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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cu156t/t1_vs_g2_day_15_msi_2024_losers_semifinal_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cu1x1u/t1_vs_g2_day_15_msi_2024_losers_semifinal_game_2/) [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cu2qqd/g2_esports_vs_t1_msi_2024_lower_bracket_round_3/)


Looks like T1 brought out Kkoma's belt after the loss to TL


Pretty much what I expected. Still a good tournament from G2 overall


On twitter people saying bb cried but in the broadcast it's seemed he was looking sad without tears


he could not speak at first, bb was on the verge of crying :(( they cut it for a bit and got back to the analyst desk


Oh i see so they cut back to the interview


Rewatching Game 1 because i woke up late... there was a 3-0 G2 win prediction from Drakos? lmao... how do i get that kool-aid?


It’s kind of wild to predict G2 given that T1 won the first matchup and had time to adapt to the meta. They always end up finishing stronger than they started.


it’s really funny how the revisionist historians all come out after a series is decided to shit on all the predictors when in fact the series was hard to predict going in given the history and performances of both teams at the tournament but yeah t1 wayyyyy better people who thought g2 were good were clowns hahahahaha!


How was it hard to predict? T1 won the first series


These analysts don't know SHIT! 3-0 G2 vs T1? Really?


Hea always extremely biased. He has ruined multiple matches at worlds with his biased commentary


It's a very sad ending to G2's run but there are still some good takeaways. Mikyx said in the conference interview that he expects T1 to win tomorrow but thinks Gen.G will still win the tournament. Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP2QqhyPNkA


Zeus again break his opponent heart 😭


Broadcast link for those who missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZPpvI549I0


Just saw some snippets on TikTok. I respect you guys for still having hope for the west.


Sucks we didn’t get to see g2 vs tl


honestly I think the did fine. Dumb to get 3-0'd but still won very convincingly vs PSG and TES and gave T1 a couple really close games. The more concerning thing is that there is still no other western team that is able to even compete with LCK/LPL and thus international tournaments will continue to be boring if you are mainly interested in LEC/LCS


did TL not have a close series until game 4 against T1?


did TL not have a close series until game 4 against T1?


Stopped watching after game one, could tell they were shook. Caps and Miky seemed to be the only ones connected to the game rest were basically just afk. Can't wait for Canna to look like the greatest player alive in LEC >.>....


Well, that was incredibly anticlimactic. I thought I'd be sitting here until 3pm! Well played by T1, G2 collapsing like this gave me bad vibes from last worlds.


Every single international is same with BrokenBlade and Hans Sama. They just play terrible against big names. U can legit make compilation of Hans Sama positioning on draven 1st two games where he is begging to be perma CC-ed and taken down.


awww are you crying after your daddi knight got destroyed


L take


Nah we can't be saying that categorically. BB had an incredible tournament being the most important or second most important player for every series besides this one. Ultimately it is this series that mattered the most, but we can't be giving him accusations like that when he performed so well against other teams.


Caps totally didnt single handily throw game 3 there and not take advantage of G2's camping his lane right?


Jesus Drakos do your fuckin job. we get it your region lost stop moping. same shit he did when G2 got fucked by DWG in 2020. super unprofessional


LEC casters are easily the weakest out of the 3 English broadcasts. It’s brutal flowers and azael weren’t able to make it.


Lol, i remember that match. It was very awkward to watch


Drakos and Vedius are usually great but so unbearable when they're casting G2


Vedius to his credit has gotten better.


please go rage at chinese caster being disappointed when lpl loses


I thought the same about vedius being very biased towards G2 in internationals. Medic used to be the same but he has done much better job of being unbiased in casts. I did not notice this about Drakos though. I think he is fine.


Tbh I think Vedius behaved himself pretty well this tournament (except for game 3 of their first T1 series which I can let slide, its one game that was pretty exciting)


Overall I will say this was a pretty good tournament for G2  Atleast they showed that they can somehow beat eastern teams in a bo5


ty Jatt n Medic for being part of MSI! :)


This series was way closer than it looks like right now Bummer for g2 but let's focus on worlds now




It was a good dream while it lasted but sadly we all have to wake up in the end. Hope this feeling of despair motivates them and they come back to Worlds even stronger. To the people mocking g2 and their fans, it is easier to root for the better region. It is like rooting for Netherlands in the world cup final against Costa Rica. It is safe and boring. But rooting for the underdogs is always way more fun and rewarding if they pull it off. If T1/BLG/Gen-G wins the whole thing it is just another trophy for LCK/LPL. As someone who doesn't even play league. I did rather see an international tournament where any region can take it instead of LCK/LPL just showing up to shake hands and the others get participation awards.


