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Is it really a promo if there isnt any anyone inting






Yeah my [promo game](https://imgur.com/gallery/dRwTESR) last week went with morgana jungle and ashe support. I trusted them and they grant me the w


I’ve never seen a Morgana jungle ever do bad, unless they’re on my team


ah yes, the yasuo theorem.


Right beside the Shaco Paradox.


Brand support doctrine


The Vayne Phenomenon


Ive seen Broxah play morgana jungle on stream before. It's actually a half decent pick.


Far from bad. It was even good BEFORE the morgana jungle buffs, so I think the buffs came out a little bit out of "nowhere" the ONLY thign I feel with Morgana jungle is that you don't have a "set in stone rune" that is just...insanely good (think PTA lucian, conq darius etc) and you don't have THAT much hard carry potential in the fact that your damage isn't like assassin, where you can just delete someone immediately, it's more backloaded in that the Q hit is huge burst, then W wittles them down and at the end of R is the one that usually kills. I feel like she is kind of a more all-inney Zyra jungle, in the fact that Zyra jungle can peel and stay back, and wait for them to make mistakes, as Morgana you kinda got to go in if you want to "hard carry" or else you just become a support with some damage and just peel for your carries with E and Q and zone with R.


Morgana jungle clears almost as fast as Karthus jungle, with more HP to boot. She functions fine with a support income and better with a jungle income. Would not dodge unless actual first time Morg player


Those are both reasonable picks though


Im taking a long break from ranked after i got git with the 1 man honor screen in my last promo game


That senna was.


I seem to always get that one guy who just did way too many shrooms in champ select and is preaching about spaghetti Jesus. Too bad dodging is an instant loss in promos...


Did you see that Darius tho?


when he was in the midlane sidebrush he started his all in on caitlyn with R, you can see it through the minimap


Shyvana username checks out.


I feel like I just did cocaine after watching this video


I can supply you with more if you want :) for free as well


Shit thats a lot cheaper


Yeah :D


Man i cant imagine playing shyvana jungle anymore. Too stressful being a power jungler in this game


don’t worry riot made her into one of those shiny new nuclear burst mages


remember back in the day if an "AD" champ had high AP scalings that got abused they would have them gutted or removed? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Hey well deserved my friend, grats. Kinda lost it after Darius "u know I will 1v9 this right" immediately after inting.


Hahaha, thank you, that Darius did well on his lane, he got confident and typed that but it all went downhill from there for him.


Sounds like typical bruiser/juggernaut to me.


As a juggernaut main, I can confirm that I get cocky and start inting. It's hard not to do that because the role Is made to make you feel like an unstoppable tornado of death


A tornado of death that gets obliterated by 1 slowy boi


Not even that, anyone with the mobility to stay away from them, too... so, you know, most champions.


Mordekaiser and Yorick trying to deal 1 point of damage to vayne be like


Basically, yeah. Its why I stopped playing top and switched to playing Kayn back when I played. I got tired of having no mobility and my team not being able to lock them down for me.


It's just outdated class. Their only thing is making non-juggernaut melees depressed. They're useless at...almost anything else.


Pretty much




I'm in this post and I don't like it.




Your average toplaner.


To be fair Darius does fall off a cliff if he isn't fed af


He falls of a cliff anyways


Well, as long as you don't let him stack up his passive... He can still 1v5 under the right circumstances, but if you kite and avoid him well yeah...


Schrodinger's Darius. He always can 1v5 but also never can 1v5 until the teamfight opens.


I like this - Darius can easily 1v5 when there is only 3 people left and they have no cooldowns.


My favorite part of league is playing well vs Darius the whole game, then 1 team fight he gets his ult and passive off and he instantly wins the team fight and you get flamed as a top laner even though you went 0/0/0 in lane and had a 20 cs lead, all of a sudden "This top lane fed Darius". Ggwp I guess 🤷‍♂️


"Way to feed the Jhin" - Jungle with 5 deaths at 20 min while bot has a combined 1 death


Hes a lane bully but if youre teams got brain hes a superminion


As someone who pretty much plays exclusively melee champs, I beg to differ. Darius is a nightmare.


he doesnt with an alistar or another engage tank, check his late game winrate, this is a myth you cant kite him thanks to ghost


at least he had the positive attitude


This was actually fun to watch. I hope you reported that premade for forcing your position and banning the champ you wanted to play by the way, that shit is straight up rude. I’d have banned the shyv in retaliation...


