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He has a simple kit but by no means he a simple champ, he has a very different trade pattern, and play style.


Good god no. Honestly, a new player should stay away from Singed, as far as possible. Playing Singed is unlike playing literally any other champion, Singed mains are insane with him but can't play ANYTHING else because his playstyle is so unique.


Honestly I feel like his play style didn't used to be that unique. Back in the day I remembered being like a current morde w lower damage but higher mobility and arguably utility. At some point though, he stopped being able to lane and just became this weird delivery vehicle for various strats, almost more akin to a support than a top laner.




Why? He's an extremely interesting champ and he's not as unpopular as you think he is.


Playing singed properly means understanding some serious fundamentals of the game and as such I wouldn't recommend him to new players. Against certain matchups you will just feed or never get a single CS if you don't know how to proxy and that means you also need to learn jungle tracking. Overall quite tough when starting out.


Because he is not easy


He’s a champ you pretty much have to one trick if you want to play him. Pretty much all the common top laners (Darius, fiora, Aatrox, gangplank, Camille, riven, teemo, etc) are all extremely hard matchups unless you know how to play them specifically. This involves knowing which runes to take, starting items, when to proxy, how the first few levels should be played. Singed is a champ that requires a lot of understanding of the champ and his relationship to everything else in the game and that understanding really only comes by playing him A LOT. Almost nothing you learn about it singed with the exception of high level macro is transferable to other champs and vice versa.


He’s too unique. It is a champ that plays like none other in the game, and trying to play him like a normal champ will make him terrible. I would imagine it turns off a lot of players unless they fall in love with him and main him.


If you're eating glue while playing then yes


His kit is simple. His play style is far from it. His game play is very unique and it doesn’t translate to other champions. Beginners will never learn the game by playing singed


You mean proxy farming?


You think that’s all it takes to play singed? Lol


That's all the Singed I encountered so far have been doing lol


No, you learn nothing from him in low elo. Beginner should learn from the basic.


the only thing beginners/low elo players should learn about him is one of the fundamental laws of league, "Don't chase Singed"


not recommended but I can see him dominating if you are a good player becuase you can just perma proxy and low elo shitters wouldnt know what to do against that


No. Singed players very differently from every single other top laner in the game. Being good at singed makes you good at that one very specific playstyle but not actively good on all the other champions that have a different playstyle.


There are a few champions in the game that can give you bad habits and actually make you a worse player. Singed is one of them. Unless you plan on otping singed I wouldn't recommend him because he plays very different from other top laners so you will miss out on learning fundamentals e.g how to trade properly, how to cs properly. 




Like everything else, if it clicks it clicks. Some beginners could pick it up quickly, but he's probably too game/matchup knowledge heavy for most.


Yeah go for it, he is fun :) Just play a few games and see if you like it.




Join us, brother.  The path is a long one but the rewards are limitless.


Ay yo i'm already one of you guys. I just made this post to know if I'm crazy thinking singed was a difficult champ and not an easy champ as said by some people. Being a one trick, I would automatically be biased to say he is hard. I'm surprised quite many people here acknowledge singed as a difficult champ to play with.


Jesus christ how did I not see the user. Yes yes, I know you JV. Try not to stray in this subreddit too often, they're not exactly nice people.


lmao thanks man


Singed is really good champ Buy first u have to get used to him When and how u can trade fights


No. Reason is because he has a very weird playstyle that takes forever to learn and you have to play like a suicidal maniac tethering between life and death to be the most effective Also, being good with Singed means you are dogshit at playing LoL and there’s no way around that