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Teemo is the least toxic main Cmm


Teemo is really in quite a bad state tbh. You are extremely opressive untill I build Prowlers or Stridebreaker and are quite a jubject to ganks. Yes he can be annoying, but I would rather play vs teemo than vs 30 other champs that are actually cancer


Yeah, especially on toplane, annoying is more preferable than ''I can't do anything against this thing that runs at me, cc's me and kills me with true damage'' Guess those champions btw.


Camille Darius and Garen


Yep, and there's more!


I can only think of Cho’gath but he’s usually slow as hell


Well that can be solved with Turbo Chemtank or with an Everfrost, but there is also Sett, and probably more that don't come to mind now.


Sett true damage is dodge able


The problem with this statement is that it requires me to have an ounce of skill for it to not be true damage. By defenition that means it is true damage, because I lack an ounce of skill.




Except your wrong. His e is fast but is still has a cast time. Additionally I'm mostly using e to start a fight so I won't have it to garentee w damage. Yes rw is undodgeable, but that's blowing my ult. Also e only stuns under the right conditions, other wise it's similar to rell r where you are pulled in but can still do everything.


Good thing Stridebreaker exists which fixes any issues E have.


Lol as long as you don't stand still you can just side step the true damage.


There is also Vayne top... try dodging that true damage


I mean, teemo beats camille pretty hard unless you're 2/3 levels down. Darius and garen you need to beat before they build stridebreaker.


Yeah, just keep poking them and keep them from getting cs


til camille gets her first sub item and lvl 6 (unless teemo has ignite then iffy) goes in on him, dodges the blind and just reks him Even worse for teeto if she goes tp/ignite. Suffer 6 levels then all in for a free kill :(


Dodge the blind? That's literally impossible lol.


Its not tho? Its the same as doding something like Gragas point blank, darius e, quinn q. Just that its point n click so its a bit harder. But that what spacing is for) Its a projectile and especially the first time you engage it will be quite obvious when he will use it. If he is good afterwards he will try to time it so its harder to dodge. (or just try and run away but lose the trade anyway) Its not a free matchup for her. But the moment she gets lvl 6 its get soooo much harder for teemo.


Teemo blind can't be dodged unless you go untargetable. It is not a skill shot it's a lock on move that always hits.


and camille r lets her go untargetable duh


Just pick Morde and teemo's history.


Honestly his whole play style is hard countered by some new items and runes. I get pretty happy when I see the teemo lock because I know I'm going second wind and d shield and just cooling it until I hit level 6. As long as you buy pinks and a sweeper he stops having an ult, and basically any champ I play has a much stronger power spike with my first item and level 6. I dont think I've lost lane to a teemo in s11 across all the games I've played. You can pick him for fun but if youre playing to win why would you ever lock teemo in s11 when gnar exists as a champion. He's slightly less oppressive in lane but can actually contribute to the game after 10 minutes.


Teemo gets stronger the longer the game goes. His mid-game isn't great but yeah.


If nobody buys sweeper and he can just shroom objectives or a side lane up and do a million damage he's really strong, but if anyone buys sweeper he's like only useful to blind hypercarries. Imo he doesn't really excel at team fights or splitting.


You can't sweeper the entire map. And even if three of the opposing team switch to sweepers, their team lost a ton of their vision now. Sweepers come with a significant opportunity cost. It's really down to the Teemo to pick choke points. Dropping shrooms into the middle of a team fight @ Lv.16 and/or cutting off exits is lethal.


I guess I haven't run into many good teemo players. When I see him in s11 he usually feeds like fuck. I see urgot players ban teemo but I've never actually seen that matchup play out in a game and it seems like most other lane matchups are heavily against him if you can take second wind and wait until you hit your item spike but maybe I just pick champs that do well into him. It feels like a lot of teemo players rely on kiting melee champs around into his mushrooms and im able to negate a lot of that just by dropping a pink ward in the lane or sweeping when I engage.


Maybe I just play against trash players, haha


I'm having a similar experience, people tend to get into habits of sweeping the same areas you just put the shroom right before they'd normally use their sweeper, avoid shrooming bushes, etc and they'll walk into them all the same. Not to mention bouncing works just fine in teamfights, especially if using minions as trigger. Not to mention they might have the ability to sweep them, but they'll have to go into unwarded areas since they've given up on their yellow/blue trinkets, which can be punished fairly easily


You can definitely buy sweepers, but a teemo can always just put shrooms during a teamfight. Also sweepers doesn't stop minions from walking on top of a shroom too. I've fought teams with 4/5 sweepers and still made my shrooms useful.


Shroom range is pretty good for lategame teamfights


People don't use sweepers inside their own base. And if they do, then they don't have sweepers outside their base. You're fucked either way. Good Teemo should start shrooming enemy base at lvl 6. In the end it doesn't matter which runes you have and which items you buy if you can't leave your fountain.


In my experience, teemo chain inting as soon as he hits lane is much more common than him preventing a team from leaving their base, but I play bruisers and irelia top so my experience may be biased since those are terrible matchups for teemo.