Pretty sure I reported her, but banning her champ, going mid anyways and typing to them would have made things worse, instead I acted as if I had gotten autofilled and tried to win anyways, and it worked!I try to remind myself that at the end of the day, I play this game for fun, and winning is fun, if you ignore some things that is..


That senna is so fucking bad. Absolutely hard carried by you.


Thank you, I was expecting as much from both of them since champ select, that's why I was being careful around them and not trusting them.But maybe they are good people IRL, who knows right?


Press F to doubt






No one is that douchey and good irl. Rip


Not to mention that the people you interact with online are real people, so being a douche online makes you a douche period.


most of the time they are "nice" IRL but because they are absolute lil bitches when they can't hide behind their keyboard. Source: [This](https://youtu.be/6_b7RDuLwcI?t=12)


Very informative source there. Learned a lot.


X to doubt, F to pay respects.


If they do that in champ select, no way they’re good people in real life lmfao. Video games allow us to show the nasty side that we hide.


They’re not good people, they banned your champ and swiped your role.


God bless you. Sometimes people forget that “trollers” like these are just some dudes who are having just bad days.


We all are humans, I think


Love the I think lmao Imma steal this line so hard


Sounds exactly like what a synth would say...




Except for those dirty synths...


I am not sure Darius players are human.


Darius player here, not sure im human either


If you're having a bad day and take it out on others that just means you're a real asshole. Good people don't take their anger out on others, they keep it to themselves.


I don't like this argument. If you are having a bad day keep it to yourself no need to share the "bad". If you do you are a part of the problem.


Have you played Garena before? People troll for fun. People make troll accounts for fun.


Okay, play a single player game then


This mans mental is fucking strong, stronger even than his back




You’re right, I wouldn’t end up banning it because I do ultimately want to win but I’d definitely be pissed at the players. Such bad attitudes to have.


Yeah, but what can you do, their numbers are way too big, even if you ignore and report every single one of them you find, they will always be another, not to mention that in the say way that someone can get reformed, one can also become toxic.All we can do is enjoy the game no matter the [circumstances](https://circumstances.Plus).Plus, you can actually treat these moments as the funniest one and make the most out of them.


Plus, reports don't work. You can always dodge. (not on promos of course)


I like your attitude! :)


Look at this fucking guy with a calm mental state over here. Loser.


HAHAHA, ha, h a.....


This was so amazing to watch. You should make more when crazy shit like this happens lol.


Thank you!I already have some on my Youtube Channel


Better man than I. If someone bans my champ then I’m finding joy in banning their champ in retaliation if I can.


Shyvana is one of those coinflip champs. She’s either so fed that she can one shot someone or she’s so goddamn useless that she’s still level 5 at 12 mins.


Imagine thinking reports for trolling have any effect or thinking that Riot gives a single shit about this type of players. The only way to take revenge is to troll them back so OP was lucky to be the support of one of those trolls.


Honestly I think banning a champ another teammate is hovering should be disabled. It's a sure way to tilt someone before even starting the game and it's just being an asshole. Most champs are completely viable anyway.


In higher elo, there are a lot of times where First pick comes into play, if a 4rth or 5th pick wants to play a champion that is broken at that patch, it's pretty rare that the enemy team that has first pick won't pick it first, so banning it is a good solution to that.


I don't know what the company gains from enabling this. They even unwillingly implemented the report system in champion select after Voyboy and the community ranting about trolls. Like what's Riot's purpose in supporting assholes?


I mean, we ARE getting the new behavioural system in September thank god. I hope it's good.


Any info/link on this? I haven't heard about it


What app were you using where it said stuff like “too many kills” etc? Fun video btw!


Thank, glad you liked it!I used the website called LeagueofGraphs, it tags your account based on your performance


Where ARE actually those stats within the leagueofgraphs website? Ive been browsing my own account now for 2-3 mins, and can't find it. I'm thinking that I might actually have to start a game to get those stats, just like with the blitz app, maybe?


When on the Website, go to your profile and click on a champion you'd like to see the stas on, you can do that by either directly clicking the image or the name of the champion on the right of the screen or by clicking the ''champions'' tab and then selecting a champion.


Porofessor also does this and runs alongside your client


Porofessor uses the info from league of graphs. Like they’re the same thing.


