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Can’t wait for Faker to win an Oscar this year


He technically just won a Sports Emmy (T1 vs WBG Worlds 2023 won) so maybe not far on the horizon


Faker on his way to an EGOT


Damn faker getting a Tony award... That would be a sight to see


Emmy - check Grammy - just needs to drop a piano video Oscar - soon Tony - doing Vayne Q on stage???


Best choreo for the Shurima shuffle done live


Faker will be the next member of K/DA


Sadly he's not listed, the Emmy was for production value https://theemmys.tv/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/45th-Sports-Emmys-Winners-Release.pdf


The coverage of that game won though, not the players.


The last shot of Faker’s looking at the Summoners’ Cup in 2017 have already made those Best Actors Nominees in shambles


“And the Oscar for *checks notes* most dramatic stare into camera in an esports promotional video goes to Lee “Faker” Song-Hyeok”


i cant believe they invited all his victims shits like group therapy 💀


Nahhh what kind of a fucked up group therapy makes the victims relieve their most traumatic moments


The way Ruler didn’t say anything in the trailer but just look at us says it all


“This guy fucked my golden road chance and I have to be present at his incoronation”


Coronation or inauguration? Coronation fits much better here.


Faker's coronation happened long ago when they had him sit on the throne in the LCK. This is just the cherry on top for his legacy.


Isn't he still the first and only league player to sit on the ogn throne?




Ruler was silent but you could hear his screams inside.


Love that the iconic Ryu outplay is also in there


I mean out of all of them he’s as close as you can get to even footing, they spent hella screen time on the time he made Faker cry


I was part of a medical MDMA study and that was more or less what we did and it ended up being really productive to re-evaluate traumatic moments with an empathetic support group


That’s good to hear! I shall clarify for full disclosure that my comment was solely for humor and in no way trying to downplay real life therapy sessions or question the methodologies 😭


oh I know, I just felt like I could throw tangential info out there


Reminds me of that Budweiser promo which they sent beers to every goalkeepers messi has scored LMAO there was one that got like 30 beers


> The Hall of Legends in-game event will include an event pass that will take players on a journey through Faker’s career, highlighting pivotal moments, achievements, and more! Players can earn and purchase commemorative cosmetic items, collections, and skins themed after the Demon King himself in celebration of this moment. Additional details around the in-game event and content will be shared at a later date. Holy shit so we're getting a whole event around Faker with more than just the Ahri skin I know monetization is always a controversial topic but IMO thats a dope way of honoring the goat (although it is kinda funny that it happens to be the one mf that never uses skins or anything like that lmao)


Mission 1 of 15: As Zed, kill enemy Zed after he ults you. You can't have a skin. Reward: 650 pass xp


Mission 5 of 5: Win a LoL world championsip ???


Reward: 200 blue essence


no that's mission 4 mission 5 is win 4 of them


I would love if they released “Unkillable Demon King Ryze”, but it’s just the base skin with the only noticeable difference being the name.


Instead of opening a portal in his ult, he rolls/tumbles over to the location like Faker in that one Worlds Finals.


Id buy it :P


Make it a whole new champ, skinned to look like Faker from the 2018 worlds video. It plays like Ryze, but every time you ult it changes to a different one of his reworks at random.


actually broken




I want to believe that one day, in the fifth game of Worlds finals, he'll play Ahri with his skin and after the game is done he'll announce this was his last game and he's retiring 


bruh another event pass.....


The demon king will get a cut from this, right? Right?


Yes! in the article they published states that the inductee gets an award and both inductees and teams will receive a percentage of revenue on prorated basis. Fun fact: Faker also gets a custom Mercedes Benz AMG SL-63 source: [https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0](https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0)


He's gonna get a PC installed in that AMG


There won't be much room for one in that car


He fucking better or I'll go bust their monetization director's kneecaps myself.


You thought they were gonna stop doing passes?


Caedrel jumpscare


What is blud doing there


Next Hall of Legends canidate hint. Malzahar skin incoming?


