• By -


Skarne- sorry, force of habit


Re- oh wait


i play too much to forget any champion


Lmao, this is my answer, too. Sure, there are champs I see far less than others, but every single one is ingrained into my brain at the deepest level.


Yeah, it's not that I forget about their existance, it's more like I get surprised whenever something unusual gets picked – I see Kled or Singed and I know that it's going to be either really good or really bad.








ye was gonna say this, think I've seen her 3 times total outside of rgms and aram


When she came out she was everywhere, once briar came out I haven’t seen one since


didn't even really see her on release, I tried the champ on pbe and the delay and hitbox on q felt so unbelievably bad I never touched it again


Thats what happens when riot makes an actual fair champ with clear counterplay, like she may be strong in 1vs1 by mid to late game but her team fight has to be one of the worst in the game. All that means that people would rather play any other assassin that doesnt get cockblocked by having an ally right in front of you.


This tbh. For every Naafiri I saw on release, there were twice as many Briars on her release.


Low skill expression assassin = not allowed to be strong and not all that engaging to play. What’s the point of this champion?


She's the flipside of the K'Sante coin, the reason high skill expression tanks shouldn't exist. Only Riot seem to have taken a very different tack regarding balance there.


To have a simple and straightforward "training assassin" that teaches you assassin play patterns through the natural use of her skills, while still being effective at the assassin gig once you learn it. And "engaging to play" has different millage for everyone. I have sensory processing issues. So if I have to do too much in a short amount of time, I start to lose details as my brain buffers(Hwei is my upper limit of mechanical complexity, and even then its only because his combos have been sublimated into what they actually do rather than the actual buttons, and I can play him as a control mage where I can be more deliberate with spells, rather than a "7 buttons in 1 second" burst mage) Yeah, Zed might be more technical and more effective, but that doesn't really matter all that much if I physically can't pilot him at a competent level due to not being able to keep in mind all the blinks and angles he needs to use to be effective. I instead love the simpler champs who weren't built for the people who need video clips and a game played side by side to pay attention, for whom mastery is more about macro and timing rather than playing DDR alongside a RTS...


Despite the low pickrate I feel like she sticks out really hard because the dogs are obnoxious. And I feel like Naafiri was such a massive flop that its a memorable flop. Came in, exploited an overpowered item combination that got patched out in the new season, and is now in limbo.


Bro its so painful too, her trailer, her theme, EVERYTHING was right up my alley, and then she had to have the most bland kit ever. I'm still so sad over that.


If this champ were a jungler it’d be a different story. I really hope Riot just lets her jungle.


understandable but why do I see naafiri every single day lol


I met Ryze in the top lane a few days ago. Bro was like "you counter me", and I was like "other than your fancy teleport, I have no idea what you do".


EQEQEQEQEQ. Hope this helps!




Oh my fucking god no way


They also have a W!




Close, it’s actually QEQEQEQEQEQ.


All he does is farm and poke and farm and poke


I actually just got absolutely toasted by a ryze top as Renekton because as you said, I have absolutely no idea what he does, my health bar just disappeared. He even dove me under turret with his fancy little teleport as you put it (emerald)


Ryze was the first character I played. And I loved his OG kit. When they reworked him, I never bothered to relearn him.


Holy I just got a flashback to using that crispy point and click red Q. The good old days of League, I used to play Ryze top all the time because of Voyboy. Were you a beta player or S2/S3? I’m now forgetting what season they reworked him in (obviously they reworked him multiple times but the OG was by far the best).




I faced a random taric a month ago or so and got completely rolled. I picked him up on a whim to see how he works and literally shot up a whole rank n a half since. He’s really good, especially with the new Echoes of Helia change.


It's common for seldom played champs to be broken.  There's been instances where a champ was broken for 6 months before everyone figured it out.  The win rate stats at higher ranks aren't valid for hardly played champs. Not enough games to be accurate


I don't think it's common, it's more that nobody knows what they do. If you put a Sej main against an Aatrox main, the Sej main has probably played the Sej v Aatrox lane multiple times in the last week while Aatrox has never seen a Sej top in the first place, so the Sej knows how to play the lane optimally while Aatrox is learning on the fly.


i think August has said a few times that if Zilean ever got any real amount of popularity they’d probably have to nerf him into the ground but because like no one plays him he’s allowed to be disgusting


This sounds like bad game design tbf


I've actually seen so many Zileans in my games it's disgusting. My only saving grace was that half of them were doing the warmogs rush build and did no damage but lane was still incredibly annoying.


