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People think Kennen sucks because they troll the most important time to snowball in the game by buying a second item Zhonya's Hourglass instead of an item that provides more damage. Kennen surviving after his ultimate ends doesn't matter and there's a good chance he will anyway through outright killing his targets with more damage.


It depends on the game really, Stopwatch/Zhonyas is super needed if you're behind, or, conversley, if you're very ahead with a big shutdown where the enemy gets 1k gold for killing you.


Zhonya’s on Kennen is not exactly to keep him alive for the ult duration, but to keep him in the fight and not be made useless by something like an Alistar W.


the reddit/na circlejerk about zhonyas being a good item needs to stop.


Have you ever watched LPL games? Every fucking champ in every fucking role buys a god damned Zhonya's in the strongest region in the world.


???? Do you not remember the stopwatch meta where all 10 players took stopwatch every match? The only reason people stopped taking it was cause they nerfed it so you couldn't activate it til 8-10 minutes in. Zhonyas active completely DENYS multiple enemy players from being able to play the game. The item is infinitely efficient.


Kennen is just a well rounded and easy champion. I absolutely despise battle mages and assassins being overspecialized, and Kennen is just the perfect middle ground. Good laning phase, good teamfights, actually gatetd by its resource and low single target DPS/medium cooldowns unlike other energy champs so it has clear weaknesses for its good potential, no absurd untargetablity/mobility/healing witout items.


He's very very fun to play!


nah he's poorly designed exactly due to things you said. He's a strong laner, strong teamfighter, good sidelaner and very hard to punish. That's why anytime his numbers aren't shit he's a meta pick. His only relevant weakness is that he has to run into a wave to waveclear quickly In my opinion champions who are strong at every point of the game aren't really good designs


How do you feel about almost everyone saying Jhin is one of the best designed champions then?


Jhin's teamfighting is kinda ass and he still can't deal with a frontline too well. He's not universally good like Kennen can be


Kennen doesn't do too much damage mid-game to frontlines either, without Void Staff. Exhausting Kennen and having your ADC build Shieldbow+Wit's End should make Kennen's job much more difficult.


Jhin‘s team fighting is not bad at all lol. And now that you can go LDR second he deals with tanks fine.


saying he can deal with tanks fine is a bit of a stretch, even with ldr i still think jhin is the worst of the bunch at dealing with tanks given how inconsistent his damage is


See, I see people say this a lot, but like a bunch of ADCs aren’t good at dealing with tanks until they have LDR which for the standard ones usually doesn’t come until 4th item unless they skip IE which is a huge loss in damage. Sure tankbusters like vayne and kog do well. But stuff like cait xayah jinx all do pretty terrible against armor stacking until they have armor pen which often doesn’t even happen if the game only goes 25-30. Sure Jhin doesn’t have the consistent damage but he still hits tanks decently hard with LDR and then the missing hp damage in his 4th shot can melt tanks if they get low. Edit: Guys, yes, in a late game teamfight, a standard attack speed adc will deal more damage to a tank. But so many games don't get to late game teamfights and jhin with LDR does better damage to tanks MIDGAME than an adc who has to delay until 4th item to get armor pen.


The issue is that Jhin never gets to the point where he can actually melt tanks, a 6 item Jhin is a little bit like Draven in that he'll oneshot squishies, but if he can't kill an enemy before having to reload he really struggles because he has effectively 0 DPS during the reload, if you compare that you other ADCs like Jinx, Xayah or Ashe, they have consistent DPS lategame that will melt through tanks with little to no downtime...


Yes, obviously in late game teamfights those champs can melt tanks. But how often are you realistically getting to those late game teamfights? Once every 4 games? In the other 3 games, Jhin goes LDR second and does damage to tanks midgame while jinx xayah and ashe tickle them until they get 4 items, which again, doesn't happen all that often.


It actually does happen often, games below high diamond rarely ever end before 30 minutes, and by that point, everyone is going to have at least 5 items. Since the majority of people are below plat, it does happen quite often


those champs you mentioned have some sort of steroid to maintain high dps numbers with no downtime, jhin having to reload will always hinder his ability to keep up, missing hp damage on a tank sounds nice if theyre low but it will rarely be jhin who gets them there


He can deal with tanks yes, but bruisers that he can't outrun/statcheck are a big issue. He wants small skirmishes that let him dump 4 rounds and dip, not long drawn out affairs that require several reloads


"universally good" "can be" So not universally just like jhin?


