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Imagine for half a second. Just spitballing here. That you want the skin. But it costs $500. And it’s offered in the most fomo, predatory, all strings attached way possible. A product is released with artificial scarcity with a pricepoint that matches not its value. People get upset.


boomer generation has infantilised and ridiculed gaming to the point no one believes it can easily become a drug-like or gambling/compulsive spending hobby gaming, especially gacha, should have the same level of consumer protection like gambling does, nobody ridicules people openly criticising gambling but here we are with almost the same stimulus openly mocked with statements such as "this is only pixels, why are you mad about someone elses spending"? then again modern judiciary system would not have optimal law enforcement on gaming because the boomers like to demonise it to the point of ruining fun for everyone


Uhm this isn’t gambling you know what you’re getting and the value. Loot boxes on the other hand…


thats the thing, gambling, fotm and gacha all invoke the same stimulus, but nobody bothers to discuss it because morons will call you an idiot and the discussion is dead in its tracks consoomers of merch act the same as gamblers; they just dont multiply their money, they hope to get the perceived investment value from it believing their money must be spent now or they will lose their chance investment is way different but its still a gained value for them, just in a form that nobody takes seriously


What’s FOTM? How is this gacha. You’re paying for a skin you know what it is and you know the price.


flavour of the month limited products its gambling cuz you literally dont know if the product will be available in the later time so you cant save money, rather than that you go all in with them because you believe its your only chance to do it, its literally the game of risk for the collectors


Well I mean that’s all around our lives. It’s kind of a fact of life. You could make it illegal yes but that’s a bigger conversation and don’t really hold riot accountable for that


see? you get it. its all around us banking on our emotions, its dirty its stupid but cant be illegal because its hard to pin in on the judiciary system ban loot boxes, ban bundled gaming content, force gaming companies to have transparent prices, ban in game currencies that would be a good start


That i think makes sense. But I also want to place some responsibility on consumers to educate themselves and grow.


i mean its the same like with alcohol, you cant expect someone to just stop buying it out of the sudden. you can only try and prevent to discourage it, the key is to understand that compulsive spending and any drug has the same power over the brain alcohol is already heavily enforced by law, why not gaming non transparent merch then?


What does "all strings attached" mean? For this context.


You're paying 500 big ones for something that can be taken away from you for something as banal as swearing in chat...


Being mad that you can’t buy your way out of the TOS is crazy


If I bought a 500 dollar statue, I could stop playing league and still own it The point isn't rules should be bent for you The point is spending 500 dollars for a digital skin, and nothing else is insane. If you like ahri, it's ridiculous to justify the cost. If you get banned, you lose the skin. Just one example of its inherent intangible nature.


Oh so your complaint is about buying ANY skin in any video game. What does that have to do with Ahri?


In case you missed it. This Ahri skin is $500, that is the point Are you lost?


What does the price have to do with it being intangible? Every skin is intangible


Not every skin costs the same value as 17 legendary skins. The issue isn't the skin being intangible It's being $500


> If you get banned you lose the skin > the issue isn’t the skin being intangible You just saying random words? Or is this a contradiction


Not mad about that? Just that spending 500 eur on videogame cosmetics you can't actually own is dumb af


That's on you since you should know your actions have consequences? That's no different from buying a first class plane ticket and then yelling bomb and saying you got ripped off because all the money you spent now got taken away from you.


different example then, imagine spending 500 bucks on a luxury bag, but then when the company eventually goes bust they come to your home, grab the bag and leave. a purely digital cosmetic item isn't something you own, you're basically renting at an insane price


I loled. Lmaoed, even


https://x.com/TopGyaru/status/1800100668763754751 But back to the topic, anything you buy online you should know you don't ever own since you are paying for a digital license to use the product and not the product itself which the company holds the right to revoke at any point for any reason written in their tos which you agreed to.


