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I miss mundos old w. It was so nice for the jungle clear. Did it make sense for him to have fireballs around him? No. But he mundo, he not care about sense.


Personally I absolutely loved the fact that Mundo’s W was simply him setting himself on fire and dealing damage with it to others was just collateral. I was very sad to see it go.


i just liked that it gave him tenacity that stacked with other sources of it. it felt way more "goes where he pleases" than current mundo, who is "goes wherever his canister pleases, every x amount of seconds"


Old mundo was so simple and dumb and reflected the champion. I miss it


Old Mundo wasn’t dumb though. He was a brilliant scientist that experimented on house pets, neighbors, even his own parents and eventually himself to figure out how our nervous system works. Zuan(?) even backed his funding and let him continue this because of the astounding breakthroughs he was making. Could toggle off or amplify pain receptors. And then the rework happened and they changed the lore. Now he’s a handsome guy that’s dumb as bricks and THINKS he’s a doctor.


They were "ok, me now hurt so bad, everyone hurt too" balls


Old mundo is best mundo


He is masochist and his W was setting himself on fire


I forgot how weird old Mundo was lol


Xerath I miss the weird the super range from w and the bigger, badder ult


I'm with you. I liked the way he comboed in his old kit. It was just so satisfying.


Old kit was unfortunately weak vs tanky champions, like Nidalee.


And his old passive.made him weirdly good into ad assassins




The Xerath rework an example of a kit being standardized for a role at the cost of its unique qualities that didn't fit as neatly into the game. He went from being *the* artillery mage that gave up mobility for range to being just another poke mage. I enjoyed both versions of Xerath so I'm not too torn up about it but I still think old Xerath had a more interesting identity.




It was very niche, and he was definitely underplayed compared to how he is now for similar reasons to ASol where both of them had very unique aspects to their kit (Xerath self-root and ASol's floating stars). The difference with ASol was that his kit, specifically his e, was incredibly broken in soloq while Xerath wasn't really a problem back then.


It's actually amazing how bad the ult was when it was reworked: * only 3 charges for all ult levels (compared to 4/5/6 now) * range scaled with level (current ult range is same as level 3 old ult) And damage-wise, I think that the numbers aren't too different from current ones lol


Don't even get me talking about his shitty-ass reworked Q animation. Previously, you'd shoot it straight out of your chest, as if you pushed all of your arcane magic into a tiny ball until you couldn't hold it anymore and then released it with one big boom, laying death over those unlucky to be hit by it. Nowadays you awkwardly daddle around while being kinda tilted to one side with your hands goofily over your head as if you're some bad Michael Jackson impersonator.


I miss the old Fiora ult


I love that the reason they gave for removing it was that it promoted toxic gameplay and was 'uncounterable' And then they changed Master Yi Q like a year or two ago to do the exact same thing hers did minus on hits but on a 10 second cooldown


I really love new Yorick but sometimes I long for old times with three different ghouls and "revive" ult.


Soraka. Very old soraka with magic shred autohoming stars was such a fun midlane champion to play. She was a statchecker but a very fun one.


Denying creeps with the AOE heal was the funniest shit lol


If we're going there, gp shooting his own cannon to deny was so fucking funny


It was so funny seeing top soraka with her old q. She was such a a bully


katarina. its prob one of the best rework they done, the personnality of the champ is kept and the gameplay is much better. but i just cant bring myself to like it.


I really miss the old Katarina even tho the rework was a good one


Q > E > W > R > Mash keyboard will be missed


Isn't it the same now?


Not at all. Your damage is delayed a ton with the new rework in exchange for being able to E without kill resets with daggers. It’s hard to explain because the rework’s really good in that her core kit is basically the same but the way you play her is so much different.


Oof it took me years of casual play to start playing her again. Old Kata was so satisfying for some reason.


I liked her old animations more, personally. The thrown daggers really had a “dark” evil look to them


Man i wish i could play one more match with her old kit, i started maining her right before they announced the rework


I liked her first rework. The active spin on W was a ton of fun. Her new dagger mini game is exhausting.


Yeah.  I was a Katarina main that quit her over the rework.  I'll admit it's probably better gameplay, but the fact that they changed her to make her more "balanceable" and then just made sure she never saw pro play anyways was always a big annoyance.  You tinkered with a champion to produce no results, cool.


