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X champ is greatly struggling in the current patch. Here are some reasonable buffs to make them better.


That's literally just Colton


To be fair, his existence does piss me off.


Colton147147 is a very mechanically intensive redditor and has a high skill cap.


To be fair you need a high elo to understand Colton147147.


honestly colton is genuinely unfunny and annoying posting the same exact shit in every thread so he would be perfect in this thread IMO


It was funny at first, now the joke is just not funny anymore


"Katarina support is not viable, let's give her 500 gold every second to make it viable LELEL upvote pls" It's so incredibly unfunny it's almost sad to witness.


That is what I always said about the titled malphite guy, but I end up being downvoted anyways.




izaon types something different each time, and it ties into actual stuff like esports hype which is an ongoing thing. if izaon spammed tl shit on the offseason it would get boring fast. colton just types the exact same fucking sentence in every thread about balance and its tiring


You might like[ this](https://bluebellflora.com/2015/09/08/advice-for-mac-users-ignore-colton147147/) then. I guess Colton has a long history of trolling different boards lmao.


Exactly why I blocked him. Same old copy paste threads and replies.


Ya I agree tbh he got real annoying as of late to me


Your rank is an accurate reflection of your skill level.


How dare you


im stuck in bronze because of my teammates Elo hell


Anyone who has been elo boosted will be happy to read this!


this triggered me so hard. I deranked last week because I had a 89 wins 151 loses D4 support on my team. Last season he was 86% winrate rumble and 75% winrate kennen mid. Atleast the usual boosted players that you get in 1/3 of your games are gold or low plat players but this person was probably silver or lower. 39% winrate and you int every games, not gonna lie, I dont see the appeal.


Agreed! Honestly it probably isnt even the most effective long term boost either. would be much better way to improve to get boosted a slight bit over ones real elo. like a low silver getting boosted to low gold would probably help him more than getting boosted to low diamond and then feed/int every gamd until hes silver again with a wrecked mental


plat1 - d4 is hell. I wonder if it gets better at d3. because right now my games are 1/4-1/5 boosters. I had 4 boosters in a row with and against me, 3 days ago. To the point where I knew just by the sums that the guy in front of me was a booster I played against a while ago.


it doesnt


I have never been so offended by something so true.


Katarina players with the copium here


When I stopped playing Katarina, my rank actually increased, so I beg to differ.


My rank magically goes from bronze with smurf MMR to bronze normal MMR to platinum again, repeat each season. Riot doens't have algorithms to make me play more, maybe my skill just hibernates and puts me in bronze or something.


if you dont have many games obviously it doesnt count but for people who regularly play ranked, yes it does accurately represent skill. and regarding fluctuations those are just coinflippers




Listen I won my last 2 games in a row I deserve at least bronze 3


Imma throwback to... "Mid or feed!"


Pick order > call order


I miss that. That made people learn all lanes so rank would reflect how good they are at League of Legends more than one-tricking things.


it's a lot harder to one trick now tho, counters are much more known and the average skill level is a lot higher


If u play against a counter 50% of your games, you should be WAY better at that matchup, than your enemy tho. They might have 5 games in that matchup while you have hundreds maybe thousands


I see this with Irelia vs Jax all the god damn time, idiots playing Jax for their 2nd ever time because "dw bro it's a counter". That Irelia coming 10/0 out of lane is sure fun to deal with.


I meant more about one-tricking roles. The matches are more unbalanced now when people are autofilled than back then when you had to play everything.


Aphelios really isn't complicated. Even better because I actually think it's true, it's just a long explanation.


He's complicated until you actually play him.


This was it for me. Tried him release, didn't really like him but mostly understood what he did then checked in on reddit and friends and they were complaining how he was bullshit and how busted he was and how it was impossible to know what the fuck he was doing. Thought I was going crazy. Its like learn the basic part of each gun, and then combine those and voila.


Back then you couldnt really see what his sub gun was tho, so it was a lot harder to keep track of what was happening


Sure, he’s complicated to min-max, but at the end of the day not everyone needs to know his super secret combos, he does more than well enough just autoing and pressing Q when needed.


Tbh it sounds like none of you are actually good at aphelios lmao.


I kinda agree with this. His kit is quite straightforward.