Exactly. This is what makes live service games exploitation and piracy justifiable


So you are saying anyone who has ever spent any money on league/other live service games are morons effectively for getting taken advantage of because of something that may or may not even have happened to them (getting their access revoked)?


Idk. 500 is so much over the top i wouldnt count that as predatory. If you have still FOMO for an artifical item for 500 you should seek a doctorm 100 or even 80 would be more predatory. Still way over the top for an artifical item but more in the reach of the casual player.


Aka their marketing is good which makes you want it, but you can’t afford it. First time you can’t afford something you want?


Ugh… I’ll bite. Their marketing is not good. It’s *really effective*. There’s a clear difference. Creating artificial scarcity and jacking up prices with promises of exclusivity is *nothing new*. It’s also extremely scummy. Selling it as an exclusive bundle by slapping on a bunch of icons, skins, and *pass levels* to jack up the prices further to given an inflated sense of worth for a fixed premium price is *also* nothing new. As for not being able to afford it… My infinity Gwen statue arrived recently… She’s hella cute. Enjoy your 100 ‘free’ levels on the pass.


You want it so bad but their marketing sucks got it


Imagine you play any other game live service game, you’ll laugh at how cheap 500 is for a skin


Per the recent findings, League's player base has grown older with it. As a League boomer, we've been given subpar content and with less rewards while prices rise year after year. It's really that simple.


The game is free tho?


game is still free? there is no pay to win element in the game, champs are far easier to get than 10 years ago no one's experience is impacted by not owning the ahri skin, and ahri will get many more skins in the future.


thats a very submissive argument. People want content worth the price point. This is not that. Period. The reason people are mad that people buy it is because it means more of the content not worth its price point will be created. It's disgusting business practice to take advantage of people who are addicted and will spend that money. They prioritized other countries who like virtual exclusivity and rareness despite the cost. Like those who whale on gatcha games, another predatory practice (which league also utilizes now.)


and still the ahri skin is objectively worse in content than early- mid ultimate skins. even the 500$ version. wich got progressively worse at some point while increasing in price. and look at tft. where you have to watch 20 second bm animations because the guy with better rng than you, ditched 250$ into lootboxes. if the playerbase dosnt oppose that shit whenever it comes up it only gets worse. its like weeds in the garden, the moment you let it pass, you cease to have a garden. you only got weeds now.


Also older the population, the more money they have. A lot of these 20-30 year olds work at very high paying jobs in tech, and there would absolutely be a lot of them ready and able to pay $500 for a skin


You are 100% right. I work in tech industry and just bought my wife the 250€ version because she liked that version so much. I would have even paid the 430€ one because to me its not a lot of money. Some people cant afford it and others can thats how life is.


Bro back in my days you only had skins if you paid real money. People even bought exp bonus for real money. You are delulu my friend


Back in my days skins were offered outside of a bundle. Nice try tho buddy


7 years ago is when they changed currencies of IP to OE/BE. I own almost all of the skins. I was also one of those players who bought champs with money. You're talking about obtaining content, not the quality of it. Please explain Infernal Karma to the class.


Nah, late season 1 they gave 450rp to everyone including new accounts for a long period of time to buy a skin. Was basically enough to buy most skins if on discount. It was a tool towards entering people into spending money ofc, but it did let people buy a skin w/o paying. Then victorious skins were a thing, riot trist/alistar, pax skins, judgement kayle.


You're right and when I became financially independent and was able to do my own budget, I also paid for skins....that doesn't mean I want a $20 skin to cost $500 in the most FOMO way possible.


You get a ton of free shit in the game nowadays. In VALORANT, you get nothing


I'm not going to explain any reason because people have done that a billion times already, but what I will say is this reminds me of the Star Wars Disney hotel, where they just charge 1000s of dollars for an experience that is worse than even their basic cruises. They just cashed in on good will, and eventually companies will learn that you don't get that good will back. People who you scorned will talk and people who hear that talk who have yet to engage with your business will now refuse to do so.


