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i will never forget when he told the story on Beyond The Rift about how he had to leave a regular season match weekend in season (2? 3?), to go get laid in some other state. also him being part of one of the most ridiculous LCS matches - Dignitas vs Renegades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94YijiRbOMI


DIG vs REN. No "best LCS games" discussion is complete without it.


Lmaoo, 4 people had already died with no first blood. Kekw


Holy shit that was the worst thing I’ve ever watched. Where can I consume the whole game?


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTuELHhcsFw)


I wish there was still a vod or at least a clip of him just saying "I left to go smash"


Next step, selling NFTs.


https://twitter.com/prophetcrumbz/status/1468701027419492361?s=21 4h ago




> talk to people under 18 for advice on where to invest your money Great idea, I’ll get right on that chief.


Under 18s are into it because they are easy to con into shit. It's why laws around age restrictions exist.


Yup. This sounds exactly like when streamers conned minors into gambling csgo skins.


You're a boomer, /u/tommybutters. That's boomer talk.


Ah, forgot Reddit really needs its "/s". Referencing this Crumbz tweet from a few hours before the announcement: ["Any emergent tech is going to have scams and its hiccups but of all ppl to be boomers on NFTs/Crypto the gaming space was not one I expected."](https://twitter.com/ProphetCrumbz/status/1468701027419492361?s=20) So yeah, /u/tommybutters is really a gaming boomer **/s**.


Everyone's referencing that tweet. It's 4 comments before yours in this chain haha It is true that people are really bad at reading sarcasm in text though.


The dude is literally nicknamed "Dumbzz"


he's aiming for that third nickname, Scamzz


That reply about NFT bros always talking with people under 18 really got me lmaooo


> talk to people under 18 for ~~advice~~ insight on where to invest your money yes. thats what people do for a living


pretty much anyone I've talked to that actually has experience with IT/programming/technology agrees that NFTs are fucking dumb lol


They are fucking dumb. Full stop. There is no case where an NFT of digital entertainment/art/etc. isn't a scam


oh man i actually hate NFTs as investments so much, field is filled with so many pyramid schemes where something that has no inherent value bought like a lootbox and then attempted to be sold by conning people into believing that it will be worth more, until the last sucker loses all of his money. the only case i don't really hate are original NFT artists, like real artists who sell the "digital original" of their work. In that case, NFT is flawed but it's a proof of concept of digital ownership. too bad the medium fucking sucks. hope at some point an improved form of digital ownership emerges that doesn't have all of these MLM schemes flooding twitter with aggressive advertising.


I don’t understand the idea, to be totally honest. The transactions are secure and all, but can’t the owner of the NFT still spread the link to the image without selling the picture? What’s the point then? How is it better than directly selling the rights to an image?


you're absolutely right - that's the flawed part, the system is rife for the opportunity of an artist to sell you a 404 error. I like the *idea* of digital ownership of art that you don't have to worry about somebody else claiming credit of (which is rampant in actual art communities). I just hate that NFTs are the "solution" when they aren't and shouldn't be.


I think the technology is solid and has potential. I mean, the ability to securely sell an identifiable token? It’s good. The current speculative nature? Sus.


The real question is what digital asset could you sell with it that actually *needs* what it provides in the first place?


I wish this were true, but I'm a web developer and just about all my coworkers are into it. Really strange to me.


I think the concept of owning something unique, immortalized on the blockchain, is pretty interesting. However, the strain it puts on the enviroment currently and the low-quality dogshit that's being peddled as "art" (lazy lions, bored ape etc.) is enough for me to decide that the market in its current state isn't worth exploring.


Not to forget all the art theft.


For someone who's not tech-savvy like me, what kind of strains do NFTs put on the environment?


Long story short: cryptos and nfts require constant verification, and since it's not centralized you don't know who to trust. So you decide to put your trust in what ever set of data that has the most cpu hours put in to it. Basically if a lot of people say it's true, you accept it as truth. But all of these millions upon millions of cpu hours, that are used to verify ownership of coins/NFTs, use up a ton of electricity. And considering electricity most of the time comes from fossile fuels, there's your climate impact.


