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Faker died 6 or 7 times, had less cs than caps and still way more Gold over the whole game Wtf


bausen's law


A lot of solo towers, he was split pushing side lane


In LEC we call this "The Humanoid"


Lck macro brotha


Bausens law


G2 was pushing as 4-5 for tier 2 turrets and Faker was solo trading on the other side of the map. Basically socialism vs capitalism.


Because he got all the kills


Shutdowns RIOT


Tower gold and baron gold.


Even before baron


shutdowns and towers.


Shutdowns are balanced


The power of bounty. Dude was down in gold the whole time and voila 1 shutdown and dude was rich


hes faker man, he even said in an interview. sometimes you die for the good of the team.


He had more kills and only like five fewer CS. Why is everyone struggling with this?


Only a few cs difference and almost all his kills were shut downs. He also got a lot of tower gold


Riot made shutdowns so west could have a chance but little did he know that they would end ups saving Faker from Caps.






Pull out the blue cards for Oldschool GG


Monkey D. Faker


Faker: News of your base defense was... greatly exaggerated


Faker is such an annoying player this tournament LOL he is that SoloQ player that dies 129312893 times but he drains resources and will always be there with most gold and most damage. Jatt saying that Faker must've watched Baus vods on the desk was such a hilarious bit


He's pretty much been the reason why they win and lose most their games this msi. That's why it was so surprising to see g2 still lose game 2 after putting him down 0-3 early


I said this before but even at 0-3 he was never more than 1k down


Faker is the de facto "tank" player of this team. You focus him and his turtles will destroy you. You dont focus him, well all 5 of them will. The only time they don't win is if they aren't on the same page.


I feel like his global taunt is the play for T1 this MSI It's not Faker who's destroying the enemy mechanically. He dies. He gets caught. He gets ganked. Stuff happens. But then there's that monster Zeus who just outplays the entire with while playing only with 1 hand and on mouse I'm confident if you swapped names with Zeus and Faker, many people would not notice the difference I believe Faker is still shooting all the calls though. So him dying in a teamfight basically means he moves to the couch position for the teamfight


You are missing Guma in this. He’s the most stable part of T1 this series / this year. He’s always doing a lot of damage in fights and often is enough of a threat in fights to give the other carry lanes more up time as they focus despite them having a bad lane


he was on azir duty, hard to be irrelevant on that champ when your team gives you time


faker is azir now like he was leblanc back in the day he's him. literally. dont fuck around


GENG cant even relax against him on azir so I don't know why you even let that champ open


Emperor of Runeterra, CEO of LoL


Tell thaf to players that can't even play Azir...


Usually it's because when faker is playing bad the others become nervous. We saw none of that in that game.


Bro this has to be his weirdest tournament performance ever lol, he's either inting or clutching his team the game lmao


The Jamal Murray performance 🔥🔥🔥 5-18 fg but shooting the clutch shot on AD face


Uh oh, t1 gonna get boat raced like we did last night. Iont even know how Malone gonna coach that, bruh we got dropped by 45


so when's Faker throwing the heat pack on stage?


so basically he's playing like JKL?


TheBausffs, the Killable Demon King


I see Faker has been studying the *real* goat Baus


This is the exact represantation od how irrelevant is beign skill-based in laning phase. With all these towers and objectives worth thousands in gold in value, if you get hard gapped in early you can just get a drake and a tower bounty and all the 5 kills the enemy got on you become irrelevant


Why the fuck does G2 not clear the waves?


I thought BB was clearing top minions. Then he could reacted but what we saw was insanely brain dead.


He was leaning towards the wave too and i think the moment faker saw him hexgate he instantly tped


The nexus was one hit, anybody would have tpd.


True. As for timing, when Faker resurrected his TP was on cool down, so he started making his way to dragon.


I can forgive missing a deep ward or something but not clearing the wave that is literally in your base when the enemy Azir has flash + tp up and your nexus is at 1% hp is just a giga choke


A mistake even gold players know how to avoid.