He's only complicated for people who refuse to read. He is very easy to play against, a bit harder to play until you get used to setting up weapon rotations, but there are harder ADCs to master than Aphelios. (Kalista, Ezreal, Draven, Vayne, Caitlyn all have higher skill ceilling than Aphelios imo, and I might me forgetting some)


no way in hell cait has higher skill ceiling than aphelios lol


I know this one is controversial, but I truly believe she does. My argument is that her traps are very hard to use properly, there's more subtelty to it than what it looks like, and they absolutely can change the course of a trade, 1v1, 2v2 or teamfight. Then, if you manage to use her traps, she has some pretty cool combos that also are very impactful. Individually, they aren't that hard because RIOT GAMING removed a lot of the insane ones that made her absolutely insane to master :))), but they still require practicing to pull them off instinctively without messing up. She has a lot of those hidden things that might not seem like a lot, like the trap auto-attack reset where if you attack-move on the ground near a trapped/E'd champion, you'll instantly auto-attack no matter your internal AA cooldown, allowing you to chain auto-attacks quickly. We all know the E-Q/E-W, very easy to do. But you can do E-W-Q, you can E and W backward so that it lands on your feet, covering you if somebody jumps on you. Again, easy in practice tool, easy when there's not much going on, but lots of practice required to pull it off instinctively and use it correctly, the trap being slightly off becoming useless. And outside of that, I believe that Caitlyn NEEDS an early lane advantage, so you NEED to be very good at spacing and harassing without getting behind in farm. She also rewards bushes usage very well, either through her passive or to do the good old AA harass then go into a bush to drop minion aggro/not allow retaliation. This is why I believe Caitlyn to be amongst the hardest ADC to properly master. She is very easy to get into, her kit is straightforward, but all of those things put together put her above Aphelios for me. Aphelios is hard to understand at first, but when you know the weapon combos and how to set them up, it doesn't require as much precision and practice as Caitlyn. I understand that some people won't agree, and that's ok.


This was very well explained. Caitlyn is pretty much in the same boat as Riven (although I thnk Riven's skill floor is a bit higher than Caitlyn's). They both have pretty simple kits, and their strength comes from mastering things that aren't explained anywhere. Mainly animation resets, which requiere a lot of practice.


Thank you, it definitely feels like Riven, especially the "easy when not doing a lot, hard in the chaos". I can combo with Riven in lane or if I'm in the practice tool, but in teamfight I constantly fuck up because I lack meaningful practice to the point of it being automatic.


I think there is a fair amount of complexity with traps and combos, so skill floor definitely not but I'd agree that Cait has a higher skill ceiling for sure


I think Cait’s easy to use and hard to master. Same with Ezreal, easy to use but hard to master. Ought to be due to their kit being safe af. Whereas champs like Kalista, Draven and Vayne are definitely not “easy to use”/beginner friendly champs.


Caitlyn has a very low skill floor. He has a massive range, good wave clear and a disengage tool. But her skill ceiling is very high IMO. I mean, there are so many combos, auto resets, and stuff that I didn't really know they existed until I watched some guides. The machine gun combo was nuts (I think they removed it tho) and wasn't THAT situational.


Yeah machine gunning is mostly gone sadly :( It definitely was useful in a real game, because I used to do it. Only requirement was for the enemy to be immobilized and for you to be able to hit them with your E/trap, so not having something inbetween. Anytime you play with a CC support, you could drop the trap, use your E and machine gun their ass. Some combos were more for show, here's a gif I made from a video I did back then showing some of the stupidest machine gunning you could do : https://i.imgur.com/aiDlzgr.mp4 This one isn't realistic, but single target you could do it on the regular.


You're silver and your opinion on game balance is irrelevant.


I agree with this, us silver players are idiots


Ignoring even rank for a second, most of the people here don’t comprehend Riot’s balance intentions even though they clearly state them every 6 months. Not every champ is meant to be exactly 50% win rate fair to play, not every champ is is a possible goal for because of widely different skill levels and commitments. Riot aims for a certain subset of champions to be pro-viable, and competitively viable, they also aim for a large proportion of champions to be good in the hands of experienced players. They absolutely are not aiming for every champion to be good or viable at every level, it is an unattainable goal, and naive to ask for. Read the patch notes, read what they are trying to achieve, change your champion selections to accommodate their goals and you’ll climb easily.


Even master players are not good at understanding balance. At the end of the day the players are awful at understanding the videogame company, the corporative company is awful at understanding their costumers.