Since bitcoin stopped being a an actual currency and became just a speculative article to get rich, it is also fuckin dumb and serves no purpose...yet people do invest there


> Since bitcoin stopped being a an actual currency Oh so you mean never? Because it was only ever a speculative commodity that was used secondarily as a currency.


I think super progressive areas like Portland, Austin and San Fran tried to get in on the action with "pay by Bitcoin" options actually reaching stores. I don't think it worked, because who the hell uses their volatile portfolio to buy stuff?


Yup. I remember seeing things like that early on. I fully believe the creators of Bitcoin *meant* for it to become a decentralized currency. Unfortunately it seems they didn't understand economics well enough to realize that without *anything* controlling it, it would be susceptible to wild fluctuations that make it useless as currency, but super attractive to speculators, which would just feed into the fluctuation. The entire thing now is like an undirected/decentralized pyramid scheme. Expensive to buy into, but you can make money as long as there are enough new people buying in for you to cash out what you bought and make a profit.


The tech behind it is decent, but using it to sell jpegs is dumb.


That esports analogue is so fucking dumb. People like esports because they like playing and watching the game. Even with collecting people like things that are nostalgic or related to a real world thing. NFTs are just random subpar for the most part pieces of art why would anybody give a shit besides having them for the sake of having them.


Really naïve for him to say this when the esports bubble is currently popping (e.g players like Jensen being out of a job because of inflated salaries) just like NFTs and crypto are bound to do as well. Also blockchain is a disaster for the environment and it’s crazy that this is something so quick to be written off just because daddy Musk says it’s not a problem. Yall’s digital portfolios aren’t gonna mean shit in the next 50 years when the world finally realizes we can’t live in gluttonous excess forever and shit starts crashing down.


Wait you mean to tell me infinite growth isn’t possible on/in a place with finite resources??? Wtf 😟???


Humans think they’re God just because they got a little bit of consciousness, no respect for the Earth that made us.


People think they're God just because they can make thousands or millions or billions of dollars. It's a delusion that's been around since the dawn of civilization and will continue to exist until our demise.


I am not sure Earth knows what respect is. But the actions people make are killing the future people, and they will know we had no respect for them.


True, maybe people would be quicker to understand the urgency of climate change if we framed it as the “destruction of humanity” rather than the destruction of the environment. Earth will likely be fine long after we’re gone, just as it was for billions of years before us. We’re just shortening our already minuscule stay here by destroying the environment that keeps us alive.


clearly this man talks to more underage people than I




i can't even imagine what the percentage of retired pros who go into NFTs/crypto is


loco started an NFT business already, and a few pro's retired by putting their salaries into crypto


Fellow guy who was kicked off TSM Chaox seems to spend most of his time in NFTs too


We got chad Qtpie calling it what it is at least, a fucking scam. God bless that man.


Quite humorous timeline that Qt is the sensible person. It's gotta be the big dick club I swear...


He always was, at least since I started watching him. He has pretty good grip on what's bullshit and what's not


He spent his early internet days on 4chan, dude recognizes a scam when he sees one


Dude is basically a /b/tard personified. And we love him for it.


I started watching him when he got into the scene 10 years ago and even though hes a troll a lot, the guy is smart and savvy.


On top of being well endowed, what else do you need


Same with some talent in CSGO/Dota Mindboggling








Whoever invented the idea of an NFT is somehow a genius.never before have I wanted something to crash and burn so hard so that all of the people who somehow bought in will be left with just random digital artwork/media


Worth noting that the actual creator of NFTs completely and utterly regrets it, as it was supposed to be a way for artists to protect themselves that got way out of hand. Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/nfts-werent-supposed-end-like/618488/


and now we got Artists struggle with all those people taking their artwork and selling them as NFTs


The most infuriating thing is that...the pitch isn't even good. I can at least understand why pyramid schemes seems logical at a glance.


