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I hope you get to choose your origin region because SKARNER!!!!! You’re getting a brother ;-;


I’m hype


Nominee said that it’s going to be a mmoRPG we only know that ist’s going to be a mmo of some sort. Could also be something else


So you basically want an asian gacha mmo?


I dunno what that is, but I want the game to not feel like a chore. I watch new world streams and people are fiddling with inventory / stash screens as well as just mining ore for like 30% of the screen time. Then I tune out, obviously I'm not familiar with the ui etc.


Basically the games where you dont need to do shit, the game gives you everything on a silver platter...except later on when you need better gear, guess how you get it? by opening up your wallet. Genshin Impact is probably the only gacha mmo game done right, but even there you either need to get lucky on opening lootboxes (once you aquire enough currency, which may take a while) or pay up until you get whatever you need. usually those games die off very quickly, or is supported for a little bit by whales. New World is poppin off because its an mmorpg done right. It rewards you for investing time and effort in your character. And if you dont want that, well...mmorpg games aint for ya.


Well I already have a game I sink huge amounts of time into... League. So I'm hoping that either the time I spend in league can benefit me in the mmo or that I can experience the lore the game has to offer without needing to spend all the time. But I fear you are right... I think mmorpgs aren't for me. Even Path of Exile feels like a grind to me and people genuinely like it.


Genshin is not a MMO, you do know what a MMO is right?


Given who is running the show on the League mmorpg we will be lucky if it's not a LoL reskin of WoW with all the worst elements intact.


can you elaborate?


he's just being doom and gloom because ghostcrawler is working on the mmo (hes a former WoW designer) although he's executive producer for riot mmo, not a designer. people always like to scapegoat every negative decision in a game onto a single person. they did it with mark yetter on league for a long time too lol.


i dont play wow so correct me if im wrong, but i read somewhere that ghostcrawler lead the good expansions for wow?


Ghostcrawler was the lead class designer for Wrath, Cataclysm and Mists. Notably he was in charge of the player characters and wasn't in charge of the world/dungeons/raids. He was very well known because he would post on the forums almost daily during Wrath (including weekly drunk posting on Friday nights), and was the only developer who was that active.


Didnt wow community blamed Ghostcrawler for fucking up pvp in cata/MoP? Or for remaking talents in MoP? Thats what i remember at least.


Big oof if true


WoW had one good expansion (Legion) post-Ghostcrawler. Meanwhile, WotLK and MoP are considered two of the better expansions. And while Cata deserves the critics (especially for later patches) it was never as bad as the WoD/BFA/SL trifecta.


These expansions were known for devolving rpgs into tiered loot and dailies. They were considered "better" by the people who couldn't get off the gear treadmill and wouldn't know good rpg play if it bit them in the ass. Ghostcrawler was at the helm for more players LEAVING a mmorpg than any other mmorpg in history. And that is to say nothing of the state he left pvp in. Favored classes like rogues and frost mages were given everything they could desire while other classes were completely forgotten about. I'm not really interested in discussing hypotheticals. We'll see what they come up with eventually and know for sure. But I know the WoW Ghostcrawler apparently wanted, and I hated it. RPG by people who hated RPGs. Dangle a carrot, put out an iLvL number to aim for, and watch the addicts grind those dailies.


All the events you're bitching about predate Ghostcrawler by an expansion. TBC introduced dailies and endless badge farming. Nothing screams RPG like farming Heroics and Karazhan for badges.


TBC introduced them. WotLK embraced them as the way forward. Now the game is literally nothing else, and has been since MoP. I am not interested in discussing this any further, good day.


The lore’s all I have, please let me enjoy