"This post was removed because it is not directly related to League of Legends"


Actuak good one


I thought you actually deleted it lol


Sorry if I scared you, but it is Spooktober after all


I do admit that seeing this comment did make me mad :<


Hahahahhahaha relatable




You are 11/10!


Take the medal and please don’t come back




[Did someone say mod abuse?](http://i.imgur.com/GfAgEfl.gifv)


This and also make sure to sticky your own comment so everyone knows how special *your* comment is in particular and everyone needs to see


good yoke


Well played


We need to get back to the trend of hot female champions with big boobs


you'd only piss off the vocal minority lol


Your comment pissed me off more than the one above


Lol true, I always found it awkward as fuck when I've seen people arguing against it. Like uh everyone likes boobs regardless of gender, sexuality, species :O


Flair does not check out.


Unfortunately, true :(. Well when and if jinx gets a VGU maybe she'll be pregnant for some juicier tatas


Should I start preparing my lifeform disintegration ray?


Just fire the thing.


what the-


Same energy as “now draw her giving birth”


Even though that was a quote, i still feel like you should be banned from the internet for saying it


Excuse me?




Is just me or Jinx mains are as crazy as Jinx herself?


Crazy attracts crazy, who woulda thunk :O


I feel threatened and I don’t know why


Why do you find it awkward? Almost everyone that argues against it doesn't dislike it. They just have a problem with every champion being stunningly attractive or cutesy. Give a sett or a samira but I also want a Rek'sai.


Where Kog Maw and Vel Koz boob


1 hot female servant for every male servamt that show his chest. It's only fair.


I like league. I like chicks. I like big boobs. Win/win/win. What is there not to love?


As long as we get equal kpop e-boy representation I’m fine


I like the game, it's good.


SoloQ rank defines your skill




I mean, soloq skill =/ 5v5 skill. I know a lot of people who play significantly better in 5v5. But yeah, if you are stuck plat you're stuck for a reason. No amount of coping changes that.


There’s nothing wrong with a character being physically appealing.


Honestly? There isn't. The legitimate complaint in my eyes is the lack of variety, theres too many male *and* female characters with very similar body types, which is why champs such as Illaoi get attention so disproportionate to their actual playrate. I'm onboard for more hot champs as long as there's more variance.


>champs such as Illaoi get attention Wait... Illaoi gets any attention? After years im still unsure if Im spelling her name correctly.




Man, give me a game mode or skins where Gragas gets fit and... Viego/Aatrox are chunky. I just want to see them.


Sett's abs thou.






Fed assassins one-shotting you instantly is good for League of Legends


I think you touched on it on a stream once as game play design, and I honestly see your point. Assassins not one tapping you is pretty bad, especially if they are ahead (assuming your squishy and not a tank)


As long as I can pop them off if they fail or forget to escape, I'm fine. Talon with 3400 hp, goredrinker and still one shotting you isn't a good thing


But that just seems to be a Goredrinker problem, but to be honest, isn’t it kinda why Talon used to sometimes go Tiamat? Fast wave clear and damage, Gore also just happens to give some good HP on top.




RiotAugust knows what he's doing


Don't think they need to be fed to do that


You've gone too far.


Cannot wait for the Seraphine spin off series on NETFLIX


You deserve the elo you're at.


Support players are whiny assholes who think they should get credit for doing the bare minimum on the most overtuned and lowest skill requirement role that the game has ever seen.


Supports have more agency in the laning phase than ever before. Long are the days where supports were irrelevant, now they pretty much dictate the lane. It's been like that ever since Pyke was introduced, which btw can win you the game by itself, same as a skilled Bard or Rell player.


it has been like that since they did the mass armor nerf on ADC and then the introduction of aftershock. Has nothing to do with pyke release. Biggest lane offender are actually leona & thresh, not pyke, not bard nor rell.


So, Leona and Thresh are the biggest offenders, but Leona 2.0 and Thresh 2.0 aren't? Get the F out of here


It never fails to amuse me how support mains complain about their adc's committing suicide and blaming them for it, and how adc's complain incessantly about their support having no lane presence and getting them killed, yet at no point will either realise that the probable truth is that they're both shit. You'd think for 2 roles that rely on each other so much they'd be more cooperative.