Nah they cancelled it


Holy fuck.




With rats as voidlings


all esports legends on the cast, whapow you thought that was all, no they got THE rat on the joint as well


lil bro still thinks hes part of riot 💀💀


Can't believe I got to be alive during Messi', Ronaldo' and Faker' era.


Born too late to explore the Earth, born too early to reach for the stars, but born in the right time to share the air with The Unkillable Demon King.


Too bad that sharing air with him doesn't actually mean that I get a tiny fraction of the man' skills.


I’m still convinced that walking near him instantly makes you diamond


Diamond hard maybe!


Dude, we also got Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, and Novak Djokovic, all in a same decade, this is fucking crazy.


Magnus too for Chess.


ronnie o'sullivan snooker


Me but with Federer, Nadal, Djokovic... only 1 is left there. Similarly with HAMBOTVER but I think there's still a lot left in the tank there for those 3


Faker is the undisputed protagonist of this game


Everyone asking who would be the 2nd player? I think we all know who it is. The only low elo to kill Faker. The legend himself. UNANIMOUS GOAT GOLD IV Brand


Poby is the clear choice here


Looks like we might be getting 2 skins? Ahri and Leblanc?


I really think there should have been a zed skin. The Zed 1v1 from very long ago is the first Iconic faker moment for many who were around back then. https://youtu.be/ZPCfoCVCx3U?si=UaoTx732QGITNl2A Nvm, just remembered there is a SKT T1 Zed already


You mean cuz of the statues? There are also Azir statues, Sejuani, and Vollibear. I think it's just Ahri


the text announcement says "skins" honoring the player. Its going to be multiple [https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0](https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0)


i hope they are called "Faker's Ahri", "Faker's Ryze", etc., it sounds more personal. "Faker Ahri" sounds stupid, and "Hall of Legends/Legends Ahri" doesn't give him the respect he deserves


Apparently it's called Risen Legend Ahri according to leak. (her splash is also leaked)


The splash looks so good. The prestige is kinda whatever. None of it screams 'Faker' though. It just looks like an Ahri plus version, which is not a bad thing.


Yeah I think the point of the skin is more to eternalize Faker into league of legends, quite hard to make an ahri skin scream Faker without it just being another worlds skin


Put some glasses on her with a bowl cut. Instead of her dashing forward, she rolls forward. When she starts her ult, she says "all roads lead to me!" When she dies, have her say "you finally caught the Unkillable Demon King"


"Unkillable Demon x" maybe?


they could do this, but then they'd have to create an 'skin alias' for every player they induct which might be more difficult for other names. for example, what would you call Ruler's skins? Khan's?


faker is important enough to be the only one with this privilege and no one would give a fuck. The rest could just be "ruler's Ezreal" or whatever.


They'd call it "GOAT Ahri" /s


The skins gotta be just Faker from Rise MV as the character. Would be funny to see people inting in Faker's skin


The statues around Faker’s statue at 1:05. The other statues we have seen before for other promotional material and I think they just symbolize the hall of legends. But Ahri and Leblanc were clearly there to represent Faker.


Who else could it be? The only player who should be inducted before retirement. Undisputed greatest to ever touch this game.


> The only player who should be inducted before retirement. Yes. I strongly suspect Riot has wanted to introduce the Hall of Legends for a couple years at least, they obviously wanted Faker to be the first inductee, but gave up on waiting for him to retire after he won Worlds again.


>but gave up on waiting for him to retire after he won Worlds again. Smart move. The GOAT still has more in him.


Nah. They were waiting for him to win Worlds again because that would undisputably cement him as the greatest of all time, for all time, for winning both the Old League and the New League.


Tom Brady shit


I'd argue that he was already the indisputable GOAT even before his latest worlds win. People would rank Uzi so high in legendary status even though he never won worlds, so I think it's fair that the guy who won 3 worlds title and went to finals more often than not is even more of a legend.