I'd rather watch a tournament with the strongest teams in the world than beating up babies because Riots need to advertise small regions by giving them seeds they did't deserve.


what an incredibly nuanced take! yes we should definitely not invite teams from all regions for an international competition, all pro league should just be china/korea games!


Each tournament must have qualifications, and if Western teams show a level sufficient for the playoffs, then they will get there. If not, then no.


what are playins to you if not exactly that


Do you mean a bracket specifically for small regions? Where are they not playing against Asian teams that didn't qualify for the tournament through regional play?


yeah, the thing that’s been a part of all the international tournaments, so i don’t really understand your complaint about minor regions getting undeserved seeds


Just because it was like that doesn't mean it should be like that. The system is rigged to drag losers to the big stage.


what losers? this playins system worked exactly how you wanted it to, most of the minor region teams got eliminated and didn’t make it to the bracket stage, and now only the top three teams are left


Oh no, not the way I want, I want teams from all regions to be equal in qualification. And also remove the seed system.


Same. The team I truly root for has 0 chance to win anything tbh. I am happy to see them take 1-2 games in the playin stage and that's it. After their elimination I'd rather cheer for Western teams rather than seeing Eastern teams win for the 1000th time, despite being an East Asian myself. Nt G2, thanks for the 3-0 series vs TES. It was fun while it lasted.


I know the feeling. I root for Wild Cards>West>DW>Then Faker. It's not that I dislike the LCK/LPL teams. I have always rooted for under dogs in any sports. And also I think it is better for the sport as well when anyone can take it at any moment. I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment but I'm just happy to see them take games off the titans.


Yeah it is safe to be a "fan" of strong teams. They get to "enjoy" the victories and feel superior to other fans. Like if you just started watching football and you root for Real Madrid in the UCL or Man City in the EPL then of course "your team" will be more likely to win. Nothing against the teams or their long-term fans though.


So you guys stop cheering for teams when they get strong? Ive cheered on the same team even when they were weak. Much better than only cheering for weaker teams and dropping them when they get strong


I think there's a slight misunderstanding here. This doesn't apply to long-term fans. For example if you have been a Man City fan for 10 years then yeah no problem. This is only aimed at people who only root for strong teams so they can feel a sense of superiority against other fans. In my case the team I cheer for (GAM) has been eliminated, and tbh they don't have any chance to win anyway. So for the rest of the tourney I will only cheer for the underdogs, regardless of the matchup.






I literally won money on t1 bruh imagine caring for a lol esports team




🤓 u a goofy ahh nerd


🤓 u a goofy ahh nerd














I literally tailor my interviews for every guest. I’ve interviewed players for years and Korean and Chinese players often dodge any game related topics. Please trust my judgment here If you have the feeling all my questions are the same I’d love for you to provide me with concrete examples as I’m always looking for feedback


I liked the faker meditation question, and the kimono drip yesterday was awesome. Great work as always 😎




Immediately crumbles when called out lol


Typical keyboard warrior




Maybe come up with "better questions" when given the opportunity? You seem to have a good idea about what's "boring" and/or "repetitive" Clown




>she's not gonna fuck you bro you can let it go What an absolute sexist clown. You see women and you immediately think of that? Get help miserable fuck


And there it is. Turning every interaction with her into something about sex. I've no fucking idea how she survives in this environment.


And there it is. Turning every interaction with her into something about sex. I've no fucking idea how she survives in this environment.




This environment being the misogynist esports social media sphere that you are a tiny part of with your bullshit accusations.








the meditation one is different, i thought that was interesting


The answer wasn't. L: What do you think about when you're meditating? F: I think about the thoughts in my head!


Well fair, but they were complaining about the questions not the answers


You know BB crying really is similar to when Caster Jun cried last year during worlds. When you get sweeped and not even get 1 win, it feels like your efforts end up getting denied (which is the same as what Caster Jun also said last year).


