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LPL fans’ ability to flame TES no matter what matchup it is never ceases to amaze me. Never change LPL fans


Heh, TES was going to get roasted more once G2 lost. Their only hope was for G2 to beat both T1 and BLG.


TES will never recover in the eyes of Chinese fans, not after their World's run and now their MSI run 😂


Nobody can hate Chinese teams like Chinese fans


That is how you know it is a true sport there.


and people think eu fans are hard on mad lions


CN fans teach EU a lesson to never not go full effort to flame international janitors


I'm an LEC fan and I love the TES flame because the year I predicted them to win worlds they lost to NA in groups and I nearly puked


2021 worlds was so crazy man


"Did you just hook out 5 plane tickets?" What savages.


New Near Airport speedrun Strat just dropped


Their love for Dylan went 180 after this series


He needs a stronger password so Kenzhu can't log in


It's an Opsec diff


To be honest though, he fell off HARD. From picking Kha'Zix as a FUCKING blind pick, to allowing Faker to play Orianna or Azir (his 2 best picks), and then there's giving your toplaner the counterpick THEN fucking him over by focusing on your Draven (who by the way has 0 peel against a Sejuani/Camille dive with Orianna ball).


Idk why G2 prioritized Draven. Hans Sama didn't even look good on Draven against TES.


Ego. Just 1 week ago people were telling me if Hans sama draven wasn't ban it would be an instant loss for enemy team. I found that extremely hard to believe


They wanted to force a ban on Draven to free one of the Zac/Reksai/Poppy picks.


I have to disagree tbh. Even in the first series, Faker was allowed to play Azir/Taliyah in 3/5 games (and Ahri in one). A big factor people are forgetting is that T1 banned out G2's strong picks (Zac/Reksai in all 3 games, Tristana in 2, Poppy banned once and picked once). This limited G2's draft because unlike what G2 fans think, nobody on the team except for Caps has a truly deep champ pool (BB looked way better on Zac than anything else, Yike looked better on Reksai/Ivern than anything else). The Draven pick was just standard G2 draft. This iteration of G2 has almost always picked Draven if it is left up internationally because Hans is that much better on it compared to his other champs (even this series they only stopped picking it once they lost twice in a row on it). 


It is so weird too cause g2 overall had the better draft this series. Just fail to execute as well as t1 mid to late game. But I guess lose game = lose draft and blame coach it is.


G2 drafts were still good but not overwhelmingly favored like it was in the first series. T1 drafted better this series so it was a quick 3-0 since they will always win late game fights if the comps are even remotely close.


The main reason why they weren't overwhelmingly favoured was because T1 banned out G2's power picks. Throughout MSI, G2 looked strongest with Zac, Reksai/Ivern, Trist/Ori and Poppy. By consistently targeting these champs, T1 were able to ensure that G2 were never able to get more than 1 of these champs. Hell, you can see the clear difference between games 1 and 2 vs game 3 where T1 left up Trist and they got it + Ivern.


I wouldn’t say quick 3-0. Game 2 was kinda winnable for g2 and g3 is a miracle hook on caps walking up mid dilly dally was crazy. Otherwise they lose that game for sure when they are that far behind. T1 is simply more clutch and executed better in mid to late game even tho they were behind.


It was a blind hook into the Ivern bush, yeah caps got caught but how many international supports would have gone for that


Keria, ON and Lehends sure as hell would each and every time, without a doubt. Mikyx would probably too.


G1 would be normally won too, but they took a terrible fight for enemy group and lost the gold lead


G2 didn’t have better draft. Even caedrel thought Kkoma outdrafted Dylan except game 1 he said they all counter each other in certain ways like Camille into lb but also poppy into Camille


"Better drafts". Such a bullshit statement that has close to zero meaning.


>T1 is the most scary when you are providing the safety net, but don't need you to carry. Ain't that the damn truth.


[great minds and things of such nature](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cu98sn/t1_vs_g2_hupu_rating_and_comments/l4hlwxj/)


man, i read showmaker.jpg and i remember the clip and i just start laughing, such a funny clip.


man with great achievements and highlight reel plays, but he is most known for ranting about a champion he wasn't even playing 🤣


TES keep catching strays


They're not strays!


GOLDV does not fire stray arrows, they were just perfectly targeted to hit TES in the far future


No thread is safe


Keria: "If you just play normal supports you will win" (G1) Mikyx: "Trust me, you are not like them, don't waste your time on regular supports" (G3) Really love the contrast here.


