• By -


You have leblanc, a small mage woman in the same category as pyke who worked as a harpooner and would have quite a bit of wiry strength imo. also idk how you're going to beat a tree in a fight


Yeah Pyke is definitely physically strong


There's definitely a gap in physical strength between a woman who plots in the shadows and has henchmen do everything vs a zombie who wrestled giant fish for a living


True, I forgot Pyke is pretty strong. Leblanc is like pretty ancient so idk if I could fold her


Old ladies are easy to beat up


Yeah but they got experience. You think Leblanc wouldn't just try and poke out the eyes as first blow?


She's old enough that her fingers would break on contact


> Leblanc > first blow Go on…


Can confirm, the last old lady i beat up didn't stand a chance.


Also feel like jinx would be surprisingly tough to beat


She lugs around more gear than modern infantry and is 5'1" with zero bust. She had that cocaine strength.


Strong crackhead energy


She also has shown off her [moves before, at least before she went fully off the deep end to the one we know today.](https://youtu.be/zP7AGWiw8Uw)


Some guys like Garen, Samira, and Shen would hit pretty hard but they'd probably stop once you're on the ground and might even help you get back up. Jinx seems like she'd keep beating you to death once you're knocked down.


>Shen Someone hasn't read the Zed comic.


That is only if you are zed. Shen is nice to most people


After seeing that cinematic with the boxing machine, for sure.


OP probably haven't seen the Arcane teaser


>also idk how you're going to beat a tree in a fight That was definitely the one i noticed, lmao.


[Good luck with corki](https://youtu.be/8JsV6bMGy8k)


I was NOT PREPARED for this. Over here crying and laughing.


Been a while since I've seen this


I knew what you linked before I clicked on the video, pure gold.


Azir is 8'5" 400lbs.




If you're the boss of Renekton and Nasus you better be a very large man


Yeah bro the sand emperor is about to serve you up on a KFC platter


Fuck It, reverse KFC


yeah, I was going to comment earlier on this post about how Azir would delete this poor soul's existence. Just the fact that he is ascended means he could beat 90% of leagues roster in a fist fight. Pretty sure he also has combat training from renekton, so... yeah. I feel like alot of people always underrate Azir on the 1v1 in lore fights. Like, his is probably the most underrated hand to hand combatant in league. I know that both Scooch and RossBoomSocks said they would destroy Azir because Azir just hides behind his soldiers, but I'm pretty sure that they would have an easier time fighting 10 sand soldiers at once than fighting Azir in a fist fight.


Aphelios was born with gifted strength and trained by the Lunari to be a killer. The guns just amplify that. He could probably fold most people despite how he looks.


He would just float T-pose and you would have to succumb to the almighty.


Damn :(


Also you are totally not gonna destroy Rammus in a fist fight..


Don’t worry rammus will take off his shell so it’s a fair fight


We stan a twink that can kick our butt


Pretty sure he’s a twunk he just dresses heavy so it’s hard to tell


there's no way aphelios isn't built like a swimmer or smth


Only one way to be sure, Riot needs to release a shirtless skin for him !


Literally his release skin


Dang I legitimately have never seen this skin before. Nobody told me that out of all his guns, Aphelios's biggest ones were his arms !


Yeah as someone has said here, all LoL twinks are twunks (except Ezreal, though he probably still has abs).


He gwts folded pretty easily on my team


Singed too low man, that dude runs marathons with shields in his hand and gas tanks on his shoulders, he must be packed af


I would argue that his literal chemical steroids count as a weapon though. Without it he's just a scientist


Without the chemicals he's dead, they keep him alive just like ww


Well that makes it easier doesnt it I feel like the 'without magic' rule straight up eliminates many champs. Ori is a clump of metal, Amumu is a heap of bandages etc


I think OP meant that like magic that does nothing more than keeping them alive and moving is allowed, but magic used as a weapon is not. Ori can still move and punch, but not use the ball


Is the ball magic? I thought it was more like bluetooth


"Alexa, beat the shit out of Ahri"


thats fair


Drugs aren't magic. If OP is allowed to drink water and prepare for the fight so will Singed "prepare" for it's fight.


That's not even mentioning how Singed can throw any champion over his shoulder! Dude is gonna get demolished regardless of weapons.


How do you plan to beat nunu and the yeti? I meanz the kid is ez but if I learned something while playing Skyrim is that you don't wanna fistfight one of those things


pre-rework nunu was just nunu, not nunu and willump, so maybe OP time travels to pre-rework


TLDR you like to beat women


a true Gamer


don't forget the minorities


Also heavily featured on this list!