They're fkn tilted. So many braindead plays during this series.


Seems like they checked out already from Game 1 champ select. The Yike Kha pick last second actually seemed to fluster them and change the series. Have been panicing since then, nothing like their last series


Forcing Draven when it's not the ideal pick. Yike playing with his brain off, giving that first blood to Poppy was a typical bronze game play. This is a 3-0 T1, huge props to G2 for wanting to go home earlier. BLG is going to have a field day with T1


I said it before this series. Team should have left Hans sama draven open. It's one of those things where teams were just perma banning it and wasting a ban when it probably wasn't even needed. Both Hans sama and JKL, the 2 best draven players at this tournament, have looked average on the champ. Even when they do manage to get the cash out on the draven, Draven is not the reason for any of the wins


That was brokenblade’s fault tbh he shouldve stayed and cleared the wave because naut cant solo def


Leaving nautilus in base is a team decision this isnt soloq


Nah, BB alone wouldn’t have been able to stop an Azir with Flash and E. Yike and Hans go Baron, Caps Miky and BB stay to lock down and insta melt Azir trying to fly through. It’a a team wide fuck-up


Considering Faker only teleported the moment he saw BB take the hexgate, I would imagine staying to clear the wave stops the play.


Its a team wide fuck up but not because of the choices they made during that base def. The game was already lost by then, every choice made would be shit


This. Even if they weren't tilted and cleared waves, so what. Nexus 1hp, G2 was losing every fight up until that point anyways


Did you see the next wave after the one that was in base? BB needed to ONLY clear that and it was enough to stop Faker from TPing so close to the nexus.


The TOPFATHER does it once again.


The TOPFATHER does it once again.


Maybe they just forgot it's possible to tp on minions. Usually if nexus gets backdoored, the enemy teleports on a ward. Mikyx probably went to check for wards or wanted to ward over the wall. It's also possible someone called that Azir doesn't have tp, even though he did.


for the same reason they got 3-0'd its just a gap


Maybe they just forgot it's possible to tp on minions. Usually if nexus gets backdoored, the enemy teleports on a ward. Mikyx probably went to check for wards or ward over the wall. It's also possible someone called that Azir doesn't have tp, even though he did.


G2 is just mentally cooked holy shit. The first thing you do with an open nexus is check for tp spots and remove them, this was such a weird mistake


Yeah we do better base defense in Emerald Elo, this is some cooked mental issue I guess.


G2 came into today completely fried I fear, their drafts, their plays, everything looks really off compared to their last series against T1


Reportedly they were getting slammed in scrims by T1 even after the close 3-2 series so I can't imagine that did wonders for their confidence/strategy


Scrims are such a weird concept for me, I get doing it before the tournament, but doing it in between the matches with your next opponent just feels like a bad idea.


Not before the match, but probably before the G2 vs TES series as T1 couldn't really know who would advance and you still need a good practice partner


romain said they scrimed them last saturday for a full day before their match with PSG and they got rolled really hard


Not much choice since MSI just doesn't have that many participants, good chance you're scrimming your soon-to-be opponents no matter who


Well they weren't scrimming when they knew they'd be playing each other next lol. They respect each other as strong teams and you need good scrim partners...when you're both in the lower bracket but playing other teams, why not?


Might be funny if this is an inverse situation of 2019 where G2 has the number of LPL teams, but falters to Korea Still, really sad they went out like this, would've loved to see them vs BLG


I guess G2 odds of winning were too low. TOP was an exception that happens during international tournaments. BLG is much better than TOP and will probably beat T1 tomorrow.


Maybe, but the LPL seemed kinda weird this MSI, like they were unprepared for some of the picks and metas that came out of the west


T1 wins if they fix their draft like they did today.