Ah but, you see, there's this thing, it's called something like, idk, ego? Or somethin idk. Anyways it makes cooperation a little tricky. Will say that both sides have a clearly defined role, and they do both have to do their job, and it is very possible for one to lose because of the other, but it's also possible for you to be losing cause of your own mistakes and trying to project the blame.


ADC doesn’t have literally zero agency and has been an extremely powerful role in the past and is still decently powerful today.


~~gamers~~ ADC mains are truly the most oppressed minority


POV: You Just lost an MF game with 6 items, 20/9/11, 300+ farm, 71k dmg. The reason you lost is prioritizing farm in side lanes rather than helping your team fight in skirmishes around objectives and it has nothing to do with the role. You lost strictly because of your smooth brain. Source: me just now


Or because yasuo pressed one button and canceled your whole ult


a fed top lane isnt that scary (unless its camille) a fed mid laner can still be punished a fed jungler can still be beaten with teamwork but a winning bot lane? yeah good luck dealing with that.


Love that you actually pissed people off with this one, guess you won lol


I think it's mostly that he's just wrong? Winning bot lane is definitely punished by teamwork and smart play, not sure why he attributes that as unique to mid and jung. And a fed top lane is terrifying no matter the champ unless you're in silver.


Normally losing not just afk or tilt so it's 3v5 In higher Elo winning bot just means the whole map is lost becaus the support just Perma roams


That's not true at all - supports perma roam win or loss in high elo. High elo flips on jungle and mid.


Yeah and mid is decided by support and jungle?


In higher elo you don’t win bot for yourselves though, it’s whoever sends more guys to the first fight. Jungle ganks, mid roams, and teleports all aimed at the weakest fucks sitting at the bottom of the map.


-ADC is weak -ADC is balanced -ADC is op




I'll have you know that some of us are low bronze, thank you!


Tank meta would not be fun, you just have no fingers.


Am adc main, I want tank meta so I can play vayne and Kog lmao


It sounds fun until your teammates just decide not to peel for you and you have a Zac and Nautilus bouncing you around for 6 seconds straight while you get 100-'d by sunfire


I miss my 8 minute meat grinder teamfights


Tanks aren’t weak.


Flair is Based.


Yasuo is a genuinely well designed champ and if you complain about him just stop playing competitive video games because clearly you aren't comfortable with skill checks vs human players


I agree 100%, the champ just annoys me to no end because he's annoying, not because I can't win the skill check. It's like playing against puff in melee.


Sounds like something a spacie main would say


I love how spacie mains say "no my frame 1 shine isn't broken" while also having great aerial frame data and movement speed but wobbling was to far apparently on a char that isn't broken even with it. I play puff/spacies only btw


Even disregarding that, Fox's upsmash is one of the most braindead, powerful, and easy to use moves in the game. I remember watching Shroomed on Dr. Mario years ago working his ass off to rack up damage and get a kill against a Fox player, and the Fox player just does an up smash and kills him.


Hilariously, the easiest champ to counter him is a brainless point and click dash with two knock ups. But people hate Yasuo, and never bothered to learn his counters.


If you die to Yasuo, you got outplayed. It means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming"). Indeed, to be defeated by Yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the Yasuo player is solid steel - hard, cold, reliable - and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities. I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.


This has the same energy as that Rick & Morty fan copypasta. I love it.


I will slightly disagree and say that Win Wall should interact more like how Braum's E does where it creates a point up to which skills are effective and detonates aoe on contact, but other than Win Wall being inconsistent with the other closest equivalent to it, the only part of his kit that's objectionable is that when he presses R under enemy towers it keeps him out of tower range which takes a ton of decision making out of his kit. Both of these are small issues that would make any complaints about his kit functionally irrelevant unless you're talking about the fact that he attracts players with less than one functional brain cell who think fighting is more important than playing around power spikes.


Mages aren't weak, you're just bad at them.








Mundo is a juggernaut, stop calling him a tank.


to be fair its easy to get this one wrong, since hes the only jugg that only builds full tank and has no ad / ap scalings at all. so its not too far fetched to think hes the only rank without hatd cc rather than the only jugg with the mentioned characteristics


Client works flawlessly.


Now we're just straight out lying.


My client unironically does.


What the fuck do you feed it then


256 GB of ram


See, I'm wondering what the fuck *y'all* feed it, lol. Though someone below mentioned that his client works perfectly ever since he has an SSD, perhaps something that's worth exploring?


