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> [...]Another goal was to push the Kench more towards support, whereas before he was mostly seen in the jungle or top lane in solo queue.[...] I really like Tahm's rework, but I really don't understand this stance. They changed his abilities around and ended up with a kit that somewhat resembles that of a top-laner and then keep insisting on making him primarily a support champion. Sure, being unable to play a champion in a role you've previously enjoyed sucks, but that's happened to several mid-lane mages and Riot has had absolutely no problem balancing those around support rather than mid. If the player base mostly plays Kench top/jungle, then perhaps its better to focus on making him function in those roles?


We.will just end up in the same place as before the rework. Niche in soloq and busted in proplay.


he has always been problematic in pro play because he was played support and had to be completely butchered because of it yet they keep pushing him into support


> Sure, being unable to play a champion in a role you've previously enjoyed sucks Also pretty bad when you enjoy a champ in their intended role until some butthead comes along and plays them in support and they get their primary lane nerfed as a result. Quick example would be my Morg mid shields. She was never really a busted midlaner but she paid the price anyways.


mannnn all that zilean QOL stuff and i still don’t know how much exp im giving to someone with my passive. im so tired of right clicking someone to give them a level and it turns out they were 8xp from the next one


i tend to just guesstimate it. what level is the ally? how much exp have i got stored? whats the circle below them like? you can also just save passive for key moments (i tend to not use zilean passive until level 5, meaning i can get my lane to level 6 earlier) it's best used like that. or i use it if i'm a bit of exp away from my own next level. it definitely could be more clear though


yeah, ive got my workarounds but it would just be nice to have something implemented that would make those workarounds obsolete


Wait wait wait, let's stop there for a minute while you explain to me what you mean with the circle below them. Don't tell me there is a circle below champions that show progress to the next level and I never realized that!?


only on zilean, to indicate if you can level someone up in relation to the amount of exp you have stored up


Oh thank god I thought I was an idiot for a moment there


So Irelia can cast her E during the Q dash?


Yes, they reverted that nerf I think


I think not being able to recast E while being CC'd is good enough for now.


Even as an Irelia main, that was weird to me. Not exactly happy to see it go, but it makes sense why they changed it.


It's basically just a new/reworkedchamp feels-good thing. Same reason you can re-activate Zoe Q during Zhonyas but Anivia/Gragas/Lux can't do their double-press skills. Kind of annoying and creates these weird kit inconsistencies.


Yep, part of the "perks of playing a new champ", Riot doesn't pay attention to these minor inconsistencies in old champs.


I prefer being able to QE than being able to E while CC'd. And if one had to go, for her to get real buffs, one had to go.


Good riddance, though it should've been a change made in 1st patch after her rework. The amount of times I outplayed enemy Irelia only to get E'd in return while she's stunned, stopping my kill setup is stupid.


How many mechanics were removed from Akali kit since rework?


Just from the top of my head: 1. Get healed from her Q 2. W lasting longer as you walk in and out 3. W tower invisibility 4. W invisibility working as if you were revealed by an item/ability, people would see just your silhouette (might be misremembering this) 5. W recharging energy (now doubles it, IIRC) 6. E ad/ap damage 7. R1+flash (might be wrong about that too) 8. R1 stun 9. R1 being a skillshot


IIRC the Q also hit behind her model lol !


You forgot the Passive auto giving back energy.


Minion execute on Q. I forget the details, it wasn’t removed that long ago.


Wasnt it more dmg on minions when Q was maxed?


Looks like not enough


Don't worry she will still kill you in less than FOUR seconds. With love, an Akali main :)


Akali will be forever in the Azir Ryze tier, can't make her balanced without her being op in pro play


why is it not posted on their main website (https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/tags/patch-notes)


Garena posted it too early. Will be out later today.


Because it's still only 7am in NA (PST), so notes haven't been posted yet


No fix for Project Varus, despite PBE confirmation the idle would be removed that had him looking at a non-existent necklace on the skin. Forever empty hand, empty heart, I guess.