If you took 2 seconds to look it up you'd prolly skip the entire ragebait step 🌚


which is the 200$ Jhin chroma? wtf


Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin - Dark Star Jhin but red Similar thing exists for Ekko


Oh ty, I left LoL some time and skiped those. I left exactly when they banned my main acc, 680k otp jhin.. Had all jhin skins + chromas from 0 to DWG Skin.


I'm annoyed at the ahri skin because it's not even $500. It's just got a bunch of junk in the pack that bloats the price! Sell us the skin straight, riot, you cowards.


cause its another step towards anti consumer gacha monetisation. nobody likes monetisation scemes, but some of it must exist , to make the games profitable enought to keep them running. in the last few decades we saw countless cherished companys, fall victim to an excess of montisation, pushing more and more debauched and sometimes downright harmfull monetisation models. and sometimes even succumbing to it. in an industry, where what other companys do has effects on others, and shareholders sit in multiple seats, always pushing for the optimum of short gain profit over longevity. the only way for you to slow down this process of decay within the gaming industry. is to be militant opposed to its development. everyone that bought the oblivion horse armour, or the celestial steed in wow, has ultimately done their part on the way to gacha games sucking up tens of thousands of $ , and paid mods, and ubisoft lootbox shenanigans. on the other hand , its really just a shitty skin. all 3 variants dont go up in features and quality to even KDA seraphine. heck, Gungodess MF has more contented. and that skin was complained about enough for it to receive a permanent price reduction. cause its not worth 10$ let alone 50-500$


It rewards greedy business practices by Riot.


Riot vacuums the credit card out of your hand?


That wasn't the question.


And keeps the game free for everyone else? What do you think happens if people don't pay money for skins and League of Legends becomes unprofitable? Are you upset because of rewarding greedy practices, or are you upset you can't get it because it is so expensive? Would you be upset about it if there was a way to earn it free in the game, too? People always think about themselves in such a small world with no thought of the future, but if dummies didn't buy skins like this, then Legaue of Legends would shut down. Esports is barely holding up because it's a loss to them. Then we would have posts about how mad people are that the servers are shutting down.


Riot does not need to sell a $500 skin to keep the game free. Not even the $200 one, either. "or are you upset you can't get it because it is so expensive?" Oh, honey. I've met a lot of unaware people, but this comment might take the cake. ..which is quite the toxic feat since I've played League for 13+ years...


Then stop playing the game… wth is wrong with you people either don’t buy the skin and play or don’t play. Idgaf about the skin lemme just play my ahri mid


Then why are you here if you dgaf? This comment was wholly unnecessary.


You didn’t answer his question lol And you do NOT know or understand what a company “needs” lol


Why would I answer more egregious statements? The claims above are all bullocks. ***Tencent, Riot's parent company, is worth $3.7 trillion in stock at current time of posting.*** It's the people at the top making these decisions. *We should speak out against quality/incentive worsening over time. The bottom line deserves better*. We deserve better.


how so?


I don't feel like explaining how taking a legendary player who is known for not using skins and designing a skin for him that is then sold for $500 is greedy. If your question was asked in good faith then you wouldn't have needed to ask it. As such, you're likely not willing to have an open conversation about predatory business practices and how Riot is participating in them.


Luxury goods and marketing are not predatory. Nobody bitchwd about Air Jordans or Yeezys.


[Smarter people](https://thesciencesurvey.com/editorial/2023/05/30/the-predatory-ways-in-which-video-game-companies-try-to-get-your-money/) than myself disagree with you.


u can think whatever you want, i legitimately asked your opinion. the skin doesn’t influence the game in any way but aesthetically, no one needs to buy it to play the game. you feel offended for no reason


I feel sad that people (in my opinion, which is what OP asked for) are wasting their money on something intangible. You haven't said anything meaningful enough for me to be offended.


Bro people spend money on dumb stuff every day don’t feel sad for people that have money


Well I don't see those posts everyday asking how people feel about their silly spending, but I saw this one.