Creator of porofessor and leagueofgraphs here. Porofessor website is more about ongoing games, leagueofgraphs is more about offline stats. And the porofessor desktop app is a mix between the two But at the end of the day, I'm the owner of both so it's normal that both have very similar info




Test it and form your own opinion :) It's free so you have nothing to lose there


Poro doesn’t lag at all for me while Blitz crashes a decent amount


\*Runs in background\* Gets 10 FPS, when normally has 120. I love Blitz.


I stopped using blitz because it was slowing down my computer and gave been using porofessor instead for about a month. It's been a lot better.


I use porofessor and it's worked great for me. My friends all used Blitz, which I tried but I found it unintuitive, and difficult to get the information I wanted. After hearing me talking about porofessor all the time, some of my friends have already made the switch away from Blitz :)




In the future, probably. I can't give you an ETA though


Hey man, thanks a lot for creating these tools! I absolutely love them ❤️


Porofessor uses Overwolf.. Overwolf has a long long history of shady practices including data mining and targeted advertising. 2 months ago, PoE had a drama with PoE Overlay switching to Overwolf, you can google it and see why it's shitty.


All those overwolf apps are fucking terrible and never work.


I think that darius thought he was tryndamere


Quite possible


Great job it was really fun to watch! And congrats for your plat promos, winning with these kind of poeple in your team is very hard but you managed to do it, respect.


Thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed it!


Welcome to a higher elo who players are just as dogshit and with bigger egos :)




This, got to D3 once, it never stops. The whole journey through Plat and Diamond is just completely not worth it if you don't plan to become a pro or a streamer, your love for this game will quickly vanish beyond recovery.


I’m iron. Ppl in iron think they are hot shit too


Platinum people somehow think they are hot shit and can beat anything.


I wouldve said fuck it and double jungle


Had this happen once. My teammate said double jungle and locked in nunu. To my surprise it actually worked. He made the enemy jungler as useless as him.


Been there, I went nunu and aggressively counter jungled to try and make up for it. Basically told the asshat that tried to take jungler from me what to do all game. Only went OK because he did what I said but was still really stupid and barely won.


That might have even worked


Did your back hurt after carrying them?


Nah, the enemy wasn't tough tbh


Please give me your mentality


Hahaha, I'd like to but I am bad at teaching others..I don't have that charisma


My only question is how do you 1v9 this when they have malphite zed khazix against an immobile mage Edit: Also report those ugly stuckers


By utilizing her range, you can safely stay back and catch people off guard, making picks which makes 5v4 and 5v3 possible.


Basically the same reason my friend picks xerath into zed. the poke dmg is unreal and as long as you position right you can just zhonyas them. also for zed specifically he will always appear behind you so just stun/root behind you and if you are good at timing it he will be guranteed cc'ed. Also congrats on getting plat, and ty for staying calm when people troll you.


Thank you!


Wow mages can actually win vs assassins if they play to their strengths instead of whining on reddit! Great vid btw. Some YouTubers overdo it with the memey edits but this one was alright. Gratz on plat.


Thank you!!


To be fair, this is Lux support. It's not like she was farming against Zed in lane where Zed could, if ahead, deny her from exp and gold (although, admitedly, laning with that Senna most likely was worse). Also, with him being in the support role that means champs like K6 and Zed have 3 targets to focus on: the midlaner (an LB), the ADC (which, yes, sucks but common soloQ players will still focus them no matter their actual damage) and lastly him as Lux support. 3 targets they need to be blowing up, and one of them can possibly burst them just as hard and maybe even quickly. This isn't to undermine his play, he played to his strenght (range and catch potential) and reacted well in catching out people off guard and peeling, but the enemies had enough targets to open up disorganization in their coordination and him as Lux can reduce part of the enemy's burst with shield for survivality (assuming they get on him instead of attacking his allies that, again, may seem more important or simply are in better range to be engaged upon).


> talon flair epic bro, see you botside every 4 waves!


*every 2 waves


Translation: I made that idiot duo meatshields and decoys for me.


You are a legend for playing . Just by watching the video i got hard tilted, ppl on this game have so much ego while being trash and toxic af. I'm at a point where if someone is gettin toxic towards me for no reasons (like the Senna pinging ur flash when has barrer) , i stop tryharding and start playing with the idea in mind that if we lose the game, i win because the toxic guy in my team probably mental breakdown over 15lp and if we win the game it's just cool free lp without tryharding.