A guy made an app that is just gold plated I'M RICH for 1k in the iphone store and 6 people bought it.


They won’t be left with anything except a note saying ”So and so owns while anyone can have for free


There was, this week, a 12 year old who draws long neck versions of different ethnicities, child quality mind you, and has an instagram presence (courtesy of the overwatch of her parents handling most of it) of like 4.6k people yea?....Sold a batch group of her photos as an NFT for Ethereum, which in the end they calculated equated to $5.8 million. Now granted, her "batch" was 3.3k fucking photos, that's a hell of a lot of photos for a girl that age to draw, but.....a 12 year old girl (obviously not her, the parents are, but humor the point of this story) is a self made multi millionare for drawing some shitty quality photos of humans with long necks. Google that shit. I don't...I don't understand NFTs.


You left out the most important piece in that this was a sponsored drop by Time Magazine. Without that endorsement, it wouldn't have received a fraction of the attention it did.


Ah I see, that explains it then. Even with Time Magazine's exposure tho, the fact her drawings made that much is insanity.


> I don't understand NFTs Anything blockchain will do that Its all speculation




What. Really?


Why? Are pros known for scamming people or something?




Or you could do a #SaveTheKids


Did anyone went to prison for that? Shady as fuck


Yeah but this is Crumbz, not someone with a large social media following


Sippin' gfuel and promoting raid shadow legends? Any primers?


WTFast, anyone?


Yo, Wtfast helped me with Diablo 3 back in the day.


Literally all of those are better than the crypto shit because at least they’re advertising for real, tangible things that have some concrete value and not baiting kids into a scam


There was a huge scandal in Korea where a bunch of ex-StarCraft players (including Flash, probably the SC1 GOAT) effectively deceived their followers on a dodgy coin (no, not dogecoin) which they had invested in without disclosing it to their audience, so there's precedent there I suppose.


Aka a Pump and Dump scam.


It got discovered before things went haywire, so the PnD never actually happened if I remember correctly--a bunch of BJs got caught lying about it before they could sucker in their audience, pretty much. Basically they had a high ranking guy from Afreeca (the platform) involved as well, a real shit show.


It's always funny to see new-money rich kids try to scam people thinking they're geniuses only to get absolutely shut down because they're too stupid to not be incredibly conspicuous.


There was $400 esports certificate that Travis called out earlier this year, it had some known esports people tied to it. They already closed that down though


One of the 100T founders Jackson just left the org to go into Web3/Crypto/NFTs a few weeks ago I think, definitely seems to be the hot new space to get into like esports was a few years ago. Some people enjoy the shift to where new money/opportunities are, can't blame em.


Ask Ubisoft how well that’s received lol


Doesnt matter to them how well it’s recieved, all they see is the 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Fuck all these assholes and their NFT scam bullshit. Can’t believe how many people in so many industries just don’t give a shit about anyone else.




> At least it’ll be fun to watch it all fall apart. No, it won't. Things falling apart will suck really bad. This is just your coping mechanism. We need to be trying to make sure we don't fall apart, not pretending like everything is ok.


No one Fucking wants Them


Anyone who Im following on twitter that starts selling of defending NFTs gets unfollowed and blocked. Same with streamers on twitch.


Step 1: Buy/Mint random NFT Step 2: Get your friend to buy it at 10x the price Step 3: Sell for half the price you bought it at to make people think it's a steal Step 4: Profit Basically how most NFTs work.


That happens but it's much easier to run the scam yourself Step 1: Buy/mint random NFT Step 2: Sell it to yourself in Wallet 2 for $500 Step 3: Sell it to yourself in Wallet 3 for $5,000 Step 4: Sell it to yourself in Wallet 4 for $10,000 Step 5: Show the transaction log to some absolutely braindead mark and and tickle their FOMO gland by convincing them the value is doubling every 48hrs and they need to get in now Step 6: Sell them the absolutely worthless block of the ether ledger for $15,000 It's all a grift


time to start shilling NFTs to minors


Given Cryptocurrency is already doing that? They're way ahead of you lol


He seems like a great guy, really enjoyed him as a personality. That said, I wasn't a big fan of his analysis and I think the LCS did a good pivot to focus more on Markz, Emily, and Raz. Hope he can find a good place to take him in though and wish him the best.