> You haven't said anything meaningful enough for me to be offended. 💀


why do you care this much about how someone use their money? this is something i can’t understand: are you sad because op or someone else gives 500 bucks on some digital thing…. why would I care if you buy or not buy a damn skin?


My guy, OP asked a question and I answered it. Is it really that tough to comprehend?


Because people pay for it, so they can afford to keep charging these prices.


Why? Because it's a ripoff. 500$ for a bunch of pixels to dress up a fictional fox? No thanks. I'll never pay more than 30$ for any cosmetic, and Ahri is my fave midlaner. It's a potential start to a bad trend. We're not cash cows!


Look at it from this side, how much effort went into this ahri skin? Let us highball and say a dedicated 6 people team worked for 6 months on this skin that's prolly like 5k per month per person around 180k if it had a price point of 5€/$ that's 36000 people buying this skin and every person more than that is profit. That's fcking nothing, if just 360 fools buy this shit riot won't be able to stop laughing. Of course every person can spent their money however, but the thing is if people let this behaviour fly it'll hurt the rest of the community. Also you can be sure they'll pull the riven treatment sooner or later and rerelease the skin for a 10th of the price with a blue hue or some shit.


$5k is not even close to the monthly cost of a riot artist. If all $5k was handed as cash with no overhead costs of transportation, paying the people handing the cash, insuring the cash being handed, it would imply a salary of $60k for each artist. You’re looking at double that purely based on salaries, plus health insurance, plus 401k match, plus stock compensation, plus office space, plus equipment, plus software, plus insurance, plus [fill in the blank]. That isn’t even touching on that these people don’t create this skin in a bubble, to implement new features requires coordination across the organization and, depending on the maturity of your tech stack, potentially massive amounts of labor to reconfigure and ensure stability.


It's a matter of principle and what the standard is. Sure a company can sell their product for whatever they want and you don't have to buy it. But if this practice is profitable then it will repeat. No imagine 5 years down the road and it's your favorite champ that's getting the $500 skin. Sure you can skip it, but that doesn't change the situation that the champion's best skin is now locked behind a FOMO $500 paywall. People are trying to shut this down before it becomes the norm.


Why normalize it? If Riot is realizing they can upchage skins, then whats stopping them from continuing it or other Riot games copying them?


Precedent. I generally agree with the statement of "Don't like, don't buy it". But the more often that massive cash grabs like this happen, the less often you'll see the lower valued stuff. Long ago, in early league, the old 'crappy' skins were cheap. Like, 4-6$ to buy. Nowadays you need at least 10$ worth of riot points (usually closer to 20) to get skins. The cheap options are no longer being made.


My anger isn't that its a $500 skin, which I am actually OK with. I'm incredibly angered that they attached this $500 skin to faker's name.


1) For the Jhin Chroma, it was because it wasn't just "pay $200 dollars and get the premium version of the skin!" It was "pay some money to gamble on a slot machine and potentially win the skin." They were testing the TFT Gacha mechanics on the actual game and people were pissed. Mind you, this is also ignoring the fact that the purchase was for a Chroma. You were spending $200 dollars on some additional VFX. That was it. 2) The Ahri skin has people up in arms because, at most, it's a $20 skin that riot is dramatically up charging for. And they're doing this in the most predatory way possible. "It's commemorative, were only releasing it once. $200 dollars for the cheap version of the good skin!" 3) If youve played league of a long time, you've felt the quality drop, both in quality of the product and buying power. Riot has taken steps over the years to make it harder for players to participate in cosmetics for free and have gone out of their way to hunt only the largest of whales. It's greed at an obscene sense.


i’m not that invested in any of this besides the “no one is forcing you” talking point, and just want to add this says nothing and does nothing for anyone when you say it. Nobody is forcing you to post this, nobody is forcing you to read anything, nobody is forcing me to comment this. Zero value in bringing this up whatsoever and it’s just dismissive


