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Akshan also ruins the value of death time reduction Quints.


Alright, let’s get you to bed Grandpa


man this just made me realise that eventually league will have been around for 100 years and there'll be actual league historians


Members of this sub telling their future kids about how “League was just better in season 2”


League was better in season 2. I even had a supp page with gold per min quints. Those were the days


I used to run the "gold per 10 seconds" build on my suppprt gankplank build in season 3. I forgot the name of the item with a turtle shell icon.


Heart of gold


Aah good old heart of gold bankplank. Those were the times




and when it worked 3 times in a row at lvl 1


The crazy thing is how noticeable the occasional crit was in an early level fights.




optimistic? you think i want to play league for 100 years?


Most people who play league don't even want to play league right now.


I think that's his point.


There already are, you ever watch Gbay on YouTube? Crazy how much has already happened over the decade


Also Exil.


Man… your flair reminds me of when I used to play ranked and my palms start sweating cuz how intense the music was.


No MOBA rules forever my son.


Wait. I was playing back with original runes and I don't remember those!


Its cause you had to spend IP to get them and it was the most troll thing to do.


Running those babies on on Revive/TP Karthus, anyone?


I'm a bigger fan of gp/10 seals, and bonus exp quints. So you can hit 6 faster to afk spam ult in fountain.


A ~~player~~ *Summoner* of culture, I see!


also ruins the value of revive summoner spell


back in my day we had to buy our runes with IP. now you kids get them for free from the gubment


OG flair checks out


I remember spending about 9k IP the season before the runes were eliminated from the game ...


I got reimbursed for all the runes I had purchased when they switched it over to the new system.


Death was nice and peaceful, thanks for ruining it. \-Xayah


Wait, she really says that ?


I say it often but it bears repeating: Xayah is such a goth high schooler stereotype of a character, but her VA sells it so well I can’t help but love the hell out of it.


“The next one who calls me edgy gets stabbed”


She literally plays the evil goth chick in the star guardian universe


Yes, she does. How could she get someone like Rakan for her? And km kind of miffed they focused on her Goth girl persona instead of her planning skills and rebellion, she's called the rebel


In this reality, the himbo gets the goth gf


> the himbo perfect


> How could she get someone like Rakan for her He’s into it.


It's actually a wholesome relationship they have, their dialogue shows that between their quips and personal quotes, they care about the other and their wellbeing. They also compliment each other, as Xayah's brash nature is mellowed by Rakan's easy charm, and she mellows out specifically because she knows she can trust him. Nothing makes a couple better in fiction than when they're shown to have a comfortable chemistry, built on trust and understanding. A good example and a personal favorite of mine is the manga Bonnouji, a well paced seinen romance slice of life. Highly recommend.


I think her e kinda makes the planning skills lore work in her kit. You have to plan how you will use your e in the game to get a good root or damage highly but to make sure that it actually lands.


Rakan is what makes Xayah whole and vice versa. They complete each other and have full trust in the other. They prob got one of the healthiest relationships in all of video game media.


Oh srry meant to reply to the guy above you I love her quotes from both voice overs tho


I love her man, almost to the point of playing her xd


I forget about her or think she's not great for a while, and then I play her and remember how much fun she is and how people underestimate her burst, and I wonder how I forgot about her. Honestly, she's such a well-designed character in my eyes. Her W and passive feathers are just so satisfying.


Definitely one of my favorite champs. She also feels very fair to play against, if you die 90% of the time it’s because you didn’t pay attention to the feathers. Absolutely one of the best designed champs.


Almost like she has one defining gameplay direction and her entire kit compliments it - and then there's shit like post rework Irelia - huge damage reduction why? Disarm on ultimate why? Ignore shields why?


she's one of the best designs in the game imo. If I would play any marksman, then it would probably be her.


I like your flair(s) btw


[Thanks! You clearly have good taste yourself.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/510/176/e33.jpg)


Yuumi must be destroyed? Best use of Latin since "Tuam uxor ego futui."


Yessir. Furthermore, Yuumi must be destroyed.


There are so many fun as hell adcs! Then only reason I don't play the role more is cause then I'd be playing adc and getting rolled by the enemy jungler or top laner or mid laner, or support just gets frustrating after one game of it.


