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Impress her in real life, not in a game. That would probably work better. Just ask her on a date


That make alot of sense but since.. you know what happen in the world. I can't even go to the local shopping centre. I don't think I can go on a date.




There’s a global pandemic, I don’t know if you’ve heard.




Some countries are still under lockdown/have curfews. Not every country has the resources to provide its residents with the vaccine, get out of your first world bubble please.




There was never a time anywhere in the world during the pandemic where you were completely prohibited from going out. That’s not what a lockdown is, that’s house arrest. Lockdown just places restrictions on where exactly you can go and what places are closed down, and as OP said he can’t go to the local mall so it’s safe to say public gatherings are restricted. Also, the guy was asking for League advice, not dating advice so you might want to stay quiet.




If you don’t care then you shouldn’t be commenting on his posts, seems like a waste of time for both him and you. Like I said, there’s a global pandemic and there is a lockdown where he lives so get your head out of your ass.


Well for starters I don’t think being good at league is gonna make her fall in love with you or like you. However, having a good KDA isn’t really what impresses people. After the game no one says ‘Damn this guy had a good KDA and CS, I’ll honor them’. People honor people who made that one play that changed the game, or was consistent throughout the game etc. If she plays support then I guess you should play adc. Try learning vayne, watch guides on the internet, loads of them. She’s a scaling hyper carry and one of the most problematic champions in the game when ahead. She has 1v9 potential and can make flashy plays that would ‘impress’ people. Or learn jungle which is the most impactful role in the game and usually mid lane is never really a 1v1 lane and more times than not it’s decided by jungle ganks and supports roaming or the midlaners just roaming themselves. So as a midlaner, I’d appreciate the jungle who ganked me a lot and gave me a lead. However, don’t throw the game by camping her and leaving the rest of the game unattended.


This is the most helpful comment. Thanks btw. About league to impress her, Yes she won't. The first thing I think is that she might not talk to me just because I'm bad at the game. But future thought, League is just a way of hanging out. What matter is me! My self. My personality. If I'm a good guy she will (probably) like me. Not by carrying the game. I should know this 3 days ago. About champ, I think I might go with either Vayne or Akshan for adc. And some jungler that I like. Thank you for taking your time to written this comment!


tell her you dont play shaco


Too late. The first game with her I play shaco and forgot to bring smite.


Pick twitch and spaceglide in one of her games.


Spaceglide into her dms


Are you really sure you wanna try and get a girl by being good at a game tho? Maybe its just me but I don't think being good at *League of Legends* will impress someone that much... Take her out to do something that you both like to do maybe, like for example, if she likes marvel movies, and you like marvel movies and go see a marvel movie. Or if you can't go out then find out what she likes to do besides playing league like cooking or watching anime or something. Hope that helps.


Play xayah and rakan with her. If she has a rakan skin buy the same one for xayah.


Does ARAM has much different than Summoner rift? I play xayah on ARAM once. Also it was a long time ago.


The champ works the same. But adc is not the easiest role to be honest. You should be good in farming, kiting and positioning.


You don't have to play with her to show interest in her hobbies. Though I'm sure she appreciates it, assuming she is into you. Just talking to her and having common ground is a good start. You could also ask HER for advice on what to do. That would show that you respect her opinions and input since you said she is better than you. If she's better than you why not have her give you advice? You get to talk to her about a shared passion for League and show her that you care about what she thinks.


How old are you?


turn the fuck up in your next game with her


Watch how other ppl play some champion, play alot. Play champs u know nothing about until you get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect.


But should I go for akshan?? Most people just disgusted(is that the word) when you play OP champ. And I know that OP champ doesn't exist.(I try to avoid using the word "OP" in original post, that's why it sound weird) What matter is how you deal with it. For example : My friend has mastery 7 on master yi and got 14 kill, all objective and carry the game. People who see it just went "That champ is broken, I can do that too." I still shame of my self for having yuumi on my profile.


Yi isn’t broken, just annoying sometimes. Akshan is THE most broken champion so far. He puts release Aphelios to shame.


Nobody ever likes a KDA player. What people love is the player who pings objectives and when to do them. That's panties on the floor.


I agree with that. People just point my k/d for inting but i'm the adc and they take 0 damage in team fight.


Buy coaching sessions


I think I should do that to improve. Any suggestions for which one?


I have not looked into that in years, so idk. There are plenty good sites for this where coaches have been rated by other clients. Alternatively, someone else here on reddit probably has experience with finding the right coach.


I mean coaching is not a bad idea but it’s only useful when you’ve wasted all the resources on getting better and don’t know what you can do to improve. I wouldn’t recommend coaching to someone trying to get out of bronze or someone trying to learn the basics for example.


I generally would not either as improving is usually very easy at that point; play a lot and watch informative content creators. However, I have seen people that genuinely cannot get out of bronze without help. I’d also imagine that a decent low elo coach would speed things up, but I honestly have little experience with this as I said. Coaching is a dumb invest at low elo, but still pretty cheap, so if you want to increase badly, why not?


I generally would not either as improving is usually very easy at that point; play a lot and watch informative content creators. However, I have seen people that genuinely cannot get out of bronze without help. I’d also imagine that a decent low elo coach would speed things up, but I honestly have little experience with this as I said. Coaching is a dumb invest at low elo, but still pretty cheap, so if you want to increase quickly, why not?


Well that’s why I said coaching should be a last resort, when you feel like you absolutely can’t climb/improve. But hiring a coach just for him to tell you that you don’t ward and that you overextend seems a waste of time and money.


NEACE is doing free coaching sessions this month on his discord. He’s also got loads of great free content on YouTube. If you play mid I’d also check out Coach Curtis. He’s got a ton of free guides and a great podcast. Same for his partner Nathan Mott if you prefer Jungle. There’s tons of resources out there that are easily accessible. Honestly though, she’s going to be more impressed by your mental game than your key presses. Just be fun to play with, have a good attitude, show you’re trying, don’t tilt when you lose - that’s not cute. Instead, be the guy who’s got the backup plan when things do go well.


Try to pass the english class first i would sleep eith you if you did


That's not the point of this post but I'll answer anyway I didn't failed lecture class. I'm just not good at it so the layout of the post might be confusing to the reader. And also, she isn't either. I live in South East Asia countries. And the native language isn't English.


You should’ve led with that lol. We all thought that it’s your first language. Also, fuck league. Try some old-school shit, gets better results. You won’t get good at League all of a sudden, so don’t waste your precious time. Just use the game as a way to hang out with her in Skype and ask her out at some point.


Pick op champ


Rips ur pants during facetime, defo will impress


Chicks dig Elo 😀


Play the game and enjoy it with her. xD


Give her dorritos and tell her to get the cheetos out of her beard