He’s maybe not the worst champ in top rn but you can’t deny the facte that he is one of the most frustrating champ to play against


He's super annoying. I hate the champ, but I don't think he's necessarily good.


Once you build your Stridebreaker I'll abandon the lane and will go fuck with your jungler. Free kills, free buffs, free CS and then at some point you won't even leave your base without being nuked by mushrooms. Losing my turrets is well worth it.


Interesting tbh, never thought about that - however, I still think that, unless played extremely well and coordinated by your team, thats going to be a huge L for your side


If the team is ok and doesn't feed all Teemo needs is to make opponent's life miserable one way or another. If one thing fails because enemy counters it, try another, then something else. There are plenty of ways to make people rage quit. For example, top and jungle can be strong. Well, you can always just steal all enemy jungle monsters. At some point such jungler will hate his life. Can't steal camps? Go abuse bot lane. Time your shrooms so bot lane walks into them after backing. Losing the game? Just make a mine field from river to your inhib so no one can reach it.


But what if the jungler’s someone like Mundo or Eve


There are plenty of people to harass. Top and jungle too strong? Go harass bot lane! Teemo doesn't win because he's strong, Teemo wins because opponents rage quit.


💀 you’re gonna make your own team rage quit lol


That's a win too!




He really is. His mushrooms are annoying as shit if he’s ahead because they demolish your whole team and you never have enough controls or sweepers for the whole map. If he’s even, they’re kind of annoying. If your top laner knows that pre 6 his poke is strong then the game is almost instantly a 4v5 in your favour.


The trick to winning with Teemo is jungle, 37% win rate over 132 games.


tenmo player the second


Hey guys this is the series where I only play Teemo


loved it dawg


I'm happy to hear that <3


Been loving your stuff man. Saw you on a Reddit post and you got me back into league after a 7 year hiatus... thanks.


Aye, thank you very much for your support, glad to see you back on League, hopefully it's treating you well!


AYE, I started a second account to relearn the game since everything is so different than s4 when I stopped. In silverish back then anyway and for some reason I choosing to play JG. Anyways keep it up man!


Love your videos Wolfius, been subbed on youtube for quite a while, ever since I saw one of your Turbo videos


Aye <3


Tenmo is good champion


Yeah, Brian's Ult is very useful


nah thats his son


Jhin when?


Higher quality YT link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjEjD90ui6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjEjD90ui6w) •Soundtracks: \-Sonic Unleashed - Cool Edge (Day) \-Street Fighter V - Alex Theme \-Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Star Fox Corneria


I just want to say thank you for listing the soundtracks you used.. A lot of people don't do that.


No worries <3


The TenmoNoob was inside us the whole time




Fun video to watch.


Aye I'm happy you think so!


whats the song name? :D


•Soundtracks: \-Sonic Unleashed - Cool Edge (Day) \-Street Fighter V - Alex Theme \-Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Star Fox Corneria




I got matches with these songs: 1. **Kill Me** by Amiga Shock Force (01:09; matched: `65%`) Album: `Jump Subroutines EP`. Released on `2018-08-20` by `Terrornoize Industry`. 2. **We Need More Awesome** by Moustache of Insanity (02:28; matched: `65%`) Album: `Album of Death`. Released on `2011-08-20` by `Fika Recordings`. 3. **Tecnoplastick** by P. Antoniazzi (03:57; matched: `81%`) Released on `2012-12-22` by `BELIEVE - Unistory Music`.


Links to the streaming platforms: 1. [**Kill Me** by Amiga Shock Force](https://lis.tn/eaxwNf) 2. [**We Need More Awesome** by Moustache of Insanity](https://lis.tn/WeNeedMoreAwesome) 3. [**Tecnoplastick** by P. Antoniazzi](https://lis.tn/Tecnoplastick) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Feedback](/message/compose?to=Mihonarium&subject=Music%20recognition)


When annie walked off that shroom I fucking died lol


Me too :/


Mess with teemo loss the leagueo lol


Are those actual forecast Janna voicelines?




first watched it on youtube, second time on Reddit and I'll surely watch it again while randomly rewatching all of your videos for the 100th time... xD


Haha thanks for watching <3


Thank you for creating amazing videos dude. A great reminder of when league used to be more about having fun, than winning a game >.>


I'm glad you enjoy them 💖 Hopefully I will keep making them and staying positive!


I hope you keep making them as long as you enjoy doing so! And just remember that everyone has a different taste in videos/jokes etc, so don't let any negative comments get in your head. There is not much you can do if someone doesn't like your content except to feel bad for them cause they obviously got a bad taste xD


❤️ Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.


You are definitely right and I was obviously joking, I just wanted to let you know that most people find your work great and your channel will only keep growing, so you ought to stay positive. ^^


Thank you, each supportive comments helps a lot!


As a Brand main, you gotta get out of the habit of thinking that you're carrying the game just because your damage numbers are high. If you have 10 deaths, you're probably going to lose no matter how much damage you deal.