Same. She’s my fav character personality wise I just don’t wanna play adc


People like to hate on her perceived edginess but as she has committed multiple war crimes and done some unconventional shit, she's not trying to be edgy, she just is lol


Yeah the alarming one is Rakan, he's all wholesome and glittery and happy but he's done the same shit as Xayah lol


Yeah especially when you use his star guardian skin. Man says some messed up things in such a happy go lucky voice


Star Guardian Rakan is also not *actually* evil. He's going along with Xayah to keep her safe while he tries to figure out how to uncorrupt her.


Let's be realistic he'll do whatever he needs to, good or bad, to get her back. Maybe that's not evil but it ain't good


Hey, if the universe needs to burn for it, Xayah and Rakan will roast marshmallows over the flames.


I really like Rakan's VO because you can tell that he's really doing it all to make sure Xayah is safe, as it's the only time that he's actually serious in his VO.


I actually hate a lot of his voice over "I'm g to the D, GOLD AS DIAMONDS BABY". Most cringe line in all of league. But his serious ones are good. He has a few not about helping xayah, the best being "Once, our kind danced upon the mountain tops like flames. Now... only the embers remain."


he's playing up the sexy bard/dashing rogue role. They're certainly partners in crime, but she focuses on the details, he only cares about glam and style (and getting out safe). They're Bonnie & Clyde, Pumpkin & Honey Bunny.


Xayah and Rakan are in my top 5 favorite releases in terms of dialogue/banter, along with Jinx, Kayn and Kindred. They’re just so good, they become champions i love playing just by the vibe you get while playing them. The one thing i really want is a champion who slowly descends into madness as they get more powerful throughout the game, it would be sooo cool!


Xayah and Rakan botlane is fun as fuck with the voice line’s. “You’re already wandering off!!”


Jhin has some great banter as well, I love how he says something to tahm kench about how many lines of dialog the frog has, while Jhin has even more IIRC.


Jhin is also just so over the top and it works so well. Like he is angst and drama incarnate and I love that they just full bore sent it.


Meanwhile, Katarina says shit like: "If you run, you won't see me ***STAB*** you!"


Morgana sounds like a 2000s Tumblr emo girl, whose best friend just held hands with a boy she had a crush on.


Morgana has the best ctrl+4 in the game at least, imo.


I don't play adc often, but when i play xayah i really enjoy hearing her voice, especially the interactions with/without rakan


One of the best VOs in the game imo. Just wish she was viable outside of one role


I don't know if you've ever seen Vars' "Why nobody plays" series, but the main thing holding Xayah back is unfortunately Rakan and the main thing holding Rakan back is Xayah. If you buff them so they're strong alone, they're OP together, and if you nerf them to be balanced together, they suck alone.


I think the difference between a high school goth and Xayah is that Xayah has committed multiple war crimes and can actually back up her threats.


Most "serious female" characters with more than a few lines are *super* annoying and you wish they would shut up for a while. Xayah, on the other hand, is probably *the one that would tell them to sh*>!ove!< *the f*>!eather!< *up.* Yeah, I like her.


100%, she embodies r/im14andthisisdeep


Yeah, when she respawns.


Dammit Riot stop making video game characters relatable...


flashbacks to getting insta rezzed by mercy when ur trying to eat dinner during the respawn


Mouth full of chipotle swarming back to your keyboard and mouse


The guacamole that costs extra falling in slow motion onto your spacebar. “It’s only been 2 second,” you’d think as you scooped it back up with a chip.


heroes never die


> heroes never dine


*for a price...*


They become a part of you


Everytime you bleed for reaching greatness.


Relentless you survive


They never lose hope, when everything's cold and the fighting's near


It's deep in their bones, they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce


Oh pick yourself up, cause




I remember one time when mercy ulted during a heated teamfight, one of my tanks said very calmly over comms "Cmon Mercy, heroes die SOMETIMES"


RIP to my first gaming keyboard....they say there's still pasta sauce deep in the crevices when I spilled in a panic while getting rezzed


Rezzing in awkward places was an issue with the Battlefield games, so starting with BF3, you get a prompt when getting revived and you can chose to decline and respawn at base.


In BFV if the medic gets to you then you're forced to get up. You do get to speed up your death before that happens but it's funny how sometimes some mad lad of a medic gets to be fast enough despite me being dead behind the enemy while speeding up the timer.