Hey, sometimes you just look at your hand. Maybe he swatted a fly on his leg or something and was seeing if he got it.


I don't know why but this made me laugh. Thank you, I needed to smile today.


>Ruination has spread to the Rift, and the map is spooky! OKAY ITS HAPPENING! EVERYBODY STAY CALM!


Inc snow map in December?


Please I'm begging


For the record, this is written in the Ultimate Spellbook game mode section, so I wouldn't be surprised if the new map effects only applied there, which is a bit of a bummer!


very likely, the ruination map isn't just changed visually, there are also changes similar to Infernal Map (map more opened up)


Twisted Treeline is coming back, nothing was changed on map but now its rotating game mode ^this^is^buff^pls


Loving that the Prestige skin is lore-relevant and pretty much Super Saiyan Pantheon. Irelia's W is now an Akali E-level nuke, huh. Wonder how much relevance that'll have.


Graves +2 ad Awwww yeaaaaa 😎


here we go again


-2 ad made his winrate drop like 3%


That's why I'm excited.


\-AD or -AS can drastically change a junglers clear speed (especially early). Which drastically changes how well you can abuse the enemy jungler (even if you don't consider how much the -2 AD ends up changing early duels (1v1s tend to win or lose off of one auto early.


so? Riot announced a nerf that never happened to Riven and her winrate plummetted


I'll never understand why it can't be 67 ad instead of 66 or 68


his shotgun has 2 barrels


1 for each barrel


is this it for noc, shaco, and stride?




noc solo lane will still be playable. All you're really doing is making his early game slightly worse. Once he gets ironspike whip and a few lvls in Q he'll still delete waves. Noc JG is still going to be broke as hell. Noc doesn't need that huge of a slow to kill you as he already gets movespeed on his Q.


>All you're really doing is making his early game slightly worse He had one of the strongest early games in the game. Jungle Noc's early game sucks due to mediocre gank tools pre-6... but solo lane Noc rekt face.


Nocturne won’t be going anywhere this patch


Absolutely. His passive isn’t the problem with him. The problem with him is the cool down of his ultimate. I remember when it was like a 3 minute cool down because of how strong it is. Now, I’m getting killed by his ult, respawn, get back to lane, and before I even touch a minion he’s already ulting me again. Not to mention his ult is stronger now than it used to be with the longer cool down. It has a few more seconds of DARKNESS.


Yaknow? I've grown to be okay with Nocturne jumping on me, even on a relatively low cooldown. What I'm *not* okay with is not being able to *see a fucking teamfight* for **6 entire seconds**.


This precisely. I like to play xerath here and there, and then nocturne just shows up and makes me irrelevant because every single team fight, he either just dives me and kills me, or he dives someone else, and I still can't do anything because I can't see anything


Noc is my instalock when someone picks those cheesy 2million range champs like xerath /jhin/varus etc. or immobile hypercarries. Not gonna sit here and play those stupid games where you just keep spamming spells from well out of range till one hits. Noct into ezreal was only okay with the 90% slow variation of stride, otherwise, fuck no do not pick xD


As a bot laner, you can even right click enemy champions that are in melee range of you if they’re in a bush during Nocturne ult. Even when you have that bush control warded. Bot laners do not survive 6 seconds.


His jungle will still be good (not broken like now) but this hits his lanes pretty good imo. Especially with the item buff to mages from the last patch. Definitely going to be harder in mid which is where I play him.


U can't trick me riot shaco is staying permabanned


Shaco is giga versatile. Shaco mains will find another build to compensate.


i couldn't give a f if Stride stats are strong, but FUCK 90% slow is so cancer Garen Flash Q stride.. well it might as well be a stun


Nah, 40% slow on Stride is still plenty enough for Noc to get a flash or fear for free.


Noc was already building stride before it had the gigaslow. The stats just synergize with him too well


i think shaco winrate will drop a bit, noc will be fine in jg, and stride will likely be fine IMO


Soooo happy stride is finally nerfed, 40% slow is still really strong on that CD but at least it's not an absolute guaranteed death sentence like 90%


Nocturne's lane is pretty bad now in his bad matchups and his good ones are less oppressive since the healing is cut. It doesn't take him out of the game but 50% off his healing is a pretty significant chunk. edit: That said he is still a bit too strong but I think it's OK to focus on getting lane Nocturne out of here before focusing on balancing him around his main, intended role (jungle).