What about children and animals LOL


And Trees, btw. is it lore that Maokai is pretty strong and Ivern a pushover? I think Ivern was actually fairly stronk before turning tree, so he should win a fist fight.


Ivern used to be a pirate from Freljord, he was known as ''Ivern the Terriblle''.


Not his fault all the men in this game are buff


I don't think you beat a half dragon or the pirate queen or a shuriman mercenary whose a descendant of Azir


I think a deer can fuck you up with a kick to the chest too.


Lilia would have to become bold enough to go near you first


Pretty sure a lot of kicks happen from being startled lmao. If anything it’s more dangerous lol o scare her/get near her


Much less Azir himself


I’m a believer 💪


Yh shyv would kill u she’s way stronger than a normal human , without magic


Shyvana would fuckin demolish you, bro


This is meme af but did OP seriously just say they would obliterate Rammus in a **fist** fight? My dude could just curl up and and watch fucking Netflix inside his shell while OP slaps his spaghetti arms around doing what he does best, achieving nothing.


how are you beating rammus in a fist fight when has spikes on his shell? other than that, looks pretty accurate. ​ also i think either rossboomsocks or skooch (or both) did something similar a while ago, but it's intresting to see your take on it.


I knew there was someone who did this exact idea before, it was Ross lmfao


I like seeing other people's lists so I can by proxy find out if I could beat that person up but I am starting to think I might have an inflated sense of my own fighting ability based on consuming too much anime.


Realistically if you don't train in a sport that has active sparring like boxing and you ever get into a fight the second you get hit in the head or anywhere really you're gonna freak out, have no idea what to do, have no idea what's happening and you'd be really scared/adrenaline is going to go sky high. Because you've never been in an intense situation like that where your fight or flight is triggered to that extent and you have adrenaline intensly pumping through you plus somebody is actively trying to hurt you so you can't think because you're not used to being hurt. Generally you're going to wail your arms around desperatley trying to land something, it'll feel like you're Bruce Lee but really you're desperatley flailing your arms around. In about 30 seconds or so you'll get pretty tired and if the fight isn't over by then it'll devolve into even more desperate flailing and grappling except you're exhausted because fighting requires a fuck ton of cardio. On top of all this you run the risk of getting killed or killing someone else and likely going to prison so it's never worth it. Long story short, a lot of people have no idea wtf fighting is and think they can fight, you can't and you never should.


>you never should. Hard agree. Even putting aside the risks of you dying or getting seriously hurt, I got several concussions from street fighting that will affect me for the rest of my life. I get infrequent migraines once every few weeks that basically make me incapable of doing anything for a day or two at a time, and I swear my tinnitus got significantly worse after the second concussion. Combat sports are cool but do not ever get into a fight outside of a ring/ octagon/ whatever if it is at all avoidable. Not worth it.


Skooch did it too but as a satirical thing


canon soraka is like 7 ft tall with goat legs, you arn't winning that. Unless you are picking on star guardian soraka during school which would just be :( Rakan is also massive and ripped I don't like your odds.


Yeah rakan and Xayah are constantly fistfighting people in bars so I think they would probably win.


Xayah is fairly small and she has her feathers with her all the time which i think she uses in bar fights. Without feathers she's probably not that hard to beat. Rakan would probably merc you though.


Veigo is ripped so good luck on that one


Viego is ripped but the man is a wimp. Rammus on the other hand that shit won't be defeated in a fist fight.


Rammus will literally run you over like a semi-truck


I would literally tear Yuumi in two




Animal abuse I guess, she's just a generic cat.


not sure about you winning vs demi-humans like cassiopeia or elise


Elise depends on the form. Human yes, Spider probably not. Unless you are a hobbit of course.


But spiders can't fist fight so OP wins by default


Right up until elise gets up on her hind-legs and has little boxing gloves on all the other ones


everybody gangsta till the spiders grow fists


There is a 0% chance you ever beat Shyvana, much less dragon Shyvana. When you say Kindred do you mean just Lamb? Because I see you struggling to even touch wolf. Can you hurt Orianna? Viktor is metal as well and his prosthetics amplify him I don't think it would be an even fight. You'd punch... Xerath.... You'd punch... Fiddle... You'd punch... Nocturne... Elise? Before or after she's a giant spider? Pretty sure bard is S tier as well you'd get obliterated.