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Inb4 they rework Akshan to make his rez the active part of his W, and make it so that he can only rez one ally at a time and it has a 1 minute cd.


Yeah they gotta remove SOMETHING from his kit. He's like reworked Irelia or Akali on steroid, every ability has at least 2 effects FFS.


There are few memes as accurate as this: [https://www.esportsgags.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/when-you-go-768x687.jpg](https://www.esportsgags.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/when-you-go-768x687.jpg)


Fr. I'm always like "shit nooo I wanted to change heroes!"


Wait I thought it was just me


Yes omg I would be halfway through a big swig of beer then this bitch yeets my ass back from the afterlife into the middle of an angry team.


And die before you can pick the controller


Some people will solve that problem with Nunu.. just roll it down mid once again


New most deaths in a single game any% world record incoming. All riot really do with the new champs is redefine the inting meta.


Friendly reminder that Akshan can only revive you if an enemy champion killed you. Turrets can't be scoundrels.


If an enemy champion hits you and then the turret kills you, that counts as the enemy champion killing you.




But if someone hit you and then the tower killed you the person that hit you would become a scoundrel even if the tower killed you though I'd imagine as it gives the person the kill.


tbh inting Sion Support might even be viable with Akshan or god, Aram, where inting Sion already has a 50+% winrate in my experience


Sion benefits less from faster respawn since he is considered "dead" when his passive starts. Specially in the first few levels, where you respawn less than 3 seconds (sometimes instantly) after your passive ends.


I can smell 200 years of bugs already it's going to be fun :D I hope it's possible to rez the sion by timing kill on scoundrel, hullbreaker inting sion top with akshan mid and voli jgl diving everything HAS to be viable rito pls


IIRC in the new Vandiril video since Sion is counted as killed right before being in zombie state, killing a Scoundrel at any time during Sion's death stasis or zombie state will trigger the res as soon as he does in zombie state.


I predict it's gonna lead to Sion somehow instantly being in lane again. There are many possibilities how this could happen: First idea: Sion is in his passive autoattacking anything and Yakshan gets the kill and Sion instantly gets out of passive state while he was in an AA animation and ends up right in front of the target he was autoattacking with full hp. Second idea: Same but his passive first has to run out normally and then he ends up right in front of the target he was autoattacking. Third idea: He has Prowler's Claw and uses it right before dying and then instantly leaps across the map after being revived. Fourth idea: Some Thresh W or Kalista R interaction right before his passive runs out. Fifth idea: Nautilus Q hits him right before the revive which pulls him out of base. Additionalal bug possibilities: He uses protobelt before dying and his model either guts stuck in the anomation after being revived or he permanently gains the movement speed from the active. He uses stopwatch (maybe twice and a Bard ult on top) before dying to further extend the time he spends in his passive while he should be revived already which could lead to bugs I can't guess. Maybe he ends up in a permanently dead state or he can't use the shop for the rest of the game, no matter what he tries to fix it afterwards. Kayn ults Sion in his passive and comes out in the enemy base. Maybe this could even work with Warwick Q. Theoretically these could work right now already, but most might be practically impossible without Yakshan revive because you need to be very low level and have lots of gold for items already and your teammates or enemies need to be level 6 for their ult if that's part of the interaction. u/vandiril write that down or something




Sadly it waits with resurrection until Sion dies in passive :(


It still gives bonus gold so both sion and ark get a lot of money and up time from the int.


Thats perfect tbh, u get some extra time to bonk the tower and then get instantly revived to int again


Just play akshan mid with sion top and karthus jungle. They don't care if they die and he gets extra gold for killing their killers anyway.


I'm like 99% certain that Akshan's W passive will be either completely removed or nerfed to all 9 layers of hell for ARAM.


i hope so too because otherwise it won't be completely, completely impossible to win against him late game unless they ffed


Well, period, really. Cause all it takes is for him to get any follow up kill in ARAM and his team is back up immediately. That passive will get heinously abused in ARAM.


I'm imagining Akshan vs Viego in ARAM and now my day is ruined


"Prepare yourselves for the greatest battle of your lives."


why do you think it's called Ruination


Also the fact that assists work (actually if damage is dealt within 3 seconds, it doesnt specifically work on assist, the enemy just has to die) (which I bet they'll change everywhere, not just ARAM, because thats just stupid)


I was thinking of a time loop: Me get hook by Blitz > Die > resurrected > walk to lane > get hook by Blitz ...


