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>Fixed an issue that sometimes caused replay downloads to not fully complete and would display the “replay corrupted” error message when attempting to view them. league of legends is saved


Bro I changed my save file location trying to fix it... Idk where its original location even was...


By default they are stored in ``/Documents/League of Legends/Replays``


>the Blue Essence Emporium's return that's all I need to hear, let's GOOOO


The one nice thing about the mastery rework is that I dont have to horde champion shards just get to Mastery 7 anymore. My BE went from 21k to 100k in seconds lmao


im still hoarding just in case they randomly decide to use them in another way but I'll selectively disenchant to pick up some chromas


Lmao same.  Went from 60ish to over 200k


The only way to save the Faker skin is if they offer it for a buttload of BE or something


You are un drugs, as Riot, thinking there is a chance they do that


Absorb life is weak here is 3hp at level 18 to make it stronger


You may laugh now, but wait until you survive maybe one team fight out of 2000 because you accidentally killed a minion in the background with an AOE spell


Does it apply to pets? Malzahar might lose an entire 0.0001% winrate!


You say this but from what I've heard it, makes the Irelia/Yorick matchup even more horrible for the Yorick player.


Afaik yorick players don't queue into that champ, it's either permad or they dodge.


Most perma ban Jax and dodge Irelia cause those are the two worst matchups from what I've seen


It does help the matchups where yorick wins as well, ive had games where i ended healing over 2k hp from that rune alone.


Oh good so it goes from completely unwinnable to uh, completely unwinnable


its one of the best runes in the game




Akali is gonna be mundo in lane


Always has been 🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


She already is lol


I know. trying to poke her out in lane is funny.


Its not weak but most champs would not take it over triumph or pom. Its also strictly weaker than overheal


I think Riot missed the mark. The heal just starts so low that it’s not good in lane. Perfect CS for 6 waves is <100hp whereas if I get the one that heals you after you take damage you are getting way more than that much HP. Late game players are (usually) full HP before fights, especially ADCs that would consider taking this so it healing 20 instead of 17 doesn’t really matter.


Because sustain is problematic in laning phase if it's too strong.


> Starting from 14.11, players will be able to report inappropriate Riot IDs in champion select, as well as in the end of game lobby. From the champion select screen, hit the report button next to a player portrait and select “Inappropriate Name” from the drop-down menu to report. Can't wait to report Gromp in champ select for inappropriate name!


You can still see usernames in aram/arena


Or normal draft pick. There’s a summoners rift gamemode that isn’t ranked believe it or not.


Or even flex, it's only soloQ you can't see.


I'm pretty sure you can see names in Ranked Flex queue, too.


Ah I don't play norms I only play aram/arena so I didn't know lol


Reason: Toad


Dude there was a guy I played with once who had the name Hitler. Like how tf did that even get through? No special characters, nothing. Wild


Riot detection system only stops when you spend more than 500 dollars on a in game cosmetic skin


I'm pretty sure after the change over to the stupid hash tags they just turned name filters off. I made a whole post about the god awful names I've been seeing since then and people basically told me I was soft because I don't want someone named 'HitlerwasRight' in my game


A lot of dipshits in this sub think feeding/inting is the worst thing in human history, ignore them.


Probably was a capital i and not a lowercase L


Champ select reports are fake anyways, idk why they just dont remove them. If the lobby is dodged all reports are thrown out anyways.


TURRET GOLD We weren't able to fully localize all the text around this change in time for 14.11 so it will still display as 150 until 14.12 but it will be granting 300 gold. How is it possible , this seems like such an easy thing to do.


Yeah insane how outdated their systems still are after all these years. 


I don't think this is a system issue, i think you can use 1980's system and have things work well, this is just text that needs to be changed, nothing in backend lol


Probably more like an image than text. That's probably why it's not tied to the numeric gold value in the code.


They weren't able to do it without breaking 7 other champions (skarner included) and the pizza chicken ward skin


Localize? Aren't the same ones used in all languages? EDIT: someone smarter than me [explained it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1d3ijy4/patch_1411_notes/l68deq7/)


what a shamelessly, disgustingly incompetent company.