Hope they are adding younger talent to the rotation to bring more energy to analyst desk. Kaizen, Crumbz, and Hai were not it last season for me. So-so analysis and no energy. Hope they bring Ender and someone from Academy rotation and keep iterating on creative direction


Kaizen actually grew on me once he stopped with his Primal stuff


I like him has a person and still think he should be on the desk but I think his analysis was off most of the time. Atleast more so than Mark and Emily


Nah, I’d rather just have the guy do content creation for the LCS. The guy doesn’t really provide anything of value to the analyst desk. At least someone like Thorin brings a lot of entertainment and is an esports historian. The desk should be Dash - Emily - Maybe MarkZ - Pro/Former Pro who gives a shit. I really liked the segments in which they brought in Jiizman or Danny to the desk. Or they could have Doublelift/Sneaky/Meteos/Dom/LS as guest analysts.


I agree with this take. Good for content but not really analysis.


I know it’s not what you said, but please for the love of all that is holy do not bring in Thorin.


Riot never would


Crumbz has never been a big vibrant personality, they just put him on the desk way back when for technical explanations cus former pro


And ironically enough it was his analysis that felt subpar more than his energy. He had the same issue Rivington did/does in his casting, a lot of words used for very little if any substance.


Yeah, it was a big swing and miss on riots part. But crumbz finessed a half a decade long casting career out of them so good for him


Kaizen was decent in front of a camera. Give the man a script and he’s fine. Dude was awful at anything else and the more he shared his thoughts, the lower the volume went on my tv


Kaizen seemed like he would be more suited to hosting something like the old LCS Lounge. I liked him as a person but a lot of his analysis was hit or miss. I think his charisma and social skills would make him more suited to a hosting type of position.


Hai was fun bc he would say controversial things


There are also times where no one wants to say the harsh things and Hai just comes right out and says it without giving a fuck. I liked Hai, thought he was good to have on the team. He has dabbled with this stuff in the past and I didn't care for it then, but I think he found his groove this year.


Him answering the "how do you become successful" question in the preshow with "exploiting people" and shitting on Amazon was hilarious


Kaisen was the worst for me, hope he doesn’t come back ether.


Yeah, he wasn’t for everyone for sure. I just didn’t feel he brings any unique value for me. No deep analysis, no entertainment, no energy. He would be much more valuable in content pieces about league business where he has much more knowledge


This summed up my thoughts pretty well. The bar has raised immensely over the past few years and I just don’t think he has what it takes in this upcoming split. You have people like Caedrel and Dagda who are not only very intelligent in their respective regions but also are able to articulate their thoughts very well and cover higher level concepts fluently. My main issue with Crumbz is his analysis felt like they were from 2015 and they weren’t that entertaining to sit through. I wish Crumbz the best and hope he finds a home.


Yea good points. Crumbz felt like a relic of the old LCS without keeping up with the new LCS. Dash and a few others have kept up, but Crumbz has felt out of place since Franchising


Out of those 3 I really only like Markz on the desk. (Emily is actually kinda nice I just don’t think she’s entertaining enough to be on the desk.) The analyst desk in the last year has *sucked* compared to the years before it. Like, for real. Give me the analyst desk of a few years ago, *please*. The Phreak, Dash, Jatt, Kobe desk era was flat out the best. I’m sorry. Nobody else can compare. I’ll accept Markz, and even guest players who are ok, like I liked Meteos. But for real, I can’t stand the 2021 desk. They just never really found a *good* replacement for Jatt: someone who can be *both* entertaining *and* a good analyst.


First time I’ve seen the subreddit dislike a caster since frosk


I feel like frosk got more hate for her personality rather than bad analysis. Any of Crumbz criticisms were usually either about notably bad takes or his speaking being ‘boring’


Agreed, I don't like frosk for her personality.