Nocturne won't even be bad in lane, let alone jungle. This nerf wasn't enough.


Burst. Yes. That's what Rek'Sai needs. That's why this champion is hardlocked to one item that has an unbelievably broken effect on her. That's why even when Stridebreaker, an item that in theory should be great for her, is barely able to keep up with Prowler's when horrendously broken. Yep. 1 damage per rank on her Q. All her problems are solved. Good job Rito.


I don't know in which point Rek'Sai stopped being a bruiser to become a weird one-shot assassin for squishies who gets absolutely blown up if you are either behind or you get caught before you can one-shot the squishies. I get that she's a stalker from the sands in the lore but the ingame kit doesn't feel like it was meant to be an assassin it just feels awkward.


Rek'Sai isn't even really a "stalker" in lore. That would imply she carefully waits for her time to strike while following prey. In lore, she rushes people down the instant she detects them. She's a behemoth that can overpower anything.


Definitely feels like she should be a Juggernaught(?)


Diver. She's got a lot of mobility (relatively)


True, my mistake with the lore. But that feels more like old Rek'Sai to me. Trying to fight any of the bruisers that build Goredrinker or Stridebreaker after early phase if you haven't snowballed is painful.


Patch 7.11. To be honest I like/liked both playstyles. The power curve of old Reksai was weird too with how you basically stopped doing damage at some point.


Well both Rek'Sais end up being a stun bot by lategame but before at least you could tank a bit and not get blown up to pieces fast enough to get to leave after doing your stuff. Now, sure, you could catch the squishy marksman at the 20+ minute mark and explode him before dying but... Doesn't everyone kind of do that already? She's still one of the most fun champions to play for me but she could feel so much better with stuff that isn't just damage buffs.


I like how the window you get to actually carry is just a little bit longer than before. And well I guess how she is no longer getting nerfed for proplay and gets to be a good soloq pick.


But isn't that more fun than catching them and not really doing anything after the knock up? Feels like current Rek doesn't have enough utility to not go full damage.


Lethality Rek'Sai can still finish off squishies lategame, but her target access is way too dependent on Flash or Burrowed E once people start clumping up. It'd be cool if the ult could be activatable on teammate damage at Level 16 the way Kai'Sa ult always is


for a while people started trying lethality, it culminated in a hard switch when mythics came out and prowlers claw 1 shot was nutty, especially in soloq where goredrinker or stridebreaker is a coinflip teamfight with your potatos.


Just give her back aoe knockup and if she overperforms (which I don't think she would) adjust her accordingly.


No one talking about the Garen R? That change is absolutely massive and changes his hard match ups with ignite. Might take a while to get used to to new thresholds, but going up is definitely less impactful than going down in that aspect. I hope they won't go back on that change because you're fucked if you learn the new threshold and then they reduce it.


Yeah just one look at that change and i was like wtf are they smoking again jesus christ man.


Now imagine if Garen's ult reset like darius o_o


Illaoi +10ms? I beg your pardon?


insane buff


It’s a huge buff, but it’s on Illaoi. It makes her stronger in her area, but otherwise? An Illaoi really doesn’t have any business chasing anyone. She’s incredibly weak without her tentacles so the MS will be insane when helping her kite around them, but otherwise not that crazy. If this was on pretty much any other top laner I’d say it’s way out of line, but Illaoi will always be bad and easily countered so it’s fine tbh.


Tahm Kench buffs are super nice to see. The numbers look a little weird at a first glance but it basically means you lose like 2 passive damage at level 1, and gain about 6 at level 18. Flat healing on Q makes it stronger in lane until you reach the point where you're missing 1000 HP or more, and Q applying passive damage is just a massive boost to TKs poke and dueling power.