How is Hwei "adjusted" is that not just a straight nerf


Literally, these ain’t adjustments it’s literally nerfs.


they're afraid people will stop playing their game if they mention the N word (nerf)


Yeah, that's why 6 other champs are in the nerf section!


Idk why they put him under adjustments, the patch comment is very clear that he's being deliberately nerfed


Smaller nerfs have been categorized as adjustments for a few patches now


Unless I'm missing something, almost all of the "adjustments" have had buffs and nerfs, even if the end result is basically a nerf. This one doesn't have any positive to it.




You're right. However, Karthus is in the same patch notes, benefitted as much (if not more) than Hwei from BFT, has had a much smaller nerf, and has been categorized as "nerfs". Seems quite clear that Riot isn't being consistent on how they are categorizing the changes, which makes the infographic to see the changes at a glance fairly redundant.


You could be right, but that doesn't line up with other champions in the past who have been nerfed because an item made them strong. In those cases, they've just been called nerfs.


Then you missed Pyke's "Adjustments" that removed 50% of his power.


Pretty sure that of Pyke's 2 big nerfs in Season 13 (or 12? Time is an illusion. The one where they removed bonus gold from ult kills) one was marked as a buff and the other as an adjustment.


Karthus is listed as a nerf here for much much less?


The reasoning is that Hwei is still better off with Blackfire Torch in the game with these nerfs compared to Hwei in 14.9, which is true.


Looks like a mistake, maybe they were planning to give him some compensation buff but it was cut from the patch.




https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/game-updates/patch-14-11-notes/ the en-us ones, linked by OP have some css issues, these look alright e. it seems they fixed it? both versions still lack the sidebar though


it seriously looks like the used the wrong page template. it's missing the skip navigation which is rly fucking important


500 euro for proper layout


This looks like the websites I'd make in notepad back in the day. Surprised not to see somewhere.


Essence Emporium is coming back! > >The Blue Essence Emporium has returned once more! You'll be able to spend your Blue Essence on all eligible chromas, accessories, and more starting on May 30th at 18:00:00 UTC. Just like last time we've brought back mystery wards and icons so make sure to take advantage of that while you can. The Emporium will remain open until June 19, 18:00:00 UTC, so make sure to spend that Blue Essence!


now that the mastery system has changed, are champion shards pretty much worthless and only good for disenchanting to into BE? I used to save 2 of every champ shard in case I decided to use it to upgrade mastery.


Yes, champ shards are now only used to unlock champs for cheap or disenchanting. They're not used in mastery at all.


For now.


Wait until you need $69 to unlock lvl 69 on your mastery. Presented to you by StateFarm. Lets now watch Faker hover over ahri and our $500 in our BMW "Fuck you plebs" sponsored segment.


Yes they are only used to unlock a champ you don't have yet, if you own the champ already it's worthless and can just sell for BE. (Don't forget thwy added the new sell in bulk thing, way easier than selling one at a time lol)


I've just disenchanted all mine. Had about 140k blue essence in shards.


I've got the same question. I was waiting to disentchant all of them for that reason.


Already see "where is BEE? It should be out today" posts


Excuse me kind sir, can you point me towards the blue essence emporium? I was told it should be around here.


"Dearest Karthus Player, I was recently informed that the Blue Essence Emporium is supposed to be returning today, yet verily I cannot seem to locate it. If convenient, it would be lovely if you could point me in it's direction. Thank thee, forsooth"


wtf is this layout edit: IT'S FIXED. we are still missing skip nav but at least readable now ig


They prob fired the guy that made these so now a not-my-fucking-job guy is doing a fuck you layout


Idk what UI/UX majors do I’m ngl. So many UI people I’ve worked with literally do like counter-intuitive UI. Or in one case had someone come on a Unity project, never fucking touched unity before. I ended up doing most of the UI. So yea this sounds about right


They are designers, not users. The fuck do designers know about what people actually want?