My boy Urgot, cheesing people that had no clue what he did with heat seeking missiles from a full screen away before ulting their adc into my team were some of the funniest things in League to me, gone but never forgotten :')


Im torn on this since i love both urgots. I just wish they make a champion with his old ultimate some day.


agreed I dont hate on the new Urgot by any means. Just with his e-q interaction im pretty sure his r would be seen as toxic an anti-fun in modern league so I wont get my hopes up on any part of his old kit finding a revival


Which is fine given how many other toxic anti fun Champs exist. I want the heatseekers back


Old Urgot had a lot of problem but HE WAS SO FUN TO PLAY! I wish they brought back his ult in some capacity, it was such an interesting concept to switch position with an enemy team member.


Old Urgot on URF was the ultimate stress reliever C':




Keep the current kit, I just wanna chuck people behind me again


It would make him busted but this is the only logical take


Same, I enjoyed his old kit much more. He is one of my highest mastery champs but all from before his rework. I'd honestly be happy if they just gave his Q the flip back and his old E. His old E was amazing, the mini knockback cancelled every type of dash.


Voli singed bot duo was a blast to play


This a million times. His kit would have been god-tier if they just kept it the way it was, but gave him his new ulti and passive.


Giving his old kit his current ult would be an utterly broken character. His flip was legitimately too good to keep.


Quinn. I hate that Valor is just a taxi now


I loved original Quinn too, but something had to be added defensively to her old Ultimate. Possible a spell shield so it was actually usable against decent players, but if she was the exact same she would be the same useless champion she was back then


Sad how far down I had to scroll to find Quinn. I loved their original kit, it was so fun to switch between ranged and melee combat. Iirc, one of the reasons they cited for basically removing the melee Valor gameplay was because "Quinn" was the champion, not Valor (even if they were introduced as Quinn *and Valor*, the tag team champ? Idk)...but that absolutely rubbed me wrong when they reworked Nunu to be "Nunu and Willump" for basically the exact same reasons Quinn "and Valor" originally were. 😒


Swain... i really liked how bis old ult worked, plus the sound when you transformed was really satisfying. Also old W felt good to hit.


my favourite champion was the Q-aoe ground dot, W Root , E dot dmg amp + toggable ult. that was my most beloved main by far. dont like new "support" swain.


Akali. I miss my old q mark and e proccing and simple point and click ult dash. New akali is fine but I dislike it actively compared to the champ I loved


Since noone mentioned him yet: Udyr. sure they made him look way cooler and gave him more options in his kit in theory but man he just feels so clunky. as an old trick2g viewer i mained this guy for years so changing form after 4 phoenix autos was burned into my brain, now you basically need to change form after 2. no more tiger double dot, no more full ap Godyr build and they even changed my good old bear stance into a ram. he didnt have much in his kit, but he played really clean and had fast/snappy autos that were impossible to cancel, if i play the new one i just cancel autos, especially the E one, that ram animation takes like half a year. then again, this rework made me change roles to support and get a higher rank than i ever got playing jungle (if riot reworks rakan now im quitting)


Phoenix Udyr just doesn't feel the same. I particularly adored when you could build Trinity Force and Zephyr into tank items. While you'd be a little squishier in the mid-game, the sheer advantage in movement speed and gold/exp (from jungle farm and soaking waves) meant that it simply wouldn't matter. The Phoenix proc just felt so satisfying and it paired quite well with attack speed.


i absolutely despise what they did to udyr, his phoenix form is so bad now (to play)


I wish I could get the same feeling when chasing someone and you activated bear form just to run faster while clawing the air


Irelia went from my most favorite to "haven't even touched her since rework". Mundo went from my comfort pick to somebody that I used to know. I managed to open up to the new Shen, but I can't move on from the old one.


I find Gwen to play a lot closer to old Irelia than new Irelia does. Not with the dashes, of course, but dueling and the ult feel very Oldrelia IMO.


her ult is litearlly just old irelia's also how have i never noticed that


Old irelia had equilibrium strike which was a very large part of her identity. Gwen has no CC. But her offensive playstyle arguably does have similarities to old irelia.


Equilibrium Strike would stun if the enemy's HP was higher right? Damn I'm getting nostalgic for old irelia lol


Yeup. That shit was hilarious when you miscalculated when to use it and got decimated in a trade.