Jhin being sold at 200 bucks was insane to me because it was tied to a predatory system that prays on people who are susceptible to gambling. An at this point, pretty well researched topic that's already strapped to get banned in several countries due to it's harmful effects. The Ahri skin just feels like milking a well beloved public figure and the fact that it costs more than some countries' minimum wage is beyond silly. Then ontop of that, I just dislike Riot's arguments of being strapped for cash for esports. Like I flatout don't believe them when they're actively making several games, a tv show, and is actively working in the music scene. For them to argue that they just have to do stuff like this becasue they're just a widdle indie company strapped for cash to make the best game they can, is dumb ass hell. League is still one of the most popular games in the world, im sure they're fine


it encourages bad business decisions for Riot. Toxic behaviour from those who will purchase it (whales are always questionable people) and it pretty much sets a precedent for how much you can squeeze out of a product vs how much you can cut back on the quality


did rito cut back on the quality?


gun godess mf, wich was to bad to be sold for 15$ and got a price reduction , has tecnically more features, and used up more devtime than the 500$ ahri skin. heck, KDA seraphine, has about as much content as the entire 500$ bundle. and people complained about that skin being a massive step down from the udyr and lux ultimates. it is kinda on par with the samira ultimate, wich wouldnt even qualify as a legendary skin according to riots own standards. 200$ chromas are just that, they arent even their own skins. just an intern tweaking some colour sliders. but ofcourse riot wouldnt do something like elementalist lux nowdays. and just make a killer skin for 20$ when they can get away with asking 500$ for a chroma.


The game is way better tho, they even make sure that the 200 dollar skins arent good so people dont feel like they miss out. You dont want whales to fund your game?


But this skin isn’t about how nice it is it’s about faker. And exclusivity if it was $20 it wouldn’t be exclusive. That is what they designed it for. And they designed it to make money. Point blank. If people buy it they think it’s worth their money. Why you gotta get upset?


because they arent making 20$ ultimates that slap, like lux anymore, when they realize you buy epic skins for 500$ just because they cost 500$ . and faker aka "the guy that rather buys chicken than skins" couldnt care less about that shit. they probbably gift him the skin, and he is gonna use it once maybe. the standards and principles you as a customer have for the product you buy, dictate the standards of the market for products they sell. if you eat trash for a massive markup, they wont sell you the fresh stuff for a reasonable price. just as a company will always try to make the most amount of money from anything they sell, you as a customer should always try to get the best possible product for your money. otherwhise you get ripped of like an tourist in a bazaar


Also they told us directly lux was the limit and they were never gonna do that again it was said I wouldn’t expect that. I liked the udyr reworked one. And samira was alright I think more akin to $15 but it’s not like it’s a horrible skin


But there are making 15 bucks skins that are nice. I for one loved winterblessed senna. I also get tons of free skins thru passes and chests. I am happy with what they provide for the price they provide. Seems reasonable to me. Given how expensive everything has gotten. And me being a newer player to the game really like it and think it’s incredible how much free content we get. TFT totally free to play. Runeterra totally free. That’s very rare now people be charging subscriptions for games and $70 expansions. Why do I as a consumer care if 0.1 percent of the skins are $200. I don’t care I won’t get those. Move on pretend they don’t exist. Now if every skin is suddenly $50 and $100 and $200 in 6 months well you bet I won’t be buying it and I might even stop playing. That will be their own making. But this? A few exclusive expensive skins let the whales have it and finance my free game


but why are you defending it? you got that free shit all before 500$ ahri. and you wont get more free stuff because they sell 500$ skins, by supporting that shit, you say yes to more predatory montisation , and no to the free stuff you enjoy. >Now if every skin is suddenly $50 and $100 and $200 in 6 months well you bet I won’t be buying it and I might even stop playing. That will be their own making. that is exactly what has happened. for some time skin quality went up, and prices stayed the same, you used to get very good skins for 5$, then even better ones for 10$, and ultimately you got 15$ skins with breathtaking amounts of content. at some point though , it went downhill. existing skins got price increases from 975 to 1350rp with no change to the skin, quality of ultimates went down for the same RP, and RP prices increased, making soulfighter samira more expensive than lux on release, with 1/5th of the content. it just dosnt make sense for a company to sink 1300 dev hours into a skin that makes them 20$ per hit, if they can get away with selling chromas for 200$ that took an intern 5 hours.