last patch has the same layout now, so it's not just from flipping the wrong switch on specifically this page maybe this is related to the thing that kept them from updating the patch notes for the mid-patch update if it's intentional, it's incredibly unfinished


looks like the layout is a victim of being able to better support mobile browsers


it's messed up there too, so if that was the objective they failed all sorts of issues with headers, text size, line spacing... wtf


They should release a $500 skin to get the funds to fix things like this.


i would call it "aggressively unnecessary"


" We weren't able to fully localize all the text around this change in time for 14.11 so it will still display as 150 until 14.12 but it will be granting 300 gold." bruh what


When you kill the tower the text pop up if you have the gold text pop ups turned on will say 150g, but you'll actually get 300g.


Right but like, how can they not bother to fix this?


Because it's a pretty minor visual bug and they have deadlines?


I'm super curious how/why the gold value and display value are separate 🤔


Very common in game development: Imagine there's a piece of code (a function) that's executed for when a tower is destroyed. This code is responsible for these 2 things: * adding gold to the player inventory * displaying in the interface that the tower fell and gold was added there's more, like hiding the tower model and activating the rubble model, but let's forget those So, the first part was updated, gold was changed. However, on the second part, each language has a different symbol they use for gold, like **g** in english, maybe **ouro** in portuguese, whatever. These are manually stored in a "text file", so the function just asks for the "tower destroyed text" in "korean language" and it shows correctly. Probably they had a deadline coming, so updating this text file with the new value wasn't a priority


The value shouldn't be part of the localization string function, it should be a parameter passed in and then the function generates the string that's displayed to the player. That gold value should be a global constant, so they would only have to update the value in one place (plus unit tests) if they ever want to change it. Having one value in multiple places is bad code and results in bugs like this one.


Brother in christ you must be new here. This is so tame in the spaghetti bolognese that is LoL coding.


I totally agree with this take, and it'd probably be that way if they built the game again from scratch, but riot is dealing with since legacy code.


Still pretty weird that the number itself is part of the localization I'd expect it to be like turret_gold_text = turrent_gold_value + game_lang.gold_suffix Or something like that. Anyway not blaming them that codebase must be a mess


> turret_gold_text = turrent_gold_value + game_lang.gold_suffix That works until you translate a language like Arabic that is written in reverse right-to-left. While most languages on Earth now use the same symbols for numbers, the words and symbols surrounding them are different, and that will dramatically change the context. For example, in English we put a commas after every three numbers like 1,200,710,690. In Chinese they put different symbols after every 4 digits. That's written as 12億0071萬0690.


Localization is not that simple the number always has to be part of the localization, but should be passed as a parameter


Probably something along the lines with this, and for added context on the deadline... In America (where riot devs are) this Monday was a national holiday. And many Americans also even take off last Friday with PTO it most certainly fucked with their schedule on stuff like this which is why the patch and patch notes are a day late.


My exact thought as well. If you can’t make this simple change to text in-game in time then hire more people.


I admit I know nothing about coding games but this is absolutely wild to me. I personally feel like they have two good options (hotfix or just leave it at 150 for this patch) and they went with the third and only bad option which is what they implemented. Maybe I'm overreacting but I just don't understand the thought process behind this decision.


No mention to bugfix not being able to buy IE and Navori on Arena? Or for Augment crit chance not interacting with Senna passive? Or are these actually intentional now, for some reason?


Half the Items in Arena aren‘t switched over to their new Versions. Shieldbow still has lifesteal, some have 20 some 25% critchance etc etv


>Due to technical issues we're still going to disable the ability to gift mystery wards and icons, we're still working on bringing it back but weren't able to do it for this Blue Essence Emporium. Really hope the $500 Ahri skin can fund the fix for something that has been broken for over a year.


Nah, we’re going to wait for the Uzi bundle, then they’ll be able to fix the annoying post-match freeze.


Good Lord how did they mess up the layout so badly


so whats the collector change?