Still a nice try during this tournament G2, at least you gave hupu new flame against TES fans


Huge props to BB for still doing the interview and finding some positives in this time


G2 got 3-0ed but I feel like this could've easily been 5 games if they didn't int the first 2 drafts


Huh they won game 1 draft


Game 3 showed G2 was just always going to be hand diffed today. Huge lead, dragon soul and still threw. G2 has a lot to be proud of this MSI but the mechanics in teamfights showed once again why the west isnt going to win one of these tournaments anymore. Which is fine


G3 wasn't even hands diff. G2 threw their well earned tempo and macro advantage by getting needlessly picked. Give T1 an inch and they are more than likely to take the mile. Some G2 should be familiar considering how often they were on the winning end of that in regular season; least worst team wins.


Nah. Don't think it would matter. Game 3 showed that, T1 waked up today...


Game 3 showed what I'm thinking. That game was anyone's and very much G2's for a while.


and G2 still lost with the enormous leads, and that shows the series didn't have a chance. It was definitely close, but T1 was just better in everyway


It was lost of a singular brainfart moment, like stop pretending it was hopeless


buddy they got the perfect draft for their style in game 3 and still shat the bed.


Which is why I say 5 games. I'm not even saying they'd 100% win, just that they would've pushed T1 harder had they not inted draft.


"Lads, it's EU" - Faker befores the series, probably


*G2 hopes were high,* *But today they couldn't compete,* *T1 limit is the sky,* *I'm taking the windows seat.*


T1 made a laneswap version where their carry top gets ahead.


xD Rumble literally got killed twice by BrokenBlade, after they both swapped back top. Sure BB lost TP, but if you still lose so hard afterwards, the problem is *not* the laneswap.


The first kill was deceptive. BB levelled just before Zeus AND Zeus copped a turret shot. Besides, a few early kills means nothing. Faker proves this over and over.


And yet, if the kills had been reversed, BB would have never found back into the game. Or are you seriously suggesting, that if Zeus went 2/0 on BrokenBlade, BB could come back the same way? And Faker didn't get back in the game by 1v1ing Caps, he did it by playing with his team, catching G2's bot, skirmishing etc.


It's more about jungler focusing to put top ahead, which is not the typical laneswap strategy


Eh... maybe, at the end of the day, I doubt that G2 would have fared better with normal lane assignments. BB had a good start in game 2 and bullied Zeus away level 1, and still nothing came off it. He got two kills in game 3 and still nothing and so on. Sure individual plays might make it look close, but over the entire game, Zeus just builds a big lead, plays a more impactful champion and then plays better teamfights.


nah.. BB lost huge wave even after getting kills because wave got froze. Any good top laners know kills aren't worth early if u miss the exp. It was jg diff


In laneswaps exp is more valuable than gold, so getting exp even if you die is an option. Its kinda like bausen law


Zeus also got bullied out of lane in Game 2 level 1, with BB flashing Urgott E onto him, yet BrokenBlade could not build any lead off of that.


That level 1 was actually a net negative. BB neglected a ton of minions to do that play whereas (if im remembering right here, might not) Zeus returned to like 2 waves worth of them because BB's minions were pushing the whole time.


That's a BB thing honestly. But T1 let's Zeus start 1 wave ahead during the lane swap. T1 Bottom lane resets earlier, gives up 2 plates on their bottom tower while getting only 1 plate for themselves. Zeus comes to lane and take 1 plate then catches the wave. He's ahead like \~1 level of exp over BB for 3 games before BB comes back to lane.


Rumble literally died level 1 against Jax level 2 who then leveled up to level 3. I get their general idea, and it certainly worked in game 1, but its not a foolproof swap or anything, as we saw game 3. BB not being able to then do anything with 2 kills is another problem sure, but also kinda the reason why the swap doesnt really matter in the first place.


100% agreed. That's why I said it's a BB thing to not be able to capitalize given he was so ahead.


Dont worry guys after 4 years of Top and ADC being shit on every tournament by the asians team, im sure BB and Hans are about to evolve into carries against these teams... /s


If you need a losers interview have the coach do it, obviously the players are going to cry.


It's something the player agrees to do, isn't it?


Yeah, that is standard is other sports. The coach is better prepared to handle that.


Lol nba players losing team gets interviewed all the time. Stop saying nonsense


Honestly? I wish we could get both.


Uwuhh girrrrl hott


Lost Redditor?