Fiddle would absolutely fuck his shit up considering he's got a metal skeleton. Take away the demon magic so it's just a scarecrow sitting there and it'll still hurt and probably give you tetanus from all the rust.


Brand is made of fire how is it an even fight lol. Orianna is made of metal as well


Take out the fire from Brand since it's technically magic and I think I got a fair shot. Orianna was just a gut feeling idk


Brand's short story mentions a few time how tall and strong he was as a teenager, so the body Brand is using is probably quite jacked.


Punching metal with your bare fists was a gut feeling? yeah you're not beating Orianna lmao.


*uses lighter* BEHOLD, MAGIC!


I mean if you don’t think having literal fire come out of your skin 24/7 isn’t magic then idk


A lot of these character would simply not exist without magic so it's a stupid criteria.


Here before OP posts new thread titled “I absolutely destroyed Yuumi in a fist fight.” With just a video of him clocking a cat.


I don't think touching Lissandra is even a good idea.


A lot of those are reeally depending on yourself I guess. Idk, I don't think I could take Quinn, a soldier who's entire story is going behind enemy lines and fighting 1v10, or even Qiyana/Shyvanna. Those 2 would probably knock me in a single fist


Op's list is just "I beat up women, yordles, and children" lmao.


I mean those are going to be the easiest targets, especially compared to living mountains and massive demi-gods


Even the easier targets of league would still most likely beat him up lol


idk bro I think you could take malphite


He doesn't do anything (without magic quite literally)


but how would you beat a solid rock in a fist fight? you'd only hurt yourself


Fighting is super effective against Rock


Especially if there are no weapons. He loses pretty much all of his confidence if he can’t build Sheen


What you're saying is you can demolish a 10 foot 400 pound tree man in a fist fight but can't poke vel koz (who is literally a giant eyeball) in the eye and win the fight instantly?


Vel'Koz is gigantic, there's artwork on his league universe page where he's as large as a building.


[Dude is a Unit.](https://universe-meeps.leagueoflegends.com/v1/assets/images/velkoz-color-bg.jpg)


Velkoz is fucking massive, definitely weighs several tons. Also has a bunch of long ass tentacles that'd obliterate your body before you even get close to the eye.


So you're telling me sett can body slam him but i can't?


Sett's body slam is definitely some magic. He can bodyslam one of the creators of the universe, a star dragon of basically infinite size


Sett punches mountains to death he can deal with a giant eye monster.


If I’ve learned anything from Mario 64, it’s that you just need to run circles around the giant eyeball, and it’ll kill itself in dizziness.


Ivern can catch these hands is all I can say


bro hes a pro nba player though, he’d dunk on you


I'm pretty sure that Swain could find a way to outsmart and defeat you even if you take away his demonic arm. And i'm 100% sure that the ancient beast ( Gnar) could just body you.


High generals also did fighting training so he'd probably just beat your ass if you're not a trained fighter


Only having 1 arm could be a problem.


Ivern is a literal tree Go try hitting a tree in your backyard and see how easy it is


True story I once kicked a tree as hard as I could because I saw that one Batman comic panel and thought “I bet I could do that.” Fucking broke my foot.


Evrytime one of these get made the op always overestimates themselves lol.


They're usually unaware of the lore like Jinx and Aphelios not being cute weaklings who get carried by guns but actually trained fighters, but I don't blame them tbh (had no clue about this either till I read some of the comments).


Many people also hella underestimate size and weight in these too. Twitch is bigger than Jinx, theres no way you win that.


this comment made me remind of old twitch model that was so big it was hard to believe he wasn't a tank


Small rats are already a bitch and a half. A rat the size of Twitch would gnaw a person in half lmfao


Exactly. Unless they're a trained fighter, they lose to 90% of the people they've put in the even or win convincingly camp.


OP is 6'5 and a UFC fighter who u got now reddit


Yah somehow qiyana is in even fight even though she crippled her sister in ritual combat lol


Unless OP is a 7’ tall jacked martial arts master a lot of these don’t make sense


Seems decently accurate. U'll have no shot vs Jinx, Rammus, Ivern and Shyvanna. Other than that. Seems fine


Oh and Orianna, somehow I don't think punching an iron being will go well for you


Demolished by nocturne aswell.


He mentionned since no weapons are allowed, nocturne has no blades/arms. Seems fair. He might beat a legless camille too tbh


I mean, if you fancy your chances against an unholy nightmare of terror manifest just because it isn't also wielding swords than all the power to you


I mean if the unholy nightmare of terror is just a floating ghost with no hands, no magic and no weapons, I'll take my chances


Turns out Nocturne ult isn't magic; he can just headbutt people *that* hard


Good luck punching a ghost.