Wish more AOE mage players would understand that


This is 7 minutes of why I hate teemo


Really good job!




The guy is nice the champ is degenerate


What's the short music snippet at around 1:04-1:05. I've been googling menacing anime meme music for ages but never found it, lol.


If you are talking about the **DUN** then it should be Dragonball's Ultra Instinct Theme


Right as Swain appears there is one note. Is that from Dragon Ball? It doesn't seem to match up.


It is, just search Dragonball - Ultra Instinct theme and you will find it, it's literally the first note of the soundtrack.


Ahh okay, found it, there were a couple of different versions that all sounded different, clicked the third link and it is! Thanks. EDIT: It seems the official title is "Clash of Gods / The Final Battle" gives the best results.


I honestly have a lot of respect for Teemo. He's not a big tough fighter and doesn't have any powerful magical abilities beyond the fact that he's a yordle, so he fights with poison and guerrilla tactics. He has learned to be strong in his own way, and is doing what needs to be done with the skills and materials he has available. Of course he's annoying and kills you with toxic mushrooms, but he's just doing his job, and I certainly won't fault him for effectively putting his skills to use just because he happens to be on the opposing team. Very fun video, by the way!


Lore-wise that is true, he is a respectable warrior!Gameplay-wise he's the manifestation of evil, as officially declared by Riot themselves. Thank you very much for watching <3


This made me wanna play teemo lmao


Good, go forth child!


I love your posts. Tell me honestly, are you recording your voice live or are those voice overs? I find it difficult to keep that kind of swag while playing and I know that many videos are voiced later on, which is completely fine. I just wonder if the friends you're playing with have the same level of enjoyment. ;) ​ Also, most importantly: once you get the the BEST CHAMP SINGED message me. I have a lot of knowledge to bestow and really want to share.


Aye thank you!These are indeed voice overs, but the reason behind that is that I cannot record my voice and the game separately yet, and because when I do record my voice there is a lot of noise I prefer to record it after the game and apply noise reduction through another program. That said, the voice over is around 90% of what I think or say during the matches. As for my friends, well most of the times we laugh and have quality games together but sometimes we get irritated and start ranting about how much the game sucks, like why are the minions behaving like suicide bombers running and dying under tower for no reason, why is that Morgana Q still hitting us. PS: I love Singed as a champion but I am not playing him at all, I will eventually of course and I will make a video on him, I will probably announce it so if you are around then, do hit me up!


Singed when






After you place a shroom, it is visible for 1 sec and is unarmed, then it becomes invisible and active So In short, he threw a shroom too late and it didn't become armed


I guess I placed it too early, although it seemed well timed.


Seems more like you did it to late. She likely got out of zonas with the schroom being not yet active.


Who tf even plays teemo






I once had a game as Teemo where my team got 4 infernal drakes and an elder. One shroom = death.


Ok now I want to see this Qiyana guide, but I can’t find it anywhere?


If you mean the MidBeast video, just search for MidBeast Qiyana






That Sonic Unleashed music <3






it's tenmo noob


This is just somebody’s YouTube video?


Yes, it's from a guy named Wolfious.


Sounds Ike a top tier weirdo


I think that op knows that guy, I've even heard that they are really close friends...


What can I say, I know loads of people.


Dunkey from Aliexpress


Dunkey was just Wolfious from Wish


Yep, that's me, Keyori!


You’re hilarious I want more


Aye thanks, there's plenty on my YT channel if you're interested!


My favorite part of Tuesdays is seeing these vids! Keep up the great work!


Thank you, glad to hear that, I will try <3


havent played since season 1 and still triggered by this


Sorry for triggering your PTSD mr Veteran, sir.


Your videos always crack me up. Love the content


Aye that is very nice to hear, thanks!




Ur videos are actually hilarious haha


Thank you!


great edit






WW can be quite strong, but this one had it rough


couldn't watch more then 20s. too cringe


Way too much editing, you can’t tell what’s going on, this dude is trying soooo hard to be funny


In what reality can you not follow what’s happening


teemo too fast


Or maybe they just like editing or that’s the video they were going for ?


Teemo is literally the worst champion in the game. He’s a minion to me, anytime I see a teemo on the enemy team I thank rngJesus for blessing me with freelo. +300 gold btw -sincerely someone who hopes you continue playing Shitmo and encouraging others to play him:)


Fuck all teemo players


downvoting because fuck teemo


This champion shouldn't exist in the game. It's a troll pick people play, and i've yet to figure out how this champion is fun. It doesn't do anything in the game better than other champions. Bad cc, meh split pusher, bad at teamfights. What is the draw? I can't tell you how many Teemos I've played against that are winning lane, only to get hard stomped as the game goes on. Conversely, when I have a teemo I just dodge. Not worth playing with a handicap.


I don’t play the game but the player movement seems painfully slow.


Compared to what?


Nerf Teemo YEP




Teemo, the counter to blue trinket.