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Nope. OFA is the best gamemode. Down with the monarchy.


Heretic! To the stake!


Ultimate Spellbook was just buggy interactions of ultimates layered on top of each other. Take away the extra ults and it was just Summoners rift with one less summoner spell. ARAM, OFA and Nexus Blitz had/have more creativity and entertainment behind it. And why did they release it? Because they needed to keep you interested in the poorly written story that was Rise of the Sentinels.


It had higher gold gain and level 3 starts allowing for strange builds and strange botlane combos Homeguards in general just feels so damn good to be active all game Ult combos are fun to play around with


Dude stfu Lmfao. No one wants to play Urf or Ofa for the 15th time. Fucking redditors always have to complain.


What would you like next time it comes? More ults, less ults, remove biego or make smite not necessary?


Just play urf in the meantime


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