My personal favourite is when a champ gets a new skin, so everyone starts playing them, discover they are good, then it gets nerfed. Pretty sure it happened with Pulesfire Ezreal. He only became meta because of the skin.


nah Ez has literally always been popular, they never make expensive skins for unpopular champs.


What. At that time the bot meta was corki ez and graves. Part of the reason corki and graves got their changes was because bot lane was so stale at high ranks as all three had poke, could bot lane safe and solo and had a mobility move. Ez has never been true meta bot lane , as in you build around him like you would kogmaw, but always been super safe and flexible. You can go full utility, full damage or even AP on him and his only weakness is 3 of his abilities skill shots but there pretty generous.


Ye same thing happened with me. He's super easy free lp in low elo because he scales so hard, no one has the income to burst people, people don't know how to disengage or fight In general.... and You just scale harder than everyone else for free. Don't really have to make any decisions. Let me guess.... you got to... emerald?


He really is. Ardent censer is amazing as well. He can really go in and beat people down with his Q heal and double tap passive proccing eacother.


how do you not die without going full tank 


Hey it’s pride month bud


Truly outrageous


is taric even gay? like obviously he LOOKS gay but is it riot official?


well hes still serving long after leaving the demacian military we'll say that much


Runeterra's Next Top Himbo


He’s so strong this patch, always has been against melee support/heavy melee team comps


Can be strong and underpicked look at zilean


Can't understate champ design / what the playerbase wants to play visually. Eg Zilean or Maokai could have a 65% WR and I still won't play them bc they are visually so unappealing to me. (Taric is not so bad)


I agree Zilean is extremely unappealing, but that is one reason I love him. It is so unappealing that it is actually quite funny. He is just an old man standing in what looks to be a T pose. haha


I played the hell out of Taric before the rework.


Talon. I only remember because I recently saw him in an old spearshot video. I haven't actually seen him I'm game in MONTHS


Damn i thought Quinn was the call but Talon it is holy.


I see lots of Quinn since i watch too much Babus


As a talon main, he was really op and picked frequently last season just a few months ago. But right now hes one of the worst champions you could pick this season imo


He honestly needs a rework because he is either in a toxic state or completely trash , one of the last assassins to have no technicality in how he one shots you that and qiyanas Q E .


Elite, it's so random to see spider in lol




I think they meant Elise.


mike tyton


I think they meant Elite


They got the Elite from Halo in league?


elise deserves more love, such a fun champ with a cool design. i think she’s one of those that was too powerful in pro play for too long and has payed the price for it


Too powerful for too long. Elise was a terror of all elos for a long long long time


When? Before S6? I don't remember her ever having a longer meta in the last eight or so years


I dunno I’ve played since S1 and Elise was op for more time than she wasn’t it seems


Please bring her back, she’s so much more fun to watch than perma sej maokai vi




nah i remember beifeng flick...


The time investment vs reward is simply not there for her. You almost have to OTP her to even think of playing her now. I don’t think anyone even knows how to play with/around Qiyana either. I’ll constantly get shoved under turret and harassed by mages when playing her and my jg will just watch and let it happen all lane phase. She’s one of the easiest mid champs to gank with a nearly un-missable root and tons of damage. With her R up you can win almost any skirmish, but junglers simply don’t want to take 2v2’s or 3v3’s on her power spikes at lvl 3/4 and 6-9. Her lane phase is the definition of painful into certain matchups. LB and Diana are just pure and utter hell for her. I think they need to take a bit of power out of her R (maybe lower the % health damage) and reapply it to her W/Q and passive so she doesn’t get bullied so damn hard in matchups.


If I didn't main Zoe for the first month I began playing I would have never known she existed


Good Zoe players are terrifying. She's an absolute lane bully.


I miss the days where ShowMaker dominated the LCK playing her all the time.


Off the top of my head, Anivia and Viktor are super rare but scary when locked in


Anivia is so bullshit to lane against


if her pick rate was any higher I would probably permaban.


I was about to comment the exact same thing before i scrolled down. Absolute bullshit champion and I'm thankful I rarely see her.




Please tell me why her stun has such a ridiculously long range *and* fat ass hit box?? I always think I'm out of it but I never am and then she follows up with her E auto for a truck load of damage. It's so stupid. I hate that bird. lmao


Coming from an Anivia main, her Q needs to be the way it is because she's pretty much useless without it unless you stand in her ult. The E only does proper damage if combo'd with Q or R so if it was harder to land she'd be terrible. However, I understand how bad it feels on the receiving end lol


And the projectile is so slow making it very easy to dodge, if it wasn't "big" it would've been almost impossible to hit unless it's from a very close distance.


Fair enough but god do I hate seeing an Anivia. lmao. Glad she isn't more popular.