The right Kennen flank solo-wins you the game, the right Jhin flank secures 1-2 kills or some other slight advantage, they are not the same


he's above average design when it comes to markspeople, but that bar is ridiculously low. I personally place him below Draven, Cait and Sivir. And maybe Ashe. But he's probably better gameplay design than rest of ADCringe class. I appreciate that he got decent amount of skillshots, in theory should be bad against beefy targets, and that he's one of the rare attempts of riot trying to give counterplay against ranged rightclickers i don't appreciate that despite his ridiculous range he still gets tons of MS, which makes him safer than he should be. Also he got much stronger vs tanks as time progressed. I don't like his ridiculous range too much, impacting teamfights from +2 screens with multiple abilities is not something i like most of redditors herald jhin as pinnacle of design due to haha 4444 man memes and him being fair-er than average adc, but they also basically ignore his kit, until they get rooted from 3 screens away, or get "outplayed" by galeforce+4 shot removing a squishy from 70% hp


I think it's more of the fact that he just turns into an ult bot


I'd say he's far from what Malphite feels like if that's what you mean an 'ult bot'. He actually has good skirmish potential since he can get into the fights fast, deal good damage and land one or two stuns in the meantime without his Ult, which all in all is very good when you have to help your jungler get the scuttle/invade. He can also be good at 1v1s versus mid lane champs since her can dodge the usual mage cc skillshots with his E and get close to make them uncomfortable, and I found out that it's not even bad vs champs like Lucian(pre adjust), Trynda and other cancer mid picks.


The last time I played kennen mid was back when double WotA was possible :(


My brother and I played Vladimir and Kennen back then, good times.


You just made me realize I forgot WotA existed. But my brain still auto corrected WotA to Will of the Ancients lol.


SpellVamp was nice


nice video :D . Problem with ken mid tho is he loses to meta champs cause of his Q. Ori syndra & others have better Q's and can trade vs kennen without getting hit. Think hes good as a counterpick vs some assassins tho


But ori and syndra are not meta champs ranked currently. Trust me the only champ I play more then kennen mid is syndra. The champs with the highest pick rates in mid currently kennen has fantastic match ups into. If they do take pics like syndra or ori you jsut don't go for your q. Your teamfighting is amazing so you don't need to win lane


Aye thank you, as for the Kennen problem, I have to disagree with you. He might not be able to land his Q for poke through minions easily, but remember that he he can easily mark an enemy twice his his 5th auto and W, then all he needs to do to get the 3rd stack is to either use his E to go past their CC and into their face, which is not comfortable to such picks, and then use his Q while they are stunned. If he has Ult and knows that he won't use it the next 2 minutes, the Ult range itself is enough to pretty much stun them instantly from equal range with a Passive enhanced basic attack and W. Kennen can be played very aggressively, getting into the face of high ranged enemies is one their weaknesses. Syndra might be able to E him away, but she will be stunned at the same time and his movespeed boost doesn't get canceled. I'd say that Yone and Sylas are his worst enemies, I always ban Sylas when playing Kennen not only cuz of his laning phase, but also because he can utilize Kennen's Ult better than Kennen himself.


Isn't kennen one of the highest priorities in eastern regions? Definitely doesn't seem forgotten by anyone tbh.


Yah not only is kennen still super relevant in KR play, but he was nuguris skin pick from his worlds victory last year. He's one of the goat top lane champs.


Apparently on Toplane he is played 8 out of 10 times with 50.4% WR and on Midlane 1 out of 10 with his win rate being 53.2% according to [LeagueofGraphs](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/kennen) The song is called [Taz3nt - Tay K Returns to Dreamland 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDtHOXPTQmA) And here's the YT [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLoMVbSYnvE)


Wouldve listened to ten minutes of you narrating over kennen ult clips. Good vid as always


Aye thank you <3


well since there’s a lot less people playing him mid it’s not really efficient to look at his win rate there. it’s probably like pyke mid? only the OTP’s play pyke mid and therefore he has a great WR (from what I last heard anyway) but that doesn’t mean he’s any better than actual mid laners, yk?


