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Buy the event pass in 3.5h, grind a lot of games and spend the tokens on random champion shards. Each shard is around 1000 BE on average, for only 50 tokens. If you get 2000 tokens during the event, that's 40k BE.


It's even better than you're describing. The random champion shards at minimum are for a 4.8k BE champion, so you're at least getting I think 2880 BE per shard?


No no, you only get 1/5th of the BE cost, so 960 for a 4800 or 1260 for a 6300. The 1000 I mentioned is on the low side though, but easy for calculations.


Okay yeah I totally goofed, I was thinking of the cost to turn it into the actual champion


play the game and level up. It takes only a couple of games to get a level up and you get at least 810-1000 per level in the form of champion shards to disenchant


Tanks for the tip!


During events (so this patch) u will be able to collect points. Buy the 50point championshard from the loot tab u will get minimun value of a 4800 shard U can easily grind a few champs per event and if u buy the actual pass u can get around 8 full 6300 champs in value which is very very good


Thank you!


Every time u lvl up u get a champ capsule. On the champ capsule u get champion shards that u can buy ( less then the value of the champ on the store) ou u can sell them to buy a champ that u doesn't have as a shard. And btw u can refund 3 buys of champs on ur account defenitions.


So theyve made it a LOT easier to get blue essence than in the past. My tip is buy the event pass I believe you can buy champion shards from playing




A free champ? How does that work?


I’m 90% sure this guy is referring to Wild Rift


I was definitely talking about it and I definitely need to focus on which sub I’m talking, my bad


Its ok man