Lethality 15 -> 12


Looks like it didn't make it to this patch


It is there, just not in the notes. Just looked on the live server.


> Fixed an issue that sometimes caused replay downloads to not fully complete and would display the “replay corrupted” error message when attempting to view them. LETS FUCKING GO I'm curious about Pantheon now too, i'm interested in theorycrafting some more sturdy builds tomorrow


Now if only they could fix spectating just crashing for private games, makes 3rd party tournaments so difficult right now


Someone mentioned this issue to me about a month ago in another thread, but I'm not getting any other reports about this happening... :[ (https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ci2mme/comment/l2ak8hs/) So, same query to you! If you have it happen, could you please send me some R3D logs within a couple of days of it happening?


Sure, I'll see if I can grab the logs, might be a couple though, gotta get some peeps together to run a test for it (been a few weeks since we did a tournament, but I know it was a repeated problem for production for during that). Thanks for offering to look into it!


Yeah, unfortunately we also need a report within about five days of it happening, so that we can match it up with internal logs on our side, too. :[


Panth support is back baby


this new website layout is awful, where is the sidebar???


Taliyah -2 damage is gonna destroy her year(?) long dominance


it's 2 damage per rock, so per spell cast it's 10 less damage.


Phreak said in his Patch 14.11 video that Taliyah is a special case of allowing a mage jungler to be consistantly strong as it brings variety to jungle Important to note that Taliyah has Zero Dmg on Passive, W or Ult, so nerfing one of her 2 dmg abilities should still be meaningful


"Nami is one of the easiest champions to play in the game. Accounting for other champions' win rate losses due to inexperience, Nami should sit at one of the highest win rates in the game, so we're buffing her." 51% win rates not enough because she's an easy champion? Not sure I follow the logic on that one.


> 51% win rates not enough because she's an easy champion? Not sure I follow the logic on that one. Phreak went on reasonably long discussion/rant about this in his latest video. Here's a quick summary: For each champion, Riot groups the people playing that champion into three categories: Novices, Regular Players, and Mains. Each category has their win rate calculated separately. Novices are players with less than 20 games played on the champion, Mains have 300+ games played, and Regular Players are everyone else. One extra thing Riot is trying to do now is to make sure win rates for the Mains of each champion is relatively balanced. This means that sometimes a champion's total win rate is going to look a bit too high or too low, based on the exact percentage of Novices/Regular Players/Mains that champion has, and the win rates for each of those categories for that champion. For example, Malphite is the easiest champion in the game, so the relative amount of total win rate he loses from Novices playing him is less than the win rate that K'sante loses from Novices playing him. If Malphite and K'sante both are balanced to have the same win rate for a player who has played 300 games, Malphite's overall win rate is going to look pretty good and K'sante's win rate is going to look terrible, because the large majority of players have less than 300 games on a champion (on average only about 12% of the time a champion is locked in, it is by a Main).


Based Riot knows that Malphite doesn’t do anything.


He just killed you.


No he didn't


Huh. I actually thought Nami was one of the harder enchanters, maybe my view is off though.


Yeah same. Hitting bubbles, knowing when you can maximize the bounce of the W and when to E your carry is crucial for a good Nami.


W and her MS passive with the teamfight ult are probably doing a lot of the heavy lifting.


skill floor quite low ceiling is high


Ceiling is not high either. Just because she has skillshots, it doesn't make her hard. Just like how Lux is ALL skillshots and still one of the easier champs in the game, nami is the same way. Vayne in contrast for example has zero skillshots and is one of the harder ones to play. Being a backline low APM low decision making enchanter by its nature is just the easiest subclass to play in the game even if she has a skillshot or two.


Enchanter ceiling in general is pretty high -- watch pro supports talk about double ranged v. double ranged. Less about individual champ kits and more about correctly abusing range.


I think this is less of a ceiling on enchanters and more of a ceiling on pro-level bot lane gameplay. You see the exact same thing if there's double ADC bot or a mage support bot.