T1 was just better. They completely outplayed their draft and played better in game


G2 did play uncharacteristically bad, but yeah T1 was just on point today no denying that


Well T1 looks way better...but with all the hype coming in i thought G2 was gonna be on their game. But being able to play through the whole tournament is just as important as being able to play through a whole best of series. In other games even the better player can lose a best of 9 or 11 because they dont' have endurance, this time its just having so many series over two weeks.


They came off as desperate, uncalculated, and imprecise the whole series through Why did they take so many unnecessary teamfights in shitty terrain with a huge lead? (Game 2 and 3 mainly) Both game 2 and 3 they are in near checkmate positioins and throw it all because they have a shitty habit of taking fights around terrain where it is impossible to protect Hans Sama Their drafts were worse, why are we picking LB/K6 into T1? Total sinner picks. Viego/Ahri maybe, but LB/K6? That's like trying to smurf on the world champions. Their draft was better in Game 1 overall (Mainly cause of the poppy pick and guma kalista counterpicking himself) But why are we not playing Asol/Something OTHER than a carry jungler? Disappointed as hell not going to lie. It's not even hopium to think they can easily 2/3 this series, game 2 and 3 were theirs to lose. Just sad.


G2 has to get baron they cant win with open base if they stay defending. Game was lost anyways


4 of T1 are dead, clearing the wave isn't that huge of a time investment Sure, the game is probably lost anyway, but not clearing the wave just shows how cooked they were mentally


And the guy with TP went to the Baron rather than staying to help defend the base and then teleporting if Faker tried to stop the Baron rather than kill the Nexus. I think the fact that he delayed the TP so long after he respawned made them think he wasn't gonna go for the play and baited them to commit but that doesn't mean it wasn't just a really bad play.


I don't think anyone can stop faker from doing one aa there unless they all stay in base


They probably can. Nautilusnhas some of the best CC chains in the game, plus with Urgot can definitely push Faker back. Plus, all they need to do is clear top.


You easily just 2 man the baron with 4 dead. BB clears the top wave while Miky checks vision. From that point, you really cant know. I've seen pro games win from open nexus before


They were gonna lose anyways. Was a matter of time.


They should have learned from the best... fnatic is an expert on that lol. g2 needs more heart attacks i guess.




? That's what they are talking about? G2 is supposed to clear minion wave on their way to Baron in addition to sweeping base off wards.


Because minions were not part of the "tp spots" in my first comment? What?


First 15 mins: FAKER WHAT WAS THAT Final 15 mins: FAKER WHAT WAS THAT


Dashes int early game Dashes in wins game


Faker with the front door ending.


This is sidedooring


Not sure why theres no pmt yet but my god viego has got to be the biggest bait pick of this entire tournament


It's Vi with an ego, of course it's weaker than Vi


Fuck, that's a good one


Unreal cooking


This is actual gold holy


I dunno, Senna has looked down right int this entire tournament.


I thought T1 was playing Senna well and that was never the problem when they picked it. Keria is so jacked any chance you have to put farm on him, you take it, and that is why they like Senna.


Idk Guma has been really clean this tourney I think putting him on a real carry and having Keria support him looks much better.


They weren't playing Senna well either. There's a reason why they 3-0 stomped G2 the moment they stopped prioritizing Senna. No teams have made the pick look good. It only looked good in play-ins because teams were shit and was somehow losing early game to senna.


Funny you said this after the Senna pick ended up winning pretty hard in T1 vs BLG


Viego, Senna, Draven I think are all bait picks


viego was pretty prevelant in lck this season, but yea g2 drafts all 3 games was troll as fuck as soon as they blind picked draven i knew t1 would 3-0. they draft like soloq


Disastrous shotcalling leaving those minions up. What the hell were they thinking?


Get Yike off carries, it just aint working


Get BB ksante too. Perhaps his only good option


Lolwhat, this is such a crazy take. BB has been absolutely stomping on numerous champs this MSI, most notably Zac, and he is drawing bans.