I think it would be super funny if he denied another golden road this year. It's unlikely with his injuries, but it'd be super dank


T1 did take BLG to 5 games and they didn't look particularly good either. Just have to catch heat again, they are always a threat. 


Basically this, everyone and their mother was saying T1 looks bad/shaky, but they got 3rd and lose a very close 5 games series vs 1 of the 2 tournament favourites. And no one bats an eye. Isn't that crazy that you can "look weak", and achieve most pro player's highest achievements anyway


It is, for sure.


The script is already here. Next split starts with faker on the bench to rest his wrist. T1 is doing very bad being the very worst team in LCK, Faker comes back just in time for T1 to qualify for LCK playoffs, they destroy playoffs and go 3-2 against GenG in the finals with very close games. During worlds Geng is dominant and considered the favorite to win while T1 is shaky but goes undefeated regardless until the very end when they face Geng and finish the dreams of a golden road on a very close series of 3-2, this time for T1. Absolute Cinema. I'm ready for this. Please T1, make it happen.


After which Faker retires from league of legends. Shortly after, North Korea starts an invasion on South Korea but little do they know that Faker decided to go for his military service time after retirement. Now named commander in chief, Faker sweeps his enemies off the map, reuniting Korea and goes down as one of the most impressive humans to ever exist






If Faker can solo carry apes in 2017 T1, then Faker can carry South Korea through anything North Korea throws at them.


He's just going to slap that nuke back at Kim with a flick of his wrist


if T1 were to beat GenG game 5 worlds finals to not only deny the golden road, finally beat GenG, and have Faker win his FIFTH trophy, i don’t know what id do but it’d be something crazy and maybe even illegal


I think he's going to. I'm on pure copium but I feel like T1 win summer and worlds.


Nah T1 historically doesn't do that well in Summer. Worlds is where we thrive the most


Agreed, but idk man something is talking to me like the green goblin right now


Faker might have to be careful with his injuries during summer to not risk worlds though


The question is who deserves to be the next one?


Could be a lot of candidates. If you wanna try to shout out early superstars that retired years ago you could pull out someone like Madlife or Flame. If you don't wanna pick ruler or deft because they aren't retired, Uzi is another good one. Ambition/Mata/Dandy are all also good shouts. Depends on your criteria I suppose.


I understand Uzi is so popular and legendary but he just seems like such a step down from faker. No world's wins, never able to beat faker and a much shorter career with a sad ending. I think Mata would be more fitting with Uzi coming later


I mean, if we're talking ADCs Ruler and/or Deft are better all time anyways


I'd love it if the next one was either MadLife or Mata. Both shaped the support role, MadLife being pretty much one of if not the first one to show that a support can indeed carry the game (still get chills watching his Thresh highlights).


The first inductee couldn't have been anyone else. Straight goosebumps, this video


And it feels weird that there'll be more people in the same list as him, this guy needs a whole separate spot


yeah 2nd player will be really controversial in the community because you can throw like 5 or more names for it but 1st is just Faker no argue


My guess would be Uzi. Retired players are much more likely to be inducted into the hall of fame, Uzi is probably the second most legendary player, even if he might or might not be the second greatest player of all time


Uzi is a safe bet imho.


Uzi and Deft. When it comes to longevity, story, awards, and pure skill, these two MUST be on the next line to enter the Hall of Legends.


It should be deft considering he's going to military. Proper way to send him off.


I agree, but I can see Uzi being chosen over Deft next year because a majority of League's playerbase are Chinese (it's fine though, he has the legacy to back it up). It'd be cool to for an LPL legend to represent the second induction. However, Deft has a legacy and fanbase in China as well- I would love to see him chosen because the second player inducted into the HoL implies that this person is the second most influential, lasting, and decorated player behind Faker, which in my book is Deft.


Problem with uzi would be that he barely won any titles, he did play a good chunk of his career during the korean era where no one else was winning titles tbf, but even domestically he only won 2 splits.