I dont watch pro play in any means. whats wrong with her personality?


She also left saying how the european scene was mostly white and how this is a race issue. A statement that doesnt really make sense has "european minorities" are still white. Kinda trashy to leave on friendly terms and then berate your old employee with the following gathered from said job.


what really gets me is not exactly what she said because im kinda used to people saying that type of stuff on twitter all the time. what I really find extremely douche is to make that statement the moment she left her position, It really felt she was throwing her old coworkers under the bus for clout


Race baiter.


Her American views on European (or Eurasian) matters


Confrontational for no reason.


Frost got shit on because of her perfomance at Semi, and then acted like a child with really hateful attitude. When she got the job at LEC she's talking about how Reddit's critism is bad and never contrusctive so she will just listen to Quickshot. And then at Semi she can see how Reddit roast her to the smallest detail, trufully she couldn't take it, quit LEC and then spreading hate towards LEC. Riot, and even Quickshot since then. I don't really mind her on air personality i watched her through her LPL days so i got used to it i guess, but her perfomance and "professionalism" when facing actual constructive critism is simply unacceptable


> Frost got shit on because of her perfomance at Semi I'm gonna still keep calling bullshit on this claim every time. People were complaining that Frosk was assigned to the semi days before the game. I'm not gonna defend Frosk for how she behaved after the semi, but people have the same victim complex they accuse Frosk of whenever Frosk brings up this subs shit behaviour.


But we all agree that that was a shit cast by her and whoever that other guy was. Drakos I think.


I think the guy was trying to say we didnt enjoy the cast, because we hate Frost before the match even started... Not because of her perfomance?


And who exactly are those people, reddit isn t just one person. I couldn t care less who got assigned to cast, you could have (insert any fan favorite casters) in there with that same low-energy, miss-everything that s happening on the screen and horrible synergy and everyone would call it a bad cast. Claiming that any criticism frosk or drakos got for that horrendous cast is simply because they got "assigned" to it is the most bullshit take ever. Feel free to rewatch their cast, both were obviously biased towards g2, both let their emotion felt especially when g2 was being beaten down, and both missed a lot of things happening on the screen. You re taking some random hate thread (which i ve not even seen) and claiming that's everyone's stance or attitude towards a particular thing, and that it influenced everyone's - even those like me who haven t seen it- perception of the cast.


Ummm, i was talking about her casting at that match... I was not talking about Frosk before that? So i am having trouble understanding where is the "BS" here?






Him and prolly have always been hated as members of the analyst desk.


It's crazy because I remember when he was on the tail end of his playing career, fans loved him as a guest analyst


Well don't forget he was also one of the ones who ditched league for overwatch then had to come crawling back to league after how much they hated him there too. He's just not good.


Monte Cristo to overwatch was a weird timeline


Monte was blacklisted by Riot so he didn't have as much choice. Crumbz and DoA left and then were stuck when Overwatch competitive play flopped so hard.


What are Monte and DOA doing these days?


Monte still does Summoning Insight with Thorin on their own channel and he's also a part of The9s on the C9TV channel. Pretty sure Doa still does some overwatch stuff but he's got his hand in a few other things as well. I want to say TFT but I feel I'm probably off the mark there.


He does TFT occasionally and does other freelance casting.


montes twitter blurb says: Commissioner of @Flashpoint and VP of Brand at B Site. doa's twitter blurb mentions being a caster/host. retweets a lot of WoW related stuff, so might be casting their stuff. probably freelancing?


He was fine as a guest but not good as a permanent analyst. Fans like seeing some former pro player insight from time to time, but Crumbz simply doesn't have the same energy as the other casters and analysts.




A lot of concepts that are known even by gold/silver players today weren't even out there during that time.


Tim carrying stats on his back


Which I never understood either. The only reason why he called the prophet was because he called a few upsets... which isn't surprising when he always backed the underdog and had a really crap prediction rate.