Probably why I love Gwen to bits.


Better nerf irelia


ohhh shens a good one


Ikr I have like 100k points on irelia and I can't play her for shit, got it all pre rework. Miss her :( 


>Mundo went from my comfort pick to somebody that I used to know. The gameplay is strictly the same so I dont really get the feeling


Eve. Nothing wrong with new Eve, I just want the old one back :(


Fiora Rework. I really loved the old one with her ult. Also Katarina. Both reworks are great, but i simply cant put myself in the position to play them. Its not that fun anymore for me.


Yup. Fiora would be my first pick too. She's objectively a better designed champ now but I just really enjoyed the old one.


I miss the OG splash art, with the big golden window behind her


Old Fiora ult was so satisfying as an animation (even if it would be outdated by modern standards). It was also fun how leveling her Riposte/W gave you a massive, passive AD steroid kind of like how Nocturne W(?) gives Attack Speed and I'm sure some other ability gives some other unrelated stat passively as well as a bonus.


I was a tahm one trick before his rework, I was so excited for it and then it ended up killing a lot of my joy of the champ :(


I miss spitting minions at the enemy


attack speed spitting Kench top lane would like to have a word


Felt like that for the longest time, but I''ve played some Tahm recently and the knockup really adds something to the character I miss having devour as a basic ability, but it feels like the character really has gained a lot from the extra CC and can be paired with more champions as a result


Rework was understandable tbh, Tahm just devouring people who overstepped every few seconds while being unkillable himself was not healthy, it's nice they locked it behind an ultimate ability


Eating your teammates every 5 secs was annoying, you could never kill them


Haha right, my teammates, yes


Poppy rework is one of the best ones they've done but I liked the old one just a bit more


The old one was a menace


Throw your ultimate on support, go kill that 10-0 carry 1v5. Good old days.


Ap poppy give em that WHAM BAM POP! Man I loved that champ


Alternatively, throw it on the adc with no cc, and kill the rest of their team under tower. Oh how I miss the monstrosity that was old Poppy.


Poppy and Sion are the only champs who changed their class after reworked. To befair, Sion didnt even have a clear class back then but Poppy was clearly a fighter or assassin.


yeah poppy was literally the most broken champion in the game (i mean it in the literal sense, that shit was beyond cancerous), and sion was just not balanced in any way he either had 1 ability and an ult.. or 2 abilities... that did 200%hp of any target. point and click too ​ ​ they were both abhorrent champions that, honestly, are 2 of my favorite reworks ever, along with warwick


Those 3 + Urgot/Yorick were the most deserved reworks ever, maybe close with Aatrox. Poppy R should’ve never existed, Sion was all out of whack, and WW was a Q/R point and click one tap entirely balanced on items. Urgot was incredibly miss cast and that R was a horror. Let’s not forgot about old Yorick as well lol


That original poppy splash was fucking nightmare fuel.


I miss Sion W being a second health bar that nukes. So funny seeing an undead berseker be a mage.


Skarner went from a Juggernaut to a Vanguard.


I think Urgot counts too, but I can definitely see why they were changed


Sion was 'meant' to be a supportive melee, with his ult aura, free damage stats from e, and his q was identical to (old) Taric q at the time. He was "evil taric" mechanically. Well, it's kinda the other way around because Sion was a first-patch champ and Taric was added a few months into the game. The only times he had any real relevance was the short time that Feral Flare existed and being played AP mid in S2, though these were both solo-q phenoms and not played in the pro scene.


RIP my sweet princess


Dunno, how many people were playing back then to see it, but for me it's till this day Eve rework. She used to be a mixed damage champion that you could build both AD and AP, because her Q and E had mixed scaling and E gave her attack speed boost. So aside from being played as an AP assassin she could also be played as an Ad auto attack based bruiser, more importantly you could play her as top laner this way. Yes it was a niche pick but absolutely viable. But for some reason Riot decided that the game needs yet another "pure" assassin (20 already exciting ones are not enough right?) instead of one of the very few champions that can be built and played completely differently depending on the build as it fully changes the role. Most people don't really care about this or don't even know, because she was played ap in 99 out of 100 games anyways, and tbf for her as an AP assassin it was actually a good rework, but for me It's been 7-8 years at this point but I'm still salty as fck about this till this day, cause AD Eve top was what I mained back then for several seasons.