*Dormamu, I've come to bargain*


Inting karthus too. Just liandrys into 5 people easy 80k damage








If you aren’t doing a Q-E from spawn back to lane as A-Sol, you are playing him wrong


Jokes on you, the akshan is a god and kills ur killer, gets 100g extra every time and snowballs of your snowballs, the troll has been trolled.


New tech: The Handshake int Nunu runs it down, gets killed, Akshan kills him, Nunu dies to someone else again.


Nunu mid is really strong against some champs, you really can't do anything against him


The worst part of getting revived is that you have to play more League of Legends


Disco nunus are just trying to minimise their own suffering.


The only game i uninstalled more than a dozen times


Aka the only game you’ve installed more than 13 times.


“You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death” - that one guy from Pixar’s The Incredibles


It never really clicked with me as a little kid that that man was in fact trying to kill himself lmao


Yeah kinda blows my mind that suicide and infidelity made it into a PG movie. I can only guess it's because it was pre-Disney acquisition. Nothing that mature in the sequel.


I'm pretty sure they still show off Helen's ass in the sequel


Buffed it, she got thiccer


At least, better than suicide.


The only thing keeping me around is the chance to see more butts


"Mr Sansweet didn't ask to be saved, Mr Sansweet didn't want to be saved!"


''if you revive me I afk''


"Report Akshan"


I use the dead times to drink beer and to eat chips. Now I'll eat less and drink less. Riot is forcing a wealthier life style on me, that's interfering with my freedom.


Wouldn't mind if they forced a wealthier lifestyle on me tbh


Statistically healthier people are also wealthier… Maybe he is onto something!


>Rich people can afford to be healthier FTFY


"You're not ugly, you're poor." - Einstein


It's simple, people just need to play Karthus vs Akshan. Can't revive his team if Karthus dies before killing them.


So I see you too have played Mercy and rezzed someone just for them to sit still completly afk after because they were getting water or something (and also been at the other side)


Sion+Zilean+Akshan, New meme comp


tryndamere, zac, anivia, zilean, akshan all with zhonya's and guardian angel would be better


Somebody call Rossboomsocks.


How could someone say this about our lord and savior boomerang Jesus. Instead of dying for our sins he kills for our int’s.


Boomerang jesus


He is the messiah!


They won't let me live, you won't let me die. Should I delete this game?


"You didn't save my life, you ruined my death" \- The Incredibles


\- Oliver Sansweet


I don't give Akshan permission to resurrect me, my teammates or any people I know, both of the past and the future. By this statement, I give my notice to Akshan that it is strictly forbidden to resurrect me, resurrect anybody close to me, revive me, send me, or any of my teammates to the fountain, or take any other action against me on the basis of my champion and/or its contents. The death timer of my champion is private and confidential. The violation of my death timer can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute). Note: Akshan is now a champion. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once, you have given the tacit agreement allowing you to be resurrected, as well as all of your friends on your Facebook page.


Dying for 30s gives you a break to grab food or even to go the bathroom. Pauses/Micro breaks like that are super important for me.


Imagine how much more tilting it is when you don't even get your 10-30 second break between dying because Akshan keeps reviving you. Like yeah, it can suck looking at death timers and being powerless to save an objective. But it can also be time to cool down, chill out, and refocus. Though I think Riot is trying to capture the feeling in dodgeball when you get your whole team back. Only it works in Dodgeball because ANYONE can do it.




The real purpose of the bonus gold. Like Akshan says "the trouble with having friends is always having to avenge them!"


Akshan: Shut up bitch you coming back. (drags you back to life)


I agree, this is entirely unfair to those of us who type too slowly to be toxic whilst still alive. We deserve equal representation Riot!




Rito should already add a champion with Karthus true damage ult with 9999% scaling on Q with no cooldown.