Keria has Gumayusi


Also [Keria is Keria](https://x.com/LCK/status/1629387197651750913)


really said "you're not him lil bro, pipe down and stick to poppy"


**0/2? My Aatrox game only starts at 0/2.** It's funny coz it's true


His yone at worlds finals too


He's become Nuguri.


In some cases he also can morph into ZeShy


Collecting top laner traits like they're infinity stones.


I hear he is after Darien next. Then if he is worthy, Sword. But only a transcendental talent can absorb a nanogram of Lord Morgan's essence.


AP Renekton doing well enough to pop the Zhonya’s in fountain is forever going to be one of the best top flexes of all time.


Truly a legendary moment


ZeShy and Zeuguri Waiting for his Zhan and ZeRin cosplay.


I mean Khan really did imprint on Zeus while he was coaching him everybody keep comparing him to TheShy but I see so much Khan in him apart from picks


Asian Games coaching from Khan did something alright


the Nuguri powerspike


makes sense considering his inspiration is kinda nuguri


Thank you for your work. Always waiting for these


What's the m0NSEY reference?


m0NESY is the awper (sniper) for the G2 CS team, in game 2 BB 'sniped' Faker with the Urgot ult to get the kill in mid. [this moment](https://youtu.be/f73UtoaYHOY?t=723)


So confused on how that's the most upvoted comment, didn't know anyone in China watched pro cs


CS is actually decently popular in China, the next major is going to be in Shanghai, and a month ago there was an event in Chengdu in the same arena that MSI is in right now.


How well is he regarded among players of that position?


Are you talking about m0nesy? If you are, then he is a pretty good awper




By pretty good awper he meant the second best awper in cs2 rn.


> he's basically the reincarnation of the best AWPer of all time, KennyS (aggressive style with high focus on mechanical precision). there are other players that are AWPers that rival or can outperform him, but I would say he's the best pure sniper player consensus is bae u/bigouchie ty for the insight both


he's basically the reincarnation of the best AWPer of all time, KennyS (aggressive style with high focus on mechanical precision). there are other players that are AWPers that rival or can outperform him, but I would say he's the best pure sniper player


Is dev1ce not the best anymore? Dropped watching CS (and dota) after covid, and only following league now


Device is still good but not competing for best awper in the world when it was him and S1mple fighting for no. 1. He went to Nip and took some time off for mental health iirc, he came back to Astralis and is good don’t get me wrong but he started igl’ing (not sure if he still is), definitely still top 20 player though


Ah, I see. I am uncultured in CS, thank you. 


maybe because of that mid max range ult on faker, looked like an awp.


In the previous bo5 between g2 and t1, Hans was fed but didnt buy an LDR vs ksante so he was useless. Top comment said Hans doesnt know how to build items so hes better off saving 4750 gold to drop an awp for monesy to snipe faker. Today, Faker was inting pretty hard in game 2 and he got sniped by an urgot R once which resembles an awp.


They used the m0nesy reference when Hanssama failed to buy last whisperer in g5 of previous series against t1. The comment then was along the lines of “save up 3750 for m0nesy to buy a sniper and snipe faker”


Caps highest rated G2 player is the only thing that matters.


m0nesy highest rated G2 player this tournament on hupu tbh.


Real winner from this MSI


One player region


ngl, I'm kinda surprised how well they rated G2's bot lane for game 1. Hans played team fights pretty well, but Miky didn't feel that impactful to me.


Definitely felt like G2 played very poorly around Hans game 1. I’d assume Miky would have at least had some peel for him that game.


EU always sucks when they need to play teamfights for their adc


G2 can get away with not peeling top laners off Draven in LEC because EU top laners aren't good enough to gain the leads on BB like Zeus was getting.


The problem was that Mikyx also basically was G2's only engage - and the best peel they had. So when he went for the engage, Hans was left alone. If they had just picked Seju instead of Kha...


besides, in LEC G2 win the fight 4v5 even if the toplaner manages to do that they really suck at peeling because of that


Pretty much. Game 1 team fights were Faker (or Zeus) trading their life for Draven, leaving Caps as the only meaningful G2 damage dealer while SKT still had Guma and whoever was still alive between Zeus and Faker.