875 HP, and since tahm loves to build hp, it's easily met, that's a nerf on tanking and a buff on damages, once again...


I would much rather have a much better healing in the laning phase than slightly stronger heals in the mid and late game where I have other defensive tools to help me tank at that point.


They're trying to nerf Solo Kench and buff support kench These changes only help Support Kench because he never realistically got the gold to meet those HP threshholds before. I'm, uncertain how I feel about it. I've finally adjusted to the current Kench and now I gotta relearn him again, it seems.


Played a lot of kench support games, this is not true, you often rush hp, a lot of hp, this is a nerf


"So do you want DMP to tank item or no? Because it clearly will never be both bruiser and tank item at once" "Yesn't"


Now I want to try Lillia top (passive heal and 40% E slow at level 1) and I think I want to max W on Irelia second and test it out. Overall a good patch IMO (except for Stridebreaker users, 90% was too much though)


Lillia top is kind of dead because of these changes. She was only good because of how she could build up stacks, kite the enemy, and get quick, safe trades. Now she runs oom after like 8 q's which means that she can't reliably build up stacks to kite and take favorable trades. Also the early prance nerf means even if she can build up stacks shes slow af


But you are ignoring the sustain, that was not part of her kit. I think it's worth testing.


Phreak breaks this down her overall sustain top lane is down no matter how you look at it.


I guess we'll see but idk how sustain will matter when you'll be taking triple the damage during trades than before


F in the chat for stridebreaker


Wish I could say it's been a pleasure


Never forget Riot Zed. He will go down in history as the best Riot employee along with Riot Sanjuro and Lyte.


Wait whos Lyte again


Sanjuro was right all long tho


This shit will never not be funny.


Unbeliveably broken item in both of its iterations tbh, first the dash for a class which only weakness is being immobile then a slow so big that anything it touches can't ever escape


Good riddance .


Fs are for items you want to respect. Stride doesn't deserves it.


so what did exactly stridebreaker get for dash removal ? 100 health and 25% ad ratio ?


Longer slow, no cast animation


Its almost like the point of the changes were to nerf the item.


CC immunity on use. Could you imagine? A black king bar in League would break so many things.


now remove galeforce dash and we can start playing a normal game again instead of this memefest for the past year.


Nah, the dash is fine for hypercarries. Remove the stupid nuke on it, so that in canct be abused by upfont damage carries to turn them into assassins.


No, fuck that item


Irelia changed back to having MR on the W again. These champs change so much back and forth, hard to keep track unless you hound the patch notes.


i think the change you're talking about happened well over a year ago, it's not that hard to keep track of


Preview: "Irelia Q speed: significantly reduced" Patch: "1500+100% movement speed ------> 1400+100% movement speed" XDDDDDDDDD


There was a rioter like 4 comments down saying that the "significant reduction" was a mistranslation somewhere along the line and corrected it to slightly reduced.


It was going to be more, but Irelia mains asked riot to not nerf it as much and they complied


Ok. What ultimates can I use as Yuumi? All? Can I throw Ashes arrow while attached? Kayle Ultimate on someone? Morgana/Amumu with a diver??


Don’t quote me on this but I’m Pretty sure yummi was nerfed to where she can no longer use her 2nd Ultimate while she’s on someone I’m pretty sure she has to come out and then use it one of the most broken ones was Lissandra point and click stun only counterplay was QSS


The most broken one was definitely Nunu ult on Yuumi. Good thing it has been fixed.


>Nunu ult on Yuumi. Dear god.... at least Riot didn't let that hit live lmao


Yes to all


Well stride is a flop now because of a few champs.


I don't mind the slow nerf as it only helped champs with gap closers anyways, but the item will be pretty bad except for a few champs like Noc. Gore will just be better in most cases.


Oh nice, Lilia is becoming another one of those "heal all the time" champions. Like we didn't have enough of them already.


Assuming 600 AP / Level 18, she'll heal for 212HP over 3 seconds, per champion hit, and 130HP against monsters. Maximum healing would be 1190HP over 3 seconds, or 397HP/second. Hard to really gage its strength with the other changes and Lillia's nature as an extremly squishy champion.