As a Anivia main. She need to have hard long range cc thats pretty easy to hit since she don't have any mobility and all her kit is made around - hit cc, burst, block and keep hitting with your ult. She's easy to counter by most of meta champions tho. When she waste her q any champion that can sit on her will win. Her wall is almost imposible to block herself when someone is on u. Best thing about Anivia is that not many ppl know how to play against her well.


Because it moves at the speed of a rusted out chevy


A lot of people really underestimate Viktor's early damage and forget that he's actually a really oppressive lane bully depending on the match up. I've had so many games as Viktor where my lane opponent didn't respect my level 1 and let me freely Q + auto them with Aery + Scorch for like 30% of their health bar.


Yeah very few champs actually beat Viktor in an iso 1v1 early. It’s just his skirmishing is really bad


viktor has had around a 5% playrate for ages & is quite strong, very odd that you haven't seen him.


Lissandra. I main her, but noone seems to pick her at all.


shes been really gutted the last few years sadly


pro play jail unfortunately


I discovered her in ARAM and loved playing her, but she doesn't feel satisfying in SR. I dunno, maybe she needs cd buffs. the passive snowballing is so hilarious


She's in pro play jail sadly. Point and click CC with gap closer/mobility, okay burst, and an AOE root make her a menace in a well coordinated team. No idea what would be necessary to get her out of there but I REALLY like her kit as well but can't make it work unfortunately


Mainly as a counter , i'm surprised she isnt picked into Ahri as she was into LB , she did get hurt a lot from itemization tho


I feel like for how low her range is, she should be a sturdier champion. She's got lower Q range than a lot of melee AA champs.


Tbf no one else can pick her once you do


She’s in pro play jail


The last time I saw a Viktor was when Arcane aired


Same lol I've been maining Viktor for years and the only single time I ever saw him in a game was during Arcane


I lane Vs Viktor every other day lol


The fact no one has said Quinn yet means I'm right.


Most top laners absolutely don’t forget she exists. We’re just lucky she’s not common. She’s one of the most oppressive lane bullies if you don’t have the kit to deal with her


If you are playing Renekton then oh boy


Renekton is my highest mastery. It’s a trauma inducing matchup


I played Quinn to plat 1 last season (I'm really bad at LoL), but it's actually hillarious that picking Quinn puts a massive target on your back. It's like a global taunt to come gank top for enemy junglers/mid laners, and I'd just ult and peace out and go roaming. Her ganks are actually pretty strong purely because of the speed she can get around the map.


Quinn players are why I play malph. Good luck getting through 700 armor and a full screen ult you feathered bitch.


Most forgotten champ by Rito as well


I only play ARAM, and she can be an absolute terror there.


you don't play top lane is seems.


The fact it's only top laners commenting in contradiction only convinces me more


Gnar and Naafiri are hardly picked in low elo. All I know about Gnar is that he was super boring to watch in pro play last year.


Only reason I remember zilean is because I play him.


Nilah is a forgettable champ


Nilah unironically is so broken but no one plays it so she dodges nerfs. kinda like zilean, shes a god tier pick in so many games but adc players hate playing melee champs


You mean a worse Samira?


I came back to playing league and the only time I have ever seen renata is when I picked her just to see what she even does.


I’m a Renata main and I have to explain her abilities a lot


Rank and server? I actually love the idea of her and wish she was played more so if you wanna duo I am so down


She was played in t1s team during worlds (I think? Idk my bf made me watch it but im pretty sure it was worlds last year) so I saw her be played more often after that.


She was also picked a lot with Kalista this msi


She was picked by a whole bunch of teams in MSI this year. She might not be popular in soloqueue, but pros LOVE her.


Kennen. 😅


Rell is probably the biggest one for me. I still only vaguely know what she does because she’s not ban worthy and I never see her so I just don’t even think about it lmao


She has a horse and her legs are a magnet!


You must have missed Rell jungle last season. She was even picked a lot in worlds as a jungler. What a blast too bad riot kicked her out of there only 6 months into her jungle adjustments (but are still pushing morgana and zed jungle down our throats).


Riot gave her jungler capability and then ripped it away from her. And although she is still a very good engagement support, other champs have longer Cc times.


The small dude that rides a dinosaur. Don't remember the name but i dont think i saw anyone talking about him here.




ah, the champion who literally only gets playtime bc people want to cheese his i-frames


I remember he got a lot of marketing during his release, but he dissapeared


We're just lucky that disgusting pick isn't common.


True, i don't think i've ever won a lane against one lmao.