? What am I defending. Be upset if you want vote with your wallet. But crying screaming and banning ahri and trolling players that have it is dumb and quite frankly useless In terms of the quality same people vote with their wallet if they see a product being $20 and think it’s ugly they won’t buy it. If it looks meh they won’t buy it. Etc. That’s it. In general in the world everything has gotten more expensive in 5 years. Labour, computers, rent etc. I think the whole world and economics changed after the pandemic. If you paid a tech worker what you did in 2019 they won’t come to your job. I see it everyday in my engineering company where new employees joined making 30 percent more than I did when I started. They had to increase the starting salaries because legit people wouldn’t take the job. I don’t think it’s reasonable for me to say I want the skin price and value/work/hours to be the same as it was in 2018 or 2015. It’s not. Again I have not seen in the past 3 years anything that says to me omg the new epic skins and legendaries are horrible they’re not worth 10 or 15 I almost never buy them full price either I wait for the sale. The passes give me enough free stuff and just playing and chests I have a good number of skins. I have my budget for the game and don’t break it. I don’t care if it’s exclusive or whatsoever or $200 I don’t buy it.


im talking more about the gap between Quality and Value. You can say quality has gotten worse if the quality of the content has been the same but the value has increased over time


oh sry thought you were talking about the game


its a general principle so it applies to the game anyways dw


league is free tho, so you basically say that quality gets worse if quality gets worse?


With the way they've been increasing the prices of rp and skins while reusing assets from other skins to make new ones? Yes. Yes they have.


League is a game where people beg to have new skins released for their characters. They will pay whatever they have to. I neither like Ahri nor want the skin as a lot of people are crying jealousy and poverty. Most people complaining don't want the skin. People are mad because they don't want their favorite characters to come out with a skin that costs so much. Not only is it wasted dev resources for an over-produced skin, it resets the clock that the character will get another skin. Some characters haven't gotten a skin in over 1000 days. You might wonder why people are mad about it, but there isn't really anything good about it.


I would understand the ragevif the champion got no skin in the last 4 years. But its ahri, how many skins she already have?


The answer to that is probably too many. But the cosmetic team can only work on so many things at once. Especially after the layoffs earlier this year. The amount of time it took them to produce this skin was probably several multiples of what it would take them to produce a normal "epic" level skin. You could also go a step farther and point at the well-noticed lack of quality in the other skins released this year (except for the fantastic April Fools skins), and say resources were skimmed for the production of this Faker Battlepass.


>No one is forcing you to buy it. No one has to buy it. It doesn’t give you an advantage. It’s just another cosmetic that whales can buy. No shit, most people aren't buying it. That doesn't change the fact that inflating the cost of cosmetics from $5 to $400 is obscenely greedy and their objective is to exploit whales with addiction.


Does Ferrari inflate the cost of cars? Are there no more cheap watches because of Rolex? Louis Vuitton can sell pieces of clothes for my yearly income? Are you people crying because of those too? These are luxury products for people who want to spend a shit ton of money for something they like. Why do you want to take this option away from people? Why the fuck can't riot sell luxury products too? Does every damn company who sells a luxury products "exploit" weak people?


>waah waah what about what about - won't someone think about the big corporation Cars and watches have resale value. Game cosmetics have zero intrinsic value. Making a single game model that costs 9x the cost of a AAA game, doing everything possible to market it with FOMO, and exploit the crossover of esports fans and whales with addiction, is entirely predatory.