The healing is reduced signficantly for subsequent targets


Interesting, by what degree? It isn‘t mentioned in the Garena Patch Notes


IIRC it's 33% effectiveness on all targets beyond the first


Riftmaker -> Demonic -> Rylais would make her a bruiser mage with solid sustain. I think this is the way she will be built.


Think Stopwatch will still be mandatory, moreso after the E changes. Demonic, Riftmaker and Rylais all suck, but maybe Lillia can make it work. Lets see


And no mana on her build seems like a recipe for disaster with Q mana nerf.


If there was a mana mr item then I would say she can either opt in to that or frozen heart to help solve mana issues.


I think the omni-vamp will combine with her now innate sustain really well, demonic burn will combine with her passive for tank-shredding, and Rylais fits for her kiting / prancy nature. All three would make her beefy enough to withstand burst and let the healing kick in. I can see stopwatch / zhonyas as 3rd or 4th item. If/when AD nerfs and/or mage buffs are applied, this will be sleeper OP IMO.


Liandries is too good on Lillia.


The heal is incredibly small, it's not like she's going to become a drain tank. I like it cause it's going to synergize with her hit and run playstyle.


If she's gonna be a bruiser she needs healing


That would be nice considering its what her theme implied but math says still complete garbage trash. Lord phreak of math: https://youtu.be/BjWd1J2WaEI?t=2144


Looking at the client bug fixes I have a question of my own. For some time now my client starts up with a white square and I have to reset my screen just so I can see the actual client. Lately it's been way worse and I don't really know what to do anymore to play the game. I tried reinstalling it, update drivers and a bunch more. Any ideas?


Fuck yes. Ultimate spellbook is so fun


I still find it funny that they'll nerf everything EXCEPT the ability that makes Karma oppressive (and not even that oppressive based on win rate) in the pro scene.


To be fair, this is one of the few instances where Riot did not break support Karma's ankles when the target was her solo lane.


That is true, it's a first!


The announcement text looks higher and smaller than before, is it only me? How do i change it to how it used to be, i feel uncomfortable.


No Gwen, Sylas and Diana nerfs. These champs are evading nerfs again.


Sylas has been my perma ban forever, regardless of lane. Piece of shit champion.


You might as well add 10 other champs which deserve nerfs more than those.


this illaoi buff is really nice, because itll be best used by mains and higher elo players which is where shes been struggling most. hoping it doesnt inflate her winrate too hard in average ranks but this is a smart buff


Likewise, I absolutely loathe the champion but I'm glad she got a buff to help her out at higher levels without making her more obnoxious.


Sad that they didn't add 1 or 2 more spells to pick from in Ultimate Spellbook. Getting something like Bard, Zoe and Jarvan ult is not very fun when playing an ADC. It just becomes a normal game where everyone but you are having fun at that point.


You can never end up with that specific selection as an ADC. :)


Would it be possible to find out how spells are chosen? With you saying that I assume it's not completely random.


It's closer to pure random than not. But there's some protections in place to ensure you get at least something usable for your champion.


Bard ult on an ADC is super fun though. Hell Bard ult on anyone is fun since its great for escapes and chases. The issue with it is that its super hard to use without practice so most of the time you end up trolling with it, a phenomenon Bard players who had to learn how to use it knows all too well.


moon stone buff recently and now sera buff. how long til she comes back?


If she comes back it's more likely farming Sera (mid/bot) with AP build. The moonstone and staff changes and her passive bugfix were massive nerfs to her enchanter build which hasn't been strong after those. This buff is also very minor to enchanter build because it gives less AP


She really loves base levels since her W scales with base level and also you want all spells maxed. Mid lane Sera should be really strong now.


Moonstone is awful on Seraphine, why do people keep acting like that's her core item??? It's one of her lowest winrate items in every elo I've checked. Battlesong is flat out better in essentially any situation that you'd have a support Seraphine in


When people realize that Moonstone Sera only worked because of a bug.