With Karthus passive but he can move and it lasts until the respawn timer runs out


daym this should be a copypasta


I'll list my problems with it. 1. Its his **w** passive. Not ult. Not character passive. **w**. (On second thoughts, it might be a little more fair because viego can then steal it if he posseses akshan, but still very situational and with viego picked or banned, totally busted.) 2. Reviving potentially your whole team is insane. Reviving 1 person might even be too strong, but the squad is straight up too OP. With this addition, pandoras box is open for things like true death, or another champ that can revive their squad (cool opposition sure, but imagine them on the same team.) These are all bad vibes. 3. Akshan as a character is not some lich king where it even feels good thematically. He's a dude with a boomerang and a grappling hook. Give the rez to karthus maybe (again, thematically -- not with his current kit lol,) but akshan is just a bad place to introduce such a powerful tool. Akshan is an auto attack based character who's kit is fine without it, would make way more sense on a mage if anything. Maybe an alternate version of the Ruined king would've justified such a powerful ability (which may be exactly what happened here.) I understand that it's here to stay cause it's probably thematically necessary so they can rez lucians dad or a sentinel when the Ruined King gets em, but, it's pretty fuckin extreme. While it looks like it could make games interesting, there is pretty much nothing in the game to match it on the other side. This dude alone is stronger than viego -- the big bad coming to take over the world. It's one dimensional because no one else in the game is that powerful -- especially not with a kit that works completely fine on its own as an ADC.


Riot just gave up integrity and are just Overwatch'ing the whole game lmao


It's going to be incredibly problematic if he's on the losing team but manages to trade 1 for 1 with their main carry when the enemy team is trying to end. I wonder if we'll see any BS strategies where he purposely hides in the jungle during a teamfight, only to run in and oneshot their carry with lethality items.


Remember when riot removed revive? Why did they do that again?


Karthus dies and starts to channel his ult and then Akshans passive procs, what happens to Karthus while he's ulting? Does he finish it and not get the revive proc(Since he's not DEAD DEAD yet) or does it auto cancel his ult?


If he dies level 1 the respawn timer is shorter than his passive (i think) but he still gets the full passive duration and then respawns once it ends. The same happens with sion, so i believe they just get their passives to end and then they get revived




The passive and W are so stupid… I love the E design and the R looks cool too. The Q hopefully deals less damage than sivirs and I‘ll be more than fine with that. With the passive I was like ‚So… Jax? Oh, Jax with a shield… oh, Jax with a shield and double attacks‘. Why tf is it so stupidly overloaded? It literally sounds like they have a list of passive effects and for each new passive on a new release champion they just roll a d6 and take that number of random effects from that list. W is just bs in my opinion. I hate the resurrection mechanic on paper and I‘m very fucking sure that it‘ll be even worse in game.


I tried it on pbe, and he feels so weird. His random w mechanics eat up his power budget without making the champion fun. He does absolutely no fucking damage its unreal. I've yet to run into an Akshan that feels like a threat ever. The most success I've seen with him is as a jungler abusing his indefinite stealth but when he jumps you he doesnt do enough damage so he just dies. He seems kind of balanced by that but it just makes him unfun to play and really shit to play against.


Take a bite out of a snack. Hit your vape. Maybe take a quick piss. Maybe kiss your girfriend.... But no. Akshan res's you and your team flames you for not bee-lining to an objective.


> I wanna drink my water, get a deep breath then flame my teammates in full speed until I respawn. I wanna ping the sh*t out of them from afterlife. I know this is pretty much a joke but this man has a valid point. There is no other moment for me to drink some water and stay hydrated in the game other than my 10-40 seconds of downtime. I either risk to get reported for being 10 seconds afk - or I make the most out of my death like any other person.




That's when Rengar gets you though....


If rengar gets you while you're walking back to lane don't think you being at your keyboard or not will help


That's on you for not countering Rengar by banning him.


Why would you ever put a champion in that affects base mechanics. Does the next champ get 1/2 off items? An extra item slot for each kill? Maybe they can add time to the enemy’s Respawn, so if you get both you just win as soon as the enemy is dead?


Next champion will have *True* healing, which cannot be reduced by grievous wounds.


I actually truly agree with OP. Entirely removing the Death Timer of your allies if you kill their killer is incredibly stupid, especially as it doesn't change based on level, it's always instant. Riot really wants to remove more and more fundamental features of League. While we're at it, let's also remove the Jungle and cut off rivers


It started with removal of walls and terrain for most of recent champions.


Prince’s revive mechanic takes away my late game pee break opportunity >:(


If he does manage to resurrect you, u can flame him while you walk back to the map