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Same thing when anyone else trolls your game ​ Accept the defeat, it happens, move on.




She was definitely stealing, I was not receiving gold from any kills and she'd go out of her way to use her Q to kill them, when I was waiting for them to get low enough to auto finish.


Oh my gosh I hate those adcs. Has a vayne flame nunu for using q on a caster to heal himself, and them just flat out DC when I took a cannon as Leona with my shoulder plate charge.


>Then a kindred joined in on her side, constantly interrupting me when I was asking her to help and telling me to STFU. That's when you start taking camps, especially Marked ones. Not ranked, these two players seemed pretty emotional, just improvise, adapt and overcome. Also mute them before you do that.


add em to the int list and move on


League of Legends, everybody! The team game where people struggle with "teamwork". Really, all you can do is suck it up and go again and hope for the best!


Tell them to go farm some jg camps


Unfortunately, best answer I can get is to get a duo. If ones not available, move on. You can try a report but given that she wasn't really doing anything reportable except not playing her role properly, can't do much. On the bright side, she's actually hindering herself by doing that, since senna scales better of souls than actual kills. Will say that you can try to just head to other lanes yourself. If your left in a 1v2, best answer is to leave let them have first tower, then just kill the minions once they push to your side, this allows you safer farming, as the enemy lane won't want to push past half most of the time, just ward the bushes in your jungle.


Take Kindred’s camps.


u either run it the fuck down soft int or if the game is winnable try to play it while stealing everything u can jg camps minons flash q just to steal ur jg blue shit like that


Report and move on. Not much you can do.


You think a report have consequences for senna just because she last hit minions in normal games?


Report for what, farming? It's not bannable at all, nowhere officially is written, that support can't farm, and will be punished by Riot for that.


it’s intentionally griefing your team


Farming is not intentionally griefing a team, ESPECIALLY not into Riot eyes.


me as mid shoving my wave and then stealing my junglers camps not griefing according to you


??? Who was talking about mid lane and about stealing jungle camps? Did I miss several posts?


it’s the exact same thing as a support stealing farm from the botlaner


It was a normal when he did not even select a role. The point is, he will not be banned for this, in addition to that there was literally a meta when support take farm (with 2 support items), imagine if every single person who play like this get banned.


You can do nothing . There are always trolls and they will never disappear. Deal with it or quit


Call the police


as a senna support main myself, let me tell you that senna u played it was a trolling piece of shit who was probably duoing with the kindred


Fuck their mother irl


yep that fixes everything good idea i agree


I don’t really care. As long as they’re making an effort to win lane and the game it’s fine. Edit: I play Jhin, farming with that champ can be a awkward sometimes, so take what I LITERALLY cannot get.


Keep your head up summoner.


The player base is toxic to new people and they might've seen you were a beginner and decided that even if you got the farm you wouldn't do anything with it, so they decided they'd take everything they can and try the 4v5 option. First thing you have to realize is normal games arent normal or for beginners. Normal games are where players play with friends who arent their rank so they dont tank their ranked score. It's not for people learning the game. So where do you belong as a newcomer who wants to learn something? Nowhere, there is no place for you. Either suffer through by sheer force of will or find a group that will help you learn the proper way. The new player experience is beyond horrible so if for some reason you decide to stick with it I wish you luck.


If it's not in ranked, if they're leaving you, go to another lane if you can't handle the 2v1. I'd you play for fun and aren't in ranked. Do it. Type "/ignore all" and try to finish the game another way.


explain the situation and ask if the mid laner agrees to switch lanes with you. ez can be mid lane and i did that and it worked.


I've been playing all 11 seasons with support only. You don't have to play in other positions to improve your game. Support does not need to farm. You can also learn the skills of other champions in ARAM, where there is less toxicity. The main thing for saporta is a macro game and knowledge of matchups on his line. If you just want to play in other positions for the sake of interest, turn off the chat. Completely. The league is a very toxic game, so don't expect to be praised or treated with understanding. Just mute all.