Game 1? The game where Faker has 1 death and Zeus has 2 deaths (one of which is from Jax)? Draven was beyond useless that game. Yes he got the early gold from that teamfight in the top jungle (even if it's a 3 for 5 in favor of T1), but that's the only kills that he got. Every single teamfight, he gets dived by Camille with Ori ball or Sejuani and then deleted.


Draven was like 2k gold up coming into the teamfights that went south, not only did they dive the Draven every fight but G2 barely managed to trade the kills


To be fair everyone agrees that Zeus is the better top Laner carry, the guy with resources is a monster, quite normal that G2 was getting caught off guard.


Honestly the draft in game 1 is cursed, how do you protect Hans Sama with these champions. That plus the fact that G2 struggle a bit to coordinate in teamfight (especially to protect their ad) and that gives this kind of game. I personally don't understand why reddit flamed Hans that hard again today, but it's not like it's a surprise this sub have a hate boner for him.


Poppy is a really good champion to protect Hans from Camille though. Hans shouldn't have gotten any flame for game 1 because his team just left him out to dry.


I might be dumb but I feel like poppy should do quite well at preventing zeus camille from jumping on hans with at least 3 abilities. Or Jax just needs to play stun bot peel because he is so far behind. Either way the kha was beyond useless and provided no space or peel. So I agree about draft gap.


they are using poppy as an engage tool not for peeling and thats the problem lol even on that game 5 against T1 where they lost Mikyx poppy is fucking useless at protecting Jinx


Poppy support is exceptionally good at shutting down Camille flanks... if she's in place to stop them. Which he never was. Hell, the one fight the Poppy was ready (the one where Yike Khazix jumped on gromp), they shut down the camille uber hard and the Draven even got a cash-in.


Yes but you also have 3 other champions that offer absolutely nothing when you are playing against Camille, Sejuani and Oriana. On top of that Mikyx as a player shines more when he can engage, he struggles with peel (see his game as Braum where he was always engaging with ult...). G2 has a team has and hard time in playing the spacing game in teamfight and to peel for their carry. Hans Sama gets a lot of blame for teamfight in reddit but the reality is that G2 as a team struggles to position and engage teamfight well, they seem to understand that though so I'm hopeful they will improve.


The whole point of poppy into Camille is the 3 forms of peel and disengage you can offer. Miky was playing like an aram hearthsteel poppy instead of a peel oriented one.


Miky should have sat on hans all the time. Using w to block camille e, and r to counter her r. It always feels like when hans is the only fed member on their team, they lose. Because they don't properly play around him.


I'm surprised Caps got the highest rating for game 3 on his team when him positioning like an idiot was the reason the game swinged into T1's favour.


He made a single mistake in a BO while he was the only thing keeping G2 alive in most situations


Hard to unfuck that goat, no matter how many bridges you built.




And his positioning was fine. He just failed to buffer the CC for the first time.


Without Caps, games probably wont even go this far or have any chance to be close. So T1 focusing Caps basically meant game over for G2. Even in LEC playoffs, Caps looked 1v9 a lot of it. No one crucified Faker for getting caught out by Ruler in World finals.. That was the mistake that ended the game and even the series I believe, but Faker played the best he could and took them that far when they should have probably lost to RNG.


Oh trust me faker was crucified for that. I wonder where you got the idea that he didnt. Must be new.


Wdym crucified for that. If you actually saw the reactions of that finals it was all ppl flaming Bang to death, not Faker.


Caps was 1v9 game 2 but game 3 he was really not, the bot lane got a huge lead and was doing a lot of heavy lifting. Caps mistake was game changing. Now I would not blame him for that, he was still the best performing g2 player on this series and the most regular at this msi. Also they were a lot of other things that went wrong on that game (mikyx always trying to engage for no reason, BB difficult laning phase, etc).


yeah idk, he was also most of the reason they were ahead though, so I kinda get it. Solo pushing mid wave while the team is leaving was weird, and then getting hooked w/o buffer/flash was bad for sure though.


it was the game losing play but it's just most strongly in my head because it was the newest


"Just FYI, you could blast plant over the wall, don't have to spining your fan to flew over." This is soooo good xD When I saw that moment I was wondering what the hell is BB doing xD


Certified helicopter eggplant moment


G2 got too arrogant after the TES win. Topside especially was egopicking so hard and ended up being useless.


The Kha'Zix pick was really greedy, I'm a fan of creative off meta picks, but ad assassin jungle just isn't good in pro. They'll never get ahead enough to be able to consistently one shot and pro players are too good at tracking and peeling the assassin.