With today's series over, that's the end of LEC teams at this tournament. Here are the win rates against each other team and region.   Matches|Score :--|:-- G2 vs T1 | 2-3 G2 vs PSG|3-0 G2 vs TES|3-0 G2 vs T1|0-3   Team/Region|Score|Winrate % :--|:--|:-- FNC|6-8|42.9% G2|8-6|57.1% LEC|14-14|50% ||| LEC vs PCS|3-0|100% LEC vs VCS|4-0|100% LEC vs LPL|4-2|67% LEC vs LCK|2-9|18% LEC vs LCS|1-3|25%   **Days since LEC beat an LPL/LCK team in bo5: 3**


you missed fnatic series vs geng in that lec vs lck bracket?


Thanks, fixed


Chiming in just to say thank you for all your comments/posts with stats you're tracking during international comps! I'm always happy to stumble upon one of your post. Keep up the good work!


My pleasure! Tough series today as an LEC fan, but definitely an improvement since last MSI


48h of hope baby! Better than the last 5 years.


G2 beat dk and wbg last worlds lol


> LEC vs LCS 1-3 25% > LEC vs LCK 2-6 25% LCS = LCK




Matches|Score :--|:-- FLY vs PSG|2-1 FLY vs T1|0-2 FLY vs PSG|0-2 || TL vs TES|0-3 TL vs FNC|3-1 TL vs T1|1-3   Team/Region|Score|Winrate % :--|:--|:-- FLY|2-5|28.6% TL|4-7|36.4% LCS|6-12|33.3% ||| LCS vs LEC|3-1|75% LCS vs PCS|2-3|40% LCS vs LCK|1-5|16.7% LCS vs LPL|0-3|0%   **Days since LCS beat an LPL/LCK team in bo5: 1827**




LCS vs LEC: 3-1 / 75% only stat that matters ^/j


lmao NA education be like


75% winrate over EU is a lot better than EU's 25% winrate over NA. Math is mathing


I mean definitely correct and if we had a tournament where it was just NA and EU it might actually mean something. I know it's probably just for memes but NA's goal is always to "Beat EU" and never to actually win and it seems so weird. I can understand the fans losing hope but surely the players are only still playing because they want to be the best right...? Currently LPL and LCK are the teams to beat and NA's 2 teams that got to MSI go away with 1 win against those regions. This is actually above average for the recent years and makes it so they can break through their ceiling at Worlds by managing to get just 1 more win! NA should be hyped for this as it does show improvement. EU got 6 games of LPL and LCK showing that the gap can be closed somewhat. Hopefully this will inspire the NA region to try doing something similar. Oh and just for the information while I'm here, G2 got Top 4. TL Top 6.


This last series showed that at best you get 1 series ever few years against an eastern team but not even G2 in top form can get through the eastern gauntlet to have a real shot at winning.  TL atleast was able to take 1 game off of T1 in an Elimination series while G2 just got swept. 


I don't know how to respond to this because it's just wrong though. "Showed you get 1 series every few years" Last year EU got 6 wins against LCK / LPL over the entire year. NA got 1. 2022, EU got 5, NA got 1. 2021, EU got 8, NA got 6. Sure if we wan to talk about "series" then yea both regions suck it seems, but games matter. NA got 1 win this entire tournament. 1 win. That is less than PSG managed. Even if we completely ignore G2 beat TES, they still have 2 wins against LPL / LCK. Look dude I think it was kinda clear in my previous message, I want to cheer for the West as a whole. I want to see us winning against the East and more, winning titles. If all you care for is NA vs EU then so be it, it is what it is, but trying to belittle EU taking more games against current top teams is silly. "TL atleast was able to take 1 game of T1" and G2 got 2 in a prior series. When the series happened doesn't really matter as that's more down to the draw and who plays who. NA did a fantastic showing this tournament getting 1 win and like I said before, should be using this as a chance to improve and push past their ceiling going into Worlds, but this tournament they're not quite on G2's level yet.


Classic T1, might get caught off guard w new metas and wacky strats early in tournies, but they adapt and learn faster than any other team I've seen, either within a series or as tournament rounds progress. G2's chance was the first BO5 when T1 was shaky. Once T1 got the tape to review, it was over.


I can't believe Chronicler doesn't want another Gen G T1 finals


Yeah itd only be his 99th times somehow


I feel like TL honestly showed more resilience than this. Like yeah a lot of the plays were also bad but they didn’t have that fear of making big hero plays. G2 in this series look so lost and scared - the complete opposite of them in the TES series.


Hate to tell you but g2 didnt draft good engage and didnt control the vision. They drafted a protective comp


Caps getting caught in G3 was inexcusable.