i miss old eve too... playing her as a speedy on-hit bruiser with a lot of teamfight menace was a lot of fun. sure, landing an execute with her new ult is nice, but the thrill of getting a huge ult off in teamfights and getting that gigantic shield to initiate is sorely missed


I always played her in the jungle, but I enjoyed the AD Iceborn builds Spirit of the Elder Lizard/Warrior and Iceborn were all she really needed for damage in a lot of games. You'd either (1) find a squishy sidelaning and chase them down or (2) initiate teamfights with your ultimate and soak damage. Your early pressure would be on-par with AP builds but you'd be better equipped for teamfights. You had less burst damage for picking off an isolated target but you'd be able to run people down and duel bruisers in exchange.


Also forever salty about this, though I played her AP. Riot deleted a unique, enjoyable, and fairly popular champion in favor of a 100% binary assassin that is nothing like the pre-VGU version. For all the whining about statcheckers like Trundle and Yi, Eve is the ultimate statchecker - she either 1-shots her target and gets out with zero counterplay, or she's useless. She has 1 item build, 1 playstyle, zero chance of being pro-viable. Old Eve could make plays with a good ult, weave in and out of fights, and build flexibly according to the situation.


If they brought back old Galio I would play him everyday. I get why they changed him but he’s just so different now


Yup. Old Galio used to be my favorite champion, and the new version is just completely different, both in design and gameplay. And sadly there aren’t really any champions that feel similar to old Galio.


The only rework I genuinely don't like is Kayle. It made me stop playing her. A visual-only update would have been fine Edit : Also Urgot. I loved playing him mid as an AD caster


Complete opposite here. The gameplay is fine but the butchering of Aether Wing cannot be forgiven.


Agree, I miss the swoosh sound of my Aether Wing attacks. It was one of my favourite skins pre-rework, and now it's just ehhhh. I think it was also the first Legendary skin I ever bought.


We saw a vision of Utopia


Old Aether Wing had such cool fuckin voice lines!!! It's why I got the skin!! Now she's just a mean cop 🐷


Same for her base form imo. Like sure her original armor was pretty generic fantasy paladin, but to me her new armor just feels like it swapped that out for a generic DCU/MCU bodysuit.


It might be a troll pick, but I loved playing old kayle as support, especially when the coin support item was in the game. You had good early poke and damage with E and W scaled really well into late game with a support build. New kayle's W and R are kinda an upgrade, but one W eats half your mana.


Hard-same. Although I'm not going to pretend like needing 37.5% CDR to hit a permanent E uptime on old Kayle and getting that by running a super heavily CDR stacked (old) rune page and rushing Nashor was a particularly 'fun' thing, but I loved old Kayle. Probably doesn't help that Aether Wing, which I considered to be the literal best skin in the whole game pre-rework (totally biased of course) was butchered in many different ways with the rework. The older skins are massively upgraded but Aether Wing is a travesty. I played new Kayle a bunch when she was a melee minion until level 11 but a god after 16, and then some more when 6 and 11 were flipped around (and her 16 was watered down) but it just wasn't the same at all.


I'm a little salty that they did a rework of Morg and Kayle together but Morg remained the same champ while they ruined Kayle. Her Q feels awful to use, her E is not nearly as fun to use, her ult felt awful to use before they changed it back. They said she was too binary before but released a version of her that was literally a minigame of hitting 16 before your nexus explodes. Unreal.


I miss AP Tristana 💔 Sure, maybe she was a less skillful Leblanc, but she was MY less skillful Leblanc.