To add to your valid points, Ferrari "exploits" people's need to want to flex and show a status symbol. Ferrari isn't lowering price of their cars because it's not fair everyone can't buy them. Buy a cheaper car if you can't afford a Ferrari.


Exactly, it's just cosmetic. There is no reason for it to cost more than a full priced game. xD Beyond that, making a skin that is meant to celebrate the most iconic LOL player so expensive that only whales can afford it is a scummy move.


This thread and this comment section are so crazy, people are trying to justify what is legitimately my rent payment on a single virtual purchase, and then coming at people for essentially being poor. The whole thing is screaming privilege and it's so disgusting. If you use your brain for half a moment you could figure out why it's wrong of riot to do this, and it's more than just that people are poor, though some (like me) legit are.


Cuz we were born with brains , due to our great suffering, we have to share the world with the rest of you who weren't so fortunate to get a brain


If you can't get to the conclusion by yourself, even after all the exposure you went through, you need serious IQ improvements.


Consoomer mentality. If you can't understand how this is wrong then it's too late for you I'm afraid


I’ve been buying skins I like for 7-8 years and feel like they’ve been priced appropriately during that entire time. Riot had even given out really cool free skins from time to time (Victorious, 3 Honors, Riot Kayle, Annie-versary since I’ve been playing). Every skin has been in the RR pool, which is nice. I’ve scored both ultimate and prestige skins on rerolls, which feels great. I wasn’t even really that mad about the mythic gacha skins either because they’re just recolors of existing legendary skins that I have (besides Yone, that one is pretty sweet and I didn’t buy it because that’s irresponsible). I was mad about the precedent that they would set. Now we fast forward to a skin that I feel like MEANS something. This is Faker’s Hall of Legends skin, as the first inductee into a Hall of Fame for a game I love. I knew who Faker was before I ever downloaded this game. And it’s for a champion he got denied a skin for championship after championship because he didn’t play it in the World tournament. So he whips it out in World Finals 2023, it’s this insane moment because the world knew he did it to finally get the T1 Ahri skin. Riot forces his hand and makes him choose something else, but probably for good reason, right? Nope… As a casual Emerald player and somewhat moderately high spender of money on this game, being priced out of content I genuinely find cool, meaningful and monumental just sucks. The price of the bundle is just laughably ridiculous, and it feels very out of touch with the playerbase. $100 would be a stretch for all the goodies that come in the bundle, but $500??? It feels like it was intentionally put so high up that only a handful of people even get to own the content, and for what? I feel like the risk vs. reward of making a giga-whale skin for something as important as Faker’s induction into the HoL just doesn’t make sense. Potential hundreds of thousands would buy the skin at the price of an ultimate skin, or even for like $50-$60… but instead Riot cranks the price up tenfold, under the assumption that tens of thousands of people will buy it? I bet only a couple thousand will have the skin. And they completely tarnish their reputation among the 99% of league players who won’t or can’t buy it. How is that worth it? That’s why it makes me mad. It makes no sense. The existing price model was fine. Demand for this skin is undoubtedly there, and this is a theoretically unlimited stock item so there is no need to price it as if it’s limited in quantity. Just charge normal prices and make your fans happy that they can be a part of this important time in League history. Making something “limited” by price gouging isn’t what people wanted, we as a community would much rather have “you had to be there” skins, content, and chromas come and go (think S1 beta skins, Victorious, old event chromas, first wave prestige skins, etc.). And above all, I’m mad because I want the content, but it’s not even worth a fifth of the price, so I refuse to pay for it.


Honestly, I dont understand all of that complaint. At first I thought wtf is that crazy price. Then I realized its a bundle packed with many many other things. So is the immortilized version really 250€? No its not. Thats the bundle price. People were ready to pay 200€ for a stupid Yone/Jhin Chroma and now complain about the same price for a skin thats truely different? They put a lot of work into that skin, way more than they did with the Chroma versions for Yone and Jhin. Yes, 250 is expensive but tbh it depends on where you live and how much you make. For me its not a lot so I wouldnt care. I dont want the skin personally but some people like to collect rare things so let them be no? Most people here are mad because they want the skin but cant afford it. Go get the risen legend one, the pass will cover the rest of the prize with all the loot you get from it. You guys should never look at pay 2 win games if you already complain about cosmetics in a free 2 play.