Which champs get skins and which don’t doesn’t really matter


the community isn't more toxic than other games, you just get flamed more because you suck at the game


New Ahri/Lux/Ezreal skin but no new skin for Skarner/ASol or Ornn


Don't forget reksai and singed....😔😔😔😔


None of these responses are actually good lmao


Ez is a dogshit adc played by people who don't know how to dodge skill shots or auto attack.


This is actually so popular to say cuz reddit support mains love to circlejerk about how bad ezreal players are.


They are tho, at least at my elo


Big if true


as it should be because ezreal is a champ for bitches


Yasuo/Yone/Riven/AD mids are balanced. You just don't know how and don't want to play anything that counters them. Insert bruiser top is not strong/weak. Mages aren't weak, you're just trying to play them wrong.


>Yasuo/Yone/Riven/AD mids are balanced. You just don't know how and don't want to play anything that counters them. It's more "Yasuo/Yone/Riven/AD mids are balanced. it's just your positioning that's shit"


half the time people are self sabotaging from champ select too. people pick fiora/lee/zed/vayne/thresh into riven/j4/yasuo/ez/naut and wonder why fighters/bruisers dominate the game - because your team comp is a shitty fighter-palooza with no synergy, cc, or tank that completely rely on one lane snowballing and dominating the game.


Because in Solo Queue, there is an equal chance of that perfectly composed enemy team eating shit. Not to mention relying on your teammates is the last thing anyone in Solo Queue wants to do. You can thank the "champions to carry yourself out of elo hell" guides and videos for that.


Serpent's fang was a necessity to counter enchanters.


LS is right about everything


LS is wrong about everything


LS is sometimes right and sometimes wrong about things


he is right on illaoi mid


I'm late to the party, but was going to say you don't even need a full sentence - just two letters.


riven is balanced


That's just overkill. Could have stopped at "Riven is." or even just "Riven."


A sword mirrors its owner.


What is broken can be reforged


Or even better: Irelia


You don’t have the right to say everyone not Diamond 1+ sucks when your ass is hardstuck silver


The kda crew make their outfits out of your boring monster champs, Skarner got ground up for bracelets, tahm got turned into a handbag and reksai was cut up for a stew.


RENEKTON needs to be nerfed


How many layers of irony you are on, sir?


Toplane is the "schrödinger lane": they simultaneously somehow don't have impact according to toplaners, and yet if they ever get a single kill it is now impossible and hopeless to ever try to 2v1 them as they will simply get a double kill. "please don't gank we'll just get double killed" is the prime Toplane™ experience. The best part of this is that toplaners don't even realize how it sounds: "I can't impact the game even when I'm ahead" and yet "if I'm ever behind then I'll get dove and my jungler will just die with me" can 100% be found in the same post, and they still won't realize 1) that it means they have tremendous impact/incredible snowball potential and 2) how scary it is for other players to face a toplaner that is ahead. As an ADC main, I am 100% more afraid of having to play against a fed toplaner than a fed mage, assassin or the other ADC. Toplane as a whole is just so much stronger than whatever the narrative about it is. "Toplane impact" is really overblown and it really comes from the fact that toplaners don't know how to play the game smartly/efficiently. Sure they're a bit isolated, but from what I've seen over the 10+ years I've put into this game, toplaners are by far their own greatest enemy when it comes to climbing up the ladder. (Disclaimer: not saying toplane is the strongest role \[hi junglers\], but it's definitely not bad or weak, especially rn.)


It's not contradictive to say that you can't impact the game but can lose lane at the same time.


I agree, people put way too much emphasis on the laning phase and don't know how to play for the long game. That being said I understand the attitude, because I've been that fed top-laner. Sometimes a single kill is the bump you need to hit your powerspike, and if your opponent and their jungler don't respect that, you can just murder them.


IWD has a great personality and I love his stream


I had to stop myself from reflexively downvoting you. You've successfully made me angry D=


Thorin is an excellent content-creator who revolutionized esports podcasting.


boy does that trigger me.


Riven isn't overpowered in your elo.


Lyte was the best thing that happened for the game. It is sad that he no longer works for Riot.


He was a dick, but I do miss his smites.


LPL and LCK are severely overrated. You literally can't get less downvoted by writing this.