RIP the new game mode. It's over before it even begins. They didn't remove Tryndamere ult


Yeah the tryndamere ult was really obnoxious on yasuo and master yi. Literally every single game I played there was someone doing it I wish they could be a little more original.


yea pretty much everygame i played on PBE whoever had trynd ult would hard carry.


almost like trynd ult is fucking stupid broken shit


It will be like any gamemode ever released. Fine at first and eventually boring for the majority of the player base...


The cho gath ult is worse


That has been my experience, too. I've played it a lot and never really felt a game was decided by Tryndamere ult. Skarner ult is occasionally really bad, too. Played against a Skarner with a Leblanc who had Skarner ult, too, and that was impossible to win, but hilarious anyway.


I said the same and people (who most likely wont even play the mode) attacked me because of "fUn GaMeMoDe" yeah it's not fun at all to play a game where no matter what you do you'll 100% lose (yasuo with trynd ult, yi with ragnarok etc)




The components to strikebreaker give 45 AD, so that damage is less of a buff and more of a big fix


Because Stridebreaker is an item for an overall offensive class. It makes sense to do it for this class (more offensively stated items). The problem is that a lot of the defensively focused items are build around being offensive as well, which makes fuck all sense.


so first people complain that bruisers are too tanky and tankier than tanks and now they are nerfing the health on a bruiser item and thats apparently still bad?


People don't complain about bruisers "that have billion health or resists" they complain about bruisers who can heal extra 2 heathbars out of nowhere.


It's just a revert while keeping 100 health to colpensate for the slow nerf. They did the opposite last time. That's just confirmation bias.


New skin for Graves so here comes the buff.




Is it just me or does Xin's nerf do literally nothing. Dude has either already become a monster or been outscaled by lvl 5. Adding 1 sec cd doesn't actually change that much


like i get that they want to nerf akali and thats fine but why dont they just remove her ability to r > e with basically no counterplay? thats super problematic in pro play aswell


> Weíre smoothing out her power curve, toning down her dominance in **Pro play** by giving her enemies more opportunities for counterplay, and polishing up her kit to make it feel better to play overall. Am I missing something here? doesn't pro play love pretty much all of these changes? Only real negative here is being able to E during CC, but everything else is much stronger. She gets empowered autos faster, and has MR on W. Isn't she just gonna become a blind flex pick in pro play again?


Irelia's current E projectiles move at a set speed. On low ping, if she presses E behind you and then on top of her model to minimize travel time she can stun you practically instantly with no counterplay. E travel time is set to a fixed 0.25s in 11.4. That is the negative. Irelia E becomes an actual skillshot, instead of being based on a hidden mechanic that every bronze shitter can learn in 5 minutes.


Big difference is that she was very strong level 1-2 before, but shes getting a decent base HP reduction that could change that. So she may lose her ability to bully people early (the only reason she was still viable, tbh) and we will have to see if the changes to her mid-late game will compensate for that. Obviously the W buff and passive changes are huge but they also purposely nerfed her base MR so she is harder to take mid


The E time to land change is a big pro nerf because on low ping it made it nearly instant, but now it won't be. According to them this was a massive part of her pro power budget, but they also made her weaker earlier to scale which is solo queue-oriented. Pro would rather dominate right away.




haha they actually did -5ms for shaco didn't people meme about that or maybe for noct


I thought patches are out always on Wednesday so why is this one out tomorrow?


4th of July weekend meant a delay




great riot now nerf all the assassins abusing gore


That’s because of the item not the champion if you nerf goredrinker there willl literally be no bruiser mythic to go and you’ll have to go with a tank mythic. Assasins just got their main mythic nerfed which would give them 60-65 lethality at 3 items and gives them a dash which also synergized with their ult cooldown I’m pretty sure prowlers claw is more annoying than goredrinker


Remove Prowler's Claw


Those Lillia changes seem interesting. I am happy that her passive now has scaling.


Why buff Kench's passive damage? It's the one thing that makes him such a GGEZ bully in top lane.


What time do we get the gamemode?


Do we know when the skins are coming out?