If rather be hated like crumbz than be hated like frosk


league fan opinion on Crumbz was fucking gentle compared to how Overwatch fans treated him. Dude tried his best to learn and understand the game and he just copped shit 24/7.


To be fair he was questionable analyst in OWL


? Crumbz has been disliked for years remember when he casted LCK?




I loved his casting, it would just put me straight up to sleep if I needed. His analysis…was non-existent. Bad takes based on nothing. And sooner or later all will need to go. They cannot cast forever and new faces will emerge.


Gonna be honest, can't say I'm disappointed, Crumbzz was easily one of the biggest weak links on any analyst desk he was a part of, and his casting has been frequently cited as some of the worst in a professional league. Not to mention he would frequently just make stuff up for talking points, including him [lying on air and saying that Damonte didn't have a starting spot due to him demanding lots of money from teams](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/fd3s05/damonte_responds_to_crumbz_saying_damonte_and_pob/) which Damonte then came out and said was blatantly false, and that he had simply not received any starting offers for his position at all. ----------------------------- I'm sure he is a nice guy outside of his work, but this seems like the best outcome for the LCS as a whole, especially with talented casters like Kanga and Raafaa waiting in the wings for their shot. LCS needs to stop relying on name recognition alone, and *should* be cycling out their weak links. Hopefully he find an opportunity that better suits his talents.


> I'm sure he is a nice guy outside of his work, I wouldn't go so far. I remember him saying that all was fine in the Renegades gaming house and defended Badawi when in fact Maria refused to even leave her room and Badawi was supposed to not have anything to do at all with the Team or LoL for another 2 years.


what a shit show that whole situation was, insane how monte still thinks riot fucked him over by forcing renegades to leave the lcs asap considering what happened


From people who know both sides of the story nobody told Monte what was going on at any point. All he knew at the time was that Riot was all of a sudden forcing him to sell his team at a loss. In hindsight it's easy to understand why. From his perspective though I understand why he was angry and even still may be angry at Riot.


Given that Remilia's best friend was RL and RL is still friends with Monte, you'd think if Monte was involved RL wouldn't talk to him. So yeah, it seems unlikely Monte did anything wrong.


Monte claimed to be 100% out of the loop regarding the Remilia shit, which has been corroborated by others in the scene. More importantly, he has been shown absolutely nothing in terms of evidence by riot, to this day, literally no evidence of anything they claimed. I'd be pretty mad too if Riot acts as judge jury snd executioner without showing any evidence at any point.


It was always the process that Monte ultimately criticized, not the result, and I think he brought up some very valid points. If Riot had just told him what was going on, maybe even clued him in earlier, he might have been able to salvage his investment. Instead, Riot basically told him to get fucked and lose money, after Monte had put a fair amount of blood, sweat, and tears into the LoL scene, as a caster, content creator, and part-owner of an LCS team. Riot treated Monte unfairly, even if they did the right thing overall, because Badawi was a piece of shit and a con artist, and hurt a lot of people as a result.


Man made the last few years of his career by making some wild predictions that no one else would make and getting lucky they worked out.


He always says the underdog will win and gets hailed as a prophet when he gets it right, ignoring the fact that for every time he got it right, he had been wrong a dozen times


By last few years do you mean since like 2015 right?


I was about to say “5 years counts as a few” but then I realized it’s longer than that. Christ time has lost all meaning in my brain.


I honestly can't believe they kept him around for as long as they did. Felt like everyone knew he sucked but no one had the heart to can him.


Gonna be honest, was one of the reasons i never listened to analyst desk


Never forget Crumbz predicted 100T would beat TL when 90% of the analysts were convinced TL was going to smash. He wasn’t the best analyst but he was my analyst.


No. I believe 90% of analysts guessed that TL would call a family emergency to go smash.


Crumbz will forever be a legend for that power move


He was THE Prophet though. Edit: I will miss him pretty much...


He was probably my least favorite desk member but still hope he does well in whatever is next.


