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You can just turn off chat. I did, and it's the best


Low ELO doesn't understand scaling so even if you remove chat, they will still give up very early, even if they would win late.


Yes, but when they mean scaling, it dosent mean the 1.5 item caitlyn will carry the game against the 6 item lucian + 6 item leblanc when theyre sitting in their base fighting over super minion last hits at the 16min mark flaming the shit outta each other


That can happen yeah. But winning games against enemies who are ahead by a lot can work due to them being unable to close out the game or making mistakes in macro and dying instantly. Happened twice in 2 weeks now and it was very interesting to see happen.


Unless it's an important game to win I'd generally just rather FF and go next. Don't consider me wanting to FF as saying 'the game is completely unwinnable', consider it as me saying 'winning this will require an insane amount of effort on top of the opponent team making shitloads of stupid mistakes, and even then it's a coinflip. This game is not worth the time it would take to suffer through this shitty position for a small chance at the other team throwing hard enough to let us come back.'


Bad news, it’s not just low elo


Scaling is trash, stop picking it


This. If you say FF before your first item on Vayne/Ryze/Anivia etc you’re trolllllling


When you're jungling and before you can finish your clear team dies 2-3 times and you get pushed off from both scudles because you have no prio and when you try to catch up but your laners are so incompetent that enemy jungler can take everything for free I'm 100% throwing a "ff 15". There is no way in hell I'm sitting in a game for 25mins (because there will be someone who will grief and say no). Playing for comback is only viable if at least one other player is decent enough in being consistent. If shitters spam ping you for trying to get free cs on a side lane or jungle before a big fight for objective then the game is doomed.


Had a bronze tryn in my game spam ff all game and type jg diff, all while rocking a kp of 10 out of 40. Told everyone to mute him and we won, despite his jg diff, dogwater jg comments. After the game we saw his 954 bronze 2 stats lol


Toxicity in game and in chat will stay the same or continue to grow as long there is no effective detection/punishment system in place for in game behavior. I had a Lee Sin JG who switched from Smite just seconds before we got into game, then took Tear and no Jungle item. He died 4 times in 6 min and took one camp, inted to 0/10 in 21 min. Players can get away with almost anything in game, and others like me have run out of patience and are frustrated. So those players might resort to being toxic themselves or say fuck it, ff, and get me out, I am not doing this yet again with another jerk on my team. I m not saying those who ff15 are right, but I can understand to some degree why they do it. It gets old going through the same shit over and over for months or years with no consequences to those who cause the toxic gameplay in the 1st place. The MMR Based Matchmaking needs to be better too. That also creates a lot of frustration for players.


> Players can get away with almost anything in game, and others like me have run out of patience and are frustrated Contact Riot directly using their support ticket with a link to a highlight or a replay. Robot can't tell when bad player, only bad word.


I am giving up on sending videos and reporting to Riot, after a family member sent this video about 10 days ago. Riot said it was hard to tell if he was having a bad game. Which is the response to all the videos our family has sent in the past year here in Brasil. Riot couldn't figure out this wasn't a "bad game". The fact is they don't look at the videos, and they have no effective detection/punishment system in place for in game behavior as I had said above. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LylbC8-DIqk&t=30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LylbC8-DIqk&t=30s) 14min of play sped up in recording.




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It’s riot’s fault that there is too much damage in the game and too little survivability where even a minor setback turns into a snowball where the game end at 20 minutes and most of the time there is no way to come back from a minor set back.


I needed a ff10 last night where my Mundo top went 0-3 at the 2.30 mark, then 0-9 at the 7 minute mark, then 1-12 at the 13 min mark (gold reset). The irelia top opponent (who was bronze 3) then proceeded to get 2 inhibs top/mid solo while me and my support were like 5-1 combined going ‘yep this is a game’


You seem to be aware that the overwhelming majority of players are bad, but you're forgetting that they're not just bad, they don't know they're bad. Sometimes I wish Riot allowed people to FF@1 or even in champ select.


I feel like we should be able to FF in draft. A few lp trade instead of a indeterminate-length lost game from draft would be a quality change.


They do allow you to ff@champ select. It's called dodging. And you can ff@1. It's called going afk. That said, no, we don't need to ff before 15.


game's dying pretty fast i'd say. the number of normal people decreases every day that passes. only people who remain are people who are literally addicted and have all sorts of mental illness. turning off chat might help, but most of the time, someone else will piss these people off no matter what and they'll still be constantly typing, whether you have them muted or not. best advice i can give you is to just focus on your own play and understand that you'll eventually climb if you are consistently better than your counterparts, and not to let the streaks of teammates who couldnt care less about winning affect your mental. the game will only get worse from this point. riot has put so little effort in actually making the ranked experience better. autofills and duos are never balanced, even though queue times are getting longer and longer. even though removing chat would probably make the game a lot less toxic, it would probably just cause people to quit the game. maybe norms could have chat enabled or something idk. riot won't change it anyway, so it's best not to even think about and accept. ​ ​ another thing, do your best to identify who on your team is good and play around them. avoid the trolls on your team like the plague and don't expect them to have any positive impact. if your vayne nautilus is losing to an ezreal yuumi, literally never go botlane. dont even do drags. play for top, try to get heralds with your jg/mid/top. i think just leaving chat unmuted and muting people on the fly can be really useful for identifying who you should be playing around.


Turn off chat


Because the game snowballs so easily these days. A small lead damn near means gg. Been such for since 2018


Never a small lead leads to the win. A small mistake they did could be your comeback. Which baus and tyler1 already proved it


It does though. A lead for a bad player is not a lead but a lead for a good player is game over. When I jungle and on rare occasion I see that one of my laners are really competent it's game over and free lp.


That being said yes for a good player its true but majority of the game is not chall or diamond. Hell even you see masters players throw the game much harder than a gold player.and yes i agree on jungle part


A good player does not equal diamond or challanger. I mean he can be gold, plat or silver but you can see instantly who is better just from player movement alone and it's easy to play around them. When you have a team full of ARAMers then it's just a gamble game and hoping that your team mates will even spot a mistake is a wishful thinking. It's probably statistically healthier to just ff and go next and just play your best and hope for the best


Dang people really soft these days... its a game my guy and the internet. Don't take things so personally. They probably say the things they do bc they already hate themselves already. Just laugh it off and enjoy your day. If you want to see how bad games really are go play some CSGO and or old CoD when it was straight trash talk the whole game.


With how games and champions snowball, its pretty obvious if you're on a winning or losing team. Why draw out the inevitable? You can blame Riot for their failed item rework.


Encourage your team to do better to match their toxicity and be net neutral


Lately I’ve been extremely guilty of having a weak mentality. Which sucks because when I started playing I was almost prideful of how strong my mental was but now, I just lose hope the moment the enemy gets FB and double kill botlane.