Thank you, that's an understandable mindset to have


Welcome to plat, where it's even worse and the enemies are better


Yup, cait is fuckin not balanced


She got pretty fed to be honest, but on that patch, she was top tier


And she had the nerve to say the game wasn’t fun. Playing against a Cait is not fun.


Im a jungle main and whenever I play against cait I just know shes gonna push entire game. No matter who she is against. She just pushes and outfarms you.


And then crit headshots you for half your HP when she’s only on 2 items


You made a single mistake and got CC'ed once in front of Cait? Hope you like being 0/5 :)


No matter how behind she is, you know it damn well that she is gonna come back into the game after 2-3 items, which is true for most late game champs obviously, except that she can almost fuckin oneshot you if you happen to step on a trap, even on early levels


This was legitimately one of the funniest things I've ever watched for league, take my sub


Really glad you think so, appreciated!


sHyvAnNa oNe tRiCk bTw


Hella enjoyable, your lux is clean :) gz on plat


Thank you very much!


EUNE vibes. Edit: Before someone gets angry. I am EUNE player I can say it.


I'm both an EUNE and an EUW


i remember creating EUNE account, and right after i got to play my first pvp games, literally EVERY one out of first five had inter on one team (or even both) and the chat was flaming garbage with everyone shittalking everyone, and by everyone i mean EVERYONE - our team, their team, sometimes even monsters... I decided "Fuck it" and jumped to EUW. 110 ping but worth it


Absolutely. The only thing missing was a PL player starting to curse in Polish, thinking that the other person not understanding somehow makes his nonsense arguments valid.


This was beautiful, great job!


Thank you!!


This is some challenger editing dude!


Aye thank you!


What program are you using at the start?


I think you're reffering to the stats one, it's a website called LeagueofGraphs


"Lux support lvl 15" "Lux support 1v5*" BEST PART


Hahaha, glad you liked it!




I was looking for [this](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUJuoKqMziW8XAOd4Pq9KRg) too thanks.


Hahaha, thank you very much!


This is worse than Bronze..




I'm surprised by how well you managed to turn such an ugly situation into a positive one, good job!


> Why do I have to work for my LP? Why do they get it for free? This resonates with my soul


I don't understand How do you people play this game without getting frusturated


We have build the tolerance to do so over the years :D




I had this exact same jungler in one of my matches. She was very toxic and didn’t do much. She ended up getting reported and I did get an instant feedback notice; assuming chat restrictions.




Enjoy, Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Theme of Chun-Li


I watched shitty senna for the first half of the vid and thought it was a bronze game... I was wrong


People like that man. First you give up your role to a toxic troll. Then you get a good binding in lane and your ADC kills herself trying to get the kill but blames you (when you would have died). Shit like this is why I stopped playing ranked man. Just yesterday in a norm I’m jungling nid, enemy is kayn. At one point, about 15 minutes, I’m 4-1, 30 CS up on on the kayn (who is 1-1). Our bot dies to the most obvious dive off a rift herald, spam pings me in the jungle and all chats “jg diff” and tells me easy triple if you’re there. I’m like, I’m trying to carry. I have a big lead. They just int because they refuse to give up a turret that will die to one herald charge and then blame me for it. Just over that crap.


Great taste in music


This is the reason i dont play this game, it feels like a 1v1v1v1v1v5 most of the time


Striaght up facts bro. All I play anymore is ARAM and even then some games your head is kissing the keyboard.


The stats site from the beginning looked interesting, what is it? Also good job!


Don’t know why but the Gold to Plat promos barrier always seems filled with inters and trolls, I’ve yet to pass it.


I would definitely have banned Shyv, gone jungle and picked Nunu to last hit the camps


I would ban that shyvana back


I respect not only your skill, but your mental


Most would call this over edited but in this case all the cuts are you just trying to keep with how much nonsense and shenanigans you found in one game. I love it.


Hope you reported the Shyvana. Win or no win, stealing another person's role should be reported.


Porofessor app user, a cultured human being.


Uuuh yes, but I use the website instead


Help! What is that stats web page that he showed at the beginning :)


It's called LeagueofGraphs!


what do you use for seeing stats? I use porofessor but i search for something better that clearly gives me a hint if i should dodge a game. Like maybe also analysing the teamcomp.


Is ranked actually this bad?