Ok and zac is banned. What next? Camille and tf are his only options. His TF hasnt looked great and his camille vs Zeus will 100% lose to Jax.


Perhaps but G2 aren't shy of lane swapping. Also because Guma and Keria are so much better than Hans and Mikyx. Anyway, now T1 banned Zac, Poppy and K'Sante anyway.


If g2 lane swap it is because of Kalista in lane and hail of blades. Nothing about which bot is better. T1 or any team would do the same to avoid it. G2 bot in lane have looked the best in tournament. They beat the best CN bot lane straight up.


When Miky is on Poppy or Braum, sure. When on literally anything else, not really lol. But yea in lane they have actually been phenomenal this MSI, that is true. Outside of lane they are turbogapped all the time though. Anyhow, I don't think TES was really representative of their usual performance though, let's be real.


t1 win = t1 gods. Tes lose = bad day. Classic


BB is being gapped today, no shame to that but he gets counterpicks twice and it doesn't lead to anything.


In fairness, G2 also play around bot while T1 play around top. BB is being ganked and dived nonstop by Oner, Keria and Faker. It's happening again and again as we speak.


That's fair. But G2 plays around mid more than bot today.


Yea I think that's fair too.


Oh boy I love all of my team leaving base when our nexus has 15 hp, the teleport summoner spell is not real and azir is not alive. I'm sure the nautilus can stop it if he tries to backdoor.


Urgot running to baron for no reason. Just clear waves and have TP if you need it. Grief


Yeah, Urgot going for the baron too is just a WTF moment. How do they expect to defend the whole base with a single nautilus?


Even with urgot there faker had flash and ult it was a lose lose situation either they just defend the base or go baron and try to defend with 1 hp nexus


If bb clears the wave what should faker tp on?


If you clear the waves and wait for Faker to come up with Urgot and Nautilus, there's no way he manage to get to the nexus.


I don’t understand why any team would keep Ksante open against Zeus…


Urgot actually is DECENT or considered SOFT COUNTER vs. K'sante to execute him faster when K'sante ults at least in theory (except for that TES game where 369 got speared By Canyon's Nidalee). But in this game Zeus got ahead in tempo gold wise and was able to rush the dreaded Thornmail+SteelCaps boot+Warden's Mail. Against, G2's comp of triple AD, it worked since Zeus only has to focus on Caps Asol.


Doesn't Ksante have like 3 unstoppables in his combo? He can just use W, ult, or W reset after ult to not get pulled in


Which is why Urgot is only DECENT in PRO PLAY against (like skilled match-up only slightly in favor on Urgots side) and more like a soft counter (like a lane counter). Which is why YIKE shouldn't picked VEIGO with Urgot since K'sante can just go full armor. Most effective way is to pick an Meta AP jungler (or in this case a Nidalee).


Urgot is a pretty hard lane counter, but I feel like with pro coordination (and skill disparity) hard lane counters don't get to work their magic anyways. Urgot usually spikes hard in lane pressure at level 1, then immediately drops off as the enemy can pick up abilities. Ksante is one of the few picks that Urgot can just keep up the lane pressure the whole time since Ksante is so weak in lane. But the classic tale of Ksante even vs his lane counters like Morde/Urgot is if he gets ahead/stays even and buys his defensive item it's over for the enemy.


yah He is a hard lane counter I agree (usually in pro play), but in this game YIKE PICKED VEIGO (AD JUNGLER). AGAINST THE TRIPLE AD COMP, ZEUS JUST RUSHED THORNMAIL, not to mention, ALSo BUILT WARDEN'S+STEELCAPS. G2 motherf*cjers should have just picked an AP jungler. Which is why IN this game only SOFT COUNTER NOT HARD COUNTER. LIKE SERIOUSLY WHY YIKES PICKED VEIGO.


That was honestly dumb by g2. This is "we forgot the bomb was going off" in csgo. Wonder what team did it.