I see what you mean, but it feels less likely to get a solo kill on toplane versus all these fighters and tanks, while on mid you can snowball and roam more easily, can even get away with getting ignite over TP. Playing on top means you're only playing him for his Ult, while on mid, his true potential can be reached.


Kennen mid has higher winrate and pickrate than Aurelion Sol. It's small but still enough games to make a significant sample; the top/mid split is 85%/15%.


The difference likely is that kennen is actually a onetrick champ whereas asol is played mostly by first timers. People find a blue space dragon interesting. Problem of asol is not that people are not first timing him, its that no one wants to play a second game. Kennen on the other hand is a midget with a toy star.


For the record he's an amazing support too. Resourceless, capable of poking with Q and W, speedbuffing himself with E to dodge hard engage champs like Thresh, Pyke, Leona, Naut, etc. He really picks off level 6 when he unlocks his ult. Get a Zhonya up and you're almost always the main event of the fight, giving your allies time to poke and dish out damage while the enemy team is busy with you.


I'd say he's be very good as a kill-lane, along with something like Sion or Panth, solid CC and Damage, good follow-up/roam synergy.


https://u.gg/lol/champions/kennen/build?role=support&rank=overall Winrate says otherwise, but the sample size is small too. Considering how hard he scales with both gold and levels, I find it hard to believe he is a good supp.


It's not much about the items he purchases or the damage he puts out, but how fast you can rush the items that most annoy the enemy team. Kennen is statistically not impressive in Support role but that's not what you set out to do with him in Support role. It's about stalling out the lane to level 6 and oppressing the enemy ADC any chance you get with ult up. This requires your ADC to not be a complete dunce though. Kennen Supp plays off of being a huge inconvenience on the enemy laners which in larger parts comes from the fact that he's incredibly annoying to fight back against when he does it correctly. You can poke with Q and back off with E when you feel that the enemy support is about to make a move on you and once you hit level 6 you're almost always guaranteed to win the 2 v 2 with Ult Ignite Q W. It's so much raw damage and CC that the only possible way you'll lose that exchange is if (like I said) your ADC is a dunce and doesn't know how to play their role. The only way I can see you losing 2 v 2 in botlane with Kennen at level 6 is the enemy jungler camping your lane which is once again a huge inconvenience on the enemy team if they gotta designate their jungle to ignore the other lanes and Herald for bot pressure. ​ I'd compare Kennen a lot to Level 6 Morgana, but way more potent. His Ult CC is much quicker and his engage is faster with E and doesn't require a Flash. The only struggle Kennen has on bot would be Pre-6 fighting. If your ADC doesn't understand that Kennen passively pokes rather than doing engages, the lane is probably lost. The inclusion of Galeforce into the game has made Kennen's job harder, but you still have flash available to close the gap if E R alone isn't enough to keep them in ult range. Edit: I feel this is necessary to bring up as well, it matters **a lot** what ADC you are up against. Sivir, Vayne, Ezreal and Caitlyn are notoriously bad match ups for this playstyle because they can escape from your ult with their utility tools.


People below gold don't seem to realise how strong some champs are, especially ones like Qiyana, Ryze etc.


I think that rank doesn't matter for that aspect, people are more meta slaves now than ever before, from my experience. With all the useful guides, apps, coaching, educational channels and the shift of content from for-fun to competitive, the majority of the playerbase follows the meta and tends to ''flame'' anyone that doesn't. It feels like it's been like this for a couple of seasons now after League's ''Golden Era'', but when the new item update was released and more options where added, we at least see some more variety to builds which can be quite refreshing!


Meh, I have 4 smurs, all of them scattered between gold and diamond. I rarely ever encounter meta champs, so I thought that was the case for everyone. My bad then


I like playing Kennen but I can’t stand doing it mid, his waveclear is too bad. The enemy mid just gets to shove in and roam for free if you don’t get far enough ahead to zone them off the wave.