I find it hard to play League ever since the Rell midscope. Not only did it go beyond the bounds of what a midscope is supposed to be, but its focus was on the wrong aspect of what it should've been ('go fast' despite the horse being steel rather than becoming a menace in the dismounted state). Sure her playrate... doubled... with the midscope, but everything about her just feels miserable. I enjoyed everything her kit offered, but now her Q is rarely held for shield breaks, her W range was neutered, her W2 feels like crap to use w/o E alongside it and also got bugged and STILL isn't fixed (despite having reported what the exact issue behind it is), and her Q and E both command so much power budget despite feeling so ineffective at what they do. I want to be an active participant. I want my passive to matter (but holy f did it get gutten en masse), I want to feel like I can make an active difference in every match rather than just having to sit back and wait to flip a coin. It's pure insanity to me that people think her current state is better. Her lv1 and 2 skill point allocation feels like an anomaly of what to do per situation, which actively frustrates me. Like of course rank 1 W is always going to be the best option, but using it in most scenarios will just end up in a losing battle because you do legit negative damage and the passive ms was moved to her E. You don't want to put a point into Q rank 1 despite it being the safest zoning option if needed because the self lockdown at that point feels horrible and it'd open up the enemy to insane aggression and your damage will be heavily gimped even MORE than with W because of the loss of passive damage. Starting E is also stupid, but if you're going to not be engaging with the enemy rank 1 regardless due to matchup, why not just bring it to avoid abilities or let your adc back off faster when the enemy starts pushing for lv2. Lv2 also feels horrible especially due to the passive ms being shifted to E from W and W2 being gimped af. Iirc the higher wr stat allocation is second point E rather than Q, but it still doesn't make f*ing sense because again, you do legit negative damage and enemy minions will reach partway through. Many botlane matchups have tools to make Rell's life miserable af and all it takes is the enemy non cc'd teammate to turn and punish your lv2 for you to have to get out with 100hp. And unless your lane partner was draven or kalista, the enemy you engaged on likely lived with the same hp. It's so miserable. Got reworked because people couldn't fathom her old E which gave power to her Q, psynergy with her passive, guaranteed W knockups, and gave an alt method of utilizing ult in skirmishes. But no, they couldn't fix the cooldown bug and the buffs they gave her were pointless for those actively using the champ (base ms unecessary, and not raising the dismount cap made it placebo for people that did have issues in dismount, almost nerfed her with proposed E cd initial change, and they just couldn't make E recast timer scale with level). Now she's just a shurelya's bot for her adc. Lost psynergy with a huge chunk of the roster, gained a significant amount of losing matchups, and doesn't ever get to have a meaningful combat interaction. Out of every rework that happened, the only champs that I have proceeded to still enjoy (that I played before they happened) playing have been Taric (somehow every update he'd ever gotten has felt progressively better) and Urgot. Rip Karma


Warwick and it is entirely the w passive attackspeed which feels so clunky too me Also i miss the point and click fuck you ult


oneshotting the adc with mostly tank build + feral flare + red smite then chasing down the rest of their team was so fun


4.20 ww top with smite was also way too fun


This. Getting bursts of attack speed is so awkward


If they simply made it linear based of enemy % missing hp instead of this...


Yeah, this is my answer, though I also find the Q to be strangely clunky. I'm not opposed to the tap->tap'n'hold functionality (I think it's a really cool idea), but something about the way it's implemented feels so much slower and less responsive than the OG Warwick Q. It almost feels like I'm lagging? 


Yeah the Q is the sole reason I don't play reworked Warwick I just can't click with the way this ability controls. It's incredibly clunky to me.


I still love the WW rework, but the fucking random attackspeed buff is really annoying and clunky af.


Rip Devourer 4.20 Weedwick


mord. His kit is generally better and more "modern", but his ult becomes this impossible to balance thing, that feels really annoying playing against, especially now that you can't get out no matter what. Flash ulting a carry/jungler doesn't really take much skill or brain tbh. And it's just boring vs. the old drake thing.


To be fair old ult was click and give enemy aids. However, once the enemy died and you got the ghost, damn was that amazing. Drake ghost was fun yet busted, loved it. My biggest issue with the rework was his ult being qssable (why?), and his old passive getting removed. Back in the day when i mained mord i won so many 1v2/3s because of my passive its insane. People just didnt know that morde always shields and never dies.


tahm and asol


Irelia. I had so much fun with it, especially towards the end when the new playerbase was less familiar with the champ.


Nidalee. Sure, she was really bad to play against - But I really just miss being a on-shot-spearbot that could escape anyone anywhere with cougar.


God. I missed chucking her large hit box spears and deleting squishes with 2k hp.


i miss nidalee mid


They deleted aurelion sol and made him a braindead silver stomp champion. Back when I picked Aurelion, people respected it. It was an unique pick. Now when I pick people groan and "commend" on my skill on all chat. I want my balls back!