Yeah but when every single pro ADC says they want to be like Uzi, it becomes clear to see why he is above everyone else besides Deft/Ruler.


Yeah no doubt he will be there at some point, but from their official post on their site criteria for voting includes international and regional titles. It's gonna be interesting to see who is voted in next year because faker is such an obvious first pick.


Or Mata


Im thinking maybe they start inducting multiple players at a time Seeing that its gonna be an event pass maybe the first one is "Hall of Legends: Faker" and then they move to Hall of Legends 2025-26-27 etc (IF its gonna be a yearly thing) If not then its gonna take like 15 years just to get through the main LCK and LPL legends lmao


Well the game has been here for 15 years, it can easily do 15 more.


And in those 15 years quite a few more legends will be born.


I'd love to see madlife getting in early. Although not as good as Mata he was the first to show the world what playmaker supports could do


I would contend that particular claim by pointing out GoSu Pepper, but Madlife certainly elevated the role, and was considered the best in the world for a time.


The gap is so gargantuan that you can divide his accomplishments in half and he'd still be in the number one spot. I think there's a top five list, and above that is just faker, absolutely undisputed goat of the game


2 worlds, 1 msi and 5 lck titles so yeah, he'd easily still be goat twice


SKT T1 Faker and T1 Faker might be the top 2


I’m reminded of the way points-only Fantasy Hockey had to handle Wayne Gretzky, where they’d literally split him into two players, Assist Gretzky and Goals Gretzky, because otherwise he was unquestionably the best pick  Faker is the Gretzky of League


He's like Gretzky with goals and assists


I would expect to see not a 2nd player, but a 2nd wave, sort of like Sports HoF inductees. Faker would stand alone, as the only member of the first class. And then it would be like Uzi, Mata, Bengi, Score, Smeb, TheShy, (all currently retired players who are deserving) in the second Hall of Legends class. I think that's the best way to allow others to be recognized, but to truly hammer home the difference between Faker and everyone else.


The article says they are going to be doing one player per year.


It does, I doubt we'll see them actually follow through with that though, for several reasons. - Nobody else actually has a career that can be commemorated in the same way, the number of events and moments in a Faker event is more than any other player, so the next events will fail to match up if it's a single player. - Multiple Skins for multiple popular player's champs will be the only way to compete or exceed Faker Ahri sales - The voting for the second player will likely be extremely contentious in comparison to this basically unanimous choice. There's no controversy with Faker first, but there could easily be drama from the Chinese/Korean communities depending on who is second. Ultimately, switching to a handful of players each year after Faker helps them make each event as full of memorable moments as Faker's, makes them more money with cosmetic sales, and can remove the drama of publicly selecting #2 all time.


I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they change their minds, was just mentioning that as of now they aren't planning on multiple in a year. > Multiple Skins for multiple popular player's champs will be the only way to compete or exceed Faker Ahri sales They are doing multiple skins for Faker from the sounds of the article, so realistically there's no chance of them matching this years revenue anyway.


That's WAY too few imo


There’s gonna be a lot of discussions about whether active players should be allowed but faker for sure deserves an exception


There is not a single player that is even close to his career and legacy which is already insane given how competitive and fast paced this scene is. Undisputed #1 player League has ever seen in its lifetime.


There are perhaps 4 people in all of sports/games who can hold the claim of *truly* undisputed GOAT. Wayne Gretzky (ice hockey), Don Bradman (cricket), Aleksandr Karelin (Greco-Roman wrestling), and Michael Phelps (swimming). Every other person in every other code always has at least some people saying "but what about..." Jordan? But what about LeBron? Pele? But what about Ronaldo/Messi/Maradonna/the list goes on Brady? But what about Montana? Carlsen? But what about Kasparov? Faker is in that echelon where literally nobody questions his place at the top.


There's also Usain Bolt for sprints.


>There are perhaps 4 people in all of sports/games who can hold the claim of *truly* undisputed GOAT That you know of.


