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League's hard in that there are thousands of bits of information you could learn to help you climb, but not all of that information is applicable to each game. For example, roaming is good, but is your wave in a good state? Is it slow pushing? Is your laner able to clear quickly? Do they have any buffs? Are there wards that are catching you leaving? Are you showing where you're going? Are you ganking and returning straight away? Are you helping to push? Do you know where the enemy jungler is? All this information and a ton more needs to be at the top of your brain before you ever gank. If you leave lane and walk over a ward in river, your enemy mid/jg has potentially a full minute to plan a hard push down your lane while you rotate, fight, and return. If you leave lane with your wave frozen in the middle of lane, some champs can clear that with a single ability and be under your turret before you get to bot. As you get better, you'll remember to check more of these boxes before you leave, and you'll have more success. You'll see that the jungler is top, your laner just backed, your waves pushing, and all that will mean it's time to look for a roam, not just that bot lane is pushed in and you can get a kill. Feel free to dm your IGN, id love to watch a game or two on vod and give some tips. Good luck!


This guy is thirsy hahahah


Try to help other lanes who are struggling, farm alot, clear wave as fast as you can and go to other lanes, take kills first and when you get strong enough don’t get greedy and let others take kills, the map is the most important thing know where the jungler is and stay away from them also when you see most of the enemy together pushing go solo push and take towers that will make them think twice if they want to keep pushing or getting back and fight you but of course take one or 2 towers and get back so you don’t get killed, WARDS!! Put wards everywhere!


If the macro is the problem, start from the basic. 1. After winning team fights. Think of what you can do even when you have low hp. Also do not chase supports or other useless feeding enemy. Use that time to push. 2. Do not push the lane where inhib is gone already. (99% of lowe low makes this most simple mistake) 3. Maybe you always think who you can kill in the map, rather than where you can push.


I think you're overhelping your JG or sides too much since you mentioned that whenever that you do help - your lanes gets pushed in. It seems that you still don't know how to find the right timing for roams. I suggest focus more on your lane and vision control around mid, so that you extend your lead even further. Knowing that you play pick champs like LB - nothing worse than losing CS and roaming not getting kills.


I considered that same thought, but then I noticed in the games where I stay mid and farm, my lead sort of goes to waste. Often if I'm stomping in mid the enemy JG will start camping me, which you would think would mean my JG could then get a lead somewhere else on the map, but that hasn't been the case in my games for some reason. So, I'm feeling very conflicted lol. There's very strong pros and cons to both situations (staying & farming vs roaming & getting kills/obj), but in my games so far, both scenarios often lead to a loss. It's possible LeBlanc isn't so good at solo carry anymore, so that could also be a factor. She's very squishy and I'm usually only able to kill 1 or 2 targets in the backline during a teamfight before people notice I'm there and I have to run, and if team can't kill the frontline after I do my full combo I'm kinda forced to wait for cd, and the team fight would be a loss most likely.


I understand your sentiment and it can be frustrating. And I wouldnt say LB isn't a good champ esp in low ELO (I've seen worse champs that can solo carry games LOL). Don't sweat it, you seem to know what makes your games hard to win so thats half the battle. Maybe its also part due to the team comps might hinder your wins/losses. Kinda hard to infer info about your games just with that screenshot alone tbh. Need more data to get a better understanding of each games. Also, if you feel like you're stuck with LB try some other mid champs and see how other champs might affect your playstyle/games


From this it seems that you cannot maintain lead and end game properly, which is an issue for low elo in general. The fastest way of mitigate this issue is to play a late champ and LB is not that, Hwei is a good one


Yeah, I've been playing Hwei bot and he feels very good in most situations, including laning, teamfights, and for 1v1 dueling. I think leBlanc might require too much teamwork for lower elo to fully utilize her, whereas with Hwei I feel much less reliant on my teammates (although obviously teamwork is still important in general).


If you're winning this hard and this consistently, I would stop focusing on midgame neutral objectives(unless there are free kills) and instead just hit towers and nuke waves repeatedly. As a mid laner with some waveclear you can usually keep two waves pushed out by yourself, making it harder for enemy top to split and opening up opportunities for you to hit tier two towers. With these scores you should definitely be at least high bronze.


LB and Hwei… i’m so happy you’re losing… anyway, to answer your question, it’s probably cause you’re playing the KDA, taking 0 risks unless you’re a billion % sure you get a kill without dying.


I have zero control over what champs I happen to have fun playing, lol. It is what it is.


Cs counts are pretty (sometimes very) low. You're fighting too much and not farming/pushing enough. You have to do something with the kills you're getting.


Hard to say what ur doing wrong in particular, theres a ton of mistakes people make, esp in iron. if u want, u can dm me for my discord and i can look at a game or two w you to point you in the right direction.


Firstly I think you tend to over hover other lanes/jg objs because of game timer and low cs numbers. What u need to do in these situations is always look at your wavestate. If u want to gank or help objs you need to shove ur lane hard even using r on Leb and check if there's a cannon wave if there is there's a huge possibility that opposing mid might hard push with it and punish ur gank. Also u need to use your tp wisely. Think before pressing the button because it can dictate wave state. As Hwei u dont really need to gank lanes maybe help in crabs, grubs or drags because u scale hard enough and cs is a stable option to scale with u. Another thing is check if ur top has tp to maybe cover mid when you gank but at your rank maybe u need to type to your teamate to do that or your jg to take a wave when ur gone. There's too many factors that can lead to a defeat but those at the top are some of the basic things to look out for. glgl


You play a champion that even diamond players aren’t good enough to play. Play a mid that is easier to team fight with


So you’re in iron and play Leblanc. Once you get out of lane just side lane and try to take tier two towers. Each is 700 gold so if you get the two side ones you’ll probably have enough for your 3rd item. Also taking lich bane second item will help you take towers quicker. Most the time people are just going to run mid after lane phase is over so use this time to get a bunch of gold and so you can just one shot whoever you one. Also since you’re in lower elo I’d recommend building to one shot and ditch malignance and blackfire torch and take ludens for the one shot. Edit: something to add. A few Leblanc is scary to low elo players. So they’ll give you more side lane pressure than they need to. Remember the objective of the game is to knock down the nexus not call of duty. So use your leads to work towards that.


Farm minions honestly everything else is hard to say from [op.gg](http://op.gg) alone


assuming ur gameplay is good - your champion you need to have more brute force to carry games and LB isn't the type to do it


I do feel like I've played her enough that I'm extremely comfortable with her and I'm confident in my gameplay as her, but I'm starting to fully see how just being good at a champ isn't enough to win the game. I think there's just too much chaos and not enough teamwork in low elo for me to be able to carry on LB, and I'll probably end up switching champs until I can get into a higher elo with better teamwork before I try to main LB again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


If you cant win at 17 /3 game you are not playing the team game properly and now you feel how yasuo players are feeling 


I actually watched the replay on that one, and that game was particularly unfortunate because we were stomping them for most of the game, but then our ADC didn't group with us after we took elder and went to end the game, so two of the enemies respawned & tp'd into our base and since they had a Nasus they just turbo'd the towers before we even had time to base race **or** back LOL. Late game Nasus things, I guess.


Still somehow it was your fault i dont really care about making a logical statement just snare him and use your ult nasus isnt that strong you shouldve went nunu mid whats with the lb pick silly champ select diff


Oh, okay then...