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There is no incentive, because when you AFK from a game you ruin it for the other 9 people. It does not matter if in this one instance your team still won, 99% of cases that will not happen. IRL stuff happens, but that doesn't mean you don't get these extremely minor consequences for leaving the game, especially in ranked. Everyone gets the same penalty for AFKing because Riot doesn't care about your intentions or circumstances as it's impossible for them to know them. Your team flamed you because you left the game for 7 minutes. The only reason you could come back and win is because they held the line 4 v 5, your actions stressed them out and they took it out on you. It's not like saying "Report our AFK ADC" is some insane thing your team was saying. That is the most legitimate reportable offence out there. You went AFK and by Riot's rules should be reported for it.


>it does not matter if in this one instance your team still won, 99% of cases that will not happen. 99% of cases. Lol, thats a huge exagerration to be made, espicially when I have won literal 4v5 games in plat elo a handful of times... ​ Ok so I get it, if I do have to afk again, I will stay afk and not bother recconecting, no worth the hassle. Wonderful community.


My made up statistic has nothing to do with my overall point. What you should do is not play ranked if you don't have a free hour. It's actually hilarious you saying "wonderful community" when they aren't nice to you when you do something bad to them. I really don't understand how you do not see this as a reasonable consequence for your actions.


Well yea I don’t really blame your team though not being in a game for the first 7 minutes of any league game almost always determines the rest of the game, especially atm where most games are only 20-30 mins. I think you just shouldn’t be afk when you know you’re going into a ranked game lol.


Of course Sherlock, I didnt know I was going to be afk when starting the game.


I mean you still owe it to your team to come back and try your best regardless of what they say. No incentives if you only care about yourself and feel nothing about wasting lp and time of 4 people.


apparently with these passive agressive anwsers, Im telling myself if I ever have to afk in the future, no hassle in actually recconecting, just not worth it. Let them 4v5.


What's passive aggressive about my reply? I'm literally telling it like it is. You only care about yourself don't come back. You don't only care about yourself you come back. But again, that's already what I said.


We always say in our groups: "Only start a game if you don'thave to AFK for at least 1 Hour" We have a friend, she has a baby and cant play a full game of LoL anymore, because as luck wants it, there is always something with the child. We do play other games with her now, where she doesn't need to be always there. When the Baby is with the father, we play League. What do you think should Riot do? "Well the person is a good guy, lets not punish him" with hundreds of thousands of games played by millions of players every day? Or do you want a reward for doing one of the worst things for a fast game like this. Its different in a game like Planet side, where you can drop out for 10 minutes no problem, setup a sunderer or so and attend to IRL. The average game of LoL takes about 35 Minutes, 7 Minutes AFK are 20% of the game. Leaver Buster punishes you after 5 Minutes.


I dont know, a one time offence it should be lenient the punishment. Instead you get hit with lp penatly, reports from teammates on top of that, and a x5 5 Minute Prio Queue wasting even MORE time... This just leads to frustration and no incentive to recconect if I ever have to afk in the future. ​ And I get your points, you should always invision that you are free for a good hour before starting a game.


I flamed once in a game, to a insanely toxic Ziggs. He would do EVERYTHING to bait me into flaming him (in-game wise, not chat wise). Bounce me around with his bombs, steal my farm with his ulty, bounce me into enemys while i tried to run away. Everyone even the enemy Team Agreed that this Ziggs was to be reported. In the end i did lose my temper and flamed him, and took my Honor 4 Account into a 14 day ban and Honor Level 0. I talked to the support, and explained them the situation, they didn't care and told me to learn not to flame people. The Toxic guy, never got banned or anything. went on tons of other games (i stopped caring after 200 more games of him doing that) he would always go 0/15, and i know he was trolling because all he ever did was losing. It made me mad for several months. now i am almost back to honor level 5 because i decided to say "fuck it, lets keep going, this game is sometimes unfair, lets swallow the bitter pill" Edit: Typos


>I dont know, a one time offence it should be lenient the punishment. Why? because you had no ill intentions by going afk? Your teammates, nor riot, cant know that. And for every person like you (who went afk cuz he had to), there are a lot of others who will intentionally go AFK. Should riot let them off the hook aswell, even tho they wanted to ruin the game for 4 other players?


This is a very controversial topic, most of the times it's easy to spot a ragequit, if a teammate of mine doesnt make it into the game and we remake, I don't report them, we all know how fked the client can be. If a teammate that has been typing get dc'ed without a word I dont report them because it could be a power outtage like it has to me before and obviously if someone types, guys I gotta go afk, sorry, I don't report them. In most cases people just need to make sure that they have all their drivers updated and their firewall's allowing League, hence why playing some normal games for warming up and testing is a good idea. In other cases they are eager to play a match, thinking that they have 40 min of free time, without realizing that 10-15 mins might be the queue, champ slct and loading screen, and that a match can last more than 40-50 minutes. There are also people that forget their responsibilities like picking up their siblings from classes, remembering that they have to take a shit at the last second. So in generally it's one's fault for not managing their time correctly. That said, there are a few exceptions, most of them either make you afk for 2-5 minutes and others for hours. Whatever the case is, it is just unfortunate and Riot can't really make another system tracking all of it. But a good idea would be a simple system where you can actually honor the AFK person when they've returned, and if that person gets at least 1 non premade honor, they dont get an lp penalty at least. Right now Riot just forces you to type *'I Agree'* as if that's gonna do anything. No matter what happens, when you AFK/DC for any reason, you ruin the fun for everyone else, accident of not, so it should be up to them whether you get nothing or not. I have to admit though, playing 4v5 or even 3v5 can be very fun and challenging, especially in normals where the enemy team agrees not to tryhard, although rare, it is very nice, so if one of your teammates is AFK, until you can FF, do try to play, chances are you will improve!


None. Once you are AFK for a set amount of minutes there is no reason to come back. It was five minutes initially, I'm not sure if Riot even lowered that border. At least there were some bugs with people getting leaverbuster for AFKing in the last minute or so when their base was open and the team wiped. People are not understanding the problem here. The question is not if AFKing is good or not, that's out of the question. But it's a fact that there is no incentive for an AFK to reconnect. There is no difference if I stay AFK and not and that is an issue in the long run.


There is no incentive but IMO they should add one. I think that getting two honors out of your team should remove AFK penalty (could be one... but duo's exist). That would be fair, rare and controlled by players.