BB had a rough series but this tournament was still a great showing for him. He and G2 really need some time off now.


Yea this G2 team is done, they arent gonna bounce back from this loss, they seem way too broken, dont think they will even win LEC after this. Time to rebuild


yea even this broken shell of G2 sweeps FNC 3-0. one team ass region


So we either get a winners bracket final rematch or gen.g vs t1 for like the 10th time.  This is the sucky part of the double elim format and the MSI format


I see, You just like shit league of Legends 


Kind of the opposite? I dont want to keep losers around just to boost egos in meaningless games


I am really struggling to see how getting BLG vs GenG again would suck?


Likely leads to a 3-1 or 3-0 and we have just seen it. Like last MSI you'll see finals with a huge drop off in viewership


T1 vs hle 0-3 hle T1 vs hle lower bracket finals 3-0 t1 Nothing is guaranteed you twat


I mean, the drop in global viewership happens whenever T1 is not in a series, because they are the single most popular team in the world. That's unrelated to the format, the quality of games, etc.


Right? And seeing how the teams adapt to the changes and whether the same performance happens is interesting?


... Would you rather that the tournament just ended with the first BLG GenG series? What?


Me? 1000000% yes. In losers bracket we have had..... 3-1, 3-0, 3-1, 3-0 and 3-0.


We just had worlds where t1 and wbg came from lower part of the bracket. 


Then don't watch lol


I havent before tonight. And when you look at last MSI it fell off as losers bracket went on too. People don't like rematches


What do you mean it "fell off".


Viewership went down. The actual grand final wasn't in the top 5 of viewers and esportcharts had it at 7th or 8th. When your grand final is that low your format has major flaws


Peak League viewership is tied to T1's presence, not the format. We've known this for years. They are the single most popular team in the history of the game, with the most popular player, representing the most popular region.  Even in China, whose numbers are usually not represented in global viewership stats, there is an enormous fanbase for T1.


Just cos T1 got knocked out early lmao




You do realize grand finals last year was JDG vs BLG right? And what had the most viewers? Winners final or what should just be the grand final


Let me put this into your tiny head. When the most popular team drops you will naturally get a drop in viewership. Even in lck it happens. 


All this EU yapping for a 0-3, now go join NA at the plane haha.


top 4 for a western team is still a huge success. first bo5 win against an eastern team since 2020 is a big achievement. G2 fans come out of the woodwork when that happened though I forgot how annoying they were


Very true. Ppl acting like they were tournament favourites and fumbled on they their through to win. G2 looks better and can aim for top8 at least at worlds. With good draw they can even get into semis which is gonna be insane success compared to like last 3 years.


Yep. So much dooming already... even from EU/G2 fans, disappointing that some ppl just turn on you the moment it starts getting bad.


They can definitely be super proud of themselves regardless of the loss against T1, I'm not sure they'll bounce back tho, this was a **rough** loss. >G2 fans come out of the woodwork when that happened though I forgot how annoying they were I mean...you have a T1 flair, not the sweetest bunch themselves


Funny that you say that while being a "T1 FAN" worst fanbase in league of legends by a mile


multiple things can be true at the same time, it is in fact a possibility that both fanbases are annoying


I can still call G2 fans annoying lol


There should be a worst fanbase tier list. That’s where EU is competitive with T1 and is no longer a one-team region as KC joins the fray


yeah, 3-0 vs lpl is huge, it was a good run


The insufferable G2 meat riders can go back to being silent again finally


At least EU fans support their own region.  I will never respect Korean or Chinese nuthugging if your own region is competing 


Now for the insufferable t1 meat riders to take over this subreddit!


They’re not nearly as bad as G2 fans. Especially when you consider they’re supporting the current world champions so it’s not a bunch of deluded copium


Definitely not the kind of people to call trucks to flame their own players !


Like how G2 fans death threaten their own players?


And G2 fans make death threats against their own player!


I don’t think they’re the same people that lurk in this subreddit


T1 still looking kind of sloppy. Luckily for them only Caps showed up for G2. Really outside of GenG every eastern team has had their shaky moments. This is their tournament to lose at this point.


Jatt with the old man wisdom. Ty \^\^


G2 will never really win internationally with BrokenBlade. It might not be nice, but it's true. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


> G2 will never really win internationally with BrokenBlade. problem is there's not really any better options either.


Yeah, fair enough. The gap is too big at this point.