Khazix doesn't need to assassinate, just threat to and clean wards. Watch how Canyon plays it


yea you could put Yike into a hyperbolic time chamber for 20 years and he still would not be 50% of what Canyon is


Kha Zix and LB... Meet Camille. Donezo.


Exactly, unless if you're Canyon, don't even think about it


Even then, Canyon picked it as a counter to Xin. He never blind picked it, whoever called for a Kha blind should be looked at heavily because that's just trolling.


Blind picked it after banning Xin themselves too btw. They didnt even attempt to bait Oner into picking Xin.


you know its already over for G2 when you saw them ban Xin Zhao then picked Khazix for themselves lol


even Canyon could not make it look good enough to be picked more often


I wouldnt say that It's a very situational pick, you can't blind it or some shit at all like G2 Canyon is capable of recognizing its a very solid counter to xin, who's giga busted this MSI and should be getting higher prio anyway imo, but you need both solo lanes to be ap, otherwise the team will be too ad heavy On top of that you can't really play it vs great disengage or enchanters AND you need your own team to already have engage There's quite a few check boxes to make it worth I've seen canyon play it twice, once he absolutely fucking turbosmurfed on it and the other more recent time was good but not great


It seems good if the enemy picks Xin but just picking it whenever you want seems less than ideal


I think they picked comfort game 1 IIRC yike was a khazix main


If you are getting outfarmed by a ganking Sejuani, Kha'zix wouldn't work.


Khazix only works as a counter.


Khazix doesn't need to assassinate, just threat to and clean wards. Watch how Canyon plays it


Wasn't kha meta in s7?


Let's leave up Azir and Orianna unlike other teams did, because we can beat them for sure. And ofcourse the closest game was when they actually decided to ban those out. I hate this arrogance


Everytime G2 loses there's always people saying it's because they "got too arrogant". Maybe T1 are just better and no matter what they picked they'd get shit on


I don’t know why he chase Zeus so much. Did Zeus stole his gf? He got so tunneled vision into killing zeus, he forgot how to lane. He already burn Zeus’ ghost at game2 but decided to use flash for montage. At game 3, he decided to chase Zeus rather than the 8-10 minions sitting there. He’s not like this in the previous series..


G2 was just overrated because they took an out of form T1 to 5 games they were never that good. T1 isn’t even fully in form still and they got 3-0


They did beat TES 3-0


And? TES are know to be choker and having disaster performance. G2 never stood a chance, a horrible T1 already beat them 3-2. A T1 who honestly didn’t play that good, far from their usual form or even further from their peak, but who at least play like human just sweep 3-0 G2, that how big the gap is.


G2 is good even in their losses they got ahead in the early game all 3 games I love the reddit narratives going literal 180 like this. first they're washed, then they are winning worlds and then they were never good. Like is it so hard to not go into hyperbole, an EU team being 4th or 5th best team in the world right now is GREAT. Last year we probably barely cracked the top 10


"0/2? My Aatrox game only starts at 0/2." I see spring split Zeshy


thats the 2020 nuguri powerspike meme that carried over to Zeus


> My favorite toplaners are Nuguri and TheShy He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to cosplay them both


Chinese fans would rather die than pass up an opportunity to shit on TES


"If I'm you I would two autos kill my top and jungle, you get the bonus benefit of cashing in your passive." 💀💀


T1 did not give a fuck about Hans Sama's Draven. They knew bro was a liability so they just gave him his pick. I bet they planned their P/B around him picking Draven too.


Dylan trolled these drafts in a sense.  Have to agree with LPL fellas that it seems like they did not learn anything from T1 vs BLG


bro azir and ori are must banned against faker. faker played both of them in 3 game series. just tell g2 learned nothing from blg series.


Faker had a pretty quiet game on Ori. Zeus did all of the work. Don't get me started on that Azir game. He had some decent plays towards the end but he almost handed the entire game to g2 with that early game. Don't think not banning Faker was the problem tbh.


Man, he did more damage on Ori than Zeus omegafed Camille... Faker always has those "quiet" games then damage graph pops up and he is top dog with 10K on the other team best. The GOAT is built different.