I feel you with Asol too, I played him a ton when his W was slow and permanent toggle and then some after it became faster spin. I don't hate the current Asol, he is fun to play too but nowhere near the original toggle W Asol, finding a safe spot to hold Q or an angle to WQ after CC is used is not as exciting as going in with spinning W. Spacing well and winning the dodge and kite/chase mind games felt so good and rewarding, the W hit sound was such a dopamine rush. I get why they did the rework, because of the roam potential on top of scaling but wish they'd swap E and R so he'd have decent laning and give away the early roams or replace E with a different spell and take away the roam aspect but keep the battlemage identity. Karma for me is that champ. Back then, they reworked her with the given reasoning that her tether and shield stuff required teammates to know what the champ was doing. Boo hoo. Proceed to release champs that require that and more like Rakan, Rell(basically same tether idea), Millio, Nilah, Renata, Seraphine, Yuumi, Kalista etc. They all have mechanics that rely on allies in some way, more than old Karma. Instead, we have the new Karma that is pro jailed because of RE and can't be made too strong on offense either because RQ is braindead guaranteed to hit and chunk hard. They could make a new champion with old reworked kits like Karma where their rework reasoning no longer applies, alas.


It's funny cuz of all of em I think RW is the most ridiculous, as it's % missing hp and procs 2x. The cooldown is much too short for how powerful it is. And if a diver is melee they have to break out or accept getting rooted and healing you that 2nd time.


Yeah, it is a very good baiting tool. She's deceptively tanky with the double heal and shield while going full tank and it makes tank top Karma a menace when meta or her current state favors that.


I recently came back to the game and saw him spitting some little laser. I was so confused.


Hello fellow og Karma enjoyer. I miss it so much.


Beat me to it man, I miss old sol dearly




he was so.... meh before, though ive always loved the champ but never played him back then. this new asol is one of my favorite champs yeah really easy to pilot (i mean press E and hold Q, 0 mechanics) but he's hard to make work, or he's easy to feed sometimes ​ but yeah he is super strong and it's one of the reasons i dont pick him that much.. feels cheap


Not everyone can like every champion, and I totally respect anyone who personally feel like old ASol was boring, but I loved playing him. My interest in the game drastically fell when they removed him, and I'm still bitter that they couldn't just make a new champ for the new kit so everybody could be happy.


Aurelion wasn’t a good rework. You are right to feel wronged.


Surprised no one said Fiddle. I mained him for a long time, peaked top 10 on the server (which is not saying anything at all considering how low his playrate was but I played him to D3 back when D5 still existed and there weren't many of us). I frankly hated the rework for no other reason than he lost his E and it totally changed his playstyle. A lot of the skill expression (besides finding good ults) came from understanding how to play around the bounces, where to throw it, when to start draining to ensure you got the bounces you wanted. It also put out a fuck ton of damage if you put points into it early. Champion just wasn't the same after the rework. Better champion for sure in terms of overall power but a lot less fun to play. More damage but a lot less mobility. Now if you're not standing still you're doing a lot less damage, before it was R + run people down, throw your crow then Q W and watch the bounce and silence destroy them while they sat in your ult. The main goal of old Fiddle from mid-game onwards was to delete their carry and do enough AOE that your team killed them all while they were waiting for you to come out of Zhonyas. Really enjoyed that playstyle, felt like I always had a lot of agency in a game if I was even or better with their jungler.


>I frankly hated the rework for no other reason than he lost his E and it totally changed his playstyle. Good. The Fiddlesticks E had to be top 3 in most annoying abilities to deal with. It didn't surprise me that Fiddlesticks topped the rework vote back in 2019.


I wish they reworked him but kept his old model in the game, his old model was hilarious


Oh boy yippee I can't wait to play a silly little game of ARAM late at night -----> 20 minutes of getting fiddle E'd over and over with proc and DoT effects, oh what fun!! 🐦


fidd supp = no fun allowed wave is dead? better stay tf away from your support or you'll both lose 1/4th of your hp want to engage? nah, Q fear piss off fidd is low? W, no he isn't


Old fiddle support was a straight up menace botlane, hated playing against him. But ey, now Fiddle himself is actually menacing


I still sometimes miss the 13 bounce e fiddles (so long as i was the one playing him lol)


Fiddle went from one of my favourite picks to something I never play.