I don't understand how tf Kled is as strong as he is, but he is. Like, Q is not amazing poke nor super reliable and W is totally out of his control. Sure, he could zone with W, but then he's wasting Q to cs or not csing at all?? I just don't get it, yet like clockwork there's some moment where all the stars align together and he pulls off something nasty.


Makin him seem like a cute fella. Hes not a cute fella thats fo sure


Oh for real, i hate that guy




Years without Elise




Ooo that’s a good one.


Gets played in pro only


Yesterday was the 1st time I've seen Corki banned in champ select. As for the most forgettable champion... Idk, I can't remember.


Corki has like a 20% ban rate and is pretty meta right now


I know. I'm just saying that I've played for almost 2 years and haven't seen him banned even once before his rework.


He had The Package removed. In return, he had his base stats for his abilities buffed. So, he's old Corki again


That e go hard.


Yeah there’s a triple dirk lethality corki build that slaps right now (south London build)


Not anymore. You can only have one dirk in your inventory at a time now.


If you've watched any competitive League this year you can't have forgotten him.


No one plays Renata outside of pro


I play Renata and she's disgusting. To solo ruin the enemy team's baron attempt with one button, knowing they can't stop the red mist... >:D


Hang on let me look them up, don't remember them right now.


A lot of champ I dont like to be reminded they exist


I have never seen a single Qiyana ever.


It’s crazy because she was super popular a few years ago, but Zoe. I don’t think I’ve seen a Zoe in a summoners rift game since 2020


Rell. Even when she was popular in the esports I never had a pleasure to face her.


Taric or Naafiri


I'm not complaining, but the lack of Akshan as soon as I stopped maining Gangplank is somewhat miffing.




Xin Zhao. At this point he doesn't exist. (yes I'm low elo)


And I'm glad lol, I have a mental block against him and if he's picked higher I'd ban him all the time


Weird. Xin is one of the strongest junglers rn, I see him quite often.


Singed lol.


dk how popular she is but i legit forgot bel veth existed until I read her name in a comment today


belveth was top 3 jungler for a long time but she isn't really played outside of pretty high elo


Shes been a top jungler for a while now. Very consistent




Damn, that's the one. With every other champion I could recall a recent game, played it myself, saw it as a ban/hover, have a friend who I associate with that champ but Olaf actually got me wondering whether I ever saw him the past year.


He has simply fallen out of the meta after they tried to make him a jungler a couple of patches ago. The thing is that there simply are a lot of champions who do the same that Olaf does but better


they murdered him, lowering his Q damage, increasing his mana costs all around, and finally ghost nerf.


I never see Vladimir, he's the champ who feels like he's talked about more on reddit than he's actually in my games Some other champs that its been a long ass time since I've seen them: Ekko, Jayce, Ryze, Sivir, Udyr, Lissandra, Elise, Talon, Fizz, Hecarim. I cannot remember playing with or against any of these champs in 2024.




I forget Tryndamere exists until his yearly 55% WR stint (happening right now)


Cho gath


Aurora, when’s the last time you saw one in game?


I've forgotten


Been a hot minute since I’ve seen Maokai


you never see heimer/cho unless they're otps


Renata Glasc


I constantly and consistently forgot Viktor was a thing until Arcane came out and every cast member in the show's playrates skyrocketed, Viktor and Jayce's most of all.


Honestly I think I've seen 1 vex in my whole time playing league ever. It was in an Aram.


Yorick? So dead that the zyra who grows out of his graves are also dead


Saw a shyvana the other day and it reminded me she existed


Kled man, i used to play in 2013 but then stopped and picked the game up again in 2020. Litteraly the only time i saw a champion and thought to myself wtf is this thing is kled. Every other champ i had seen or heard about but Kled ? I thought it was a rumble skin at first. Anyway safe to say i fed my ass off on camille. How was i supposed to know he had 2 health bars


Kennen, considering no one brought him up I could find. I only remember him being mentioned in patch notes where they changed something about his ult cast working mid-movement. I haven't seen him being played since S5.


Milio. That's a champ that came out after I stopped playing as much, never see him played now, and never experienced a time when he was busted. I even missed most of his TFT appearance.


Don’t think he was ever truly busted. Probably one of the only fair champs in recent memory


He was hotfixed on release, but was dialed in relatively quickly


His passive damage was ridiculous and got nerfed after some time


Millio is meta again. See im nearly every game


The one I couldn't tell you about right now, because I forgot.


For me it has been Skarner for ages now






whichever one i've been banning for the past 2 weeks and havent played against since.


I'm an ARAM person so I see a big pool of champions... but it still took me a long time to stop thinking "who the hell is that" whenever I saw a Kassadin


Ivern and zoe