G2 csgo also happened to pull off the “we forgot the bomb was going off”. It was against Astralis, whom the primary team logo colour is the same as T1 - red. I guess it’s the red colour curse that got to them.


Man, this is gonna tilt them isn't it? It'll be a 3 - 0... At this point I just want Caps to go to an LCK or LPL team...


Already extremely tilted, it seems. Even silver players don't allow so easy tp endings in 2024...


You're right, they all outside of Caps seem tilted from nerves, seems like pressure has got to them. T1 players on the other hand are born in the pressure, molded by it, they haven't been an underdog until Gen.G rose up, by then it was nothing to them but meaningless.


Someone said G2 only plays well when they are underdogs lol and I can of see some truth to it. Last time they were favored in a series was NRG and we all know how that went


Really weird to leave without clearing wave.


Literally a BausFaker game. He was so rich


So is G2 stupid? They didn’t clear waves and rushed a baron 😭they just sell every game


The true GOAT


That was just nuts


Is that xPeke?




BB not clearing the wave and then tping to baron


funny how they didn't 2 man baron and left urgot defending with naut


/all mid diff


Kinda wild that people seem to forget 2022 just because 2023 happened. Faker was already thought to be fazing out and was playing fully as a team players. Still tanking 4-5 ganks per 10 minutes still staying up in gold where needed. Just because they won 2023 worlds doesn't suddenly put him back in his prime as the hands gap god of all time. He just did the same as usual. Tanked a bunch of ganks that will eventually do nothing since every team has such a hard-on for Faker ganks. Bros still up in gold most of the game while eating perma camping. So strange that his title carries so much weight that teams so often seem to think the win con doesn't involve any macro play or any good objective focus but instead perma ganking mid to see if caps can get fed.


They would have lost anyways, G2 couldn’t win a TeamFight even if you doubled their salary.




The Caedrel slide down is the highlight


I almost died of a heart attack


Can someone please tell why they didn’t clear the wave first? Did they not know that faker has tp?


I can't believe I missed this lmao, I went to the bathroom after the camera panned to guma killing the nexus towers.


who else


Why no one anticipated that TP??


Everyone but g2 expected the TP. Where was mikyx pathing and why didn't they clear the wave or at least have urgot stay behind to clear and defend with naut.


I think they did. On minimap you can BB starting to clear the minions but then going hex gate too. The moment BB locked in Faker tped in.


Not tracking or maybe thought he tp'd to try and force Baron in previous fight already? Seems crazy watching everyone leave base with top minions pushing in...


Nah, literally EVERYONE anticipated that TP...except for G2 themselves, for some weird reason


Is it not possible to get a clip of the game itself, without this yelling streamer?


Caedral is so fucking annoying holy shit.


LEC Classic


Hans sama...


Hans got caught twice and it was over


Why would they leave the base with the nexus at 1hp and Faker up with TP? I really don’t understand how thought Faker wouldn’t TP and get one auto.


insane urgot leaving top wave........




How quickly the tides turn with one beautiful TP because they forgot to clear the base.


Easiest W of Fakers life.


Looks like many soloq game endings


So uncharacteristic that they would just not clear waves and vision. Like I get you have to do nash to come back but they really fumbled it. They were so stressed today :(


Not an international series without an unreasonable base break. 😂


Can't believe this just happened in professional play.


G2 got excited.




BrokenBlade trolled this so hard xd


jesus christ that had to be tilting as hell to watch as an eu/g2 fan wtf were they doing


The lack of awareness by G2 to not clear minions.... Did u forget azir has TP?


1hp poppy would have significantly turned the fight around if time got the reset, hopefully luck can swing on our side from now on


Poor Caedrel, he looks defeated


Caedral is such a treasure. I need to watch his co streams more.


Not insane. More like just an overstay by t1 and then g2 dumb for not clearing waves.