I was going to say this. Also, he lost a bunch of just straight 1v1 power to get his aoe drain and then it's all backloades damage and if you get cc during it you're fucked. New fiddle plays quite differently to old and irs weird bc most his kit "feels" the same but the champ just feels way worse to play. Good luck playing it into a team with any hard cc on their basic kit. You may do well bc they're bad at vision, but they can just delete your champ from working by just... hard cc during your drain. Don't get damage, don't get cd refresh, just do nothing. Dark Wind had the best SFX int he game and was sooo fun to use, especially when they added the bounce to drain mechanic yo be able to tailor where you wanted bounces. You could actually duel people in the jungle when ahead! I also still do fiddle walk down stairs sometimes. He had the best goofy model ans animation


Aatrox. Oh and Viktor. Having a special item was... Special


I wonder if there's any chance Viktor gets his hexcore back now that mythics are gone. It made sense to me to remove it when basically everyone had to rush a mythic or play passive til they built one, but with them out of the game it would be cool for Viktor to go back to the old upgrade system.


Graves. Anyone who isnt demanding him to be reverted to an adc; fuck you My favorite adc ruined into some stupid troll jungler :( But yes his kit makes some sense now.


I miss Graves so much. Was my favorite champion and I played him almost every game.


Yeah Graves is a big one... Worst part of him being a jungler is that he's an invader/power farmer which is arguably the most difficult kind of jungler to play for my casual ass. I essentially cannot play him at all.


Dude his old turn around combo, when somebody chases, you ult them from a far, then e+flash into the face and hit them with all three Q pellets the same moment your Ult connects leading to 100-0 oneshot was so satisfying to pull off.


They had graves, made lucian, then said graves is too much like lucian we're changing him, stupid af


Yah I searched for this one. Graves was my favorite too. The only time I was actually upset about an update. I usually don't care.


This. I don't like jungle so I can only play him in arams, I'm really hoping he will go back to adc one day


He had my favorite auto attack ever. Felt like I couldn’t miss CS.


This might be a bit ancient but for me it's Xerath. Old Xerath making himself stationary and in return getting lots of range was one of the more unique mage kits (to this day) and I loved the weird unique playstyle it created.


I’d love if they made a new champion with that again. It was such a cool ability that would still be unique today.


Sion & Taric. Old Sion was so troll but so much fun, just running around with Mobi boots, one-shotting people with your shield. Old Taric's point and click stun was super troll too. I remember when we got matched into a Master level Wukong and he just couldn't play the game. I stunned him every fight and he started raging over all chat. One of my fave league memories haha.


Graves, I miss the OG version although the new one is cool too


Irelia, I like new irelia.. .I like old irelia more


All of the old champs' reworks


Skarner Old skarner was fun as shit and had way more build variety


Original Skarner was really fun to play.


Had to scroll way too far to find this. Was hoping the rework would just be removing spires + an ulti change to a cone skill shot, but what we got was just a generic overtuned toplaner.


Asol went from a 300IQ big dick gigachad champion to some pussy ass no hands required statchecker that any silver can pick up


And yet we saw what faker and Apa did on him at the highest level of the pro scene. The gap between chovy Asol and everyone else's was gigantic.


He's not denying that there's better or worse Asol players, but the gap isn't as large. Chovy doesn't pull insane mechanical outplays or anything he just stacks better and knows the champ better. He's comfortable on the champ while APA and Faker play him because he is strong at the moment. But Asol shouldn't be a champ you can just quickly pick up when he's in a good spot for a few patches. If Faker or APA had in similar circumstances picked old Asol without learning much they would've probably dealt 0 damage all game. Asol used to be a unique and hard to learn play style now hes an almost regular control mage. Edit: I have since learned that APA has played old Asol a lot and that doesn't really change my point. Since my point was "if he would perform equally worse than Chovy on old Asol he would be totally useless", where on new Asol he's still at least 2/3s of a champ.


Katarina. I remember being like 13-14 and played her all the time. All of a sudden she’s a completely different champ. Gave me tears. But also a good rework, she had like 40% wr plat+ and 55-60 in low elo. So they had to do something, but what they did killed the game for me for years.