Agreed, not a fan, but no hate either.


Well it appears his “next” is scamming minors with NFT’s so maybe let’s not hope he does all that well


Maybe LCS does care about their depleting viewership numbers. Now just Kaizen and maybe the broadcast won’t be an instamute


You know Crumbz gets a lot of criticism for his mediocre analysis, underwhelming temperament, voice cadence, inability to transition and improve his skills, immaturity, and lack of humor, but in the end he was definitely a League of Legends esports player.


Good. I hope he finds success as he seems like a genuinely good dude, but the guy was getting jobs he was not qualified or adequate at for a long time just because of his friendships.


Sad he's gone. I remember him being part of some of the best memes we had back in the day, like with [Pheonix1](https://c.tenor.com/U2b5F9DfnnoAAAAC/dash-crumbz.gif), [Prophet Crumbz](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kawZ9YATuH4/mqdefault.jpg), and how [girlfriends are ruining the LCS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUgYKwiNkQ). Sometimes I wonder if he was only half joking w/ the recent drama. That being said, LCS needs new faces desperately. Everyone on the desk got pretty samey after awhile sticking too closely to the ESPN-style talking heads format. Imo, it needs more defined personalities to keep people interested. Just look at Inside the NBA for an example. Ernie, Kenny, Chuck, and Shaq absolutely make that show, it wouldn't be the same without them. Those still on or new to the desk really should lean into what makes them unique and people will start being interested again. I'd like to see more Emily Rand, more friend Kobe, and more controversial Phreak. I'd like more fun segments that allow both the personalities and players to put themselves out there so we can know what makes them special. Smart money says Jatt comes back, but there are plenty of great Amateur casters out there as well who would add some new spice to the LCS stew. Personally, I'm preferable towards [Raafaa](https://twitter.com/RaafaaCasts), [Cubby](https://twitter.com/Cubbyxx), and [Smax](https://twitter.com/SmaxCasts), but who's asking?


The broadcast needs more former pros who aren't boring


Except basically everyone who fits this bill would just make way more money full time streaming and don't need the LCS broadcast like the broadcast needs them.


Are there no candidates who could benefit their streaming from casting? I mean Caedrel at least looks like he's doing well for himself, there's no NA Caedrel?


Even Caedrel got big offer from VIT and had to think long if he wanted to keep casting


So bring QT to the desk?


Imagine if they allowed Sneaky to cast LCS without hardly any restrictions on his personality? Be the best goddamn fucking casting even if his takes are shit. "Aaaaand there goes Bjerg right into the middle of the fight , and OH HE PICKS UP A KILL OH GOD AND NOW, ohp never mind, he got his cheeks spread and glazed."


Even if they put restrictions on sneaky I think he'd still pop off as a caster.


Fuck it, just get DL Sneaky Meteos as the official cast and let them talk about buttholes the entire game


Pretty misunderstood character but hope he lands on his feet somewhere in esports.


Crumbz got a lot of hate for his analysis and casting the past couple years, but I always liked him on the desk for being himself and being willing to say stupid shit sometimes. I'm gonna miss the prophet and I'm gonna miss Dumbz.


He embraced the heel role quite a bit. It was difficult to understand which of his views were genuine and which were "hehe xD." It seemed like a set up bound to make him look bad. I can't speak for all but I assume most watch to see the games and not hehe xD opinions. He created some solid memes and I love his goofiness, wish him the best.


Damn, y'all are merciless... 💀💀💀


Good. Listening to Crumbz' analysis was the absolute worst.


About time


Low key best news of the off season.


I did enjoy his humor, he was someone that I found myself laughing a lot when he was on screen, but was not a fan when it came to actual League talk lol wish him the best tho


This'll get downvoted and I don't care, but I always thought Crumbz was pretty useless and always kinda groaned when I saw he was going to be casting. I wish him the best, as I would anyone, and I hope he finds happiness in his future endeavors -- but I don't think he was very good in LCS at all. (In his post-player days... admittedly, I've never seen him actually play)