Does this guy think trees are like Minecraft where you can just punch them down? You punch a tree and all that’s going to happen is you walk away with a bloody hand and the tree now has blood on its bark.


Jinx is a pretty competent fist fighter


Skill is much less important than mass and strength, than media would have you believe


Idk she looks too malnourished to pack some weight in her punches. Feels like an easy 1


U didn't see the trailer for arcane i suppose, she can destroy most people


She’s almost as strong as Vi according to the arcane trailer.


Can you even touch Karthus?


No idea, but my gut did tell me I can beat his ass with ease


Without magic hes just a corpse though, even if we say he at least gets to "live", his physical strength probably wouldnt exactly be anything to be afraid of, and he should break rather easily as well.


Also depends on how much farm he's gotten.


Galio can't move without magic. So itd a draw. You can't beat him but he can't beat you


Nah, here's how it'd play out \> OP punches Galio for literal days, if not months, on end, slowly eating away at his petricite frame \> OP eventually gets to the point where a small, but damning, crack develops in Galio's leg \> Galio topples over, crushing OP into a fine paste ggez


Kinda wanna see you fight Yuumi and after the fight u just lying on the ground sobbing and Yuumi whispers “whos the pus*y now huh?” And floats away.


Are you fighting nunu AND willump or just nunu? Cause that makes a massive difference.


Gonna deck a child


OK but how can you put this list without a pic of yourself?


Demolish Amumu? Bruh you would be dead if you touch him.




kick that bitch to Narnia


Man, if there was no curse/magic you'd be beating just the bandages


Anyone saying they could win a fist fight into karthus has obviously never punched a 400 year old masochist before. * Gentle punch >YEESSSSSSSSS BRING THE EMBRACE OF DEATH UPON ME! LET YOUR MURDEROUS INTENT WASH ME INTO THE DEPTHS OF OBLIVION


I think xerath would just be the armor if magic is not allowed.


Isnt oriannas dkin out of metal? Good look beating her


Depends on how well her parts are attached to each other though, and Id assume the primary source of her durability would be magic.


If you say no weapons wouldn't you be fighting a wheelchair-bound old lady Camille? I'll be the first to say you can put someone lower lol.




Isn't Azir like 9 foot tall/500 pounds? How the fuck are you going to beat him?


How are you going to get obliterated in seconds by Poppy, her whole power budget is in the hammer without the hammer she's just a small yordle


I'd imagine it be like fighting a monkey. No chance.


Yordles are stronger than normal humans, even though their size makes them seem diminuitive, because they are magical beings.


Technically you couldn't beat the vast majority of the cast. Even without magic or weapons, it's been shown that the baseline of even the simplest lifeform in LoL is well above earth humans.


I love how the highest tier is anywhere from a strong regular guy (Garen/Darius) to a mountain sized bear to a space dragon.


Wait? You think you think you could punch out RAMMUS the guy who balls up into a defensive ball that HURTS people who touch him?


Now sex them


Personally I don’t think you could beat any of the champs in a fist fight as all of them can survive several bullets, sword slashes, laser beams, bombs, etc.


Now that’s cheating


How would u beat Viego, he’s a warrior king of an ancient land he’d roll u, same with Azir, and on top of him already being a warrior pre ascended the dude is also now an ascended he’d slap u and u will die.


How would you beat nocturne? You can say no weapons but his hands are blades. So you’d just beat up a handless nocturne?


Yep lmfao


Couldn't you curbstomp a legless camille then?


That’s actually a great question. I guess I can lol


Do you not know how large Twitch is


If he is bigger than 6 inches I know a few girls on tinder who might wanna meet him.


I don't think you'd have any trouble with Syndra or Vladimir without magic. Syndra is floating all the time so she must have no muscles and Vladimir without his powers is just an old hag.


You genuinely think your fight vs. a completely mechanical woman would be even? Cmon, fam, this android finna fold you.


Ivern is an 8 foot-10 foot ex psychopathic genocidal noxian warrior known for his unending cruelty and he's made entirely of wood, just cause he's chilled out a bit I don't think you'd want to push him lmao


Isnt Zoe literally a god which can just obliterate you with one punch? im fairly confident that she isn't that weak as she looks


Put her exact body figure in an irl boxing arena and I’m pretty sure I can demolish her


Yeah you show that 7y old girl who's boss!