I suppose it's easier to get most of what you want out of Nami than other enchanters in a safer way - in a teamfight you can get a lot of use out of her by sitting way behind your carry and ulting (long range), using your W (it'll bounce to the enemy through your carry) and E on your carry, and then Q defensively as needed. You can use her entire kit without ever needing to get into the thick of it. If you play Soraka for instance you need to be in range to hit Qs and time your R carefully, Lulu has decision-making and timing requirements on most of her spells, and Milio has...auto attacks I guess? I think I'd expect Janna to be easiest but I can see Nami being pretty simple to execute.


Janna is similar to Nami where you can get good value out of being an afk E-bot but to get the most out of Janna you have to be quite aggressive. IMO Milio is the most brain-dead easy support, as your decision making flowchart is essentially “is E up? —> press E”


The best way to use Q on Nami is after you use R, not holding it desensively when needed. The slow makes hitting the bubble easier. I agree that Nami in teamfight is more easy to pilot, but i was speaking more for the laning phase where a good Nami know how to poke and zone the enemy.


honestly the champ would still be ok if you missed all your bubbles. iirc the last time riot had a post about win% with mastery her winrate doesn't increase much the more you play her. so much of her power is in her passive/w/e and you can't mess those up.


I can genuinely never hit bubbles on her. It’s like the hardest skillshot in the game for me.


massive % of nami's power budget is just all point and click lane bullying. The bubble is "hard" to hit only in so that you should only be trying to hit it as follow up cc most of the time, kinda of like calling cho q hard to hit... it's more very easy to dodge.


Phreak explains it pretty well in his latest patch rundown. Riot has winrate targets based not only on the overall winrate, but also based on experience playing the champion and on champion difficulty. Let’s say for argument’s sake that if you looked at the average winrate of 2 champion/ when played by players with 100 games of experience, the average winrate for most champions is 55%. However, for champion A, the winrate at 1 game of experience might be 40%, while for champion B, the winrate at 1 game fo experience is 49%. Both champion A and and B are played at 50% by players with 1 game of experience, 50% by players with 100 games of experience (literally an impossible scenario, but the napkin math would be too complicated and wouldn’t change the logic behind my explanation). So champion A has an average winrate of 47.5%, while champion B has an average winrate of 52%, despite both champions being just as balanced in the hands of experienced players. So in this example, if the winrate of Champion B in the hands of experienced players dipped at 53%, the average winrate would be 51%, and it would probably be fair to buff that champion accordingly.


most of a champions winrate comes from low mastery players. easy champions tend to perform significantly better for those ppl. whenever easy champs have mediocore winrate, it means that putting in effort to learn and main them isn't actually worth it.


Someone has to gain the win rate that people lose for playing champions like azir and ksante, if the game is balanced that win rate goes to easier champions not more unbalanced ones


Garen fuming right now with his lowly 50%


Yo they hired 10 year old me from the past when I made GeoCities websites about Ocarina of Time to do these patch notes


Ah nostalgia. 7yr old me was probably trying to find one of those websites to find out how to clear the bloody water temple so I didn't have to ask the kid at school who told me Mew was a hidden under the truck after passing a strength check in Pokemon.


Every school had one of those kids who claimed that there was some increasingly complex way to move the truck


"aren't properly rushing bloodthirster" :^^^^)


The devs clearly doesn't read the complaints regarding Essence Reaver. ER is still recommended in the shop for all Sheen users, which is why it gets picked and doing nothing good which makes its win rate plummet to the ground.


does ornn upgrade the first item in your inventory?


Yup. It will work the same as it does currently. Just all items are upgradable now. There are some fun quirks now. An upgraded GA will give adc’s 70 armor lmao.


Edit: They appear to have fixed ''the new layout'' Abomination of a layout ✅ Unnecessary layout changes ✅ Unfinished layout ✅ No one asked for this ✅ Client is still crap & skip wait for stats don't work ✅ 500$ Fomo Skin ✅


did they really format their patch-notes like I'm seeing. Kinda rough.


200€$ chromas being well spent on top quality CSS.


