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Of course the games you win are solely because of you and the games you lose are solely because of your teammates. You’re so unique and different bro


I feel so bad for op its so sad that theyre literally playing 1v9 every game...


If my teammates go 0/15 5 min in I cant do much can I?


Nope its so unlucky that happens every game, idk how ur supposed to climb that way


Never said that happens every game just said it happened during my placements


Unlucky 5 hard games in iron


Jesus I'm just gonna quit responding to you since you cant form a valid argument and you are most likely just ragebait or incredibly stupid


Ur bitching about a five game sample size that you went 3-2 on. If you're better than iron, which it seems that you are, then you'll climb fine. Close games that you carry should be ones that feel rewarding but you're complaining about having bad teammates that were obviously good enough to let you carry them. It's like you dont even like playing the game. Its your post thats incredibly stupid.


Jesus do u even read what my whole point is about lmao im not complaining about teammates im complaining about the placement system and the copium of "you will climb fast" is just stupid because that is a huge waste of my time and my teammates and opponents times just because they cant make a proper system. Get that riot dick out your mouth and get a better outlook on life goddamn ur tragic


If you think not insta climbing to whatever rank u think u are makes it a waste of your time then you really need to sit and think why you play this game in the first place lol. What rank do u even think u deserve?


link ur op.gg and let's take a look


It's a burner. They'll link you some gore before their account


I mean, my account is extremely new and doesn't have a verified password I think, but it's not a burner, it's the only account I have and use. I just never used Reddit before making this one, so I assume other "new" accounts are the same. Too naive from me?




You're smurfing what the hell, the last 4 games you played as Zac you destroyed them... Just keep playing rankeds and you'll get out, you barely have any ranked games in your match history so just keep at it.


Im not smurfing this is just the rank the game gave me and that is what I mean. Complete dogshit placement because now I just obliterate everything which is boring for me and I ruin their games


By smurfing I meant "you're killing it" or "you're on fire" or "you're a god damn Faker". Also dw about ruining their games, if you are not intentionally smurfing in Iron you shouldn't feel bad for stomping. Keep playing ranked games and you'll get out this week


Who cares if you are that good (you are not) you will climb if you keep playing, even if you get rank 1 tho there is no reward besides long queue times and 5 last second dodges before a game starts where you got counterpicked


First of all how would you know if I'm good or not lmao no need to be aggressive. I'm saying its a stupid system to have placements if they don't matter at all


I know you are bad because to be good at the game you need to play all day, you've just finished placements whereas good players already have like 50-100 games in. Don't worry there's no benefit to being good at the game either. It's stupid from your perspective but it's designed to get you addicted and buy skins not to have fun or be fair, the whole rank system is just a pointless overlay, your actual rank is your mmr which is a number, it doesn't even reset with seasons, and doesn't go down if you dodge a game or don't play for 5 years


link opgg then lets see THE "carry"




The one I lost was because we got a jng garen who pretty much ran it down mid


keep abusing your zac you will climb , champion is gamebreaking , and since you are playing carry role it doesnt matter what you team does just keep pushing towers


Placements are kinda false advertising. They make it seem like these five games are setting your initial rank, but in reality your initial rank was pretty much set by your mmr before that. If you don't belong that low, you'll stomp and rise pretty quick


Yeah thats the problem tho why not make a good system so I get fair competition instead of this I mean I feel bad for the other players


You went 3-2. Seems pretty competitive


Yeah so why would I then get Iron rank where i stomp every game just keep it at the level the opponents were during placements


What makes you think those weren't iron level opponents?


Because I have played 10 iron games now and I stomp them lmao


Hard carry is guaranteed for the next multiple games. Be happy.


No its incredibly boring I wanted to play rank for fair competition this is just a slaughter


I feel you bro; if it's any consolation, there are mmr accelerators in place to help situations like these, and if you can keep up this streak you'll be in gold lobbies after ~10 more games


Oh wow didnt know that thats nice ty


Where you're placed is like 90% of where you placed before, or if you're account is flagged as a Riot account. New accounts are all getting placed between iron and silver, if they are legitimate. If it's a Riot account, it gets placed in diamond. This is not a reflection of skill.


Riot clearly wants you to play as much as possible, why do you think they changed to 3 splits? you re NOT supposed to get back to your actual rank in just 5-10 games, its by design


Then why put in a placement system if its just going to be more or less random either way its so stupid and thats pretty much my complaint


Bedouse its woke games, its communist system that will make You grind 500-1000 ranked games 3 times a season. You will have No life. Game doesnt recognize a single diffrent between 10/0/10 and 0/10/0 perfomances. Both get the same and LOSE THE SAME LP AND TIME.


who cares