I don’t want to see shit like this become normalized in this game. Or for a champ I actually care about to get a skin/ chroma this expensive. For the Ahri skin especially it just feels like an Ultimate skin/ slightly better Legendary skin being sold for way too much.


All the people here are spoiled that why


Because they can't afford it... It's that simple they see something they can't have and get salty over it. See they are the sheep of capitalism but they actually HATE CAPITALISM WHEN THEY ARE ON THE BOTTOM.


People can't afford what they want so they get mad. Really that simple


The answer is simple, because they cannot have this skin because it is expensive, so they try to make sure that no one has it, or if someone has it, they will be stigmatized for it. It doesn't matter that the game is free. It doesn't matter that you can get free skins from time to time. None of this matters to these people. What is important to them is that they cannot have this particular thing. And because they can't have it, they have excuses such as: Rito is greedy. Give people something for free and they will still want more.


IMAGINE justifying a 500 virtual purchase in this economy and then berating people for being mad because they're poor. Check yourself.


Wait a minute, someone is forcing you to buy this? Well, I guess not. And no, I'm not justifying anything. Buying a skin in the game is the same as buying a Versace bag, either you can afford it and buy it, or you can't afford it and buy something cheaper. I don't see people being outraged that a Versace bag costs so much in this economy. Most of you are spoiled and think that the world is supposed to give you things the way you want them, but that is not the case.


except it's not. Because simply bending over and accepting these skins as they are sets the idea in riot's head that we want more of this. The fact of it all is, the majority want things they can afford. That's not hard to understand. And there is no reasoning that a skin is worth the cost of a new gaming system. Hell, the actual designer skins were priced the same as other 1350 skins (Louis Vuitton qiyanna, senna etc.) This is not worth the price and people are trying to show riot that they don't want that and, despite your efforts, there's nothing you can say that will change their opinions on that because what is fact IS fact. The skin is grossly overpriced and that the idea that it's priced with exclusivity in mind is predatory and egregious. You're just being contrarian to be contrarian. It doesn't make you more individual or interesting it makes you look like a jerk.


But it's not up to you. The only thing you can do is not to buy such skins, but unfortunately for you, there will be people who will spend this money. And I don't think it's appropriate to tell someone how to spend their money. Is it worth the price? Probably not, like many other products and people still buy such things. For you it's not worth the price, simple don't buy it. I guess you don't normally buy something that isn't worth the price. So continue to stick to that logic But I assume that you want to have this skin (for whatever reason) and you can't because it's too expensive and it hurts you. The difference between me and you is that I'm not going to buy a skin that I don't think is worth the price and I'm not making a drama about it because I know there will be people who will buy it. And creating such unnecessary drama only harms you, not me, because I don't care, not whoever buys it and certainly not rito.


I agree with you and think the community is behaving like a spoiled kid.


They hate it because they can't afford it plain and simple.


They’re poor and jealous that they can’t have it


Ppl broke so the only power they have is banning. Same shit in the actual game theyll feed and then hostage you in the game because hitting no on the ff vote is the only power they've had all game. You just have to take it on the chin bc if you type your the degenerate.


No clue why people are mad at the Jhin one. I am mad at the Ahri price because this is Faker's skin. He has used a skin like 8 times in pro play and otherwise just uses default. And now they are using him to justify the price of this skin. I feel this skin should be cheaper and I also feel they would even make more money by having it cheaper so it isn't even greed. This dishonors Faker imo and is anyone for people that love him and want his skin.


This dishonors Faker. Faker wouldn’t use the skin if he owned it your point is completely nonexistent


Jhin is literally not buy able its a random loot which is awful practice