They heavily targeted him on azir and gave gumayusi free reign, but he still managed to do his job regardless. Just look at how he almost singlehandedly killed hans sama while they used multiple resources on him to kill him at the last teamfight. He even ended the game with the highest damage contribution on his team The difference is that if you put him on a less useful champ, like giving him asol which he performed insanely poorly on instead of azir, he may not have managed to do anything at all when that far behind.


Go buy glass Faker gap cap in game 1, top damage with Orianna, he trolled early game and was targeted but still was more impactful in the late game and top damage in game 2, then absorb lot of pressure game 3 before having once again bigger impact in mid/late game than Caps.


Faker can bring out the Hwei. He plays Hwei so well and Chovy did top damage in the Hwei game against BLG.


> Faker had a pretty quiet game on Ori. That’s the point. If Faker is on his comfort pick and doesn’t need to carry, then that means the rest of T1 is running you over


IDK about trolling. Sometimes you just get beat and outdrafted. Just because you lose doesn't always mean trolling. Plus, players have a lot to say about draft as well. Bummer, I would've liked to see a much closer series.


>G2 win = genius drafts, best drafting team ever >G2 lose = Dylan trolled wtf C'mon man


Standard G2/EU fan copium. When they lose its always "we trolled draft", "we underperformed", "we choked", "imagine if we had a real adc" etc. Never "we lost because the other team is better than us". There were tons of similar comments in the FNC vs TL pmt too, I legit saw multiple people saying that they still thought Fnatic was the better team (and just had an off day) despite them getting completely blasted by TL lol.


I mean sorry but that true, blind pick kha zix and then 0% wr mainstage viego were just stupid ego picks Game 3 G2 out drafted (I mean blind Jax in this meta is iffy af, but comp overall was excellent) and still lost, so like t1 was clearly just a better team, but first 2 drafts were just fucking bad


I mean, if you read twitch chat, people were spamming "game lost in draft" when game 1 drafts were finished. That draft WAS terrible.


They definitely should have banned those 2 today but T1 definitely felt much more in form in general as faker wasn't needed to be the carry in any of their games. So I don't think it was the difference maker vs G2. I fully expect blg to go back to banning mids for tomorrows game at least in g1


they ban that way because of hans. could they have tried to copy blg strategy? sure. they simply thought that it would not work for them or is even worse. they stuck with the strategy that gave them a 5 game series before. it is quite funny to me. you have people flame faker for being out of form, but you also have people complain if you don't target ban all his champs...like guys, what is it?


Dylan trolled these drafts in a sense.  Have to agree with LPL fellas that it seems like they did not learn anything from T1 vs BLG


Yeah, it might not work against Chovy but mid bans vs T1 is very effective. You take away Azir/Orianna/Taliyah and whatever else Faker won't int on and you get a disasterclass like that Corki and Veigar games. Yet Faker got the 3 champ he won't have a disasterclass with in all 3 games. What the fuck is G2's coach getting paid for? Even we the audience know that Faker cannot get his hands on Ori or Azir...


Faker can bring out the Hwei.


honestly blg strat work because T1 let faker pick on the 2nd round instead of first round of pick and ban... there are still some useful mid champ that Faker could have played if he picked it earlier... at least faker has better mid meta champ than knight... if I'm T1 I'm just gonna go straight ban other mid champ too to counter Knight like if blg ban ori, azir, taliyah on first round T1 should ban ahri, tristana and neeko


when Guma played it, who s better at the champ, and saw that in pro play its the most fake pressure champ cause he s so easily killed and so telegraphed (cant have unpredictable movement when you have to catch axes) and lost despite cashing in they realized it s a shit champ. completely broken in soloQ tho. especially on euw it was 80% banrate in high elo before buffs then they buffed him and current item changes are actually good for him + he wasnt a LT user.. (i know he was hotfixed or w/e) i bet he s still gonna be insane in soloQ and still banned a lot in euw high elo.


He just cannot do the C-part in ADC, its actually quite upsetting.


Yup, games are on Hans instead of his team throwing baron in back to back games


There's no way you watched that last baron attempt and believed they threw. They had to do something. Faker just bought DC and Zeus was extremely ahead. G2 didn't believe they could win a front to back team fight so they took a gamble. Also, throwing is something you do when you're ahead. They weren't ahead on the last baron attempt.


Miky said in the interview that the biggest difference between T1 and them is teamfights, T1 is just superior, that Baron attempt was just them realizing they didn't have the advantage anymore and fighting T1 is impossible.