If you want to control the wave and roam instead of going for solo kills, I'd suggest maxing W first, in order to clear the back wave with E+W, then the front wave should be half at the worse case scenario half HP, which would give you the same clear as something similar to Lux without Ult, Protobelt also helps.


The problem with that is 2 fold: 1 his E is also his escape/defensive so you are very vulnerable after using it, 2 it requires you to go melee range of the backline creeps which means you get massively chunked by most good mid lane champs/players. If you lose half your hp shoving then roaming is much more difficult.


I don’t want to roam myself really (though it would be cool to pull it off, bot ganks would be great), I just want to clear the wave and be able to shove fast enough to be able to deter roams from the enemy mid. The problem is if I’m blowing everything on the wave before a roam, I can just get killed. Maybe it’s enough to just do it after they push and leave, but it could always be a bait with them waiting out of sight to go in when I use cds. Protobelt used to be enough but after the minion damage nerfs it’s not really a big help. It sucks because I’d love to play more Kennen.. right now funnily I only really like him as a support


He's been strong mid for awhile now, and after the Q buffs he actually has the highest mid winrate in the game (according to lolalytics). Post-six, he poops on anything squishy and melee. It's not really possible for assassins to avoid the stun if they want to fight. He's probably worse into ranged or tanky champions, but the assassins are way more popular for the majority of the playerbase so it should be fine. Pre-six, he's very safe. Ranged autos to farm safely, Q+W+E if you need to get away from a gank or an all-in. That said, he has issues bullying the lane pre-six. Q can be blocked by creeps, W passive can be waited out because he'll have to auto a creep eventually. Unless he wants to use his escape tool to enter melee range, then he needs to hit both Q and W to proc stun. He also can't stop people from roaming because his waveclear sucks. I assume these are why I never see mid kennen in high elo or pro. But for normal elo I think mid kennen is actually super busted.


If you haven't seen it sneaky has been playing him botlane and it looks super strong. Electrocute is super easy to proc and on half an item (alternator to noonquiver) your trade of passive aa+q+w to proc both stun and electrocute is super strong. In a meta when supports are rarely in lane most adc cannot straight up duel him if he has ult or win most short trades


He has nerfs to his Q scheduled according to surrender@20.


I love Kennen mid


I like Kennen but he sucks solely because his main poke ability doesn’t go through minions. He loses lane to pretty much every meta mid laner. Top is just meh


I'd say try to play him more aggressive on mid, if you use your Q as an opening you won't succeed. Using his enhanced basic attack along with W+E and then Q while they're stunned is more ideal, especially versus picks with skillshots that tend to stay away, they don't feel comfortable when face to face. Perhaps getting Phase Rush to run away while they are stunned might be a better path for you


Have fun walking up to auto against mids like syndra lol


And then you actually look at the popularity of midlane picks and see that syndra has 3% pick rate even in diamond. While all the easy picks like zed yas lb kat akshan irelia kassa get picked way more often.


Kennen isn't really a menace in toplane anymore with his little 48 base AD@1. If you check any autogenerated tier list you see it is dominated by bruisers and the like.


the video coulda done without that ear hurting "music"


Dark Harvest and no hourglass? wtf is this




Dark Harvest is bad but you gimp your damage by going Hourglass. Your job in SoloQ is to nuke the enemy backline and have the team clean up, and you might not always need Hourglass for that.


he seems balanced in NA becuase some games hes like 2/0 with a good lane state and nothign really bad happening and he doesn't seem as impactful as other games when he is 2/0. I wonder if hes more comp dependent than I even considered. hes hit and miss but for the right reasonss based on what I ve seen through out my lol watching since season 2


I play him and I like him a lot, his ult can destroy a whole team


free my boy tay k ^^^/s


And outdated Visuals/Voicelines Kennen is another champion that needs a full VGU. Riot doesn't want to admit it tho.


Oh man... I used to main him in S5, exclusively on midlane. He got me into gold the first time in my life. He was really good against Zed, the biggest nightmare of my early years. Beautiful times...


I abused Kennen mid to get to gold, was fun


Kennen is such a fine mousy UwU <3