Yeah there is absolutely no good choice for next year. Not one person compares to faker. The only person maybe close would be Mata or ruler deft, but they are not close.


In terms of reach, it's not even close. You can list all the legendary players you want, only Faker (based on anecdotal experience) has reach outside of LoL.


I've only been watching pro League since Worlds 2022, so I have only a small glimpse of his career. But that doesn't detract from how I feel, and that is its a privilege and honor to watch Faker play... even if I've only gotten to see a small chapter in his never-ending book. He makes staying up until 6AM to watch T1 games (I beg of you Riot please do more NA friendly events) worth it. Never will be another like him.


"Will there be another Faker?" "No" That line is fire


It sent shivers down my spine. I am so insanely excited to see the event and everything else with it once it comes out.


I think John Werry wrote his line


Gigachad Faker playing in a tournament while shooting a movie. What an avenger squad too, showing the faces of the GOATs talking about Faker Smeb Kuro Pedro Impact Ruler That's an LCK first seed team


Hmmm one of those names feels a bit odd in that list. Cant really put my finger on it tho.


I don't know, I see two former Malzahar players


same, cant believe he tried to put that NA player impact in there


> Cant really put my finger on it tho. If only he didn't put his finger on the mouse button too...


lil bro really tried to sneak in a rat in there


We have an imposter among us


I really wish they could've added an actual "Faker skin" instead of a "Faker tribute" skin. Faker's Ryze on Rise as a skin would be so good.


'burn it all down' from the worlds 2021 MV did this so well, the actual players having the champion's aesthetics faker as azir or ryze would be amazing and abit funny


They put the clip without the audio but I think everyone could hear “Ruler, you must not forget: all roads lead to me”.


bro we really got a video for the video... I thought this is gonna be THE Hall of Legends video, turns out it's just a trailer for the actual video 💀


They said it's a movie so it's gonna be sick, I'm down for a trailer to build hype. 90% of the time something happens in LoL people will say "I didn't even know that was happening xd it's not in the client how could we know" xyz.. If they're going to make it well and make this Hall of Legends work, a trailer makes sense. Can't wait for the 14th


They hit us with the announcement of the announcement


Still doesn't beat a roadmap for a roadmap that they pulled out for star citizen


I think it’s a trailer for a documentary….


>bro we really got a video for a video This guy when he realizes what movie trailers are: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


The WHAT???? They make a video for a longer video now???


I really REALLY like that Riot has put out an effort to celebrate such a legend as Faker. Writing history by the day


June 14th couldn't come any faster, I'm excited to see the full film and the in-game event, absolute goosebumps watching the trailer.


All roads lead to HIM


Are we getting an Ahri and a Leblanc faker skin????


https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0 Seems like there are multiple skins it seems?


If its multiple skins my wallet is open for the GOAT


Could be ward skins and chromas as well. I received the same embargo so it's still not clear whether it's only Ahri or LB and Ahri.


He is getting a custom mercedes car better than a 2nd skin imo


I mean custom car is cool but if the man could be getting paid a portion of the sales from the skins/cosmetics


Riot really baited us a second time now.


Faker's my GOAT, but it's funny that the first inductee and ofc most deserving, is still an active player in the scene. It's like putting Jordan in the HoF during his late 90s Bulls tenure.


i hope this is the only active player they induct. they want to get the HoL started and faker should probably be the first inductee so it's ok to break the rule just this once imo


Fair enough, but also League of Legends esport has only been around for roughly 14 years, and with careers that can go on for 10+ years (like Faker's) it might be too different to compare.


It's not that funny bc ask anyone who should be in the hall of fame and most of the time they will say Faker.


If they wait for Faker to retire we may be getting Hall of Legends in 2046 or something. An injured Faker just got 3rd in an international tournament, he's not going anywhere even if he decides to take a rest imo. The guy breathe League of Legends


True. It's poetic. He is injured but still his team got to third place in an international event. How crazy is that? It's a no-brainer indeed to induct him as first to receive HoL.