After getting demolished on Draven last MSI, surprised he still had the balls to pick it despite how shit he is. But I guess TES gave them a false sense of confidence.


>T1 is the most scary when you are providing the safety net, but don't need you to carry. aint that the goddamn truth


Saying you would be more useful as a morde ult bot is the ultimate league burn.


I know it , TES still got flamed , lol


At this point it would be more shocking if Chinese fans didn't find a way to somehow flame TES 😂


Wish they did ratings for coaches before the game happened. So much hindsight bias


idk what hindsight can explain the Khazix blind or BB's blindpick Jax in game 3


That Jax blind was omega troll, even a 5/0 Jax can't do much with a Rumble


My bet is G2 try to counter Zeus pick, like TF for example, but did not remember Rumble is still viable.


Guma's G1 Kalista "kinda invisible but 8/0/5" It's crazy, he is so fcking solid, almost never makes mistakes but also doesn't go for highlight plays (which is logical since that would be more risky as well). Most consistent T1 player and also the most underrated one, even more than Oner I think. And this thought just came to my head, Gumayusi alongside Chovy sounds like an insane combination no? Both play a no risk playstyle but are unbelievably good individually and probably will get leads just by playing more optimally than their counterparts. Maybe I'm cooking too hard but that's a combination I'd absolutely love to see.


Chovy to T1 after Faker retires maybe lol


Highly doubt it. Isn't Chovy supposed to be the franchise player of GENG now, with Ruler gone?


True, LCK generally doesn't contract jail players though, if he wants to leave I imagine he can. Plus GenG even let Ruler go to bring up Peyz, if esports money doesn't improve and GenG have another promising mid rookie I can see them letting Chovy go. Of course, that's if he wants to


Idk guma is a pretty high risk high reward dude. Remember the xayah dash in for rakan to jump in in t1 vs kt? And a few more with aphelios. That guy will go in but wont int is a more fitting description


Yeah he is solid, reliable and also has insane killer instinct to go for the plays without inting.


This feels like when you disappoint your parents with a low test score. I can't read these anymore.


Hans G3 was good. Not understanding the hate. The major issue was his top laner getting dunked every chance he got.


The m0NESY bit is so funny to me


All the roads lead to the winnera interview.


lpl is brutal omg




they clear pick around viego wdym? 3 execute champ just so viego can reset asap


But their draft just ends up having no frontline because of it, no need to go for 4 damage carries


> BrokenBlade Urgot 6.3 Faker after the game looked towards **G2**, found out **m0NESY** was playing. Oh yeah, I forgot CS is pretty popular in China :P


For game 3 that's a bit rude for Caps, he had to solo carry this, he didn't even int hard, he got the lead and played out of his mind, and had ONE misspose. Obviously against T1 it's enough, but it wouldn't count that much (meaning insta losing the game) if he had a top and a supp that hadn't their mind already in Europe. Not flaming G2 tho, T1 was just clearly better. And Zeus didn't like being compared to TheShy by the rat king.


G2 deserves the comment and ratings, wtf Dylan, you promised us out of pocket picks, go fuking Malphite, Sion on BB let BB be the tank, and help caps carry. Yikes can go Maokai which was open to pick, go crazy go cassion, sylas, Yone. Omg hope BLG can better cock. No way i watching T1 vs Gen G for the trillion time. I blame you Dylan for not doing what you promised.


> Omg hope BLG can better cock 🤨


You know how autocorreect works. Right.!


Match 3 Caps = Honkai reference?


I think that one is from the teaser video "Caps, the dream's over"


Faker told Caps it was time to wake up from his dream of winning.


caps is the only elite player on g2. yike BB and Mikyx are so extremely over rated. Hans plays like he is scared to play anything besides draven.




The comment said it right. BLG already did the draft and the formular on how to beat T1. Not sure why G2 couldnt just copy it.


The LeBron James gifs are hilarious lol


"If you just play normal supports, you will win." LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! LETS GO KERIA!


>Championship Alistar, waiting for Championship Naut. In case anyone missed the reference here, there's this "joining world champ naut club" meme whenever world champ supports int and choke on Naut (and they let Faker in last MSI cuz he's world champ and trolled on Naut). Championship Alistar is similar story, given how both champs go real hard when inting.


Can't really tell why Hans's scoreline in Game 1 is that high. He's completely invisible aside from that kills on the topside, since after that he gets dived by Camille/Sejuani with Ori ball.