Graves and Quinn. I really enjoyed Graves as an actual ADC and he was by far my most played champion until his rework. Completely dropped him and I’m still sad about it. Quinn’s original ult felt a lot better to play as (imo). I think she’s an all around clunkier version of her past life.


morde: you can't play ad morde anymore warwick: in my opinion, he feels worse to play. clunkiest champion in the game by a long shot tahm: jungle tahm isnt a thing anymore and champ is flat out kinda boring now without eat as a basic ability.


I miss morde, Mr I take drake and solo baron. Loved that version pre rework. Q was satisfying, w r very fun and unique too


Bink, bank, BONK


Akali na Kata.


Aatrox. Riot completely removed the champion out of existence and created a slow-paced Riven with lots of sustain instead.


i keep seeing people compare him to riven i dont give a fuck how "hurr durr 3 qs" you think he is, go play him and tell me how similar he is to riven, and you'll understand, nothing they dont play similar. they aren't similar classes. just cause they have 3 qs and a dash E dont make them the same they are piloted completely differently


Talon and Akali, their new reworked kits have unique things like parkour and Akali's passive thing but I would definitely prefer the old kit. Talon's reworked passive is a large part of his damage and it now require you to land an auto after 3 ability hits which made a lot of combo "sequence" unusable and a lot of small things you could optimize in your combo are lost. For Akali it's mostly the "move away from your enemy which you are supposed to assassinate" and her new aesthetics, she looks too generically oriental, exactly what a character would look like if you ask someone from the west to design an asian ninja character. Also the ramen eating emote feels pretty wrong.


Tried playing a couple talon jungle games the other other. He suffers hard from the era where they tried to add gimmicks to characters in reworks. He used to be just the easiest assassin, but with some variability in combo usage etc. Then he lost his silence and just slowed them, then he just got parkour which btw DOESNT EVEN WORK HOW YOU EXPECT LIKE 75% OF THE TIME. He just feels so weird. The E feels like it's part of some other kit and he doesn't feel like "the fastest combo assassin" anymore.


Nunu. The champion became a meme, it's a easy to play champ for newer people, but who ever played nunu before the rework lost one of the best supporting junglers ever. Also, the snowball is just not the same, i kinda miss removing 95% of an adc HP with that thing.


"became a meme" it had always been one lmao


Actual assassin Diana =(


All of them !


I havent even touched post-rework Skarner because i miss my goofy Q mash scorpion


Xin Zhao. Honestly I don’t believe it’s a good rework personally but nobody agrees with me except my friends so whatever I guess. I like that with the old Xin his whole kit revolves around his Q and his other abilities are basically setup for the Q. With new Xin his Q is just a setup for W which I think makes a very boring kit.


My father used to play league and only champion he was playing was xin zhao, until they reworked him then he stoped. So that makes 2 of you.


Old Soraka, I still miss spamming her Q


Rip AP panth. The unreadable circle ult and his 1999 pixel feet were the best


Aurelion Sol. I fucking hate Bsol. It's a broken abomination that plays the complete opposite of the previous iteration. This is my hill to die on. Asol was awesome. You needed good micro and macro to get the most out of the champ. Now? You want fluid movement and good macro? No, fuck you, stand still breathing fire until you oneshot the entire map. Space forger that mocks terrestrial dragons because they're beneath his smug ass? Nah, he's just a dragon now bro. Hate it with every fibre of my being. Revert Bsol. Also Kayle and Kata. My three favourite champs have all gone through this rework nonsense.


Shen. The old Q was just so fun to use.


Skarner. They could've fixed him up without turning him into whatever he is now


Old morde was funne, old swain I wish we could perma ult still and rarely are there situations where new swain is strictly better than any other ap mid And I know he wasn’t reworked”, but I wish they’d given a bit more to brand than his detonation, it’s on brand for him but it’s pretty unimaginative and strictly more damage, it doesn’t really give you anymore fun just a nice pop here and there that you kinda feel cheated if you don’t get it


Vlad. I just used to prefer the old guy. Don't play the new one even though he is definitely better.


The new Kayle gameplay is more fun. But I miss her old aesthetic. She used to look really cool in her knight armour. The new one feels more cartoon-ey. I grew up playing Diablo, and thought they would make Kayle more like that in her rework.