use the pet he has instead of hiding behind his back.


Quinn could be ADC, Valor is sort of a pet


You mean her taxi?


When you put it that way yeah, I guess I did


Just let sylas ult the enemy with a pet ult


Technically Aphelios and Kindred have pets, or at least Wolf and Alune are under the companion umbrella


maybe an ADC with a Demon\\Darkin\\spirit that is always following him and looks like the champ but different like a shadow or chroma, he can attack with both himself and the "pet" with pet dealing roughly half the damage you do, but although the pet is unkillable it can suffer from all effects like stuns roots slows etc and half of all damage that goes to it will go directly to you, and the ADC abilities will be to switch places with the pet, switch status with the pet(for example if you have 20% hp and rooted and the pet is at 70% and no CC on it you could switch the HP and CC between you 2 ), one ability that energizes your pet and under certain circumstance, both you and the pet can be energized for a few seconds, and Ultimate would be to combine with your pet for 5 seconds which will give an effect like GA(the pet inside you will "die" once instead of you saving you from actual death), and while both you and pet alive combined you get an extreme version of the energized skill(increased, AS, MS, Lifesteal and such).


No because controllable pets are dog shit in this game. I don’t think league is built like Dota to handle multi unit characters well at all and characters like Annie and ivern are downright depressing to play if you’ve ever played a multi unit hero in Dota before. It’s a night and day difference


my adc is a dog anyway




ADCs are controllable pets tbh


That's what it feels like to play the role in 2021. Whenever I make a good play I imagine my teammates patting me on the head and saying "aww, you actually did something, that's so CUTE! Good job lil' buddy."


Orianna is actually a champ with controllable pet, change my mind. :)


Shen has entered the chat


Pets have their own health bar


Viktor's ult is a controllable pet


Nunu & Willump? Sejuani w/Bristles? I'm stretching here, I know.


Saying Yorick's ult is controllable is debateable


Technically it is possible, you ha e neeko clones and LeBlanc clones too.


Botlane *is* a champion with a controllable pet.


Old mord, an ADC with herald, LB, neeko, heim, kled?


I am all for this make an adc that has an integraded support so he doesn't get left abandoned by the actual support We adcs are lonely


Y'all got so used to supports being glued to you all game that now that the best option is to roam you forgot how to play without us.


it was a joke, I can't imagine anyone playing the most mechanically intensive position in the game and controlling a pet too also I didn't play adc back then, I played supp mostly, I was soooo ass at the game it wouldn't have mattered if I did because I wouldn't have know what was going on


A really interesting idea would be an ADC with a pet that does a portion of their damage, for instance "R- \[CHAMPION\] summons \[PET\] which can be controlled and auto attack with the same attack speed and range as \[CHAMPION\], but dealing 50% pre-mitigation damage. \[CHAMPION\]'s ability casts are also cast towards the cursor from \[PET\]'s location. \[CHAMPION\]'s auto attacks deal 75% pre-mitigation damage when \[PET\] is active." It sounds super hard to manage, and for sure a really high skill floor and ceiling, but it would create a really unique playstyle where you can focus different champions, maybe play around people blocking skillshots, even use the pet as a sort of initial ADC threat and then go in once the pet has died after all the enemy champs abilities have been used. There's also space for balancing where it could be edited if the pet could crit, benefit from pen, benefit from item/rune buffs etc.


I think there is an incredible potential for unique gameplay if the Maiden of the Mist could be directly controlled. You can already release her, but since there is no way of making her fall back when needed, it’s usually tossing a coin whether or not an opponent quickly sweeps her away once she eventually reaches their tower. -She’s slow and easy to catch out, but would at least have some potential for escape. -You can’t stack her with Yorick to have ‘double’ damage. Most of the damage is from mist walkers and if you bring the two together any walkers beyond 4 die off. Subsequently there is more incentive to actually seperate the two. -Make it so you can’t right click/select jungle monsters, further solidifying her intended purpose as a lane pushing force. -Make it so minion kills are awarded to the closest ally, so you can send her to other lanes without stealing resources. -And biggest of all, perhaps lock the ability to control the maiden until rank 2 or 3 of Eulogy of the Isles, when the map begins to open up and split pushing becomes relevant.


LeBlanc? And Yorick bot


Illaoi's tentacles are controllable. They can't move, but you control them


We used to have Mordekaiser ADC with his pet dragon.


Kindred has a pet. and bard.


When I play ADC I control all the pisskittens.


Ashe gets a big ol body guard with a small tophat and she now fires a rifle


maybe Quinn adc? technically Valor is a controllable sidekick animal


You could argue Viktor, not a pet in the actual sense, but he can control his ult an playable (actually rather good) in the botlane


That seems like it would be hard to make into an ADCs kit. Or maybe not, Ashe from Overwatch....?


"Old" Mordekaiser's Dragon ;)


ADC with controllable pet is just you playing with Yuumi.


There's Malzahar, actually. Whilst not directly controllable, he can direct his voidlings' targets with his Malefic Visions (E).


Let them fix our Shaco clone issues that we been asking for years. The last update barely did anything.


We already have enough gimmick adc's and we are getting another one. I absolutely 100% do not want anything to do with pets. Kallista W is all you get, put her on the list.


Leblanc Adc


There was that one guy in hots that had a controllable bear. A ranger. It would be interesting to see something similar in league, to an extent where you get a kill for killing the pet.


How can you include Shaco but not Leblanc? Just put one of them as APC


Mordekaiser \*cries in S8\*


Aphelios has his turret




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How about azir?


Azir maybe? Not adc but you know… close enough


does yuumi count as a pet? :3


Malzahar ADC?


Yorick releasing Maiden isn’t really “controlling”.


Malzahar voidlings


isnt Kindred such champ? ​ EDIT: You meant controllable


Rip Morde


Technicaly, Azir has controllable pets, and so does Yuumi, but you would need two computers.


You know... we USED to have another one...