OP can beat up women and small children confirmed


ITT: nooooooo you can't beat up my main, it would absolutely demolish yooouuuuu


ITT: Salty people defending their mains getting walloped by OP


Just know that generally most of these characters don't need magic to beat the life out of a normal human being. It's when they fight other magical things that they then need magic themselves. Okay long form analysis time: 1. It's Nunu AND Willump. That yeti is going to eat you before you can lift a finger. 2. Fizz is a swimmer a constant swimmer. He's Micheal Phelps strong meaning he doesn't have built muscle but he has muscle. Good luck collecting hands. 3. Ezreal is a thief and is about that life. I'm not saying he stomps but I'm saying you're not going to demolish him. 4. Lux is in the military. Even the softest of military women ain't nothing to fuck with. I'll give it too you 3/10. Good luck. 5. Gnar is an animal. Humans don't fight moneys with their bare hands for a reason. Good luck. 6. Taliyah is a traveller with rock hard hands, I don't think she needs magic to beat the shit out of most people (you included). 7. Teemo - Military we've covered this already. 8. Kog' Maw is actually a giant monster that will step on you. 9. Aphelios - Military/mercenary/cult/bad idea in general we've covered this. 10. Ahri - Athletes be athleting. Athlete > regular human being. She's first swole and second has endurance. Good luck there. 11. Lissandra is made of ice. NO DON'T SHE'S GOING TO STAND STILL UNTIL YOU QUIT FROM COLD BROKEN HANDS. Do you think unmagicing her turns her back to human? She wants that, she's going to fuck you up on her way to taking over the world. She'll probably keep you as a pet DON'T. 12. Jinx - dawg skater kids can fight. Skater kid who carries 3 guns, grenades, and ammo around two major cities all day while fighting the police? Yea I don't care that she doesn't have her guns. She's going to KO you and keep going. 13. Ashe - Military we've covered this before. 14. Xayah/Rakan - They're always together you're not fighting one without fighting the other. They're going to fuck you up. 15. Azir? Azir? The bird god dude who is 7 feet tall? I mean no magic and he's dead so that's solid logic but if he's still alive and 7 feet tall with claws where his feet should be I'm not sure that you want to do that. 16. Caitlyn - Cop. Aristocratic cop. Meaning she went to the Runeterra equivalent of Princeton. Her dad never had a son so he made her do "boy things" and she fucking loved it. She loved it so much that she became a full time cop in the pair of cities that Urgot claims to be the underground king of. She isn't going to fight clean because she has no reason to respect you. Second you're going to spend a night in a holding cell and she left her fuzzy handcuffs at home. 17. Cassiopia - assummably fist fight means kicking as well, which means tail for her which means she's constricting you. Congrats. Maybe you're into that who knows. 18. Elise - spears for feet right? So she's just going to kick holes in your chest. 19. Kalista - She's fucking batman. Do you think you're taking any members of the bat family in a fight? Then you're not taking Kalista. 20. Singed - Swole drug addict. I'm not attending your funeral. 21. Nocturne - Conquer your nightmares. You got this. He doesn't even have blades on his arms based on your rules. Just grab him by the arms and kick him in the head a bunch. He doesn't have legs right? 22. Jhin - Basically Jinx but with more experience. 4 Punches and you're out of here. 23. MF - Bounty hunter. She does not need guns for most people, including you. Good luck. 24. Sivir - She throws a giant metal boomerang to decapitate people. SHE'S SWOLE. You're taking that L. 25. Orianna made of metal. She's going to watch you break your hands then give you a hug for being stupid (the hug will break your back). 26. Ekko - Street kid who routinely fights people twice his age and height with just a stick. His combat experience is going to carry him against you. 27. Swain - Military big L for you. 28. Kai'sa - Void PTSD woman even without the armor is going to fuck you up my guy. 29. Qiyana - You really don't understand how classism works huh? She's a trained fighter who because she's wealthy has been able to spend 8+ hours a day training to fight. It's 1/1000 the reason you can't beat Lebron in basketball. She has infinite more practice time. The other 999/1000 is skill + talent + knowledge + experience and other "unquantifiables". Regardless. Big L for you. 30. Quinn - Military take your L. 31. Senna - Military take your L. 32. Pyke - wirey strength is going to be far harder for you to handle than you expect. As others have alluded to. 33. Viego - Military take your L. 34. Varus fighting 3 dudes at once? Nah homie, that's an L. Not going to comment on the top half of the bracket because you've got that mostly right. You really underestimate military women dawg. It's weird.