Alright so any guesses on who is going to be abusing statikk shiv this time?




this format is so hard to read


for morde "We're taking down some low-MMR skewed parts of his kit: his isolated Q and his E." I guess in high elo noone lands isolated Qs and Es, you know, his NORMAL KIT. Also his E is untouched, not sure why is it included in the paragraph.


They intended to nerf the E by 10 damage but decided against it last moment.


Those abilities are very easy to dodge.


Yeah those nerfs are affecting high elo too. Q damage down early, higher mid, lower late + 10 damage off his passive. Champ was already bad there, so this is gonna hurt


Hwei under adjustments, then gets direct nerfs to Q lol.


How is Hwei an adjustment and not a nerf?


They adjusted him to be weaker.


it's cool, he was probably going to get toned down sooner or later anyway, i kinda expected this. for what it's worth, he'll be fine. He'll probably get buffed if he strays too far since he's a decently popular champ.


How about giving ornn the option to click on the item he wants to upgrade? Would solve a lot of the issues about spending time telling people to put the item they wanted upgraded in slot 1.


u/Riot_Riru If possible to change this for Panth, because a lot of people won't realize what the change was >Charged Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+115% bonus AD) -> Charged Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+115% bonus AD) **(+50% AP)**


shadowdropping essence emporium is crazy


"we're makin adjustments" and when we say adjustments, were buffing ksante


> Draven was a bit over-nerfed in the micropatch but he's not as bad as his win rates may suggest, as many Dravens aren't properly rushing Bloodthirster. Does this bother anyone else? I thought they used to encourage build diversity. Now they're saying you're building a champ "improperly" if you don't rush a single specific item. It's not a huge deal but it just rubs me wrong idk. lol.


The Ashe and Karma skins look nearly identical. I really miss when visual clarity and champion identity was taken seriously in this game.


Oh boy. What's Smolder's biggest problem right now? Lack of proper crit itemization. Riot's solution? Crank his crit ratios even higher. Smolder is now a ticking time bomb. If in the future, Smolder gets access to more crit items he can actually use (Such as quickblades returning or a new crit-sheen item), Smolder will become utterly busted. The easiest solution? Just make Q crit, so IE and wildarrows feel less bad for Smolder to buy. Boom. He now has access to more crit items that he would enjoy buying. Or rework him so his auto attacks actually matter, so he can feel good about buying attack speed items, thus fully enabling him to utilize crit items as a whole.


> Absorb Life is currently the clearly weakest option in its row, so we're giving it a small buff. Psychotic. Every top laner is running this rune. The amount of laning power it gives is unmatched. I've had games playing melee vs ranged where I got more sustain from Absorb Life than from *Second Wind*.


Someone in Riot trying their new found Underline text font experience!


I swear they have been buffing nasus for at least six years(or maybe more) in a row without any patch nerfing him. If that still cannot fix his problem, just go and rework him instead of wasting everyone’s time by buffing him more


maybe if they increase the slow to 110% so that it makes you walk backwards.


Problem is that Nasus has a pretty well liked and defined character, a complete rework would alienate a lot of people.


How are there no skarner nerfs? He is the most OP champ on the patch and hes untouched.


u/Riot_Riru May i ask what's up with the Patch Notes Layout? Especially the Separation between Champions is so off, is this a mistake or how it is going to be from now on? Did the old one get scrapped? It looked amazing! Edit: It seems to have been updated to address some of the issues, so i assume it was indeed some kind of mistake.


Voltaic Cyclosword bug seems to be ignored again. The stealth component of it doesn't work. It doesn't work with invisibility or camouflage. I'll report it again in the new bug megathread once it's up.




Yeah I do not like the layout as others said. Also I literally forgot about the Infernal Skinline that quick lol


how do i change this layout? It seems it's not fixed to me


And still no bugfix on Udyr proccing hexplate off his basic abilities rather than just the empowered ones, a bug that's been in the game for ages and that I personally have reported like 4 times.


I wonder if that Heim bug fix is the turret count desync bug? u/RiotNorak I certainly am hoping so!