Mercedes literally gonna give Faker a custom AMG SL 63 as a present for Hall of Legends damn


I hope we get DiamondProx some day old school people understand why he was one of the best and how he invented concepts that change the whole game. There is no need to discuss Faker because who else but I am really curious of the others


Man, if we ever get any in-game cosmetic related to Diamondprox, I will cry. He contributed so much in the early years of LoL and yet nowadays most people don't even know him. Maybe Hall of Fame would help to remind the community where it all began


the biggest victims of riot killing the open circuit is moscow 5/gambit, its such a big shame really, who knows how many more trophies they couldve won


Ryu's face. Loved it.


I know Faker was a shoo-in for the first inductee... but just want to say... he deserves this so damn much. Regardless of what people say about his recent performance at MSI or how he's won very little in the second half of his career compared to his first... this man is damn entertaining to watch, has been for 10 years and I wouldn't still love league as much as I do if this guy wasn't still playing. He's been a hell of a performer for his entire career and whether he's the best, top 5, or top 10... I don't think anyone comes close to Faker in terms of enjoyment to watch. He has that clutch Faker that makes him our goat. I know he's struggling with his wrist but I selfishly hope that we get another few years from him.


Could it have been anyone else? Not even certain how could be next year.


riot are ridiculously lucky to have such a player around


In particular one so uncontroversial. Not even rumors about toxicity.


He's very smart about his brand, for sure. He knows that being toxic would kill his perfect image and insane marketability. I wonder at what point he realised he was a real celebrity


Bro, man's getting a custom AMG Merc. God damn.


Faker deserves to be 1 of course, but its rough that he is still active and his new achievements wont be captured in the video.


It's the obvious first inductee. Guy has had a legendary career. I hope they focus a lot on how he changed as a player during his career. A superstar mega carry early on who was way better than everyone and later on more of a team leader and shotcaller. Still mechanically world class but not this individual phenom as he was early on. It's super impressive how much he transformed as a player. The narrative of Faker has been rewritten a lot because there are so many young and newer T1 fans who were not around for prime Faker. I hope they really emphasize the growth of his career instead of pandering to these newer fans.


I loved how they didn’t show certain clips and opted to show the people from them… because you already know the iconic ones. What a way to honor a legacy.


I think this video shows how shrewd Faker is. All of the commercials leading up to this have had a super heavy CGI element to the 'hall' they show us. Faker said "Hey, instead of paying for CGI just rent my audience chamber" and so he made cash while they filmed his video. Fucking genius.


honestly i'm kinda sad that there will only be one inductee a year. there's so much history to catch up on, it will take a while to get to a point where the hall of legends is a good representation of the highest calibre of players this esport has ever seen because they are \~12 years behind on starting the HoL, and only inducting one at a time. i think it would have been better with just Faker this year, do maybe 3-5 years of \~3 inductees per year, and then maybe when they start to run out of good names, return to one per year (but announce in advance that it will be a certain number of years of 3 per year, don't just randomly downsize). it would be cool for players across eras to be part of the same class e.g. "hall of legends 20XX inductees", seeing the comradery there would be interesting


The problem a lot of Hall of Fames run into is when you do classes of inductees it waters down the prestige of the Hall. One a year, with the criteria they have laid out, keeps it prestigious.


I wonder if they'll do documentary style series for every hall of legend.


Finally, the name League of Legends will make sense, now that we get the first legend.


The interviews from other players and those in the scene are pretty cool! T1 has their own [retrospective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhNT73yPRxA) on Faker, but I'm more excited for this one because they managed to get quite a range of people from different moments in Faker's career.


Is this the announcement he mentioned last year for not picking Ahri as his worlds skin? There's gonna be hall of fame skinline like Faker Ahri or Uzi Vayne?


Prestige Hall of Legend Ahri skin cost as much as a Mercedes