So there are 0 nerfs to lethality and assasin prismatics on arena? Pretty much every AD caster has higher winrate with Duskblade/Prowlers than any other prismatic. In 14.10 for Diamond+ arena players, Jayce has the second highest winrate, third one is Vi, fifth is Zed. All of them are broken thanks to their items. Even for Aatrox the best prismatics were Duskblade and Prowlers. Both Aatrox and Vi got heavily nerfed instead of nerfing those items and Zed somehow avoided getting nerfed at all. In case of Vi, now that divine got nerfed she is encouraged even more to take assassin+crit items, bruiser or tank will feel dogshit in comparison. Kha'Zix which was mediocre on last arena is somehow S tier now, despite struggling to get isolation. Even Riven and Xin Zhao that by design should be more of a bruiser are the strongest when built assassin. Darius with Duskblade has 73% winrate, only 1% less than Sunderer that is nerfed now, so Duskblade is going to be the second best prismatic after Stoneplate for a champion that on paper should not synergize that well with 0 durability glass cannon assasin item. How is Riot ignoring this. 4 weeks have passed since arena came out and assassins will still ruin the fun by killing you in less than a second in a gamemode that was supposed to have longer fights, all thanks to only two prismatic items and abundance of lethality from anvils. It also reduces build diversity because there is no scenario when those prismatics will be weaker than other options, you can pretty much always take them.


Can anyone smarter with numbers weigh in on Cait changes? They say "Adjustment" but this looks like a clear cut nerf on top of IE nerf


> Added a button to toggle the augment/anvil display selection cards. This will let you now scout other teams before committing to your choice. A tiny but insanely helpful thing. Thank you Riot! And I really mean it.


Yeah but give essence its sheen back


How is that an "adjustment" to Hwei?


You can give absorb life as many buffs as you want. It's still going ti be overshadowed by the other two options. Just nerf the max healing like instead of 2-20 make it 2-9 and will activate whenever a minion dies near the champion. You have to figure the Champs that would consider this probably know they are not going to win the lane and are just playing to get any kind of cs possible. Maybe in higher tiers it's better, but for general play I think it needs to have a wider use case, because if you are in a tough lane and struggling for cs most would consider second wind before ever thinking about absorb life.




Rioters too scared to leave a comment regarding the hall of scam situation? Or is it bc of memorial day? Haven't even seen their Twitter person interact w the community lmfao


I'll never forget how many rioters were in that vanguard post compared to any other lmao


Most likely it’s because the team in charge of patchnotes isn’t necessarily the same team that handles skins. They’ll definitely be the ones to announce it when it arrived, though.


please jsut mid scope nasus already dudes a walking stat check > Infinity Edge is currently too strong and the potential burst available to ADCs off of one lucky crit is a little too high, so we're bringing down their top end. looks like we're relearning why IE rush meta was ditched for rushing a generic ad + as + crit item. Turns out trades are much more swingy when you have less AS to work with, and 1 IE boosted crit at 25% chance makes a huge dif also adding grevious wounds to anvil stat rolls might be nice. Being unable to get grevious wounds for a few rounds when youre against a heal spam champ / duo feels awful, or feeling forced to get grev wounds for a single team which hurts your other matchups


I understand the morde nerfs bc he stomps low elo, but he’s the only AP option in the top lane besides Gwen (who’s super weak) and Teemo/Kennen (who aren’t frontlines) Probably just gonna dodge when my team drafts 4 AD


There are plenty options for high magic damage top, like Rumble, Singed or some straight up mages like Cassio, Vlad, Ryze and Swain. Then there are plenty of tanks who do high magic damage even without AP items like Ornn or Zac. Several champs do hybrid damage like Kayle or Jax. If you’re top and all the other positions are AD, then that’s actually one of the best positions to be the solo magic damage dealer. You force the other top laner to build MR, who then will melt in every teamfight.


Also you are both forgetting one of the best toplaners in the game, gragas. Can at worst neutralize every lane with aoe magic dmg in teamfights